blob: 7edd54bc242ae455b482ab8f48372521aab14a1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "qpid/broker/HeadersExchange.h"
#include "qpid/broker/MapHandler.h"
#include "qpid/framing/FieldValue.h"
#include "qpid/framing/reply_exceptions.h"
#include "qpid/log/Statement.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace qpid::broker;
using std::string;
using namespace qpid::framing;
using namespace qpid::sys;
namespace _qmf = qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker;
// TODO aconway 2006-09-20: More efficient matching algorithm.
// The current search algorithm really sucks.
// Fieldtables are heavy, maybe use shared_ptr to do handle-body.
using namespace qpid::broker;
namespace {
const std::string x_match("x-match");
// possible values for x-match
const std::string all("all");
const std::string any("any");
const std::string empty;
// federation related args and values
const std::string QPID_RESERVED("qpid.");
const std::string qpidFedOp("qpid.fed.op");
const std::string qpidFedTags("qpid.fed.tags");
const std::string qpidFedOrigin("qpid.fed.origin");
const std::string fedOpBind("B");
const std::string fedOpUnbind("U");
const std::string fedOpReorigin("R");
const std::string fedOpHello("H");
std::string getMatch(const FieldTable* args)
if (!args) {
throw InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("No arguments given."));
FieldTable::ValuePtr what = args->get(x_match);
if (!what) {
return empty;
if (!what->convertsTo<std::string>()) {
throw InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("Invalid x-match binding format to headers exchange. Must be a string [\"all\" or \"any\"]"));
return what->get<std::string>();
class Matcher : public MapHandler
Matcher(const FieldTable& b) : binding(b), matched(0) {}
void handleUint8(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, uint8_t value) { processUint(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleUint16(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, uint16_t value) { processUint(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleUint32(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, uint32_t value) { processUint(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleUint64(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, uint64_t value) { processUint(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleInt8(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, int8_t value) { processInt(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleInt16(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, int16_t value) { processInt(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleInt32(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, int32_t value) { processInt(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleInt64(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, int64_t value) { processInt(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleFloat(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, float value) { processFloat(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleDouble(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, double value) { processFloat(std::string(, key.size), value); }
void handleString(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key, const MapHandler::CharSequence& value, const MapHandler::CharSequence& /*encoding*/)
processString(std::string(, key.size), std::string(, value.size));
void handleVoid(const MapHandler::CharSequence& key)
valueCheckRequired(std::string(, key.size));
bool matches()
std::string what = getMatch(&binding);
if (what == all) {
//must match all entries in the binding, except the match mode indicator
return matched == binding.size() - 1;
} else if (what == any) {
//match any of the entries in the binding
return matched > 0;
} else {
return false;
bool valueCheckRequired(const std::string& key)
FieldTable::ValuePtr v = binding.get(key);
if (v) {
if (v->getType() == 0xf0/*VOID*/) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void processString(const std::string& key, const std::string& actual)
if (valueCheckRequired(key) && binding.getAsString(key) == actual) {
void processFloat(const std::string& key, double actual)
double bound;
if (valueCheckRequired(key) && binding.getDouble(key, bound) && bound == actual) {
void processInt(const std::string& key, int64_t actual)
if (valueCheckRequired(key) && binding.getAsInt64(key) == actual) {
void processUint(const std::string& key, uint64_t actual)
if (valueCheckRequired(key) && binding.getAsUInt64(key) == actual) {
const FieldTable& binding;
size_t matched;
HeadersExchange::HeadersExchange(const string& _name, Manageable* _parent, Broker* b) :
Exchange(_name, _parent, b)
if (mgmtExchange != 0)
mgmtExchange->set_type (typeName);
HeadersExchange::HeadersExchange(const std::string& _name, bool _durable,
const FieldTable& _args, Manageable* _parent, Broker* b) :
Exchange(_name, _durable, _args, _parent, b)
if (mgmtExchange != 0)
mgmtExchange->set_type (typeName);
bool HeadersExchange::bind(Queue::shared_ptr queue, const string& bindingKey, const FieldTable* args, AsyncStore* const store)
string fedOp(fedOpBind);
string fedTags;
string fedOrigin;
if (args) {
fedOp = args->getAsString(qpidFedOp);
fedTags = args->getAsString(qpidFedTags);
fedOrigin = args->getAsString(qpidFedOrigin);
bool propagate = false;
// The federation args get propagated directly, so we need to identify
// the non federation args in case a federated propagate is needed
FieldTable extra_args;
getNonFedArgs(args, extra_args);
if (fedOp.empty() || fedOp == fedOpBind) {
// x-match arg MUST be present for a bind call
std::string x_match_value = getMatch(args);
