blob: 9e2a644c2a56104f132a2b2742b9574eb2f9223a [file] [log] [blame]
<schema package="">
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<!-- Type information:
Numeric types with "_wm" suffix are watermarked numbers. These are compound
values containing a current value, and a low and high water mark for the reporting
interval. The low and high water marks are set to the current value at the
beginning of each interval and track the minimum and maximum values of the statistic
over the interval respectively.
Access rights for configuration elements:
RO => Read Only
RC => Read/Create, can be set at create time only, read-only thereafter
RW => Read/Write
If access rights are omitted for a property, they are assumed to be RO.
<!-- Questions: Does C++ broker round-robin dests on queues? -->
<class name="System">
<property name="systemId" index="y" type="uuid" access="RC"/>
<property name="osName" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Operating System Name"/>
<property name="nodeName" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Node Name"/>
<property name="release" type="sstr" access="RO"/>
<property name="version" type="sstr" access="RO"/>
<property name="machine" type="sstr" access="RO"/>
<class name="Broker">
<property name="name" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y" desc="Index for the broker at this agent"/>
<property name="systemRef" type="objId" references="System" access="RO" desc="System ID" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="port" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="TCP Port for AMQP Service"/>
<property name="workerThreads" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Thread pool size"/>
<property name="maxConns" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Maximum allowed connections"/>
<property name="connBacklog" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Connection backlog limit for listening socket"/>
<property name="stagingThreshold" type="uint32" access="RO" desc="Broker stages messages over this size to disk"/>
<property name="mgmtPubInterval" type="uint16" access="RW" unit="second" min="1" desc="Interval for management broadcasts"/>
<property name="version" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Running software version"/>
<property name="dataDir" type="lstr" access="RO" optional="y" desc="Persistent configuration storage location"/>
<statistic name="uptime" type="deltaTime"/>
<method name="echo" desc="Request a response to test the path to the management broker">
<arg name="sequence" dir="IO" type="uint32" default="0"/>
<arg name="body" dir="IO" type="lstr" default=""/>
<method name="connect" desc="Establish a connection to another broker">
<arg name="host" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="port" dir="I" type="uint32"/>
<arg name="durable" dir="I" type="bool"/>
<arg name="authMechanism" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="username" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="password" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="transport" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<method name="queueMoveMessages" desc="Move messages from one queue to another">
<arg name="srcQueue" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Source queue"/>
<arg name="destQueue" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Destination queue"/>
<arg name="qty" dir="I" type="uint32" desc="# of messages to move. 0 means all messages"/>
<arg name="filter" dir="I" type="map" default="{}" desc="if specified, move only those messages matching this filter"/>
<method name="setLogLevel" desc="Set the log level">
<arg name="level" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<method name="getLogLevel" desc="Get the current log level">
<arg name="level" dir="O" type="sstr"/>
<method name="getTimestampConfig" desc="Get the message timestamping configuration">
<arg name="receive" dir="O" type="bool" desc="True if received messages are timestamped."/>
<method name="setTimestampConfig" desc="Set the message timestamping configuration">
<arg name="receive" dir="I" type="bool" desc="Set true to enable timestamping received messages."/>
<method name="create" desc="Create an object of the specified type">
<arg name="type" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="The type of object to create"/>
<arg name="name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="The name of the object to create"/>
<arg name="properties" dir="I" type="map" desc="Type specific object properties"/>
<arg name="strict" dir="I" type="bool" desc="If specified, treat unrecognised object properties as an error"/>
<method name="delete" desc="Delete an object of the specified type">
<arg name="type" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="The type of object to delete"/>
<arg name="name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="The name of the object to delete"/>
<arg name="options" dir="I" type="map" desc="Type specific object options for deletion"/>
<method name="query" desc="Query the current state of an object.">
