blob: 1d1f4a53d5fbbb1bef47616df1bce6cdeee340f4 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
import javax.jms.Topic;
import javax.naming.Context;
import org.apache.qpid.client.AMQAnyDestination;
import org.apache.qpid.client.AMQDestination;
import org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_10;
import org.apache.qpid.client.messaging.address.Node.ExchangeNode;
import org.apache.qpid.client.messaging.address.Node.QueueNode;
import org.apache.qpid.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.messaging.Address;
import org.apache.qpid.test.utils.QpidBrokerTestCase;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AddressBasedDestinationTest extends QpidBrokerTestCase
private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AddressBasedDestinationTest.class);
private Connection _connection;
public void setUp() throws Exception
_connection = getConnection() ;
public void tearDown() throws Exception
public void testCreateOptions() throws Exception
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageProducer prod;
MessageConsumer cons;
// default (create never, assert never) -------------------
// create never --------------------------------------------
String addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue1";
AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
catch(JMSException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue1' supplied in the address " +
"doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
catch(JMSException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name supplied in the address " +
"doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest, (QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode() ,true));
// create always -------------------------------------------
addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue1; { create: always }";
dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), dest.getSourceNode().getDeclareArgs()));
// create receiver -----------------------------------------
addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue2; { create: receiver }";
dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
catch(JMSException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name supplied in the address " +
"doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), dest.getSourceNode().getDeclareArgs()));
// create never --------------------------------------------
addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue3; { create: never }";
dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
catch(JMSException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue3' supplied in the address " +
"doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
catch(JMSException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue3' supplied in the address " +
"doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
// create sender ------------------------------------------
addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue3; { create: sender }";
dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
catch(JMSException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue3' supplied in the address " +
"doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), dest.getSourceNode().getDeclareArgs()));
// todo add tests for delete options
public void testCreateQueue() throws Exception
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String addr = "ADDR:my-queue/hello; " +
"{" +
"create: always, " +
"node: " +
"{" +
"durable: true ," +
"x-declare: " +
"{" +
"auto-delete: true," +
"arguments: {" +
"'qpid.max_size': 1000," +
"'qpid.max_count': 100" +
"}" +
"}, " +
"x-bindings: [{exchange : '', key : test}, " +
"{exchange : 'amq.fanout'}," +
"{exchange: 'amq.match', arguments: {x-match: any, dep: sales, loc: CA}}," +
"{exchange : 'amq.topic', key : 'a.#'}" +
"]," +
"}" +
AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), null));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),"test", null));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),null, null));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),"a.#", null));
Map<String,Object> args = new HashMap<String,Object>();
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),null, args));
public void testCreateExchange() throws Exception
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String addr = "ADDR:my-exchange/hello; " +
"{ " +
"create: always, " +
"node: " +
"{" +
"type: topic, " +
"x-declare: " +
"{ " +
"type:direct, " +
"auto-delete: true, " +
"arguments: {" +
"'qpid.msg_sequence': 1, " +
"'qpid.ive': 1" +
"}" +
"}" +
"}" +
AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
assertTrue("Exchange not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isExchangeExist(dest, (ExchangeNode)dest.getTargetNode() , true));
// The existence of the queue is implicitly tested here
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getQueueName(),"hello", Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()));
// The client should be able to query and verify the existence of my-exchange (QPID-2774)
dest = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-exchange; {create: never}");
cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
public void testBindQueueWithArgs() throws Exception
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String headersBinding = "{exchange: 'amq.match', arguments: {x-match: any, dep: sales, loc: CA}}";
String addr = "ADDR:my-queue/hello; " +
"{ " +
"create: always, " +
"node: " +
"{" +
"durable: true ," +
"x-declare: " +
"{ " +
"auto-delete: true," +
"arguments: {'qpid.max_count': 100}" +
"}, " +
"x-bindings: [{exchange : '', key : test}, " +
"{exchange : 'amq.topic', key : 'a.#'}," +
headersBinding +
"]" +
"}" +
AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), null));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),"test", null));
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),"a.#", null));
Address a = Address.parse(headersBinding);
assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
dest.getAddressName(),null, a.getOptions()));
* Test goal: Verifies the capacity property in address string is handled properly.
