blob: 414e5c935f00df98d4827c40dfbac3e5baf02e4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "types.h"
#include "WriteEstimate.h"
#include "OutputInterceptor.h"
#include "EventFrame.h"
#include "McastFrameHandler.h"
#include "qpid/broker/Connection.h"
#include "qpid/amqp_0_10/Connection.h"
#include "qpid/sys/AtomicValue.h"
#include "qpid/sys/ConnectionInputHandler.h"
#include "qpid/sys/ConnectionOutputHandler.h"
#include "qpid/framing/SequenceNumber.h"
#include "qpid/framing/FrameDecoder.h"
#include <iosfwd>
namespace qpid {
namespace framing { class AMQFrame; }
namespace broker {
class SemanticState;
class QueuedMessage;
class TxBuffer;
class TxAccept;
namespace cluster {
class Cluster;
class Event;
/** Intercept broker::Connection calls for shadow and local cluster connections. */
class Connection :
public RefCounted,
public sys::ConnectionInputHandler,
public framing::AMQP_AllOperations::ClusterConnectionHandler,
private broker::Connection::ErrorListener
typedef sys::PollableQueue<EventFrame> PollableFrameQueue;
/** Local connection. */
Connection(Cluster&, sys::ConnectionOutputHandler& out, const std::string& logId, MemberId, bool catchUp, bool isLink);
/** Shadow connection. */
Connection(Cluster&, sys::ConnectionOutputHandler& out, const std::string& logId, const ConnectionId& id);
ConnectionId getId() const { return self; }
broker::Connection& getBrokerConnection() { return connection; }
/** Local connections may be clients or catch-up connections */
bool isLocal() const;
bool isLocalClient() const { return isLocal() && !isCatchUp(); }
/** True for connections that are shadowing remote broker connections */
bool isShadow() const;
/** True if the connection is in "catch-up" mode: building initial broker state. */
bool isCatchUp() const { return catchUp; }
/** True if the connection is a completed shared update connection */
bool isUpdated() const;
Cluster& getCluster() { return cluster; }
// ConnectionInputHandler methods
void received(framing::AMQFrame&);
void closed();
bool doOutput();
bool hasOutput() { return connection.hasOutput(); }
void idleOut() { connection.idleOut(); }
void idleIn() { connection.idleIn(); }
/** Called if the connectors member has left the cluster */
void left();
// ConnectionCodec methods - called by IO layer with a read buffer.
size_t decode(const char* buffer, size_t size);
// Called for data delivered from the cluster.
void deliveredFrame(const EventFrame&);
void consumerState(const std::string& name, bool blocked, bool notifyEnabled);
// ==== Used in catch-up mode to build initial state.
// State update methods.
void sessionState(const framing::SequenceNumber& replayStart,
const framing::SequenceNumber& sendCommandPoint,
const framing::SequenceSet& sentIncomplete,
const framing::SequenceNumber& expected,
const framing::SequenceNumber& received,
const framing::SequenceSet& unknownCompleted, const SequenceSet& receivedIncomplete);
void shadowReady(uint64_t memberId, uint64_t connectionId, const std::string& username, const std::string& fragment);
void membership(const framing::FieldTable&, const framing::FieldTable&, uint64_t frameSeq);
void deliveryRecord(const std::string& queue,
const framing::SequenceNumber& position,
const std::string& tag,
const framing::SequenceNumber& id,
bool acquired,
bool accepted,
bool cancelled,
bool completed,
bool ended,
bool windowing,
uint32_t credit);
void queuePosition(const std::string&, const framing::SequenceNumber&);
void expiryId(uint64_t);
void txStart();
void txAccept(const framing::SequenceSet&);
void txDequeue(const std::string&);
void txEnqueue(const std::string&);
void txPublish(const qpid::framing::Array&, bool);
void txEnd();
void accumulatedAck(const qpid::framing::SequenceSet&);
// Encoded queue/exchange replication.
void queue(const std::string& encoded);
void exchange(const std::string& encoded);
void giveReadCredit(int credit);
void deliverClose();
struct NullFrameHandler : public framing::FrameHandler {
void handle(framing::AMQFrame&) {}
static NullFrameHandler nullFrameHandler;
// Error listener functions
void connectionError(const std::string&);
void sessionError(uint16_t channel, const std::string&);
void init();
bool checkUnsupported(const framing::AMQBody& body);
void deliverDoOutput(uint32_t requested);
void sendDoOutput();
boost::shared_ptr<broker::Queue> findQueue(const std::string& qname);
broker::SessionState& sessionState();
broker::SemanticState& semanticState();
broker::QueuedMessage getUpdateMessage();
Cluster& cluster;
ConnectionId self;
bool catchUp;
WriteEstimate writeEstimate;
OutputInterceptor output;
framing::FrameDecoder localDecoder;
broker::Connection connection;
framing::SequenceNumber deliverSeq;
framing::ChannelId currentChannel;
boost::shared_ptr<broker::TxBuffer> txBuffer;
bool expectProtocolHeader;
McastFrameHandler mcastFrameHandler;
static qpid::sys::AtomicValue<uint64_t> catchUpId;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Connection&);
}} // namespace qpid::cluster