blob: 6c950fc30782627ef25d042f9531921714d2ab10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.qpid.test.framework.distributedcircuit;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.TimingController;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.TimingControllerAware;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.ParsedProperties;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.Assertion;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.Circuit;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.Publisher;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.Receiver;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.TestClientDetails;
import org.apache.qpid.test.framework.TestUtils;
import org.apache.qpid.test.utils.ConversationFactory;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.Session;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* DistributedCircuitImpl is a distributed implementation of the test {@link Circuit}. Many publishers and receivers
* accross multiple machines may be combined to form a single test circuit. The test circuit extracts reports from
* all of its publishers and receivers, and applies its assertions to these reports.
* <p/><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
* <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
* <tr><td> Supply the publishing and receiving ends of a test messaging circuit.
* <tr><td> Start the circuit running.
* <tr><td> Close the circuit down.
* <tr><td> Take a reading of the circuits state.
* <tr><td> Apply assertions against the circuits state.
* <tr><td> Send test messages over the circuit.
* <tr><td> Perform the default test procedue on the circuit.
* </table>
* @todo There is a short pause after receiving sender reports before asking for receiver reports, because receivers may
* not have finished receiving all their test messages before the report request arrives. This is going to be a
* problem for taking test timings and needs to be eliminiated. Suggested solution: have receiver send back reports
* asynchronously, on test batch size boundaries, and do so automatically rather than having to have the report
* request sent to them. Number each test run, or otherwise uniquely identify it, when a receiver does not get
* any more messages on a test run for more than a timeout, it can assume the test is complete and send a final
* report. On the coordinator end a future will need to be created to wait for all final reports to come in, and
* to register results and timings for the test. This must work in such a way that a new test cycle can be started
* without waiting for the results of the old one to come in.
* @todo Add in setting of timing controller, from timing aware test cases.
public class DistributedCircuitImpl implements Circuit, TimingControllerAware
/** Used for debugging purposes. */
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DistributedCircuitImpl.class);
/** Holds the conversation factory over which to coordinate the test. */
protected ConversationFactory conversationFactory;
/** Holds the controlSession over which to hold the control conversation. */
protected Session controlSession;
/** Holds the sender nodes in the test circuit. */
protected List<TestClientDetails> senders;
/** Holds the receiver nodes in the test circuit. */
protected List<TestClientDetails> receivers;
/** Holds the sender control conversations. */
protected ConversationFactory.Conversation[] senderConversation;
/** Holds the receiver control conversations. */
protected ConversationFactory.Conversation[] receiverConversation;
/** Holds the control topics for the senders in the test circuit. */
protected Destination[] senderControlTopic;
/** Holds the control topics for the receivers in the test circuit. */
protected Destination[] receiverControlTopic;
/** Holds the number of messages to send per test run. */
protected int numMessages;
* Holds the timing controller for the circuit. This is used to log test times asynchronously, when reciever nodes
* return their reports after senders have completed a test case.
TimingController timingController;
* Creates a distributed test circuit on the specified senders and receivers.
* @param session The controlSession for all control conversations.
* @param senders The senders.
* @param receivers The receivers.
* @param senderConversation A control conversation with the senders.
* @param receiverConversation A control conversation with the receivers.
* @param senderControlTopic The senders control topic.
* @param receiverControlTopic The receivers control topic.
protected DistributedCircuitImpl(Session session, List<TestClientDetails> senders, List<TestClientDetails> receivers,
ConversationFactory.Conversation[] senderConversation, ConversationFactory.Conversation[] receiverConversation,
Destination[] senderControlTopic, Destination[] receiverControlTopic)
this.controlSession = session;
this.senders = senders;
this.receivers = receivers;
this.senderConversation = senderConversation;
this.receiverConversation = receiverConversation;
this.senderControlTopic = senderControlTopic;
this.receiverControlTopic = receiverControlTopic;
* Creates a distributed test circuit from the specified test parameters, on the senders and receivers
* given.
* @param testProps The test parameters.
* @param senders The sender ends in the test circuit.
* @param receivers The receiver ends in the test circuit.
* @param conversationFactory A conversation factory for creating the control conversations with senders and receivers.
