blob: e07b141cb57c1bb5c6a0746f5816a8486c69be30 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.test.framework.distributedtesting;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.NDC;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.TKTestRunner;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.WrappedSuiteTestDecorator;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.ParsedProperties;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.TestContextProperties;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.FrameworkBaseCase;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.MessagingTestConfigProperties;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.TestClientDetails;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.TestUtils;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.clocksynch.UDPClockReference;
import org.apache.qpid.test.utils.ConversationFactory;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.Session;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* <p/>Implements the coordinator client described in the interop testing specification
* ( This coordinator is built on
* top of the JUnit testing framework.
* <p><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
* <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
* <tr><td> Find out what test clients are available. <td> {@link ConversationFactory}
* <tr><td> Decorate available tests to run on all available clients. <td> {@link DistributedTestDecorator}
* <tr><td> Attach XML test result logger.
* <tr><td> Terminate the interop testing framework.
* </table>
* @todo Should accumulate failures over all tests, and return with success or fail code based on all results. May need
* to write a special TestResult to do this properly. At the moment only the last one used will be tested for
* errors, as the start method creates a fresh one for each test case run.
public class Coordinator extends TKTestRunner
/** Used for debugging. */
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Coordinator.class);
/** Used for reporting to the console. */
private static final Logger console = Logger.getLogger("CONSOLE");
/** Defines the possible distributed test engines available to run coordinated test cases with. */
public enum TestEngine
/** Specifies the interop test engine. This tests all available clients in pairs. */
/** Specifies the fanout test engine. This sets up one publisher role, and many reciever roles. */
* Holds the test context properties that provides the default test parameters, plus command line overrides.
* This is initialized with the default test parameters, to which command line overrides may be applied.
protected static ParsedProperties testContextProperties =
/** Holds the URL of the broker to coordinate the tests on. */
protected String brokerUrl;
/** Holds the virtual host to coordinate the tests on. If <tt>null</tt>, then the default virtual host is used. */
protected String virtualHost;
/** Holds the list of all clients that enlisted, when the compulsory invite was issued. */
protected Set<TestClientDetails> enlistedClients = new HashSet<TestClientDetails>();
/** Holds the conversation helper for the control conversation. */
protected ConversationFactory conversationFactory;
/** Holds the connection that the coordinating messages are sent over. */
protected Connection connection;
/** Holds the path of the directory to output test results too, if one is defined. */
protected String reportDir;
/** Holds the coordinating test engine type to run the tests through. */
protected TestEngine engine;
/** Flag that indicates that all test clients should be terminated upon completion of the test cases. */
protected boolean terminate;
* Creates an interop test coordinator on the specified broker and virtual host.
* @param repetitions The number of times to repeat the test, or test batch size.
* @param duration The length of time to run the tests for. -1 means no duration has been set.
* @param threads The concurrency levels to ramp up to.
* @param delay A delay in milliseconds between test runs.
* @param params The sets of 'size' parameters to pass to test.
* @param testCaseName The name of the test case to run.
* @param reportDir The directory to output the test results to.
* @param runName The name of the test run; used to name the output file.
* @param verbose Whether to print comments during test run.
* @param brokerUrl The URL of the broker to connect to.
* @param virtualHost The virtual host to run all tests on. Optional, may be <tt>null</tt>.
* @param engine The distributed test engine type to run the tests with.
* @param terminate <tt>true</tt> if test client nodes should be terminated at the end of the tests.
* @param csv <tt>true</tt> if the CSV results listener should be attached.
* @param xml <tt>true</tt> if the XML results listener should be attached.
* @param decoratorFactories List of factories for user specified decorators.
public Coordinator(Integer repetitions, Long duration, int[] threads, int delay, int[] params, String testCaseName,
String reportDir, String runName, boolean verbose, String brokerUrl, String virtualHost, TestEngine engine,
boolean terminate, boolean csv, boolean xml, List<TestDecoratorFactory> decoratorFactories)
super(repetitions, duration, threads, delay, params, testCaseName, reportDir, runName, csv, xml, decoratorFactories);
log.debug("public Coordinator(Integer repetitions = " + repetitions + " , Long duration = " + duration
+ ", int[] threads = " + Arrays.toString(threads) + ", int delay = " + delay + ", int[] params = "
+ Arrays.toString(params) + ", String testCaseName = " + testCaseName + ", String reportDir = " + reportDir
+ ", String runName = " + runName + ", boolean verbose = " + verbose + ", String brokerUrl = " + brokerUrl
+ ", String virtualHost =" + virtualHost + ", TestEngine engine = " + engine + ", boolean terminate = "
+ terminate + ", boolean csv = " + csv + ", boolean xml = " + xml + "): called");
// Retain the connection parameters.