* Test strategy:
* Creates a destination with capacity 10.
* Creates consumer with client ack.
* Sends 15 messages to the queue, tries to receive 10.
* Tries to receive the 11th message and checks if its null.
* Since capacity is 10 and we haven't acked any messages,
* we should not have received the 11th.
* Acks the 10th message and verifies we receive the rest of the msgs.
public void testCapacity() throws Exception
verifyCapacity("ADDR:my-queue; {create: always, link:{capacity: 10}}");
public void testSourceAndTargetCapacity() throws Exception
verifyCapacity("ADDR:my-queue; {create: always, link:{capacity: {source:10, target:15} }}");
private void verifyCapacity(String address) throws Exception
if (!isCppBroker())
{"Not C++ broker, exiting test");
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(address);
MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
for (int i=0; i< 15; i++)
prod.send(jmsSession.createTextMessage("msg" + i) );
for (int i=0; i< 9; i++)
Message msg = cons.receive(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT);
assertNotNull("Should have received the 10th message",msg);
assertNull("Shouldn't have received the 11th message as capacity is 10",cons.receive(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT));
for (int i=11; i<16; i++)
assertNotNull("Should have received the " + i + "th message as we acked the last 10",cons.receive(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT));
* Test goal: Verifies if the new address format based destinations
* can be specified and loaded correctly from the properties file.
public void testLoadingFromPropertiesFile() throws Exception
Hashtable<String,String> map = new Hashtable<String,String>();
map.put("destination.myQueue1", "ADDR:my-queue/hello; {create: always, node: " +
"{x-declare: {auto-delete: true, arguments : {'qpid.max_size': 1000}}}}");
map.put("destination.myQueue2", "ADDR:my-queue2; { create: receiver }");
map.put("destination.myQueue3", "BURL:direct://'test'");
PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory props = new PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory();
Context ctx = props.getInitialContext(map);
AMQDestination dest1 = (AMQDestination)ctx.lookup("myQueue1");
AMQDestination dest2 = (AMQDestination)ctx.lookup("myQueue2");
AMQDestination dest3 = (AMQDestination)ctx.lookup("myQueue3");
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer cons1 = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest1);
MessageConsumer cons2 = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest2);
MessageConsumer cons3 = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest3);
assertTrue("Destination1 was not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest1,(QueueNode)dest1.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Destination1 was not bound as expected",(
dest1.getAddressName(),dest1.getAddressName(), null));
assertTrue("Destination2 was not created as expected",(
(AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest2,(QueueNode)dest2.getSourceNode(), true));
assertTrue("Destination2 was not bound as expected",(
dest2.getAddressName(),dest2.getAddressName(), null));
MessageProducer producer = jmsSession.createProducer(dest3);
TextMessage msg = (TextMessage)cons3.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Destination3 was not created as expected.",msg.getText(),"Hello");
* Test goal: Verifies the subject can be overridden using "qpid.subject" message property.
* Test strategy: Creates and address with a default subject "topic1"
* Creates a message with "qpid.subject"="topic2" and sends it.
* Verifies that the message goes to "topic2" instead of "topic1".
public void testOverridingSubject() throws Exception
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
AMQDestination topic1 = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/topic1; {link:{name: queue1}}");
MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(topic1);
Message m = jmsSession.createTextMessage("Hello");
m.setStringProperty("qpid.subject", "topic2");
MessageConsumer consForTopic1 = jmsSession.createConsumer(topic1);
MessageConsumer consForTopic2 = jmsSession.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/topic2; {link:{name: queue2}}"));
Message msg = consForTopic1.receive(1000);
assertNull("message shouldn't have been sent to topic1",msg);
msg = consForTopic2.receive(1000);
assertNotNull("message should have been sent to topic2",msg);
* Test goal: Verifies that and address based destination can be used successfully
* as a reply to.