* @return A connected and ready to start, test circuit.
public static Circuit createCircuit(ParsedProperties testProps, List<TestClientDetails> senders,
List<TestClientDetails> receivers, ConversationFactory conversationFactory)
log.debug("public static Circuit createCircuit(ParsedProperties testProps, List<TestClientDetails> senders, "
+ " List<TestClientDetails> receivers, ConversationFactory conversationFactory)");
Session session = conversationFactory.getSession();
// Create control conversations with each of the senders.
ConversationFactory.Conversation[] senderConversation = new ConversationFactory.Conversation[senders.size()];
Destination[] senderControlTopic = new Destination[senders.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < senders.size(); i++)
TestClientDetails sender = senders.get(i);
senderControlTopic[i] = session.createTopic(sender.privateControlKey);
senderConversation[i] = conversationFactory.startConversation();
log.debug("Sender conversations created.");
// Create control conversations with each of the receivers.
ConversationFactory.Conversation[] receiverConversation = new ConversationFactory.Conversation[receivers.size()];
Destination[] receiverControlTopic = new Destination[receivers.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.size(); i++)
TestClientDetails receiver = receivers.get(i);
receiverControlTopic[i] = session.createTopic(receiver.privateControlKey);
receiverConversation[i] = conversationFactory.startConversation();
log.debug("Receiver conversations created.");
// Assign the sender role to each of the sending test clients.
for (int i = 0; i < senders.size(); i++)
TestClientDetails sender = senders.get(i);
Message assignSender = conversationFactory.getSession().createMessage();
TestUtils.setPropertiesOnMessage(assignSender, testProps);
assignSender.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "ASSIGN_ROLE");
assignSender.setStringProperty("ROLE", "SENDER");
senderConversation[i].send(senderControlTopic[i], assignSender);
log.debug("Sender role assignments sent.");
// Assign the receivers role to each of the receiving test clients.
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.size(); i++)
TestClientDetails receiver = receivers.get(i);
Message assignReceiver = session.createMessage();
TestUtils.setPropertiesOnMessage(assignReceiver, testProps);
assignReceiver.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "ASSIGN_ROLE");
assignReceiver.setStringProperty("ROLE", "RECEIVER");
receiverConversation[i].send(receiverControlTopic[i], assignReceiver);
log.debug("Receiver role assignments sent.");
// Wait for the senders and receivers to confirm their roles.
for (int i = 0; i < senders.size(); i++)
log.debug("Got all sender role confirmations");
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.size(); i++)
log.debug("Got all receiver role confirmations");
// Package everything up as a circuit.
return new DistributedCircuitImpl(session, senders, receivers, senderConversation, receiverConversation,
senderControlTopic, receiverControlTopic);
catch (JMSException e)
throw new RuntimeException("JMSException not handled.");
* Used by tests cases that can supply a {@link org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.TimingController} to set the
* controller on an aware test.
* @param controller The timing controller.
public void setTimingController(TimingController controller)
this.timingController = controller;
* Gets the interface on the publishing end of the circuit.
* @return The publishing end of the circuit.
public Publisher getPublisher()
throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented.");
* Gets the interface on the receiving end of the circuit.
* @return The receiving end of the circuit.
public Receiver getReceiver()
throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented.");
* Connects and starts the circuit. After this method is called the circuit is ready to send messages.
public void start()
log.debug("public void start(): called");
// Start the test on each of the senders.
Message start = controlSession.createMessage();
start.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "START");
start.setIntProperty("MESSAGE_COUNT", numMessages);
for (int i = 0; i < senders.size(); i++)
senderConversation[i].send(senderControlTopic[i], start);
log.debug("All senders told to start their tests.");
catch (JMSException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled JMSException.", e);
* Checks the test circuit. The effect of this is to gather the circuits state, for both ends of the circuit,
* into a report, against which assertions may be checked.
