blob: 9ac6a108835949adc7b85a3265e41e43d6ea40d3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import optparse, time, qpid.messaging, re, os
from threading import Thread
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
op = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]",
description="simple performance benchmarks")
op.add_option("-b", "--broker", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="url of broker(s) to connect to, round robin on multiple brokers")
op.add_option("-c", "--client-host", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="host(s) to run clients on via ssh, round robin on mulple hosts")
op.add_option("-q", "--queues", default=1, type="int", metavar="N",
help="create N queues (default %default)")
op.add_option("-s", "--senders", default=1, type="int", metavar="N",
help="start N senders per queue (default %default)")
op.add_option("-r", "--receivers", default=1, type="int", metavar="N",
help="start N receivers per queue (default %default)")
op.add_option("-m", "--messages", default=100000, type="int", metavar="N",
help="send N messages per sender (default %default)")
op.add_option("--queue-name", default="benchmark", metavar="NAME",
help="base name for queues (default %default)")
op.add_option("--send-rate", default=0, metavar="N",
help="send rate limited to N messages/second, 0 means no limit (default %default)")
op.add_option("--receive-rate", default=0, metavar="N",
help="receive rate limited to N messages/second, 0 means no limit (default %default)")
op.add_option("--content-size", default=1024, type="int", metavar="BYTES",
help="message size in bytes (default %default)")
op.add_option("--ack-frequency", default=100, metavar="N", type="int",
help="receiver ack's every N messages, 0 means unconfirmed (default %default)")
op.add_option("--no-report-header", dest="report_header", default=True,
action="store_false", help="don't print header on report")
op.add_option("--summarize", default=False, action="store_true",
help="print summary statistics for multiple senders/receivers: total throughput, average latency")
op.add_option("--repeat", default=1, metavar="N", help="repeat N times", type="int")
op.add_option("--send-option", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="Additional option for sending addresses")
op.add_option("--receive-option", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="Additional option for receiving addresses")
op.add_option("--create-option", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="Additional option for creating addresses")
op.add_option("--send-arg", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="Additional argument for qpid-send")
op.add_option("--receive-arg", default=[], action="append", type="str",
help="Additional argument for qpid-receive")
op.add_option("--no-timestamp", dest="timestamp", default=True,
action="store_false", help="don't add a timestamp, no latency results")
op.add_option("--sequence", dest="sequence", default=False,
action="store_true", help="add a sequence number to each message")
op.add_option("--connection-options", type="str",
help="Connection options for senders & receivers")
op.add_option("--durable", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Use durable queues and messages")
op.add_option("--save-received", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Save received message content to files <queuename>-receiver-<n>.msg")
op.add_option("--verbose", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Show commands executed")
op.add_option("--no-delete", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Don't delete the test queues.")
op.add_option("--fill-drain", default=False, action="store_true",
help="First fill the queues, then drain them")
op.add_option("--qpid-send-path", default="", type="str", metavar="PATH",
help="path to qpid-send binary")
op.add_option("--qpid-receive-path", default="", type="str", metavar="PATH",
help="path to qpid-receive binary")
single_quote_re = re.compile("'")
def posix_quote(string):
""" Quote a string for use as an argument in a posix shell"""
return "'" + single_quote_re.sub("\\'", string) + "'";
def ssh_command(host, command):
""" Convert command into an ssh command on host with quoting"""
return ["ssh", host] + [posix_quote(arg) for arg in command]
class Clients:
def __init__(self): self.clients=[]
def add(self, client):
return client
def kill(self):
for c in self.clients:
try: c.kill()
except: pass
class PopenCommand(Popen):
"""Like Popen but you can query for the command"""
def __init__(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
self.command = command
Popen.__init__(self, command, *args, **kwargs)
clients = Clients()
def start_receive(queue, index, opts, ready_queue, broker, host):
if opts.durable: address_opts += ["node:{durable:true}"]
messages = msg_total/opts.receivers;
if (index < msg_total%opts.receivers): messages += 1
if (messages == 0): return None
command = [os.path.join(opts.qpid_receive_path, "qpid-receive"),
"-b", broker,
"-a", address,
"-m", str(messages),
"--receive-rate", str(opts.receive_rate),
"--ack-frequency", str(opts.ack_frequency),
"--ready-address", "%s;{create:always}"%ready_queue,
if opts.save_received:
command += ["--save-content=%s-receiver-%s.msg"%(queue,index)]