public void testAddressBasedReplyTo() throws Exception
Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String addr = "; {create: receiver, " +
"link : {name : 'MY.RESP.QUEUE', " +
"x-declare : { auto-delete: true, exclusive: true, " +
"arguments : {'qpid.max_size': 1000, 'qpid.policy_type': ring }} } }";
Destination replyTo = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
Destination dest =new AMQAnyDestination("");
MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
Message m = jmsSession.createTextMessage("Hello");
Message msg = cons.receive(1000);
assertNotNull("consumer should have received the message",msg);
MessageConsumer replyToCons = jmsSession.createConsumer(replyTo);
MessageProducer replyToProd = jmsSession.createProducer(msg.getJMSReplyTo());
Message replyToMsg = replyToCons.receive(1000);
assertNotNull("The reply to consumer should have got the message",replyToMsg);
* Test goal: Verifies that session.createQueue method
* works as expected both with the new and old addressing scheme.
public void testSessionCreateQueue() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// Using the BURL method
Destination queue = ssn.createQueue("my-queue");
MessageProducer prod = ssn.createProducer(queue);
MessageConsumer cons = ssn.createConsumer(queue);
assertTrue("my-queue was not created as expected",(
"my-queue","my-queue", null));
assertNotNull("consumer should receive a message",cons.receive(1000));
// Using the ADDR method
queue = ssn.createQueue("ADDR:my-queue2");
prod = ssn.createProducer(queue);
cons = ssn.createConsumer(queue);
assertTrue("my-queue2 was not created as expected",(
"my-queue2","my-queue2", null));
assertNotNull("consumer should receive a message",cons.receive(1000));
// Using the ADDR method to create a more complicated queue
String addr = "; {create: receiver, " +
"link : {name : 'MY.RESP.QUEUE', " +
"x-declare : { auto-delete: true, exclusive: true, " +
"arguments : {'qpid.max_size': 1000, 'qpid.policy_type': ring} } } }";
queue = ssn.createQueue(addr);
prod = ssn.createProducer(queue);
cons = ssn.createConsumer(queue);
assertTrue("MY.RESP.QUEUE was not created as expected",(
"MY.RESP.QUEUE","x512", null));
* Test goal: Verifies that session.creatTopic method
* works as expected both with the new and old addressing scheme.
public void testSessionCreateTopic() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// Using the BURL method
Topic topic = ssn.createTopic("ACME");
MessageProducer prod = ssn.createProducer(topic);
MessageConsumer cons = ssn.createConsumer(topic);
assertNotNull("consumer should receive a message",cons.receive(1000));
// Using the ADDR method
topic = ssn.createTopic("ADDR:ACME");
prod = ssn.createProducer(topic);
cons = ssn.createConsumer(topic);
assertNotNull("consumer should receive a message",cons.receive(1000));
String addr = "ADDR:vehicles/bus; " +
"{ " +
"create: always, " +
"node: " +
"{" +
"type: topic, " +
"x-declare: " +
"{ " +
"type:direct, " +
"auto-delete: true, " +
"arguments: {" +
"'qpid.msg_sequence': 1, " +
"'qpid.ive': 1" +
"}" +
"}" +
"}, " +
"link: {name : my-topic, " +
"x-bindings: [{exchange : 'vehicles', key : car}, " +
"{exchange : 'vehicles', key : van}]" +
"}" +
// Using the ADDR method to create a more complicated topic
topic = ssn.createTopic(addr);
prod = ssn.createProducer(topic);
cons = ssn.createConsumer(topic);
assertTrue("The queue was not bound to vehicle exchange using bus as the binding key",(
"my-topic","bus", null));
assertTrue("The queue was not bound to vehicle exchange using car as the binding key",(
"my-topic","car", null));
assertTrue("The queue was not bound to vehicle exchange using van as the binding key",(
"my-topic","van", null));
Message msg = ssn.createTextMessage("test");
msg.setStringProperty("qpid.subject", "van");
assertNotNull("consumer should receive a message",cons.receive(1000));
* Test Goal : Verify the default subjects used for each exchange type.
* The default for amq.topic is "#" and for the rest it's ""
public void testDefaultSubjects() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer queueCons = ssn.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination(""));
MessageConsumer topicCons = ssn.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic"));
MessageProducer queueProducer = ssn.createProducer(new AMQAnyDestination(""));
MessageProducer topicProducer1 = ssn.createProducer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/"));
MessageProducer topicProducer2 = ssn.createProducer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/sales"));
assertNotNull("The consumer subscribed to " +
"with empty binding key should have received the message ",queueCons.receive(1000));
assertEquals("The consumer subscribed to amq.topic " +
"with '#' binding key should have received the message ",
assertEquals("The consumer subscribed to amq.topic " +
"with '#' binding key should have received the message ",
* Test Goal : Verify that 'mode : browse' works as expected using a regular consumer.