if (x_match_value != all && x_match_value != any) {
throw InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("Invalid or missing x-match value binding to headers exchange. Must be a string [\"all\" or \"any\"]"));
Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock);
//NOTE: do not include the fed op/tags/origin in the
//arguments as when x-match is 'all' these would prevent
//matching (they are internally added properties
//controlling binding propagation but not relevant to
//actual routing)
Binding::shared_ptr binding (new Binding (bindingKey, queue, this, args ? *args : FieldTable()));
BoundKey bk(binding, extra_args);
if (bindings.add_unless(bk, MatchArgs(queue, &extra_args))) {
propagate = bk.fedBinding.addOrigin(queue->getName(), fedOrigin);
if (mgmtExchange != 0) {
} else {
bk.fedBinding.addOrigin(queue->getName(), fedOrigin);
return false;
} // lock dropped
} else if (fedOp == fedOpUnbind) {
Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock);
FedUnbindModifier modifier(queue->getName(), fedOrigin);
bindings.modify_if(MatchKey(queue, bindingKey), modifier);
propagate = modifier.shouldPropagate;
if (modifier.shouldUnbind) {
unbind(queue, bindingKey, args, store);
} else if (fedOp == fedOpReorigin) {
Bindings::ConstPtr p = bindings.snapshot();
if (p.get())
Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock);
for (std::vector<BoundKey>::const_iterator i = p->begin(); i != p->end(); ++i)
if ((*i).fedBinding.hasLocal()) {
propagateFedOp( (*i).binding->key, string(), fedOpBind, string());
if (propagate) {
FieldTable * prop_args = (extra_args.count() != 0 ? &extra_args : 0);
propagateFedOp(bindingKey, fedTags, fedOp, fedOrigin, prop_args);
return true;
bool HeadersExchange::unbind(Queue::shared_ptr queue, const string& bindingKey, const FieldTable *args, AsyncStore* const /*store*/){
bool propagate = false;
string fedOrigin(args ? args->getAsString(qpidFedOrigin) : "");
Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock);
FedUnbindModifier modifier(queue->getName(), fedOrigin);
MatchKey match_key(queue, bindingKey);
bindings.modify_if(match_key, modifier);
propagate = modifier.shouldPropagate;
if (modifier.shouldUnbind) {
if (bindings.remove_if(match_key)) {
if (mgmtExchange != 0) {
} else {
return false;
if (propagate) {
propagateFedOp(bindingKey, string(), fedOpUnbind, string());
return true;
void HeadersExchange::route(Deliverable& msg)
PreRoute pr(msg, this);
BindingList b(new std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<qpid::broker::Exchange::Binding> >);
Bindings::ConstPtr p = bindings.snapshot();
if (p.get()) {
for (std::vector<BoundKey>::const_iterator i = p->begin(); i != p->end(); ++i) {
Matcher matcher(i->args);
if (matcher.matches()) {
doRoute(msg, b);
bool HeadersExchange::isBound(Queue::shared_ptr queue, const string* const, const FieldTable* const args)
Bindings::ConstPtr p = bindings.snapshot();
if (p.get()){
for (std::vector<BoundKey>::const_iterator i = p->begin(); i != p->end(); ++i) {
if ( (!args || equal((*i).args, *args)) && (!queue || (*i).binding->queue == queue)) {
return true;
return false;
void HeadersExchange::getNonFedArgs(const FieldTable* args, FieldTable& nonFedArgs)
if (!args)
for (qpid::framing::FieldTable::ValueMap::const_iterator i=args->begin(); i != args->end(); ++i)
if (i->first.find(QPID_RESERVED) == 0)
HeadersExchange::~HeadersExchange() {}
const std::string HeadersExchange::typeName("headers");
bool match_values(const FieldValue& bind, const FieldValue& msg) {
return bind.getType() == 0xf0 || bind == msg;
bool HeadersExchange::match(const FieldTable& bind, const FieldTable& msg) {
typedef FieldTable::ValueMap Map;
std::string what = getMatch(&bind);
if (what == all) {
for (Map::const_iterator i = bind.begin();
i != bind.end();
if (i->first != x_match)
Map::const_iterator j = msg.find(i->first);
if (j == msg.end()) return false;
if (!match_values(*(i->second), *(j->second))) return false;
return true;
} else if (what == any) {
for (Map::const_iterator i = bind.begin();
i != bind.end();
if (i->first != x_match)
Map::const_iterator j = msg.find(i->first);
if (j != msg.end()) {
if (match_values(*(i->second), *(j->second))) return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
bool HeadersExchange::equal(const FieldTable& a, const FieldTable& b) {
typedef FieldTable::ValueMap Map;
for (Map::const_iterator i = a.begin();
i != a.end();
Map::const_iterator j = b.find(i->first);
if (j == b.end()) return false;
if (!match_values(*(i->second), *(j->second))) return false;
return true;
HeadersExchange::MatchArgs::MatchArgs(Queue::shared_ptr q, const qpid::framing::FieldTable* a) : queue(q), args(a) {}
bool HeadersExchange::MatchArgs::operator()(BoundKey & bk)
return bk.binding->queue == queue && bk.binding->args == *args;
HeadersExchange::MatchKey::MatchKey(Queue::shared_ptr q, const std::string& k) : queue(q), key(k) {}
bool HeadersExchange::MatchKey::operator()(BoundKey & bk)
return bk.binding->queue == queue && bk.binding->key == key;
HeadersExchange::FedUnbindModifier::FedUnbindModifier(const string& queueName, const string& origin) : queueName(queueName), fedOrigin(origin), shouldUnbind(false), shouldPropagate(false) {}
HeadersExchange::FedUnbindModifier::FedUnbindModifier() : shouldUnbind(false), shouldPropagate(false) {}
bool HeadersExchange::FedUnbindModifier::operator()(BoundKey & bk)
shouldPropagate = bk.fedBinding.delOrigin(queueName, fedOrigin);
if (bk.fedBinding.countFedBindings(queueName) == 0)
shouldUnbind = true;
return true;
// DataSource interface - used to write persistence data to async store
// TODO: kpvdr: implement
uint64_t HeadersExchange::getSize() {
return 0;
void HeadersExchange::write(char* /*target*/) {}