blob: 8d1286f6d70a3d4137ad31d43013ad612c58a6c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Check out the source
Install CruiseControl
Download CruiseControl from:
* Unzip the release to a directory, for example ~/cruisecontrol-bin-2.7.2
* Check that the scripts cruisecontrol-bin-2.7.2/ and cruisecontrol-bin-2.7.2/apache-ant-1.7.0/bin/ant have execution permission.
* Make sure your directory ~/.ant/lib contains the following jars:
o The ant jar files that can be found in cruisecontrol-bin-2.7.2/apache-ant-1.7.0/lib/
o xalan-2.7.0.jar
Set system variables
Prior to use CruiseControl you'll need to set three system variables:
Variable Value
CC_HOME path to your qpid project, for example /home/foo/projects/qpid
CPPSTORE_HOME path to your C++ store, for example /home/foo/projects/bdbstore-cpp
NANT_HOME path to the nant directory -- only required for .net client --
(nant can be downloaded from
Edit the file CC_HOME/ and set the properties so to match your system requirements.
* the cpp store can be checked out from:
* Only unix scrips are currently provided
Installing Mono
For building the .net client on a Linux platform you need to install Mono.
Mono website is:
Here are the instruction for a RHEL5 platform:
Create the file "/etc/yum.repos.d/mono.repo" and add the following lines:
name=Mono Stack (RHEL_5)
Enter the following command to install Mono:
# yum install mono-complete
Running CruiseControl
Run cruisecontrol-bin-2.7.2/ from CC_HOME/cc
Running the Sun java TCK
If you wish to run the Sun JMS TCK, follow those two steps:
* Extract the TCK
* (As required by the TCK) Set TS_HOME to the location where the JMS TCK has been installed.
Project Description
qpid-cpp-trunk Builds and tests the C++ broker
qpid-cpp-trunk-perftests Runs the C++ performance tests
qpid-java-trunk Builds and runs the Java tests with an 0.8 inVM broker, a c++ broker without prefetch and a c++ broker with pre-fetch
bdbstore-cpp-trunk Builds the C++ store (required for the Java tests)
example-automation Runs all the example combinations for python, C++ and java
java-perftests Runs the java performance tests
java-jmstck Runs the java jms tck (see running the tck)