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* An active-passive, hot-standby design for Qpid clustering.
This document describes an active-passive approach to HA based on
queue browsing to replicate message data.
See [[./old-cluster-issues.txt]] for issues with the old design.
** Active-active vs. active-passive (hot-standby)
An active-active cluster allows clients to connect to any broker in
the cluster. If a broker fails, clients can fail-over to any other
live broker.
A hot-standby cluster has only one active broker at a time (the
"primary") and one or more brokers on standby (the "backups"). Clients
are only served by the primary, clients that connect to a backup are
redirected to the primary. The backups are kept up-to-date in real
time by the primary, if the primary fails a backup is elected to be
the new primary.
The main problem with active-active is co-ordinating consumers of the
same queue on multiple brokers such that there are no duplicates in
normal operation. There are 2 approaches:
Predictive: each broker predicts which messages others will take. This
the main weakness of the old design so not appealing.
Locking: brokers "lock" a queue in order to take messages. This is
complex to implement and it is not straighforward to determine the
best strategy for passing the lock. In tests to date it results in
very high latencies (10x standalone broker).
Hot-standby removes this problem. Only the primary can modify queues
so it just has to tell the backups what it is doing, there's no
The primary can enqueue messages and replicate asynchronously -
exactly like the store does, but it "writes" to the replicas over the
network rather than writing to disk.
** Replicating browsers
The unit of replication is a replicating browser. This is an AMQP
consumer that browses a remote queue via a federation link and
maintains a local replica of the queue. As well as browsing the remote
messages as they are added the browser receives dequeue notifications
when they are dequeued remotely.
On the primary broker incoming mesage transfers are completed only when
all of the replicating browsers have signaled completion. Thus a completed
message is guaranteed to be on the backups.
** Failover and Cluster Resource Managers
We want to delegate the failover management to an existing cluster
resource manager. Initially this is rgmanager from Cluster Suite, but
other managers (e.g. PaceMaker) could be supported in future.
Rgmanager takes care of starting and stopping brokers and informing
brokers of their roles as primary or backup. It ensures there's
exactly one primary broker running at any time. It also tracks quorum
and protects against split-brain.
Rgmanger can also manage a virtual IP address so clients can just
retry on a single address to fail over. Alternatively we will also
support configuring a fixed list of broker addresses when qpid is run
outside of a resource manager.
Aside: Cold-standby is also possible using rgmanager with shared
storage for the message store (e.g. GFS). If the broker fails, another
broker is started on a different node and and recovers from the
store. This bears investigation but the store recovery times are
likely too long for failover.
** Replicating configuration
New queues and exchanges and their bindings also need to be replicated.
This is done by a QMF client that registers for configuration changes
on the remote broker and mirrors them in the local broker.
** Use of CPG (openais/corosync)
CPG is not required in this model, an external cluster resource
manager takes care of membership and quorum.
** Selective replication
In this model it's easy to support selective replication of individual queues via
Explicit exchange/queue qpid.replicate argument:
- none: the object is not replicated
- configuration: queues, exchanges and bindings are replicated but messages are not.
- messages: configuration and messages are replicated.
TODO: provide configurable default for qpid.replicate
[GRS: current prototype relies on queue sequence for message identity
so selectively replicating certain messages on a given queue would be
challenging. Selectively replicating certain queues however is trivial.]
** Inconsistent errors
The new design eliminates most sources of inconsistent errors in the
old design (connections, sessions, security, management etc.) and
eliminates the need to stall the whole cluster till an error is
resolved. We still have to handle inconsistent store errors when store
and cluster are used together.
We have 2 options (configurable) for handling inconsistent errors,
on the backup that fails to store a message from primary we can:
- Abort the backup broker allowing it to be re-started.
- Raise a critical error on the backup broker but carry on with the message lost.
We can configure the option to abort or carry on per-queue, we
will also provide a broker-wide configurable default.
** New backups connecting to primary.
When the primary fails, one of the backups becomes primary and the
others connect to the new primary as backups.
The backups can take advantage of the messages they already have
backed up, the new primary only needs to replicate new messages.
To keep the N-way guarantee the primary needs to delay completion on
new messages until all the back-ups have caught up. However if a
backup does not catch up within some timeout, it is considered dead
and its messages are completed so the cluster can carry on with N-1
** Broker discovery and lifecycle.
The cluster has a client URL that can contain a single virtual IP
address or a list of real IP addresses for the cluster.
