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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.qpid.server.logging;
import javax.jms.QueueBrowser;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import org.apache.qpid.client.AMQConnection;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.Topic;
import java.util.List;
* Subscription
* The Subscription test suite validates that the follow log messages as specified in the Functional Specification.
* This suite of tests validate that the Subscription messages occur correctly and according to the following format:
* SUB-1001 : Create : [Durable] [Arguments : <key=value>]
* SUB-1002 : Close
* SUB-1003 : State : <state>
public class SubscriptionLoggingTest extends AbstractTestLogging
static final String SUB_PREFIX = "SUB-";
private Connection _connection;
private Session _session;
private Queue _queue;
private Topic _topic;
public void setUp() throws Exception
//Remove broker startup logging messages
_connection = getConnection();
_session = _connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
_queue = _session.createQueue(getTestQueueName() + "Queue");
_topic = _session.createTopic(getTestQueueName() + "Topic");
* Description:
* When a Subscription is created it will be logged. This test validates that Subscribing to a transient queue is correctly logged.
* Input:
* 1. Running Broker
* 2. Create a new Subscription to a transient queue/topic.
* Output: 6
* <date> SUB-1001 : Create
* Validation Steps:
* 3. The SUB ID is correct
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionCreate() throws JMSException, IOException
//Ensure that we wait for the SUB log message
List<String> results = findMatches(SUB_PREFIX);
assertEquals("Result set larger than expected.", 1, results.size());
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("SUB-1001", log);
assertEquals("Log Message not as expected", "Create", getMessageString(fromMessage(log)));
* Description:
* The creation of a Durable Subscription, such as a JMS DurableTopicSubscriber will result in an extra Durable tag being included in the Create log message
* Input:
* 1. Running Broker
* 2. Creation of a JMS DurableTopicSubiber
* Output:
* <date> SUB-1001 : Create : Durable
* Validation Steps:
* 3. The SUB ID is correct
* 4. The Durable tag is present in the message
* NOTE: A Subscription is not Durable, the queue it consumes from is.
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionCreateDurable() throws JMSException, IOException
_session.createDurableSubscriber(_topic, getName());
//Ensure that we wait for the SUB log message
List<String> results = findMatches(SUB_PREFIX);
assertEquals("Result set not as expected.", 1, results.size());
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("SUB-1001", log);
String message = getMessageString(fromMessage(log));
assertTrue("Durable not on log message:" + message, message.contains("Durable"));
* Description:
* The creation of a QueueBrowser will provides a number arguments and so should form part of the SUB-1001 Create message.
* Input:
* 1. Running Broker
* 2. Java Client creates a QueueBroweser
* Output:
* <date> SUB-1001 : Create : Arguments : <key=value>
* Validation Steps:
* 3. The SUB ID is correct
* 4. The Arguments are present in the message
* 5. Arguments keys include AutoClose and Browser.
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionCreateQueueBrowser() throws JMSException, IOException
QueueBrowser browser = _session.createBrowser(_queue);
//Ensure that we wait for the SUB log message
List<String> results = findMatches(SUB_PREFIX);
assertEquals("Result set larger than expected.", 2, results.size());
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("SUB-1001", log);
String message = getMessageString(fromMessage(log));
assertTrue("Browser not on log message:" + message, message.contains("Browser"));
assertTrue("AutoClose not on log message:" + message, message.contains("AutoClose"));
// Beacause it is an auto close and we have no messages on the queue we
// will get a close message
log = getLogMessage(results, 1);
validateMessageID("SUB-1002", log);
* Description:
* The creation of a Subscriber with a JMS Selector will result in the Argument field being populated. These argument key/value pairs are then shown in the log message.
* Input:
* 1. Running Broker
* 2. Subscriber created with a JMS Selector.
* Output:
* <date> SUB-1001 : Create : Arguments : <key=value>
* Validation Steps:
* 3. The SUB ID is correct
* 4. Argument tag is present in the message
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionCreateWithArguments() throws JMSException, IOException
final String SELECTOR = "Selector='True'";
_session.createConsumer(_queue, SELECTOR);
//Ensure that we wait for the SUB log message
List<String> results = findMatches(SUB_PREFIX);
assertEquals("Result set larger than expected.", 1, results.size());
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("SUB-1001", log);
String message = getMessageString(fromMessage(log));
assertTrue("Selector not on log message:" + message, message.contains(SELECTOR));
* Description:
* The final combination of SUB-1001 Create messages involves the creation of a Durable Subscription that also contains a set of Arguments, such as those provided via a JMS Selector.
