blob: def686f881e08e0abfe2db7171a34aa9b131465e [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Creating a receiver
When working with a messaging environment
As a consumer
I want to create a Receiver for consuming messages
Scenario: The session is closed
Given a closed session
Then creating a receiver with "my-queue" raises an exception
Scenario: The connection is closed
Given an open session with a closed connection
Then creating a receiver with "my-queue" raises an exception
Scenario: The address is malformed
Given an open session
Then creating a receiver with "my-queue;{foo:bar}" raises an exception
Scenario: The address string is valid but the queue does not exist
Given an open session
Then creating a receiver for a nonexistent queue raises an exception
Scenario: The address string is fine
Given an open session
Then creating a receiver with "my-queue;{create:always,delete:always}" succeeds
Scenario: Using an Address object
Given an open session
And an Address with the string "create-receiver-test;{create:always}"
Then creating a receiver with an Address succeeds