<arg name="type" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="The type of object to query."/>
<arg name="name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="The name of the object to query"/>
<arg name="results" dir="O" type="map" desc="A snapshot of the object's state."/>
Management Agent
<class name="Agent">
<property name="connectionRef" type="objId" references="Connection" access="RO" index="y"/>
<property name="label" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Label for agent"/>
<property name="registeredTo" type="objId" references="Broker" access="RO" desc="Broker agent is registered to"/>
<property name="systemId" type="uuid" access="RO" desc="Identifier of system where agent resides"/>
<property name="brokerBank" type="uint32" access="RO" desc="Assigned object-id broker bank"/>
<property name="agentBank" type="uint32" access="RO" desc="Assigned object-id agent bank"/>
Virtual Host
<class name="Vhost">
<property name="brokerRef" type="objId" references="Broker" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="name" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="federationTag" type="sstr" access="RO"/>
<class name="Queue">
<property name="vhostRef" type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="name" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="durable" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="autoDelete" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="exclusive" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="arguments" type="map" access="RO" desc="Arguments supplied in queue.declare"/>
<property name="altExchange" type="objId" references="Exchange" access="RO" optional="y"/>
<statistic name="msgTotalEnqueues" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Total messages enqueued"/>
<statistic name="msgTotalDequeues" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Total messages dequeued"/>
<statistic name="msgTxnEnqueues" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Transactional messages enqueued"/>
<statistic name="msgTxnDequeues" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Transactional messages dequeued"/>
<statistic name="msgPersistEnqueues" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Persistent messages enqueued"/>
<statistic name="msgPersistDequeues" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Persistent messages dequeued"/>
<statistic name="msgDepth" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Current size of queue in messages" assign="msgTotalEnqueues - msgTotalDequeues"/>
<statistic name="byteDepth" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Current size of queue in bytes" assign="byteTotalEnqueues - byteTotalDequeues"/>
<statistic name="byteTotalEnqueues" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Total messages enqueued"/>
<statistic name="byteTotalDequeues" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Total messages dequeued"/>
<statistic name="byteTxnEnqueues" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Transactional messages enqueued"/>
<statistic name="byteTxnDequeues" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Transactional messages dequeued"/>
<statistic name="bytePersistEnqueues" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Persistent messages enqueued"/>
<statistic name="bytePersistDequeues" type="count64" unit="octet" desc="Persistent messages dequeued"/>
<statistic name="consumerCount" type="hilo32" unit="consumer" desc="Current consumers on queue"/>
<statistic name="bindingCount" type="hilo32" unit="binding" desc="Current bindings"/>
<statistic name="unackedMessages" type="hilo32" unit="message" desc="Messages consumed but not yet acked"/>
<statistic name="messageLatency" type="mmaTime" unit="nanosecond" desc="Broker latency through this queue"/>
<statistic name="flowStopped" type="bool" desc="Flow control active."/>
<statistic name="flowStoppedCount" type="count32" desc="Number of times flow control was activated for this queue"/>
<method name="purge" desc="Discard all or some messages on a queue">
<arg name="request" dir="I" type="uint32" desc="0 for all messages or n>0 for n messages"/>
<arg name="filter" dir="I" type="map" default="{}" desc="if specified, purge only those messages matching this filter"/>
<method name="reroute" desc="Remove all or some messages on this queue and route them to an exchange">
<arg name="request" dir="I" type="uint32" desc="0 for all messages or n>0 for n messages"/>
<arg name="useAltExchange" dir="I" type="bool" desc="Iff true, use the queue's configured alternate exchange; iff false, use exchange named in the 'exchange' argument"/>
<arg name="exchange" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Name of the exchange to route the messages through"/>
<arg name="filter" dir="I" type="map" default="{}" desc="if specified, reroute only those messages matching this filter"/>
<class name="Exchange">
<property name="vhostRef" type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="name" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="type" type="sstr" access="RO"/>
