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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.client;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.jms.BytesMessage;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.IllegalStateException;
import javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException;
import javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.MapMessage;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.ObjectMessage;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.QueueBrowser;
import javax.jms.QueueReceiver;
import javax.jms.QueueSender;
import javax.jms.QueueSession;
import javax.jms.StreamMessage;
import javax.jms.TemporaryQueue;
import javax.jms.TemporaryTopic;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
import javax.jms.Topic;
import javax.jms.TopicPublisher;
import javax.jms.TopicSession;
import javax.jms.TopicSubscriber;
import javax.jms.TransactionRolledBackException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQChannelClosedException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQDisconnectedException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQInvalidArgumentException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQInvalidRoutingKeyException;
import org.apache.qpid.client.AMQDestination.DestSyntax;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverException;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverNoopSupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverProtectedOperation;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverRetrySupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AMQMessageDelegateFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AMQPEncodedMapMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.CloseConsumerMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.JMSBytesMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.JMSMapMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.JMSObjectMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.JMSStreamMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.JMSTextMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.MessageFactoryRegistry;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.UnprocessedMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.protocol.AMQProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.qpid.client.util.FlowControllingBlockingQueue;
import org.apache.qpid.common.AMQPFilterTypes;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.FieldTable;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.FieldTableFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.MethodRegistry;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.Session;
import org.apache.qpid.protocol.AMQConstant;
import org.apache.qpid.thread.Threading;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.SessionException;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.TransportException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* <p/><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
* <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
* <tr><td>
* </table>
* @todo Different FailoverSupport implementation are needed on the same method call, in different situations. For
* example, when failing-over and reestablishing the bindings, the bind cannot be interrupted by a second
* fail-over, if it fails with an exception, the fail-over process should also fail. When binding outside of
* the fail-over process, the retry handler could be used to automatically retry the operation once the connection
* has been reestablished. All fail-over protected operations should be placed in private methods, with
* FailoverSupport passed in by the caller to provide the correct support for the calling context. Sometimes the
* fail-over process sets a nowait flag and uses an async method call instead.
* @todo Two new objects created on every failover supported method call. Consider more efficient ways of doing this,
* after looking at worse bottlenecks first.
public abstract class AMQSession<C extends BasicMessageConsumer, P extends BasicMessageProducer> extends Closeable implements Session, QueueSession, TopicSession
public static final class IdToConsumerMap<C extends BasicMessageConsumer>
private final BasicMessageConsumer[] _fastAccessConsumers = new BasicMessageConsumer[16];
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, C> _slowAccessConsumers = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, C>();
public C get(int id)
if ((id & 0xFFFFFFF0) == 0)
return (C) _fastAccessConsumers[id];
return _slowAccessConsumers.get(id);
public C put(int id, C consumer)
C oldVal;
if ((id & 0xFFFFFFF0) == 0)
oldVal = (C) _fastAccessConsumers[id];
_fastAccessConsumers[id] = consumer;
oldVal = _slowAccessConsumers.put(id, consumer);
return oldVal;
public C remove(int id)
C consumer;
if ((id & 0xFFFFFFF0) == 0)
consumer = (C) _fastAccessConsumers[id];
_fastAccessConsumers[id] = null;
consumer = _slowAccessConsumers.remove(id);
return consumer;
public Collection<C> values()
ArrayList<C> values = new ArrayList<C>();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (_fastAccessConsumers[i] != null)
values.add((C) _fastAccessConsumers[i]);
return values;
public void clear()
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
_fastAccessConsumers[i] = null;
final AMQSession<C, P> _thisSession = this;
/** Used for debugging. */
private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMQSession.class);
* The default value for immediate flag used by producers created by this session is false. That is, a consumer does
* not need to be attached to a queue.
protected final boolean DEFAULT_IMMEDIATE = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("qpid.default_immediate", "false"));
* The default value for mandatory flag used by producers created by this session is true. That is, server will not
* silently drop messages where no queue is connected to the exchange for the message.