In backup mode, brokers reject connections normal client connections
so clients will fail over to the primary. HA admin tools mark their
connections so they are allowed to connect to backup brokers.
Clients discover the primary by re-trying connection to the client URL
until the successfully connect to the primary. In the case of a
virtual IP they re-try the same address until it is relocated to the
primary. In the case of a list of IPs the client tries each in
turn. Clients do multiple retries over a configured period of time
before giving up.
Backup brokers discover the primary in the same way as clients. There
is a separate broker URL for brokers since they often will connect
over a different network. The broker URL has to be a list of real
addresses rather than a virtual address.
Brokers have the following states:
- connecting: Backup broker trying to connect to primary - loops retrying broker URL.
- catchup: Backup connected to primary, catching up on pre-existing configuration & messages.
- ready: Backup fully caught-up, ready to take over as primary.
- primary: Acting as primary, serving clients.
** Interaction with rgmanager
rgmanager interacts with qpid via 2 service scripts: backup &
primary. These scripts interact with the underlying qpidd
service. rgmanager picks the new primary when the old primary
fails. In a partition it also takes care of killing inquorate brokers.
*** Initial cluster start
rgmanager starts the backup service on all nodes and the primary service on one node.
On the backup nodes qpidd is in the connecting state. The primary node goes into
the primary state. Backups discover the primary, connect and catch up.
*** Failover
primary broker or node fails. Backup brokers see disconnect and go
back to connecting mode.
rgmanager notices the failure and starts the primary service on a new node.
This tells qpidd to go to primary mode. Backups re-connect and catch up.
The primary can only be started on nodes where there is a ready backup service.
If the backup is catching up, it's not eligible to take over as primary.
*** Failback
Cluster of N brokers has suffered a failure, only N-1 brokers
remain. We want to start a new broker (possibly on a new node) to
restore redundancy.
If the new broker has a new IP address, the sysadmin pushes a new URL
to all the existing brokers.
The new broker starts in connecting mode. It discovers the primary,
connects and catches up.
*** Failure during failback
A second failure occurs before the new backup B completes its catch
up. The backup B refuses to become primary by failing the primary
start script if rgmanager chooses it, so rgmanager will try another
(hopefully caught-up) backup to become primary.
*** Backup failure
If a backup fails it is re-started. It connects and catches up from scratch
to become a ready backup.
** Interaction with the store.
Clean shutdown: entire cluster is shut down cleanly by an admin tool:
- primary stops accepting client connections till shutdown is complete.
- backups come fully up to speed with primary state.
- all shut down marking stores as 'clean' with an identifying UUID.
After clean shutdown the cluster can re-start automatically as all nodes
have equivalent stores. Stores starting up with the wrong UUID will fail.
Stored status: clean(UUID)/dirty, primary/backup, generation number.
- All stores are marked dirty except after a clean shutdown.
- Generation number: passed to backups and incremented by new primary.
After total crash must manually identify the "best" store, provide admin tool.
Best = highest generation number among stores in primary state.
Recovering from total crash: all brokers will refuse to start as all stores are dirty.
Check the stores manually to find the best one, then either:
1. Copy stores:
- copy good store to all hosts
- restart qpidd on all hosts.
2. Erase stores:
- Erase the store on all other hosts.
- Restart qpidd on the good store and wait for it to become primary.
- Restart qpidd on all other hosts.
Broker startup with store:
- Dirty: refuse to start
- Clean:
- Start and load from store.
- When connecting as backup, check UUID matches primary, shut down if not.
- Empty: start ok, no UUID check with primary.
** Current Limitations
(In no particular order at present)
For message replication:
LM1 - The re-synchronisation does not handle the case where a newly elected
primary is *behind* one of the other backups. To address this I propose
a new event for restting the sequence that the new primary would send
out on detecting that a replicating browser is ahead of it, requesting
that the replica revert back to a particular sequence number. The
replica on receiving this event would then discard (i.e. dequeue) all
the messages ahead of that sequence number and reset the counter to
correctly sequence any subsequently delivered messages.
LM2 - There is a need to handle wrap-around of the message sequence to avoid
confusing the resynchronisation where a replica has been disconnected
for a long time, sufficient for the sequence numbering to wrap around.
LM3 - Transactional changes to queue state are not replicated atomically.
