blob: 5e7783f492d13c985969be065268abc631e9d757 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.framing;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class BasicContentHeaderPropertiesTest extends TestCase
BasicContentHeaderProperties _testProperties;
FieldTable _testTable;
String _testString = "This is a test string";
int _testint = 666;
* Currently only test setting/getting String, int and boolean props
public BasicContentHeaderPropertiesTest()
_testProperties = new BasicContentHeaderProperties();
public void setUp()
_testTable = new FieldTable();
_testTable.setString("TestString", _testString);
_testTable.setInteger("Testint", _testint);
_testProperties = new BasicContentHeaderProperties();
public void testGetPropertyListSize()
//needs a better test but at least we're exercising the code !
// FT length is encoded in an int
int expectedSize = EncodingUtils.encodedIntegerLength();
expectedSize += EncodingUtils.encodedShortStringLength("TestInt");
// 1 is for the Encoding Letter. here an 'i'
expectedSize += 1 + EncodingUtils.encodedIntegerLength();
expectedSize += EncodingUtils.encodedShortStringLength("TestString");
// 1 is for the Encoding Letter. here an 'S'
expectedSize += 1 + EncodingUtils.encodedLongStringLength(_testString);
int size = _testProperties.getPropertyListSize();
assertEquals(expectedSize, size);
public void testGetSetPropertyFlags()
assertEquals(99, _testProperties.getPropertyFlags());
public void testWritePropertyListPayload() throws IOException
_testProperties.writePropertyListPayload(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream(300)));
public void testPopulatePropertiesFromBuffer() throws Exception
DataInputStream buf = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[300]));
_testProperties.populatePropertiesFromBuffer(buf, 99, 99);
public void testSetGetContentType()
String contentType = "contentType";
assertEquals(contentType, _testProperties.getContentTypeAsString());
public void testSetGetEncoding()
String encoding = "encoding";
assertEquals(encoding, _testProperties.getEncodingAsString());
public void testSetGetHeaders()
assertEquals(_testTable, _testProperties.getHeaders());
public void testSetGetDeliveryMode()
byte deliveryMode = 1;
assertEquals(deliveryMode, _testProperties.getDeliveryMode());
public void testSetGetPriority()
byte priority = 1;
assertEquals(priority, _testProperties.getPriority());
public void testSetGetCorrelationId()
String correlationId = "correlationId";
assertEquals(correlationId, _testProperties.getCorrelationIdAsString());
public void testSetGetReplyTo()
String replyTo = "replyTo";
assertEquals(replyTo, _testProperties.getReplyToAsString());
public void testSetGetExpiration()
long expiration = 999999999;
assertEquals(expiration, _testProperties.getExpiration());
public void testSetGetMessageId()
String messageId = "messageId";
assertEquals(messageId, _testProperties.getMessageIdAsString());
public void testSetGetTimestamp()
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(timestamp, _testProperties.getTimestamp());
public void testSetGetType()
String type = "type";
assertEquals(type, _testProperties.getTypeAsString());
public void testSetGetUserId()
String userId = "userId";
assertEquals(userId, _testProperties.getUserIdAsString());
public void testSetGetAppId()
String appId = "appId";
assertEquals(appId, _testProperties.getAppIdAsString());
public void testSetGetClusterId()
String clusterId = "clusterId";
assertEquals(clusterId, _testProperties.getClusterIdAsString());