protected final boolean DEFAULT_MANDATORY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("qpid.default_mandatory", "true"));
* The period to wait while flow controlled before sending a log message confirming that the session is still
* waiting on flow control being revoked
protected final long FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_PERIOD = Long.getLong("qpid.flow_control_wait_notify_period",5000L);
* The period to wait while flow controlled before declaring a failure
public static final long DEFAULT_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE = 120000L;
protected final long FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE = Long.getLong("qpid.flow_control_wait_failure",
protected final boolean DECLARE_QUEUES =
Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("qpid.declare_queues", "true"));
protected final boolean DECLARE_EXCHANGES =
Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("qpid.declare_exchanges", "true"));
protected final boolean USE_AMQP_ENCODED_MAP_MESSAGE;
/** System property to enable strict AMQP compliance. */
public static final String STRICT_AMQP = "STRICT_AMQP";
/** Strict AMQP default setting. */
public static final String STRICT_AMQP_DEFAULT = "false";
/** System property to enable failure if strict AMQP compliance is violated. */
public static final String STRICT_AMQP_FATAL = "STRICT_AMQP_FATAL";
/** Strickt AMQP failure default. */
public static final String STRICT_AMQP_FATAL_DEFAULT = "true";
/** System property to enable immediate message prefetching. */
/** Immediate message prefetch default. */
public static final String IMMEDIATE_PREFETCH_DEFAULT = "false";
/** The connection to which this session belongs. */
protected AMQConnection _connection;
/** Used to indicate whether or not this is a transactional session. */
protected boolean _transacted;
/** Holds the sessions acknowledgement mode. */
protected final int _acknowledgeMode;
/** Holds this session unique identifier, used to distinguish it from other sessions. */
protected int _channelId;
private int _ticket;
/** Holds the high mark for prefetched message, at which the session is suspended. */
private int _prefetchHighMark;
/** Holds the low mark for prefetched messages, below which the session is resumed. */
private int _prefetchLowMark;
/** Holds the message listener, if any, which is attached to this session. */
private MessageListener _messageListener = null;
/** Used to indicate that this session has been started at least once. */
private AtomicBoolean _startedAtLeastOnce = new AtomicBoolean(false);
* Used to reference durable subscribers so that requests for unsubscribe can be handled correctly. Note this only
* keeps a record of subscriptions which have been created in the current instance. It does not remember
* subscriptions between executions of the client.
protected final ConcurrentHashMap<String, TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C>> _subscriptions =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C>>();
* Holds a mapping from message consumers to their identifying names, so that their subscriptions may be looked
* up in the {@link #_subscriptions} map.
protected final ConcurrentHashMap<C, String> _reverseSubscriptionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<C, String>();
* Locks to keep access to subscriber details atomic.
* <p>
* Added for QPID2418
protected final Lock _subscriberDetails = new ReentrantLock(true);
protected final Lock _subscriberAccess = new ReentrantLock(true);
* Used to hold incoming messages.
* @todo Weaken the type once {@link FlowControllingBlockingQueue} implements Queue.
protected final FlowControllingBlockingQueue _queue;
/** Holds the highest received delivery tag. */
protected final AtomicLong _highestDeliveryTag = new AtomicLong(-1);
private final AtomicLong _rollbackMark = new AtomicLong(-1);
/** All the not yet acknowledged message tags */
protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Long> _unacknowledgedMessageTags = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Long>();
/** All the delivered message tags */
protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Long> _deliveredMessageTags = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Long>();
/** Holds the dispatcher thread for this session. */
protected Dispatcher _dispatcher;
protected Thread _dispatcherThread;
/** Holds the message factory factory for this session. */
protected MessageFactoryRegistry _messageFactoryRegistry;
/** Holds all of the producers created by this session, keyed by their unique identifiers. */
private Map<Long, MessageProducer> _producers = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, MessageProducer>();
* Used as a source of unique identifiers so that the consumers can be tagged to match them to BasicConsume
* methods.
private int _nextTag = 1;
* Maps from identifying tags to message consumers, in order to pass dispatch incoming messages to the right
* consumer.
protected final IdToConsumerMap<C> _consumers = new IdToConsumerMap<C>();
* Contains a list of consumers which have been removed but which might still have
* messages to acknowledge, eg in client ack or transacted modes
private CopyOnWriteArrayList<C> _removedConsumers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<C>();
/** Provides a count of consumers on destinations, in order to be able to know if a destination has consumers. */
private ConcurrentHashMap<Destination, AtomicInteger> _destinationConsumerCount =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Destination, AtomicInteger>();
* Used as a source of unique identifiers for producers within the session.
