blob: 2ac20bb3246b1b5951b2207ef43c4b9484397a9f [file] [log] [blame]
<schema package="org.apache.qpid.acl">
* Copyright (c) 2008 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<class name="Acl">
<property name="brokerRef" type="objId" references="" access="RO" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="policyFile" type="lstr" access="RO" desc="Name of the policy file"/>
<property name="enforcingAcl" type="bool" access="RO" desc="Currently Enforcing ACL"/>
<property name="transferAcl" type="bool" access="RO" desc="Any transfer ACL rules in force"/>
<property name="lastAclLoad" type="absTime" access="RO" desc="Timestamp of last successful load of ACL"/>
<property name="maxConnections" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Maximum allowed connections"/>
<property name="maxConnectionsPerIp" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Maximum allowed connections"/>
<property name="maxConnectionsPerUser" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Maximum allowed connections"/>
<property name="maxQueuesPerUser" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Maximum allowed queues"/>
<statistic name="aclDenyCount" type="count64" unit="request" desc="Number of ACL requests denied"/>
<statistic name="connectionDenyCount" type="count64" unit="connection" desc="Number of connections denied"/>
<statistic name="queueQuotaDenyCount" type="count64" unit="queue" desc="Number of queue creations denied"/>
<method name="reloadACLFile" desc="Reload the ACL file"/>
Lookup is a general object lookup
User Name
Object Name
Property Map consisting of <"name" "value"> string pairs.
<method name="Lookup" desc="Lookup: user action object [objectName [propertyMap]]">
<arg name="userId" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="action" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="object" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="objectName" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="propertyMap" dir="I" type="map"/>
<arg name="result" dir="O" type="lstr"/>
LookupPublish is a specific lookup for a PUBLISH EXCHANGE fastpath
User Name
Exchange Name
Routing Key
<method name="LookupPublish" desc="Lookup PUBLISH EXCHANGE: user exchangeName routingKey">
<arg name="userId" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="exchangeName" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="routingKey" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="result" dir="O" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="action" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="arguments" type="map"/>
<arg name="objectName" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="objectType" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="reason" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="userId" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="clientAddr" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="queueName" type="sstr"/>
<event name="allow" sev="inform" args="userId, action, objectType, objectName, arguments"/>
<event name="deny" sev="notice" args="userId, action, objectType, objectName, arguments"/>
<event name="connectionDeny" sev="notice" args="userId, clientAddr"/>
<event name="queueQuotaDeny" sev="notice" args="userId, queueName"/>
<event name="fileLoaded" sev="inform" args="userId"/>
<event name="fileLoadFailed" sev="error" args="userId, reason"/>