<property name="durable" type="bool" access="RO"/>
<property name="autoDelete" type="bool" access="RO"/>
<property name="altExchange" type="objId" references="Exchange" access="RO" optional="y"/>
<property name="arguments" type="map" access="RO" desc="Arguments supplied in exchange.declare"/>
<statistic name="producerCount" type="hilo32" desc="Current producers on exchange"/>
<statistic name="bindingCount" type="hilo32" desc="Current bindings"/>
<statistic name="msgReceives" type="count64" desc="Total messages received"/>
<statistic name="msgDrops" type="count64" desc="Total messages dropped (no matching key)"/>
<statistic name="msgRoutes" type="count64" desc="Total routed messages"/>
<statistic name="byteReceives" type="count64" desc="Total bytes received"/>
<statistic name="byteDrops" type="count64" desc="Total bytes dropped (no matching key)"/>
<statistic name="byteRoutes" type="count64" desc="Total routed bytes"/>
<class name="Binding">
<property name="exchangeRef" type="objId" references="Exchange" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="queueRef" type="objId" references="Queue" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="bindingKey" type="lstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="arguments" type="map" access="RC"/>
<property name="origin" type="sstr" access="RO" optional="y"/>
<statistic name="msgMatched" type="count64"/>
<class name="Subscription">
<property name="sessionRef" type="objId" references="Session" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="queueRef" type="objId" references="Queue" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="name" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="browsing" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="acknowledged" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="exclusive" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="creditMode" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="WINDOW or CREDIT"/>
<property name="arguments" type="map" access="RC"/>
<statistic name="delivered" type="count64" unit="message" desc="Messages delivered"/>
<class name="Connection">
<property name="vhostRef" type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="address" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="incoming" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="SystemConnection" type="bool" access="RC" desc="Infrastructure/ Inter-system connection (Cluster, Federation, ...)"/>
<property name="userProxyAuth" type="bool" access="RO" desc="Authorization to proxy for users not on broker"/>
<property name="federationLink" type="bool" access="RO" desc="Is this a federation link"/>
<property name="authIdentity" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="authId of connection if authentication enabled"/>
<property name="remoteProcessName" type="lstr" access="RO" optional="y" desc="Name of executable running as remote client"/>
<property name="remotePid" type="uint32" access="RO" optional="y" desc="Process ID of remote client"/>
<property name="remoteParentPid" type="uint32" access="RO" optional="y" desc="Parent Process ID of remote client"/>
<property name="shadow" type="bool" access="RO" desc="True for shadow connections"/>
<property name="saslMechanism" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="SASL mechanism"/>
<property name="saslSsf" type="uint16" access="RO" desc="SASL security strength factor"/>
<statistic name="closing" type="bool" desc="This client is closing by management request"/>
<statistic name="framesFromClient" type="count64"/>
<statistic name="framesToClient" type="count64"/>
<statistic name="bytesFromClient" type="count64"/>
<statistic name="bytesToClient" type="count64"/>
<statistic name="msgsFromClient" type="count64"/>
<statistic name="msgsToClient" type="count64"/>
<method name="close"/>
<class name="Link">
This class represents an inter-broker connection.
<property name="vhostRef" type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="host" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="port" type="uint16" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="transport" type="sstr" access="RC"/>
<property name="durable" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<statistic name="state" type="sstr" desc="Operational state of the link"/>
<statistic name="lastError" type="lstr" desc="Reason link is not operational"/>
<method name="close"/>
<method name="bridge" desc="Bridge messages over the link">
<arg name="durable" dir="I" type="bool"/>
<arg name="src" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="dest" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="key" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
<arg name="tag" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="excludes" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
<arg name="srcIsQueue" dir="I" type="bool"/>
<arg name="srcIsLocal" dir="I" type="bool"/>
<arg name="dynamic" dir="I" type="bool"/>
<arg name="sync" dir="I" type="uint16"/>
<class name="Bridge">
