blob: 8a94fc79dd4c68392f1f509801b109687cd2a98b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ClusterMap.h"
#include "ClusterSettings.h"
#include "Cpg.h"
#include "Decoder.h"
#include "ErrorCheck.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "EventFrame.h"
#include "ExpiryPolicy.h"
#include "FailoverExchange.h"
#include "LockedConnectionMap.h"
#include "Multicaster.h"
#include "NoOpConnectionOutputHandler.h"
#include "PollableQueue.h"
#include "PollerDispatch.h"
#include "Quorum.h"
#include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/cluster/Cluster.h"
#include "qpid/Url.h"
#include "qpid/broker/Broker.h"
#include "qpid/management/Manageable.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Monitor.h"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace qpid {
namespace framing {
class AMQBody;
class Uuid;
namespace cluster {
class Connection;
class EventFrame;
* Connection to the cluster
class Cluster : private Cpg::Handler, public management::Manageable {
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<Connection> ConnectionPtr;
typedef std::vector<ConnectionPtr> ConnectionVector;
// Public functions are thread safe unless otherwise mentioned in a comment.
// Construct the cluster in plugin earlyInitialize.
Cluster(const ClusterSettings&, broker::Broker&);
virtual ~Cluster();
// Called by plugin initialize: cluster start-up requires transport plugins .
// Thread safety: only called by plugin initialize.
void initialize();
// Connection map.
void addLocalConnection(const ConnectionPtr&);
void addShadowConnection(const ConnectionPtr&);
void erase(const ConnectionId&);
// URLs of current cluster members.
std::vector<std::string> getIds() const;
std::vector<Url> getUrls() const;
boost::shared_ptr<FailoverExchange> getFailoverExchange() const { return failoverExchange; }
// Leave the cluster - called when fatal errors occur.
void leave();
// Update completed - called in update thread
void updateInDone(const ClusterMap&);
MemberId getId() const;
broker::Broker& getBroker() const;
Multicaster& getMulticast() { return mcast; }
void checkQuorum();
size_t getReadMax() { return readMax; }
size_t getWriteEstimate() { return writeEstimate; }
void deliverFrame(const EventFrame&);
// Called in deliverFrame thread to indicate an error from the broker.
void flagError(Connection&, ErrorCheck::ErrorType);
void connectionError();
// Called only during update by Connection::shadowReady
Decoder& getDecoder() { return decoder; }
ExpiryPolicy& getExpiryPolicy() { return *expiryPolicy; }
typedef sys::Monitor::ScopedLock Lock;
typedef PollableQueue<Event> PollableEventQueue;
typedef PollableQueue<EventFrame> PollableFrameQueue;
typedef std::map<ConnectionId, ConnectionPtr> ConnectionMap;
// NB: A dummy Lock& parameter marks functions that must only be
// called with Cluster::lock locked.
void leave(Lock&);
std::vector<std::string> getIds(Lock&) const;
std::vector<Url> getUrls(Lock&) const;
// == Called in main thread from Broker destructor.
void brokerShutdown();
// == Called in deliverEventQueue thread
void deliveredEvent(const Event&);
// == Called in deliverFrameQueue thread
void deliveredFrame(const EventFrame&);
void processFrame(const EventFrame&, Lock&);
// Cluster controls implement XML methods from cluster.xml.
void updateRequest(const MemberId&, const std::string&, Lock&);
void updateOffer(const MemberId& updater, uint64_t updatee, const framing::Uuid&, Lock&);
void ready(const MemberId&, const std::string&, Lock&);
void configChange(const MemberId&, const std::string& current, Lock& l);
void messageExpired(const MemberId&, uint64_t, Lock& l);
void errorCheck(const MemberId&, uint8_t, uint64_t, Lock&);
void shutdown(const MemberId&, Lock&);
// Helper functions
ConnectionPtr getConnection(const ConnectionId&, Lock&);
ConnectionVector getConnections(Lock&);
void updateStart(const MemberId& updatee, const Url& url, Lock&);
void makeOffer(const MemberId&, Lock&);
void setReady(Lock&);
void memberUpdate(Lock&);
void setClusterId(const framing::Uuid&, Lock&);
// == Called in CPG dispatch thread
void deliver( // CPG deliver callback.
cpg_handle_t /*handle*/,
struct cpg_name *group,
uint32_t /*nodeid*/,
uint32_t /*pid*/,
void* /*msg*/,
int /*msg_len*/);
void deliverEvent(const Event&);
void configChange( // CPG config change callback.
cpg_handle_t /*handle*/,
struct cpg_name */*group*/,
struct cpg_address */*members*/, int /*nMembers*/,
struct cpg_address */*left*/, int /*nLeft*/,
struct cpg_address */*joined*/, int /*nJoined*/
// == Called in management threads.
virtual qpid::management::ManagementObject* GetManagementObject() const;
virtual management::Manageable::status_t ManagementMethod (uint32_t methodId, management::Args& args, std::string& text);
void stopClusterNode(Lock&);
void stopFullCluster(Lock&);
// == Called in connection IO threads .
void checkUpdateIn(Lock&);
// == Called in UpdateClient thread.
void updateOutDone();
void updateOutError(const std::exception&);
void updateOutDone(Lock&);
// Immutable members set on construction, never changed.
ClusterSettings settings;
broker::Broker& broker;
qmf::org::apache::qpid::cluster::Cluster* mgmtObject; // mgnt owns lifecycle
boost::shared_ptr<sys::Poller> poller;
Cpg cpg;
const std::string name;
Url myUrl;
const MemberId self;
const size_t readMax;
const size_t writeEstimate;
framing::Uuid clusterId;
NoOpConnectionOutputHandler shadowOut;
qpid::management::ManagementAgent* mAgent;
boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpiryPolicy> expiryPolicy;
// Thread safe members
Multicaster mcast;
PollerDispatch dispatcher;
PollableEventQueue deliverEventQueue;
PollableFrameQueue deliverFrameQueue;
boost::shared_ptr<FailoverExchange> failoverExchange;
Quorum quorum;
LockedConnectionMap localConnections;
// Used only during initialization
bool initialized;
// Used only in deliverEventQueue thread or when stalled for update.
Decoder decoder;
bool discarding;
// Remaining members are protected by lock.
// TODO aconway 2009-03-06: Most of these members are also only used in
// deliverFrameQueue thread or during stall. Review and separate members
// that require a lock, drop lock when not needed.
mutable sys::Monitor lock;
// Local cluster state, cluster map
enum {
INIT, ///< Initial state, no CPG messages received.
JOINER, ///< Sent update request, waiting for update offer.
UPDATEE, ///< Stalled receive queue at update offer, waiting for update to complete.
CATCHUP, ///< Update complete, unstalled but has not yet seen own "ready" event.
READY, ///< Fully operational
OFFER, ///< Sent an offer, waiting for accept/reject.
UPDATER, ///< Offer accepted, sending a state update.
LEFT ///< Final state, left the cluster.
} state;
ConnectionMap connections;
ClusterMap map;
ClusterMap::Set elders;
size_t lastSize;
bool lastBroker;
sys::Thread updateThread;
boost::optional<ClusterMap> updatedMap;
ErrorCheck error;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Cluster&);
friend class ClusterDispatcher;
}} // namespace qpid::cluster