* This indirectly tests ring queues as well.
public void testBrowseMode() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String addr = "ADDR:my-ring-queue; {create: always, mode: browse, " +
"node: {x-bindings: [{exchange : '', key : test}], " +
"x-declare:{arguments : {'qpid.policy_type':ring, 'qpid.max_count':2}}}}";
Destination dest = ssn.createQueue(addr);
MessageConsumer browseCons = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
MessageProducer prod = ssn.createProducer(ssn.createQueue(""));
TextMessage msg = (TextMessage)browseCons.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Didn't receive the first message",msg.getText(),"Test1");
msg = (TextMessage)browseCons.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Didn't receive the first message",msg.getText(),"Test2");
browseCons = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
msg = (TextMessage)browseCons.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Should receive the second message again",msg.getText(),"Test2");
msg = (TextMessage)browseCons.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Should receive the third message since it's a ring queue",msg.getText(),"Test3");
assertNull("Should not receive anymore messages",browseCons.receive(500));
* Test Goal : When the same destination is used when creating two consumers,
* If the type == topic, verify that unique subscription queues are created,
* unless subscription queue has a name.
* If the type == queue, same queue should be shared.
public void testSubscriptionForSameDestination() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Destination dest = ssn.createTopic("ADDR:amq.topic/foo");
MessageConsumer consumer1 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
MessageConsumer consumer2 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
MessageProducer prod = ssn.createProducer(dest);
TextMessage m = (TextMessage)consumer1.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Consumer1 should recieve message A",m.getText(),"A");
m = (TextMessage)consumer2.receive(1000);
assertEquals("Consumer2 should recieve message A",m.getText(),"A");
dest = ssn.createTopic("ADDR:amq.topic/foo; { link: {name: my-queue}}");
consumer1 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
consumer2 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
fail("An exception should be thrown as 'my-queue' already have an exclusive subscriber");
catch(Exception e)
_connection = getConnection() ;
ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
dest = ssn.createTopic("ADDR:my_queue; {create: always}");
consumer1 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
consumer2 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
prod = ssn.createProducer(dest);
Message m1 = consumer1.receive(1000);
Message m2 = consumer2.receive(1000);
if (m1 != null)
assertNull("Only one consumer should receive the message",m2);
assertNotNull("Only one consumer should receive the message",m2);
public void testXBindingsWithoutExchangeName() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String addr = "ADDR:MRKT; " +
"{" +
"create: receiver," +
"node : {type: topic, x-declare: {type: topic} }," +
"link:{" +
"name: my-topic," +
"x-bindings:[{key:'NYSE.#'},{key:'NASDAQ.#'},{key:'CNTL.#'}]" +
"}" +
// Using the ADDR method to create a more complicated topic
MessageConsumer cons = ssn.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination(addr));
assertTrue("The queue was not bound to MRKT exchange using NYSE.# as the binding key",(
"my-topic","NYSE.#", null));
assertTrue("The queue was not bound to MRKT exchange using NASDAQ.# as the binding key",(
"my-topic","NASDAQ.#", null));
assertTrue("The queue was not bound to MRKT exchange using CNTL.# as the binding key",(
"my-topic","CNTL.#", null));
MessageProducer prod = ssn.createProducer(ssn.createTopic(addr));
Message msg = ssn.createTextMessage("test");
msg.setStringProperty("qpid.subject", "NASDAQ.ABCD");
assertNotNull("consumer should receive a message",cons.receive(1000));
public void testXSubscribeOverrides() throws Exception
Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String str = "ADDR:my_queue; {create:always,link: {x-subscribes:{exclusive: true, arguments: {a:b,x:y}}}}";
Destination dest = ssn.createTopic(str);
MessageConsumer consumer1 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
MessageConsumer consumer2 = ssn.createConsumer(dest);
fail("An exception should be thrown as 'my-queue' already have an exclusive subscriber");
catch(Exception e)