* @todo Replace the asynch receiver report thread with a choice of direct or asynch executor, so that asynch
* or synch logging of test timings is optional. Also need to provide an onMessage method that is capable
* of receiving timing reports that receivers will generate during an ongoing test, on the test sample
* size boundaries. The message timing logging code should be factored out as a common method that can
* be called in response to the final report responses, or the onMessage method. Another alternative is
* to abandon the final report request altogether and just use the onMessage method? I think the two
* differ though, as the final report is used to apply assertions, and the ongoing report is just for
* periodic timing results... In which case, maybe there needs to be a way for the onMessage method
* to process just some of the incoming messages, and forward the rest on to the conversion helper, as
* a sort of pre-conversation helper filter? Make conversation expose its onMessage method (it should
* already) and allow another delivery thread to filter the incoming messages to the conversation.
public void check()
log.debug("public void check(): called");
// Wait for all the test senders to return their reports.
for (int i = 0; i < senders.size(); i++)
Message senderReport = senderConversation[i].receive();
log.debug("Sender " + senderReport.getStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME") + " reports message count: "
+ senderReport.getIntProperty("MESSAGE_COUNT"));
log.debug("Sender " + senderReport.getStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME") + " reports message time: "
+ senderReport.getLongProperty("TEST_TIME"));
log.debug("Got all sender test reports.");
// Apply sender assertions to pass/fail the tests.
// Inject a short pause to give the receivers time to finish receiving their test messages.
// Ask the receivers for their reports.
Message statusRequest = controlSession.createMessage();
statusRequest.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "STATUS_REQUEST");
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.size(); i++)
receiverConversation[i].send(receiverControlTopic[i], statusRequest);
log.debug("All receiver test reports requested.");
// Wait for all receiver reports to come in, but do so asynchronously.
Runnable gatherAllReceiverReports =
new Runnable()
public void run()
// Wait for all the receivers to send their reports.
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.size(); i++)
Message receiverReport = receiverConversation[i].receive();
String clientName = receiverReport.getStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME");
int messageCount = receiverReport.getIntProperty("MESSAGE_COUNT");
long testTime = receiverReport.getLongProperty("TEST_TIME");
log.debug("Receiver " + clientName + " reports message count: " + messageCount);
log.debug("Receiver " + receiverReport.getStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME")
+ " reports message time: " + testTime);
// Apply receiver assertions to pass/fail the tests.
// Log the test timings on the asynchronous test timing controller.
timingController.completeTest(true, messageCount, testTime);
// The timing controll can throw InterruptedException is the current test is to be
// interrupted.
catch (InterruptedException e)
log.debug("All receiver test reports received.");
catch (JMSException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Thread receiverReportsThread = new Thread(gatherAllReceiverReports);
// return new Message[] { senderReport, receiverReport };
catch (JMSException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled JMSException.", e);
* Closes the circuit. All associated resources are closed.
public void close()
log.debug("public void close(): called");
// End the current test on all senders and receivers.
* Applies a list of assertions against the test circuit. The {@link #check()} method should be called before doing
* this, to ensure that the circuit has gathered its state into a report to assert against.
* @param assertions The list of assertions to apply.
* @return Any assertions that failed.
public List<Assertion> applyAssertions(List<Assertion> assertions)
log.debug("public List<Assertion> applyAssertions(List<Assertion> assertions = " + assertions + "): called");
List<Assertion> failures = new LinkedList<Assertion>();
for (Assertion assertion : assertions)
if (!assertion.apply())
return failures;
* Runs the default test procedure against the circuit, and checks that all of the specified assertions hold.
* @param numMessages The number of messages to send using the default test procedure.
* @param assertions The list of assertions to apply.
* @return Any assertions that failed.
* @todo From check onwards needs to be handled as a future. The future must call back onto the test case to
* report results asynchronously.
public List<Assertion> test(int numMessages, List<Assertion> assertions)
log.debug("public List<Assertion> test(int numMessages = " + numMessages + ", List<Assertion> assertions = "
+ assertions + "): called");
// Keep the number of messages to send per test run, where the send method can reference it.
this.numMessages = numMessages;
// Start the test running on all sender circuit ends.
// Request status reports to be handed in.
// Assert conditions on the publishing end of the circuit.
// Assert conditions on the receiving end of the circuit.
List<Assertion> failures = applyAssertions(assertions);
// Close the circuit ending the current test case.
// Pass with no failed assertions or fail with a list of failed assertions.
return failures;