<property name="linkRef" type="objId" references="Link" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="channelId" type="uint16" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="durable" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="src" type="sstr" access="RC"/>
<property name="dest" type="sstr" access="RC"/>
<property name="key" type="lstr" access="RC"/>
<property name="srcIsQueue" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="srcIsLocal" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="tag" type="sstr" access="RC"/>
<property name="excludes" type="sstr" access="RC"/>
<property name="dynamic" type="bool" access="RC"/>
<property name="sync" type="uint16" access="RC"/>
<method name="close"/>
<class name="Session">
<property name="vhostRef" type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
<property name="name" type="sstr" access="RC" index="y"/>
<property name="channelId" type="uint16" access="RO"/>
<property name="connectionRef" type="objId" references="Connection" access="RO"/>
<property name="detachedLifespan" type="uint32" access="RO" unit="second"/>
<property name="attached" type="bool" access="RO"/>
<property name="expireTime" type="absTime" access="RO" optional="y"/>
<property name="maxClientRate" type="uint32" access="RO" unit="msgs/sec" optional="y"/>
<statistic name="framesOutstanding" type="count32"/>
<statistic name="TxnStarts" type="count64" unit="transaction" desc="Total transactions started "/>
<statistic name="TxnCommits" type="count64" unit="transaction" desc="Total transactions committed"/>
<statistic name="TxnRejects" type="count64" unit="transaction" desc="Total transactions rejected"/>
<statistic name="TxnCount" type="count32" unit="transaction" desc="Current pending transactions"/>
<statistic name="clientCredit" type="count32" unit="message" desc="Client message credit"/>
<method name="solicitAck"/>
<method name="detach"/>
<method name="resetLifespan"/>
<method name="close"/>
This thing is used during cluster recovery operations (and maybe
eventually elsewhere) to transmit assorted state from one broker to
another. At present, the two data propagated are the object number
counter and boot sequence, both of which are used for creating
object ids for newly-created objects.
<class name="ManagementSetupState">
<!-- for reasons that aren't clear (to me, anyhow) you have to say
access="RO" to get accessor methods defined. RC or RW don't do
it. Probably this is documented someplace, but I couldn't find
it. -jrd -->
<property name="objectNum" type="uint64" access="RO"/>
<property name="bootSequence" type="uint16" access="RO"/>
<arg name="altEx" type="sstr" desc="Name of the alternate exchange"/>
<arg name="args" type="map" desc="Supplemental arguments or parameters supplied"/>
<arg name="autoDel" type="bool" desc="Created object is automatically deleted when no longer in use"/>
<arg name="dest" type="sstr" desc="Destination tag for a subscription"/>
<arg name="disp" type="sstr" desc="Disposition of a declaration: 'created' if object was created, 'existing' if object already existed"/>
<arg name="durable" type="bool" desc="Created object is durable"/>
<arg name="exName" type="sstr" desc="Name of an exchange"/>
<arg name="exType" type="sstr" desc="Type of an exchange"/>
<arg name="excl" type="bool" desc="Created object is exclusive for the use of the owner only"/>
<arg name="key" type="lstr" desc="Key text used for routing or binding"/>
<arg name="qName" type="sstr" desc="Name of a queue"/>
<arg name="reason" type="lstr" desc="Reason for a failure"/>
<arg name="rhost" type="sstr" desc="Address (i.e. DNS name, IP address, etc.) of a remotely connected host"/>
<arg name="user" type="sstr" desc="Authentication identity"/>
<arg name="msgDepth" type="count64" desc="Current size of queue in messages"/>
<arg name="byteDepth" type="count64" desc="Current size of queue in bytes"/>
<event name="clientConnect" sev="inform" args="rhost, user"/>
<event name="clientConnectFail" sev="warn" args="rhost, user, reason"/>
<event name="clientDisconnect" sev="inform" args="rhost, user"/>
<event name="brokerLinkUp" sev="inform" args="rhost"/>
<event name="brokerLinkDown" sev="warn" args="rhost"/>
<event name="queueDeclare" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, qName, durable, excl, autoDel, args, disp"/>
<event name="queueDelete" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, qName"/>
<event name="exchangeDeclare" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName, exType, altEx, durable, autoDel, args, disp"/>
<event name="exchangeDelete" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName"/>
<event name="bind" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName, qName, key, args"/>
<event name="unbind" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName, qName, key"/>
<event name="subscribe" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, qName, dest, excl, args"/>
<event name="unsubscribe" sev="inform" args="rhost, user, dest"/>
<event name="queueThresholdExceeded" sev="warn" args="qName, msgDepth, byteDepth"/>