* Input:
* 1. Running Broker
* 2. Java Client creates a Durable Subscription with Selector
* Output:
* <date> SUB-1001 : Create : Durable Arguments : <key=value>
* Validation Steps:
* 3. The SUB ID is correct
* 4. The tag Durable is present in the message
* 5. The Arguments are present in the message
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionCreateDurableWithArguments() throws JMSException, IOException
final String SELECTOR = "Selector='True'";
_session.createDurableSubscriber(_topic, getName(), SELECTOR, false);
//Ensure that we wait for the SUB log message
List<String> results = findMatches(SUB_PREFIX);
assertEquals("Result set larger than expected.", 1, results.size());
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("SUB-1001", log);
String message = getMessageString(fromMessage(log));
assertTrue("Durable not on log message:" + message, message.contains("Durable"));
assertTrue("Selector not on log message:" + message, message.contains(SELECTOR));
* Description:
* When a Subscription is closed it will log this so that it can be correlated with the Create.
* Input:
* 1. Running Broker
* 2. Client with a subscription.
* 3. The subscription is then closed.
* Output:
* <date> SUB-1002 : Close
* Validation Steps:
* 1. The SUB ID is correct
* 2. There must be a SUB-1001 Create message preceding this message
* 3. This must be the last message from the given Subscription
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionClose() throws JMSException, IOException
//Ensure that we wait for the SUB log message
List<String> results = findMatches(SUB_PREFIX);
assertEquals("Result set larger than expected.", 2, results.size());
// 2
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("SUB-1001", log);
// 1
log = getLogMessage(results, 1);
validateMessageID("SUB-1002", log);
String message = getMessageString(fromMessage(log));
assertEquals("Log message is not close", "Close", message);
* Description:
* When a Subscription fills its prefetch it will become suspended. This
* will be logged as a SUB-1003 message.
* Input:
* 1. Running broker
* 2. Message Producer to put more data on the queue than the client's prefetch
* 3. Client that ensures that its prefetch becomes full
* Output:
* <date> SUB-1003 : State : <state>
* Validation Steps:
* 1. The SUB ID is correct
* 2. The state is correct
* @throws - if there is a problem getting the matches
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem creating the consumer
public void testSubscriptionSuspend() throws Exception, IOException
//Close session with large prefetch
_connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE).close();
int PREFETCH = 15;
//Create new session with small prefetch
_session = ((AMQConnection) _connection).createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED, PREFETCH);
MessageConsumer consumer = _session.createConsumer(_queue);
//Start the dispatcher & Unflow the channel.
//Fill the prefetch and two extra so that our receive bellow allows the
// subscription to become active
// Previously we set this to 17 so that it would return to a suspended
// state. However, testing has shown that the state change can occur
// sufficiently quickly that logging does not occur consistently enough
// for testing.
int SEND_COUNT = 16;
sendMessage(_session, _queue, SEND_COUNT);
// Retreive the first message, and start the flow of messages
Message msg = consumer.receive(1000);
assertNotNull("First message not retreived", msg);
// Drain the queue to ensure there is time for the ACTIVE log message
// Check that we can received all the messages
int receivedCount = 0;
while (msg != null)
msg = consumer.receive(1000);
//Validate we received all the messages
assertEquals("Not all sent messages received.", SEND_COUNT, receivedCount);
// Fill the queue again to suspend the consumer
sendMessage(_session, _queue, SEND_COUNT);
List<String> results = waitAndFindMatches("SUB-1003");
// Validation expects three messages.
// The Actor can be any one of the following depending on the exactly what is going on on the broker.
// Ideally we would test that we can get all of them but setting up
// the timing to do this in a consistent way is not benefitial.
// Ensuring the State is as expected is sufficient.
// INFO - MESSAGE [vh(/test)/qu(example.queue)] [sub:6(qu(example.queue))] SUB-1003 : State :
// INFO - MESSAGE [con:6(guest@anonymous(26562441)/test)/ch:3] [sub:6(qu(example.queue))] SUB-1003 : State :
// INFO - MESSAGE [sub:6(vh(test)/qu(example.queue))] [sub:6(qu(example.queue))] SUB-1003 : State :
assertEquals("Result set not expected size:", 3, results.size());
// Validate Initial Suspension
String expectedState = "SUSPENDED";
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateSubscriptionState(log, expectedState);
// After being suspended the subscription should become active.
expectedState = "ACTIVE";
log = getLogMessage(results, 1);
validateSubscriptionState(log, expectedState);
// Validate that it was re-suspended
expectedState = "SUSPENDED";
log = getLogMessage(results, 2);
validateSubscriptionState(log, expectedState);
// We only need validate the state.
catch (AssertionFailedError afe)
System.err.println("Log Dump:");
for (String log : results)
throw afe;
* Validate that the given log statement is a well formatted SUB-1003
* message. That means the ID and expected state are correct.
* @param log the log to test
* @param expectedState the state that should be logged.
private void validateSubscriptionState(String log, String expectedState)
validateMessageID("SUB-1003", log);
String logMessage = getMessageString(fromMessage(log));
assertTrue("Log Message does not start with 'State'" + logMessage,
assertTrue("Log Message does not have expected State of '"
+ expectedState + "'" + logMessage,