command += opts.receive_arg
if opts.connection_options:
command += ["--connection-options",opts.connection_options]
if host: command = ssh_command(host, command)
if opts.verbose: print "Receiver: ", command
return clients.add(PopenCommand(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE))
def start_send(queue, opts, broker, host):
address="%s;{%s}"%(queue,",".join(opts.send_option + ["create:always"]))
command = [os.path.join(opts.qpid_send_path, "qpid-send"),
"-b", broker,
"-a", address,
"--messages", str(opts.messages),
"--content-size", str(opts.content_size),
"--send-rate", str(opts.send_rate),
"--timestamp=%s"%(opts.timestamp and "yes" or "no"),
"--sequence=%s"%(opts.sequence and "yes" or "no"),
"--durable", str(opts.durable)
command += opts.send_arg
if opts.connection_options:
command += ["--connection-options",opts.connection_options]
if host: command = ssh_command(host, command)
if opts.verbose: print "Sender: ", command
return clients.add(PopenCommand(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE))
def error_msg(out, err):
return ("\n[stdout]\n%s\n[stderr]\n%s[end]"%(out, err))
def first_line(p):
if p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Process exit %d: %s"%(p.returncode, error_msg(out,err)))
return out.split("\n")[0]
def recreate_queues(queues, brokers, no_delete, opts):
c = qpid.messaging.Connection(brokers[0])
s = c.session()
for q in queues:
if not no_delete:
try: s.sender("%s;{delete:always}"%(q)).close()
except qpid.messaging.exceptions.NotFound: pass
address = "%s;{%s}"%(q, ",".join(opts.create_option + ["create:always"]))
if opts.verbose: print "Creating", address
def print_header(timestamp):
if timestamp: latency_header="\tl-min\tl-max\tl-avg\ttotal-tp"
else: latency_header=""
print "send-tp\trecv-tp%s"%latency_header
def parse(parser, lines): # Parse sender/receiver output
return [map(lambda p: p[0](p[1]), zip(parser,line.split())) for line in lines]
def parse_senders(senders):
return parse([int],[first_line(p) for p in senders])
def parse_receivers(receivers):
return parse([int,float,float,float],[first_line(p) for p in receivers if p])
def print_data(send_stats, recv_stats, total_tp):
for send,recv in map(None, send_stats, recv_stats):
if send: line += "%d"%send[0]
if recv:
line += "\t%d"%recv[0]
if len(recv) == 4: line += "\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f"%tuple(recv[1:])
if total_tp is not None:
line += "\t%d"%total_tp
total_tp = None
print line
def print_summary(send_stats, recv_stats, total_tp):
def avg(s): sum(s) / len(s)
send_tp = sum([l[0] for l in send_stats])
recv_tp = sum([l[0] for l in recv_stats])
summary = "%d\t%d"%(send_tp, recv_tp)
if recv_stats and len(recv_stats[0]) == 4:
l_min = sum(l[1] for l in recv_stats)/len(recv_stats)
l_max = sum(l[2] for l in recv_stats)/len(recv_stats)
l_avg = sum(l[3] for l in recv_stats)/len(recv_stats)
summary += "\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f"%(l_min, l_max, l_avg)
summary += "\t%d"%total_tp
print summary
class ReadyReceiver:
"""A receiver for ready messages"""
def __init__(self, queue, broker):
self.connection = qpid.messaging.Connection(broker)
self.receiver = self.connection.session().receiver(
def wait(self, receivers):
for i in receivers: self.receiver.fetch(self.timeout)
except qpid.messaging.Empty:
for r in receivers:
if (r.poll() is not None):
raise Exception("Receiver error: %s\n%s" %
(" ".join(r.command), error_msg(out,err)))
raise Exception("Timed out waiting for receivers to be ready")
def flatten(l):
return sum(map(lambda s: re.split(re.compile("\s*,\s*|\s+"), s), l), [])
class RoundRobin:
def __init__(self,items):
self.items = items
self.index = 0
def next(self):
if not self.items: return None
ret = self.items[self.index]
self.index = (self.index+1)%len(self.items)
return ret
def main():
opts, args = op.parse_args()
opts.client_host = flatten(opts.client_host)
if not
if opts.client_host:
raise Exception("--broker must be specified if --client_host is.") = [""] # Deafult to local broker = flatten(
brokers = RoundRobin(
client_hosts = RoundRobin(opts.client_host)
send_out = ""
receive_out = ""
queues = ["%s-%s"%(opts.queue_name, i) for i in xrange(opts.queues)]
for i in xrange(opts.repeat):
recreate_queues(queues,, opts.no_delete, opts)
ready_receiver = ReadyReceiver(ready_queue,[0])
def start_receivers():
return [ start_receive(q, j, opts, ready_queue,,
for q in queues for j in xrange(opts.receivers) ]
def start_senders():
return [ start_send(q, opts,,
for q in queues for j in xrange(opts.senders) ]
if opts.report_header and i == 0: print_header(opts.timestamp)
if opts.fill_drain:
# First fill the queues, then drain them
start = time.time()
senders = start_senders()
for p in senders: p.wait()
receivers = start_receivers()
for p in receivers: p.wait()
# Run senders and receivers in parallel
receivers = start_receivers()
ready_receiver.wait(filter(None, receivers)) # Wait for receivers ready
start = time.time()
senders = start_senders()
for p in senders + receivers: p.wait()
total_sent = opts.queues * opts.senders * opts.messages
total_tp = total_sent / (time.time()-start)
if opts.summarize: print_summary(send_stats, recv_stats, total_tp)
else: print_data(send_stats, recv_stats, total_tp)
finally: clients.kill() # No strays
if __name__ == "__main__": main()