LM4 - Acknowledgements are confirmed to clients before the message has been
dequeued from replicas or indeed from the local store if that is
LM5 - During failover, messages (re)published to a queue before there are
the requisite number of replication subscriptions established will be
confirmed to the publisher before they are replicated, leaving them
vulnerable to a loss of the new primary before they are replicated.
LM6 - persistence: In the event of a total cluster failure there are
no tools to automatically identify the "latest" store. Once this
is manually identfied, all other stores belonging to cluster members
must be erased and the latest node must started as primary.
LM6 - persistence: In the event of a single node failure, that nodes
store must be erased before it can re-join the cluster.
For configuration propagation:
LC2 - Queue and exchange propagation is entirely asynchronous. There
are three cases to consider here for queue creation:
(a) where queues are created through the addressing syntax supported
the messaging API, they should be recreated if needed on failover and
message replication if required is dealt with seperately;
(b) where queues are created using configuration tools by an
administrator or by a script they can query the backups to verify the
config has propagated and commands can be re-run if there is a failure
before that;
(c) where applications have more complex programs on which
queues/exchanges are created using QMF or directly via 0-10 APIs, the
completion of the command will not guarantee that the command has been
carried out on other nodes.
I.e. case (a) doesn't require anything (apart from LM5 in some cases),
case (b) can be addressed in a simple manner through tooling but case
(c) would require changes to the broker to allow client to simply
determine when the command has fully propagated.
LC3 - Queues that are not in the query response received when a
replica establishes a propagation subscription but exist locally are
not deleted. I.e. Deletion of queues/exchanges while a replica is not
connected will not be propagated. Solution is to delete any queues
marked for propagation that exist locally but do not show up in the
query response.
LC4 - It is possible on failover that the new primary did not
previously receive a given QMF event while a backup did (sort of an
analogous situation to LM1 but without an easy way to detect or remedy
LC5 - Need richer control over which queues/exchanges are propagated, and
which are not.
LC6 - The events and query responses are not fully synchronized.
In particular it *is* possible to not receive a delete event but
for the deleted object to still show up in the query response
(meaning the deletion is 'lost' to the update).
It is also possible for an create event to be received as well
as the created object being in the query response. Likewise it
is possible to receive a delete event and a query response in
which the object no longer appears. In these cases the event is
essentially redundant.
It is not possible to miss a create event and yet not to have
the object in question in the query response however.
* Benefits compared to previous cluster implementation.
- Does not depend on openais/corosync, does not require multicast.
- Can be integrated with different resource managers: for example rgmanager, PaceMaker, Veritas.
- Can be ported to/implemented in other environments: e.g. Java, Windows
- Disaster Recovery is just another backup, no need for separate queue replication mechanism.
- Can take advantage of resource manager features, e.g. virtual IP addresses.
- Fewer inconsistent errors (store failures) that can be handled without killing brokers.
- Improved performance
* User Documentation Notes
Notes to seed initial user documentation. Loosely tracking the implementation,
some points mentioned in the doc may not be implemented yet.
** High Availability Overview
HA is implemented using a 'hot standby' approach. Clients are directed
to a single "primary" broker. The primary executes client requests and
also replicates them to one or more "backup" brokers. If the primary
fails, one of the backups takes over the role of primary carrying on
from where the primary left off. Clients will fail over to the new
primary automatically and continue their work.
TODO: at least once, deduplication.
** Enabling replication on the client.
To enable replication set the qpid.replicate argument when creating a
queue or exchange.
This can have one of 3 values
- none: the object is not replicated
- configuration: queues, exchanges and bindings are replicated but messages are not.
- messages: configuration and messages are replicated.
TODO: examples
TODO: more options for default value of qpid.replicate
A HA client connection has multiple addresses, one for each broker. If
the it fails to connect to an address, or the connection breaks,
it will automatically fail-over to another address.
Only the primary broker accepts connections, the backup brokers
redirect connection attempts to the primary. If the primary fails, one
of the backups is promoted to primary and clients fail-over to the new
TODO: using multiple-address connections, examples c++, python, java.
TODO: dynamic cluster addressing?
TODO: need de-duplication.
** Enabling replication on the broker.
Network topology: backup links, separate client/broker networks.
Describe failover mechanisms.
- Client view: URLs, failover, exclusion & discovery.
- Broker view: similar.
Role of rmganager
** Configuring rgmanager
** Configuring qpidd