blob: 757054e492d5d6ec9c52ca2431fdb18727907b6b [file] [log] [blame]
In order to use the runSample script, you are required to set two environment
variables, QPID_HOME and QPID_SAMPLE. If not the default values will be used.
This is the directory that contains the QPID distribution. If you are running the Qpid
Java broker on the same machine as the examples, you have already set QPID_HOME to this
default: /usr/share/java/
This is the examples directory, which is the parent directory of the
'java' directory in which you find ''
(Ex:- $QPID_SRC_HOME/java/client/example/src/main)
default: $PWD
Note: you must have write privileges to this directory in order to run
the examples.
Running the Examples
To run these programs, do the following:
1. Make sure that a Qpid broker is running.
2. In the java directory, use to run the program:
$ ./ <class name> <arguments>