* <p/> Access to this id does not require to be synchronized since according to the JMS specification only one
* thread of control is allowed to create producers for any given session instance.
private long _nextProducerId;
* Set when recover is called. This is to handle the case where recover() is called by application code during
* onMessage() processing to ensure that an auto ack is not sent.
private volatile boolean _sessionInRecovery;
* Set when the dispatcher should direct incoming messages straight into the UnackedMessage list instead of
* to the syncRecieveQueue or MessageListener. Used during cleanup, e.g. in Session.recover().
private volatile boolean _usingDispatcherForCleanup;
/** Used to indicates that the connection to which this session belongs, has been stopped. */
private boolean _connectionStopped;
/** Used to indicate that this session has a message listener attached to it. */
private boolean _hasMessageListeners;
/** Used to indicate that this session has been suspended. */
private boolean _suspended;
* Used to protect the suspension of this session, so that critical code can be executed during suspension,
* without the session being resumed by other threads.
private final Object _suspensionLock = new Object();
* Used to ensure that only the first call to start the dispatcher can unsuspend the channel.
* @todo This is accessed only within a synchronized method, so does not need to be atomic.
protected final AtomicBoolean _firstDispatcher = new AtomicBoolean(true);
/** Used to indicate that the session should start pre-fetching messages as soon as it is started. */
protected final boolean _immediatePrefetch;
/** Indicates that warnings should be generated on violations of the strict AMQP. */
protected final boolean _strictAMQP;
/** Indicates that runtime exceptions should be generated on vilations of the strict AMQP. */
protected final boolean _strictAMQPFATAL;
private final Object _messageDeliveryLock = new Object();
/** Session state : used to detect if commit is a) required b) allowed , i.e. does the tx span failover. */
private boolean _dirty;
/** Has failover occured on this session with outstanding actions to commit? */
private boolean _failedOverDirty;
private static final class FlowControlIndicator
private volatile boolean _flowControl = true;
public synchronized void setFlowControl(boolean flowControl)
_flowControl = flowControl;
public boolean getFlowControl()
return _flowControl;
/** Flow control */
private FlowControlIndicator _flowControl = new FlowControlIndicator();
* Creates a new session on a connection.
* @param con The connection on which to create the session.
* @param channelId The unique identifier for the session.
* @param transacted Indicates whether or not the session is transactional.
* @param acknowledgeMode The acknowledgement mode for the session.
* @param messageFactoryRegistry The message factory factory for the session.
* @param defaultPrefetchHighMark The maximum number of messages to prefetched before suspending the session.
* @param defaultPrefetchLowMark The number of prefetched messages at which to resume the session.
protected AMQSession(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode,
MessageFactoryRegistry messageFactoryRegistry, int defaultPrefetchHighMark, int defaultPrefetchLowMark)
USE_AMQP_ENCODED_MAP_MESSAGE = con == null ? true : !con.isUseLegacyMapMessageFormat();
_strictAMQP = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperties().getProperty(STRICT_AMQP, STRICT_AMQP_DEFAULT));
_strictAMQPFATAL =
Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperties().getProperty(STRICT_AMQP_FATAL, STRICT_AMQP_FATAL_DEFAULT));
_immediatePrefetch =
|| Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperties().getProperty(IMMEDIATE_PREFETCH, IMMEDIATE_PREFETCH_DEFAULT));
_connection = con;
_transacted = transacted;
if (transacted)
_acknowledgeMode = javax.jms.Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED;
_acknowledgeMode = acknowledgeMode;
_channelId = channelId;
_messageFactoryRegistry = messageFactoryRegistry;
_prefetchHighMark = defaultPrefetchHighMark;
_prefetchLowMark = defaultPrefetchLowMark;
if (_acknowledgeMode == NO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
_queue =
new FlowControllingBlockingQueue(_prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark,
new FlowControllingBlockingQueue.ThresholdListener()
private final AtomicBoolean _suspendState = new AtomicBoolean();
public void aboveThreshold(int currentValue)
// If the session has been closed don't waste time creating a thread to do
// flow control
if (!(_thisSession.isClosed() || _thisSession.isClosing()))
// Only execute change if previous state
// was False
if (!_suspendState.getAndSet(true))
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
"Above threshold(" + _prefetchHighMark
+ ") so suspending channel. Current value is " + currentValue);
Threading.getThreadFactory().createThread(new SuspenderRunner(_suspendState)).start();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create thread", e);
public void underThreshold(int currentValue)
// If the session has been closed don't waste time creating a thread to do
// flow control
if (!(_thisSession.isClosed() || _thisSession.isClosing()))
// Only execute change if previous state
// was true
if (_suspendState.getAndSet(false))
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
"Below threshold(" + _prefetchLowMark
+ ") so unsuspending channel. Current value is " + currentValue);
Threading.getThreadFactory().createThread(new SuspenderRunner(_suspendState)).start();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create thread", e);
_queue = new FlowControllingBlockingQueue(_prefetchHighMark, null);
// Add creation logging to tie in with the existing close logging
if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
{"Created session:" + this);
* Creates a new session on a connection with the default message factory factory.
