blob: 15baafb44652578bd37196963b0343b5901127d8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use Test::Exception;
require '';
# verify that qpid is available
BEGIN { use_ok( 'qpid' ); }
require_ok ('qpid' );
# Create a new message
my $message = new qpid::messaging::Message();
isa_ok($message, 'qpid::messaging::Message');
# reply to
# rejects an null address
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_reply_to(undef);},
"Reply to cannot be null.");
# can handle a string address
ok ($message->get_reply_to()->str() eq "test",
"Reply to can be set");
# subject
# cannot have an null subject
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_subject(undef);},
"Subject cannot be null");
# can have an empty subject
ok ($message->get_subject() eq "",
"Subject can be empty");
# can have a subject
my $subject = random_string(16);
ok ($message->get_subject() eq $subject,
"Subject can be set.");
# content type
# cannot have an null content type
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_content_type(undef);},
"Content type must be defined.");
# can an empty content type
ok ($message->get_content_type() eq "",
"Content type can be empty");
# can have an arbitrary content type
my $content_type = random_string(10);
ok ($message->get_content_type() eq $content_type,
"Content type can be arbitrary");
# can be for a map
$content_type = "amqp/map";
ok ($message->get_content_type() eq $content_type,
"Content type can be for a map");
# message id
# cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_message_id(undef);},
"Message id cannot be null");
# can be an empty string
ok ($message->get_message_id() eq "",
"Message id can be empty");
# can be an arbitrary string
my $id = random_string(32);
ok ($message->get_message_id() eq $id,
"Message id can be an arbitrary string");
# can be a UUID
$id = generate_uuid();
ok ($message->get_message_id() eq $id,
"Message id can be a valid UUID");
# user id
# cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_user_id(undef);},
"User id cannot be null");
# can be an empty string
my $user_id = "";
ok ($message->get_user_id() eq $user_id,
"User id can be empty");
# can be an arbitrary string
$id = random_string(65);
ok ($message->get_user_id() eq $user_id,
"User id can be an arbitrary string");
# correlation id
# cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_correlation_id(undef);},
"Correlation id cannot be null");
# can be empty
my $correlation_id = "";
ok ($message->get_correlation_id() eq $correlation_id,
"Correlation id can be an empty string");
# can be an arbitrary string
$correlation_id = random_string(32);
ok ($message->get_correlation_id() eq $correlation_id,
"Correlation id can be an arbitrary string");
# priority
# cannot be nul
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_priority(undef);},
"Priority cannot be null");
# cannot be negative
my $priority = 0 - (rand(2**8) + 1);
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_priority($priority);},
"Priority cannot be negative");
# can be 0
ok ($message->get_priority() == 0,
"Priority can be zero");
# can be an arbitrary value
$priority = int(rand(2**8) + 1);
ok ($message->get_priority() == $priority,
"Priority can be any positive value");
# ttl
# cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_ttl(undef);},
"TTL cannot be null");
# can be a duration
ok ($message->get_ttl()->get_milliseconds() == qpid::messaging::Duration::FOREVER->get_milliseconds(),
"TTL can be a Duration");
# if numeric, is converted to a duration
my $duration = rand(65535);
ok ($message->get_ttl()->get_milliseconds() == int($duration),
"TTL can be any arbitrary duration");
# if 0 it's converted to IMMEDIATE
ok ($message->get_ttl()->get_milliseconds() == qpid::messaging::Duration::IMMEDIATE->get_milliseconds(),
"TTL of 0 is converted to IMMEDIATE");
# if negative it's converted to FOREVER
$message->set_ttl(0 - (rand(65535) + 1));
ok ($message->get_ttl()->get_milliseconds() == qpid::messaging::Duration::FOREVER->get_milliseconds(),
"TTL of <0 is converted to FOREVER");
# durable
# cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_durable(undef);},
"Durable cannot be null");
# can be set to true
ok ($message->get_durable(),
"Durable can be true");
# can be set to false
ok (!$message->get_durable(),
"Durable can be false");
# redelivered
# redelivered cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_redelivered(undef);},
"Redelivered cannot be null");
# can be set to true
ok ($message->get_redelivered(),
"Redelivered can be true");
# can be set to false
ok (!$message->get_redelivered(),
"Redelivered can be false");
# properties
# can retrieve all properties
my $properties = $message->get_properties();
ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($properties, 'HASH'),
"Returns the properties as a hash map");
# property
# setting a property using a null key fails
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_property(undef, "bar");},
"Property cannot have a null key");
# setting a property with a null value succeeds
my $key = random_string(16);
$message->set_property($key, undef);
ok (!$message->get_properties()->{$key},
"Properties can have null values");
# setting a property succeeds
my $value = random_string(255);
$message->set_property($key, $value);
ok ($message->get_properties()->{$key} eq $value,
"Messages can have arbitrary property values");
# content
# cannot be null
dies_ok (sub {$message->set_content(undef);},
"Content cannot be null");
# can be an empty string
ok ($message->get_content() eq "",
"Content can be an empty string");
# can be an arbitrary string
my $content = random_string(255);
ok ($message->get_content() eq $content,
"Content can be an arbitrary string");
# Embedded nulls should be handled properly
$content = { id => 1234, name => "With\x00null" };
qpid::messaging::encode($content, $message);
my $map = qpid::messaging::decode_map($message);
ok ($map->{name} eq "With\x00null",
"Nulls embedded in map values work.");
# Unicode strings shouldn't be broken
$content = { id => 1234, name => "Euro=\x{20AC}" };
qpid::messaging::encode($content, $message);
$map = qpid::messaging::decode_map($message);
ok ($map->{name} eq "Euro=\x{20AC}",
"Unicode strings encoded correctly.");
# Setting the content as a hash automatically encodes it
($content) = {"id" => "1234", "name" => "qpid"};
ok ($message->get_content_type() eq "amqp/map",
"Hashes are automatically encoded correctly");
# Setting the content as a list automatically encodes it
my @acontent = (1, 2, 3, 4);
ok ($message->get_content_type() eq "amqp/list",
"Lists are automatically encoded correctly");
# content size
# content size is correct
my $content_size = int(rand(256));
$content = random_string($content_size);
ok ($message->get_content_size() == $content_size,
"Content size is correct");