blob: 42a19ff83a538177100ef3db1aa60bd5c2587552 [file] [log] [blame]
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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- under the License.
<project name="Qpid JCA" default="build">
<property name="module.depends" value="common client"/>
<property name="" value="jca"/>
<!-- Hack to make the renamed module jars available on the module test classpath -->
<property name="module.test.depends" value="ra ra/tests"/>
<!-- Import common.xml to make the properties it defines available before importing module.xml -->
<import file="../common.xml"/>
<!-- Override the standard output jar names before importing module.xml, to produce
artifacts that use ra in the name instead of jca like the module should -->
<property name="module.test.jar" value="${build.lib}/${}-ra-tests-${project.version}.jar"/>
<property name="module.jar" value="${build.lib}/${}-ra-${project.version}.jar"/>
<property name="module.source.jar" value="${build.lib}/${}-ra-${project.version}-sources.jar"/>
<import file="../module.xml"/>
<property name="module.rar" value="${build.lib}/${}-ra-${project.version}.rar"/>
<property name="rar.resources" value="rar/src/main/resources"/>
<target name="rar" depends="jar" description="creates a rar file containing the module jar, client jars, etc">
<jar destfile="${module.rar}">
<fileset dir="${rar.resources}">
<include name="**/*.xml"/>
<fileset dir="${build.lib}">
<include name="${}-ra-${project.version}.jar"/>
<include name="${}-client-${project.version}.jar"/>
<include name="${}-common-${project.version}.jar"/>
<!-- Create properties file for examples -->
<target name="example-properties-file">
<copy file="example/build-properties.xml.temp" tofile="example/build-properties.xml">
<filter token="project.version" value="${project.version}"/>
<!-- Copy jars for standalone examples -->
<target name="example-jars">
<mkdir dir="example/lib"/>
<copy todir="example/lib">
<fileset dir="${build.lib}">
<include name="${}-ra-${project.version}.jar"/>
<include name="${}-client-${project.version}.jar"/>
<include name="${}-common-${project.version}.jar"/>
<target name="examples" depends="example-properties-file, example-jars"/>
<target name="postbuild" depends="rar, examples"/>
<!-- Override module.xml 'libs' target to avoid copying the jar files dependencies
into the 'build/lib' dir, since they will be supplied by the app server -->
<target name="libs"/>