this.brokerUrl = brokerUrl;
this.virtualHost = virtualHost;
this.reportDir = reportDir;
this.engine = engine;
this.terminate = terminate;
* The entry point for the interop test coordinator. This client accepts the following command line arguments:
* <p/><table>
* <tr><td> -b <td> The broker URL. <td> Mandatory.
* <tr><td> -h <td> The virtual host. <td> Optional.
* <tr><td> -o <td> The directory to output test results to. <td> Optional.
* <tr><td> -e <td> The type of test distribution engine to use. <td> Optional. One of: interop, fanout.
* <tr><td> ... <td> Free arguments. The distributed test cases to run.
* <td> Mandatory. At least one must be defined.
* <tr><td> name=value <td> Trailing argument define name/value pairs. Added to the test contenxt properties.
* <td> Optional.
* </table>
* @param args The command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args)
log.debug("public static void main(String[] args = " + Arrays.toString(args) + "): called");"Qpid Distributed Test Coordinator.");
// Override the default broker url to be localhost:5672.
testContextProperties.setProperty(MessagingTestConfigProperties.BROKER_PROPNAME, "tcp://localhost:5672");
// Use the command line parser to evaluate the command line with standard handling behaviour (print errors
// and usage then exist if there are errors).
// Any options and trailing name=value pairs are also injected into the test context properties object,
// to override any defaults that may have been set up.
ParsedProperties options =
new ParsedProperties(CommandLineParser.processCommandLine(args,
new CommandLineParser(
new String[][]
{ "b", "The broker URL.", "broker", "false" },
{ "h", "The virtual host to use.", "virtual host", "false" },
{ "o", "The name of the directory to output test timings to.", "dir", "false" },
"e", "The test execution engine to use. Default is interop.", "engine", "interop",
"^interop$|^fanout$", "true"
{ "t", "Terminate test clients on completion of tests.", null, "false" },
{ "-csv", "Output test results in CSV format.", null, "false" },
{ "-xml", "Output test results in XML format.", null, "false" },
"-trefaddr", "To specify an alternative to hostname for time singal reference.",
"address", "false"
"c", "The number of tests to run concurrently.", "num", "false",
{ "r", "The number of times to repeat each test.", "num", "false" },
"d", "The length of time to run the tests for.", "duration", "false",
"f", "The maximum rate to call the tests at.", "frequency", "false",
{ "s", "The size parameter to run tests with.", "size", "false", MathUtils.SEQUENCE_REGEXP },
{ "v", "Verbose mode.", null, "false" },
{ "n", "A name for this test run, used to name the output file.", "name", "true" },
"X:decorators", "A list of additional test decorators to wrap the tests in.",
"\"[]*\"", "false"
}), testContextProperties));
// Extract the command line options.
String brokerUrl = options.getProperty("b");
String virtualHost = options.getProperty("h");
String reportDir = options.getProperty("o");
reportDir = (reportDir == null) ? "." : reportDir;
String testEngine = options.getProperty("e");
TestEngine engine = "fanout".equals(testEngine) ? TestEngine.FANOUT : TestEngine.INTEROP;
boolean terminate = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("t");
boolean csvResults = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("-csv");
boolean xmlResults = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("-xml");
String threadsString = options.getProperty("c");
Integer repetitions = options.getPropertyAsInteger("r");
String durationString = options.getProperty("d");
String paramsString = options.getProperty("s");
boolean verbose = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("v");
String testRunName = options.getProperty("n");
String decorators = options.getProperty("X:decorators");
int[] threads = (threadsString == null) ? null : MathUtils.parseSequence(threadsString);
int[] params = (paramsString == null) ? null : MathUtils.parseSequence(paramsString);
Long duration = (durationString == null) ? null : MathUtils.parseDuration(durationString);
// If broker or virtual host settings were specified as command line options, override the defaults in the
// test context properties with them.