* @param con The connection on which to create the session.
* @param channelId The unique identifier for the session.
* @param transacted Indicates whether or not the session is transactional.
* @param acknowledgeMode The acknowledgement mode for the session.
* @param defaultPrefetchHigh The maximum number of messages to prefetched before suspending the session.
* @param defaultPrefetchLow The number of prefetched messages at which to resume the session.
AMQSession(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, int defaultPrefetchHigh,
int defaultPrefetchLow)
this(con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry.newDefaultRegistry(), defaultPrefetchHigh,
// ===== JMS Session methods.
* Closes the session with no timeout.
* @throws JMSException If the JMS provider fails to close the session due to some internal error.
public void close() throws JMSException
public abstract AMQException getLastException();
public void checkNotClosed() throws JMSException
catch (IllegalStateException ise)
AMQException ex = getLastException();
if (ex != null)
IllegalStateException ssnClosed = new IllegalStateException(
"Session has been closed", ex.getErrorCode().toString());
throw ssnClosed;
throw ise;
public BytesMessage createBytesMessage() throws JMSException
JMSBytesMessage msg = new JMSBytesMessage(getMessageDelegateFactory());
return msg;
* Acknowledges all unacknowledged messages on the session, for all message consumers on the session.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the session is closed.
* @throws JMSException if there is a problem during acknowledge process.
public void acknowledge() throws IllegalStateException, JMSException
if (isClosed())
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is already closed");
else if (hasFailedOverDirty())
//perform an implicit recover in this scenario
//notify the consumer
throw new IllegalStateException("has failed over");
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Exception while acknowledging message(s):" + e.getMessage(), e);
protected abstract void acknowledgeImpl() throws JMSException;
* Acknowledge one or many messages.
* @param deliveryTag The tag of the last message to be acknowledged.
* @param multiple <tt>true</tt> to acknowledge all messages up to and including the one specified by the
* delivery tag, <tt>false</tt> to just acknowledge that message.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
public abstract void acknowledgeMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple);
public MethodRegistry getMethodRegistry()
MethodRegistry methodRegistry = getProtocolHandler().getMethodRegistry();
return methodRegistry;
* Binds the named queue, with the specified routing key, to the named exchange.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param queueName The name of the queue to bind.
* @param routingKey The routing key to bind the queue with.
* @param arguments Additional arguments.
* @param exchangeName The exchange to bind the queue on.
* @throws AMQException If the queue cannot be bound for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
* @todo Document the additional arguments that may be passed in the field table. Are these for headers exchanges?
public void bindQueue(final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey, final FieldTable arguments,
final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQDestination destination) throws AMQException
bindQueue(queueName, routingKey, arguments, exchangeName, destination, false);
public void bindQueue(final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey, final FieldTable arguments,
final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQDestination destination,
final boolean nowait) throws AMQException
/*new FailoverRetrySupport<Object, AMQException>(new FailoverProtectedOperation<Object, AMQException>()*/
new FailoverNoopSupport<Object, AMQException>(new FailoverProtectedOperation<Object, AMQException>()
public Object execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
sendQueueBind(queueName, routingKey, arguments, exchangeName, destination, nowait);
return null;
}, _connection).execute();
public void addBindingKey(C consumer, AMQDestination amqd, String routingKey) throws AMQException
if (consumer.getQueuename() != null)
bindQueue(consumer.getQueuename(), new AMQShortString(routingKey), new FieldTable(), amqd.getExchangeName(), amqd);
public abstract void sendQueueBind(final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey, final FieldTable arguments,
final AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQDestination destination,
final boolean nowait) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
* Closes the session.
* <p/>Note that this operation succeeds automatically if a fail-over interrupts the synchronous request to close
* the channel. This is because the channel is marked as closed before the request to close it is made, so the
* fail-over should not re-open it.
