blob: 24e6aa420760ea342b55e732393d095295d29124 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.qpid.server.logging;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.ServerConfiguration;
import org.apache.qpid.util.LogMonitor;
import java.util.List;
* Management Console Test Suite
* The Management Console test suite validates that the follow log messages as specified in the Functional Specification.
* This suite of tests validate that the management console messages occur correctly and according to the following format:
* MNG-1001 : Startup
* MNG-1002 : Starting : <service> : Listening on port <Port>
* MNG-1003 : Shutting down : <service> : port <Port>
* MNG-1004 : Ready
* MNG-1005 : Stopped
* MNG-1006 : Using SSL Keystore : <path>
public class ManagementLoggingTest extends AbstractTestLogging
private static final String MNG_PREFIX = "MNG-";
public void setUp() throws Exception
// We either do this here or have a null check in tearDown.
// As when this test is run against profiles other than java it will NPE
_monitor = new LogMonitor(_outputFile);
//We explicitly do not call super.setUp as starting up the broker is
//part of the test case.
* Description:
* Using the startup configuration validate that the management startup
* message is logged correctly.
* Input:
* Standard configuration with management enabled
* Output:
* <date> MNG-1001 : Startup
* Constraints:
* This is the FIRST message logged by MNG
* Validation Steps:
* 1. The BRK ID is correct
* 2. This is the FIRST message logged by MNG
public void testManagementStartupEnabled() throws Exception
// This test only works on java brokers
if (isJavaBroker())
startBrokerAndCreateMonitor(true, false);
// Ensure we have received the MNG log msg.
List<String> results = findMatches(MNG_PREFIX);
// Validation
assertTrue("MNGer message not logged", results.size() > 0);
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("MNG-1001", log);
//There will be 2 copies of the startup message (one via SystemOut, and one via Log4J)
results = findMatches("MNG-1001");
assertEquals("Unexpected startup message count.",
2, results.size());
assertEquals("Startup log message is not 'Startup'.", "Startup",
catch (AssertionFailedError afe)
dumpLogs(results, _monitor);
throw afe;
* Description:
* Verify that when management is disabled in the configuration file the
* startup message is not logged.
* Input:
* Standard configuration with management disabled
* Output:
* NO MNG messages
* Validation Steps:
* 1. Validate that no MNG messages are produced.
public void testManagementStartupDisabled() throws Exception
if (isJavaBroker())
startBrokerAndCreateMonitor(false, false);
List<String> results = findMatches(MNG_PREFIX);
// Validation
assertEquals("MNGer messages logged", 0, results.size());
catch (AssertionFailedError afe)
dumpLogs(results, _monitor);
throw afe;
* The two MNG-1002 messages are logged at the same time so lets test them
* at the same time.
* Description:
* Using the default configuration validate that the RMI Registry socket is
* correctly reported as being opened
* Input:
* The default configuration file
* Output:
* <date> MESSAGE MNG-1002 : Starting : RMI Registry : Listening on port 8999
* Constraints:
* The RMI ConnectorServer and Registry log messages do not have a prescribed order
* Validation Steps:
* 1. The MNG ID is correct
* 2. The specified port is the correct '8999'
* Description:
* Using the default configuration validate that the RMI ConnectorServer
* socket is correctly reported as being opened
* Input:
* The default configuration file
* Output:
* <date> MESSAGE MNG-1002 : Starting : RMI ConnectorServer : Listening on port 9099
* Constraints:
* The RMI ConnectorServer and Registry log messages do not have a prescribed order
* Validation Steps:
* 1. The MNG ID is correct
* 2. The specified port is the correct '9099'
public void testManagementStartupRMIEntries() throws Exception
if (isJavaBroker())
startBrokerAndCreateMonitor(true, false);
List<String> results = waitAndFindMatches("MNG-1002");
// Validation
//There will be 4 startup messages (two via SystemOut, and two via Log4J)
assertEquals("Unexpected MNG-1002 message count", 4, results.size());
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("MNG-1002", log);
//Check the RMI Registry port is as expected
int mPort = getManagementPort(getPort());
assertTrue("RMI Registry port not as expected(" + mPort + ").:" + getMessageString(log),
log = getLogMessage(results, 2);
validateMessageID("MNG-1002", log);
// We expect the RMI Registry port (the defined 'management port') to be
// 100 lower than the JMX RMIConnector Server Port (the actual JMX server)
int jmxPort = mPort + ServerConfiguration.JMXPORT_CONNECTORSERVER_OFFSET;
assertTrue("JMX RMIConnectorServer port not as expected(" + jmxPort + ").:" + getMessageString(log),
catch (AssertionFailedError afe)
dumpLogs(results, _monitor);
throw afe;
* Description:
* Using the default configuration with SSL enabled for the management port the SSL Keystore path should be reported via MNG-1006
* Input:
* Management SSL enabled default configuration.
* Output:
* <date> MESSAGE MNG-1006 : Using SSL Keystore : test_resources/ssl/keystore.jks
* Validation Steps:
* 1. The MNG ID is correct
* 2. The keystore path is as specified in the configuration
public void testManagementStartupSSLKeystore() throws Exception
if (isJavaBroker())
startBrokerAndCreateMonitor(true, true);
List<String> results = waitAndFindMatches("MNG-1006");
// Validation
assertTrue("MNGer message not logged", results.size() > 0);
String log = getLogMessage(results, 0);
validateMessageID("MNG-1006", log);
// Validate we only have two MNG-1002 (one via stdout, one via log4j)
results = findMatches("MNG-1006");
assertEquals("Upexpected SSL Keystore message count",
2, results.size());
// Validate the keystore path is as expected
assertTrue("SSL Keystore entry expected.:" + getMessageString(log),
getMessageString(log).endsWith(new File(getConfigurationStringProperty("management.ssl.keyStorePath")).getName()));
catch (AssertionFailedError afe)
dumpLogs(results, _monitor);
throw afe;
private void startBrokerAndCreateMonitor(boolean managementEnabled, boolean useManagementSSL) throws Exception
//Ensure management is on
setConfigurationProperty("management.enabled", String.valueOf(managementEnabled));
// This test requires we have an ssl connection
setConfigurationProperty("management.ssl.enabled", "true");
// Now we can create the monitor as _outputFile will now be defined
_monitor = new LogMonitor(_outputFile);