// Collection all of the test cases to be run.
Collection<Class<? extends FrameworkBaseCase>> testCaseClasses =
new ArrayList<Class<? extends FrameworkBaseCase>>();
// Create a list of test decorator factories for use specified decorators to be applied.
List<TestDecoratorFactory> decoratorFactories = parseDecorators(decorators);
// Scan for available test cases using a classpath scanner.
// ClasspathScanner.getMatches(DistributedTestCase.class, "^Test.*", true);
// Hard code the test classes till the classpath scanner is fixed.
// Collections.addAll(testCaseClasses, InteropTestCase1DummyRun.class, InteropTestCase2BasicP2P.class,
// InteropTestCase3BasicPubSub.class);
// Parse all of the free arguments as test cases to run.
for (int i = 1; true; i++)
String nextFreeArg = options.getProperty(Integer.toString(i));
// Terminate the loop once all free arguments have been consumed.
if (nextFreeArg == null)
Class nextClass = Class.forName(nextFreeArg);
if (FrameworkBaseCase.class.isAssignableFrom(nextClass))
testCaseClasses.add(nextClass);"Found distributed test case: " + nextFreeArg);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
{"Unable to instantiate the test case: " + nextFreeArg + ".");
// Check that some test classes were actually found.
if (testCaseClasses.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException(
"No test cases implementing FrameworkBaseCase were specified on the command line.");
// Extract the names of all the test classes, to pass to the start method.
int i = 0;
String[] testClassNames = new String[testCaseClasses.size()];
for (Class testClass : testCaseClasses)
testClassNames[i++] = testClass.getName();
// Create a coordinator and begin its test procedure.
Coordinator coordinator =
new Coordinator(repetitions, duration, threads, 0, params, null, reportDir, testRunName, verbose, brokerUrl,
virtualHost, engine, terminate, csvResults, xmlResults, decoratorFactories);
TestResult testResult = coordinator.start(testClassNames);
// Return different error codes, depending on whether or not there were test failures.
if (testResult.failureCount() > 0)
catch (Exception e)
log.debug("Top level handler caught execption.", e);;
* Starts all of the test classes to be run by this coordinator.
* @param testClassNames An array of all the coordinating test case implementations.
* @return A JUnit TestResult to run the tests with.
* @throws Exception Any underlying exceptions are allowed to fall through, and fail the test process.
public TestResult start(String[] testClassNames) throws Exception
log.debug("public TestResult start(String[] testClassNames = " + Arrays.toString(testClassNames) + ": called");
// Connect to the broker.
connection = TestUtils.createConnection(TestContextProperties.getInstance());
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Destination controlTopic = session.createTopic("iop.control");
Destination responseQueue = session.createQueue("coordinator");
conversationFactory = new ConversationFactory(connection, responseQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue.class);
ConversationFactory.Conversation conversation = conversationFactory.startConversation();
// Broadcast the compulsory invitation to find out what clients are available to test.
Message invite = session.createMessage();
invite.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "INVITE");
conversation.send(controlTopic, invite);
// Wait for a short time, to give test clients an opportunity to reply to the invitation.
Collection<Message> enlists = conversation.receiveAll(0, 500);
enlistedClients = extractEnlists(enlists);
for (TestClientDetails client : enlistedClients)
log.debug("Got enlisted test client: " + client);"Test node " + client.clientName + " available.");
// Start the clock reference service running.
UDPClockReference clockReference = new UDPClockReference();
Thread clockRefThread = new Thread(clockReference);
// Broadcast to all clients to synchronize their clocks against the coordinators clock reference.
Message clockSynchRequest = session.createMessage();
clockSynchRequest.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "CLOCK_SYNCH");
String localAddress = InetAddress.getByName(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()).getHostAddress();
clockSynchRequest.setStringProperty("ADDRESS", localAddress);
conversation.send(controlTopic, clockSynchRequest);
// Run the test in the suite using JUnit.