* @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds to wait for the session close acknowledgement from the broker.
* @throws JMSException If the JMS provider fails to close the session due to some internal error.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
* @todo Not certain about the logic of ignoring the failover exception, because the channel won't be
* re-opened. May need to examine this more carefully.
* @todo Note that taking the failover mutex doesn't prevent this operation being interrupted by a failover,
* because the failover process sends the failover event before acquiring the mutex itself.
public void close(long timeout) throws JMSException
close(timeout, true);
private void close(long timeout, boolean sendClose) throws JMSException
if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
// StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();"Closing session: " + this); // + ":"
// Arrays.asList(stackTrace).subList(3, stackTrace.length - 1));
// Ensure we only try and close an open session.
if (!_closed.getAndSet(true))
synchronized (getFailoverMutex())
// We must close down all producers and consumers in an orderly fashion. This is the only method
// that can be called from a different thread of control from the one controlling the session.
synchronized (_messageDeliveryLock)
// we pass null since this is not an error case
// If the connection is open or we are in the process
// of closing the connection then send a cance
// no point otherwise as the connection will be gone
if (!_connection.isClosed() || _connection.isClosing())
if (sendClose)
catch (AMQException e)
JMSException jmse = new JMSException("Error closing session: " + e);
throw jmse;
// This is ignored because the channel is already marked as closed so the fail-over process will
// not re-open it.
catch (FailoverException e)
"Got FailoverException during channel close, ignored as channel already marked as closed.");
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Error closing session:" + e.getMessage(), e);
public abstract void sendClose(long timeout) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
* Called when the server initiates the closure of the session unilaterally.
* @param e the exception that caused this session to be closed. Null causes the
public void closed(Throwable e) throws JMSException
// This method needs to be improved. Throwables only arrive here from the mina : exceptionRecived
// calls through connection.closeAllSessions which is also called by the public connection.close()
// with a null cause
// When we are closing the Session due to a protocol session error we simply create a new AMQException
// with the correct error code and text this is cleary WRONG as the instanceof check below will fail.
// We need to determin here if the connection should be
if (e instanceof AMQDisconnectedException)
if (_dispatcher != null)
// Failover failed and ain't coming back. Knife the dispatcher.
//if we don't have an exception then we can perform closing operations
_closing.set(e == null);
if (!_closed.getAndSet(true))
synchronized (_messageDeliveryLock)
// An AMQException has an error code and message already and will be passed in when closure occurs as a
// result of a channel close request
AMQException amqe;
if (e instanceof AMQException)
amqe = (AMQException) e;
amqe = new AMQException("Closing session forcibly", e);
* Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
* <p/>If the commit fails, because the commit itself is interrupted by a fail-over between requesting that the
* commit be done, and receiving an acknowledgement that it has been done, then a JMSException will be thrown.
* The client will be unable to determine whether or not the commit actually happened on the broker in this case.
* @throws JMSException If the JMS provider fails to commit the transaction due to some internal error. This does
* not mean that the commit is known to have failed, merely that it is not known whether it
* failed or not.
public void commit() throws JMSException
//Check that we are clean to commit.
if (_failedOverDirty)
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Session " + _channelId + " was dirty whilst failing over. Rolling back.");
throw new TransactionRolledBackException("Connection failover has occured with uncommitted transaction activity." +
"The session transaction was rolled back.");
catch (AMQException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("Exception during commit: " + e.getMessage() + ":" + e.getCause(), e);
catch (FailoverException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("Fail-over interrupted commit. Status of the commit is uncertain.", e);
catch(TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Session exception occured while trying to commit: " + e.getMessage(), e);
protected abstract void commitImpl() throws AMQException, FailoverException, TransportException;
public void confirmConsumerCancelled(int consumerTag)
// Remove the consumer from the map
C consumer = _consumers.get(consumerTag);
if (consumer != null)
if (!consumer.isNoConsume()) // Normal Consumer
// Clean the Maps up first
// Flush any pending messages for this consumerTag
if (_dispatcher != null)
{"Dispatcher is not null");
{"Dispatcher is null so created stopped dispatcher");
else // Queue Browser
// Just close the consumer
// fixme the CancelOK is being processed before the arriving messages..
// The dispatcher is still to process them so the server sent in order but the client
// has yet to receive before the close comes in.