TestResult result = null;
for (String testClassName : testClassNames)
// Record the current test class, so that the test results can be output to a file incorporating this name.
this.currentTestClassName = testClassName;
result = super.start(new String[] { testClassName });
// At this point in time, all tests have completed. Broadcast the shutdown message, if the termination option
// was set on the command line.
if (terminate)
Message terminate = session.createMessage();
terminate.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "TERMINATE");
conversation.send(controlTopic, terminate);
return result;
* For a collection of enlist messages, this method pulls out of the client details for the enlisting clients.
* @param enlists The enlist messages.
* @return A set of enlisting clients, extracted from the enlist messages.
* @throws JMSException Any underlying JMSException is allowed to fall through.
public static Set<TestClientDetails> extractEnlists(Collection<Message> enlists) throws JMSException
log.debug("public static Set<TestClientDetails> extractEnlists(Collection<Message> enlists = " + enlists
+ "): called");
Set<TestClientDetails> enlistedClients = new HashSet<TestClientDetails>();
// Retain the list of all available clients.
for (Message enlist : enlists)
TestClientDetails clientDetails = new TestClientDetails();
clientDetails.clientName = enlist.getStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME");
clientDetails.privateControlKey = enlist.getStringProperty("CLIENT_PRIVATE_CONTROL_KEY");
String replyType = enlist.getStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE");
if ("ENLIST".equals(replyType))
else if ("DECLINE".equals(replyType))
log.debug("Test client " + clientDetails.clientName + " declined the invite.");
log.warn("Got an unknown reply type, " + replyType + ", to the invite.");
return enlistedClients;
* Runs a test or suite of tests, using the super class implemenation. This method wraps the test to be run
* in any test decorators needed to add in the coordinators ability to invite test clients to participate in
* tests.
* @param test The test to run.
* @param wait Undocumented. Nothing in the JUnit javadocs to say what this is for.
* @return The results of the test run.
public TestResult doRun(Test test, boolean wait)
log.debug("public TestResult doRun(Test \"" + test + "\", boolean " + wait + "): called");
// Wrap all tests in the test suite with WrappedSuiteTestDecorators. This is quite ugly and a bit baffling,
// but the reason it is done is because the JUnit implementation of TestDecorator has some bugs in it.
WrappedSuiteTestDecorator targetTest = null;
if (test instanceof TestSuite)
log.debug("targetTest is a TestSuite");
TestSuite suite = (TestSuite)test;
int numTests = suite.countTestCases();
log.debug("There are " + numTests + " in the suite.");
for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++)
Test nextTest = suite.testAt(i);
log.debug("suite.testAt(" + i + ") = " + nextTest);
if (nextTest instanceof FrameworkBaseCase)
log.debug("nextTest is a FrameworkBaseCase");
targetTest = new WrappedSuiteTestDecorator(suite);
log.debug("Wrapped with a WrappedSuiteTestDecorator.");
// Apply any optional user specified decorators.
targetTest = applyOptionalUserDecorators(targetTest);
// Wrap the tests in a suitable distributed test decorator, to perform the invite/test cycle.
targetTest = newTestDecorator(targetTest, enlistedClients, conversationFactory, connection);
// TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
// suite.addTest(targetTest);
// Wrap the tests in a scaled test decorator to them them as a 'batch' in one thread.
// targetTest = new ScaledTestDecorator(targetTest, new int[] { 1 });
return super.doRun(targetTest, wait);
* Creates a wrapped test decorator, that is capable of inviting enlisted clients to participate in a specified
* test. This is the test engine that sets up the roles and sequences a distributed test case.
* @param targetTest The test decorator to wrap.
* @param enlistedClients The enlisted clients available to run the test.
* @param conversationFactory The conversation factory used to build conversation helper over the specified connection.
* @param connection The connection to talk to the enlisted clients over.
* @return An invititing test decorator, that invites all the enlisted clients to participate in tests, in pairs.
protected DistributedTestDecorator newTestDecorator(WrappedSuiteTestDecorator targetTest,
Set<TestClientDetails> enlistedClients, ConversationFactory conversationFactory, Connection connection)
switch (engine)
case FANOUT:
return new FanOutTestDecorator(targetTest, enlistedClients, conversationFactory, connection);
return new InteropTestDecorator(targetTest, enlistedClients, conversationFactory, connection);