// consumer.markClosed();
if (consumer.isAutoClose())
// There is a small window where the message is between the two queues in the dispatcher.
if (consumer.isClosed())
if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
{"Closing consumer:" + consumer.debugIdentity());
_queue.add(new CloseConsumerMessage(consumer));
public QueueBrowser createBrowser(Queue queue) throws JMSException
if (isStrictAMQP())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return createBrowser(queue, null);
public QueueBrowser createBrowser(Queue queue, String messageSelector) throws JMSException
if (isStrictAMQP())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return new AMQQueueBrowser(this, (AMQQueue) queue, messageSelector);
protected MessageConsumer createBrowserConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, _prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark, noLocal, false,
messageSelector, null, true, true);
public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination) throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, _prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark, false, (destination instanceof Topic), null, null,
isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination), false);
public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector) throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, _prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark, false, (destination instanceof Topic),
messageSelector, null, isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination), false);
public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, _prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark, noLocal, (destination instanceof Topic),
messageSelector, null, isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination), false);
public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, int prefetch, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive,
String selector) throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, prefetch, prefetch / 2, noLocal, exclusive, selector, null, isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination), false);
public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, int prefetchHigh, int prefetchLow, boolean noLocal,
boolean exclusive, String selector) throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow, noLocal, exclusive, selector, null, isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination), false);
public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, int prefetchHigh, int prefetchLow, boolean noLocal,
boolean exclusive, String selector, FieldTable rawSelector) throws JMSException
return createConsumerImpl(destination, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow, noLocal, exclusive, selector, rawSelector, isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination),
public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name) throws JMSException
// Delegate the work to the {@link #createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean)} method
return createDurableSubscriber(topic, name, null, false);
public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name, String selector, boolean noLocal)
throws JMSException
Topic origTopic = checkValidTopic(topic, true);
AMQTopic dest = AMQTopic.createDurableTopic(origTopic, name, _connection);
if (dest.getDestSyntax() == DestSyntax.ADDR &&
if (dest.getAddressType() != AMQDestination.TOPIC_TYPE)
throw new JMSException("Durable subscribers can only be created for Topics");
catch(AMQException e)
JMSException ex = new JMSException("Error when verifying destination");
throw ex;
catch(TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Error when verifying destination", e);
String messageSelector = ((selector == null) || (selector.trim().length() == 0)) ? null : selector;
TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C> subscriber = _subscriptions.get(name);
// Not subscribed to this name in the current session
if (subscriber == null)
// After the address is resolved routing key will not be null.
AMQShortString topicName = dest.getRoutingKey();
if (_strictAMQP)
if (_strictAMQPFATAL)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JMS Durable not currently supported by AMQP.");
_logger.warn("Unable to determine if subscription already exists for '" + topicName
+ "' for creation durableSubscriber. Requesting queue deletion regardless.");
Map<String,Object> args = new HashMap<String,Object>();
// We must always send the selector argument even if empty, so that we can tell when a selector is removed from a
// durable topic subscription that the broker arguments don't match any more. This is because it is not otherwise
// possible to determine when querying the broker whether there are no arguments or just a non-matching selector
// argument, as specifying null for the arguments when querying means they should not be checked at all
args.put(AMQPFilterTypes.JMS_SELECTOR.getValue().toString(), messageSelector == null ? "" : messageSelector);
// if the queue is bound to the exchange but NOT for this topic and selector, then the JMS spec
// says we must trash the subscription.
boolean isQueueBound = isQueueBound(dest.getExchangeName(), dest.getAMQQueueName());
boolean isQueueBoundForTopicAndSelector =
isQueueBound(dest.getExchangeName().asString(), dest.getAMQQueueName().asString(), topicName.asString(), args);
if (isQueueBound && !isQueueBoundForTopicAndSelector)
// Subscribed with the same topic and no current / previous or same selector
if (subscriber.getTopic().equals(topic)
&& ((messageSelector == null && subscriber.getMessageSelector() == null)
|| (messageSelector != null && messageSelector.equals(subscriber.getMessageSelector()))))
throw new IllegalStateException("Already subscribed to topic " + topic + " with subscription name " + name
+ (messageSelector != null ? " and selector " + messageSelector : ""));
unsubscribe(name, true);
C consumer = (C) createConsumer(dest, messageSelector, noLocal);
subscriber = new TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C>(dest, consumer);
// Save subscription information
_subscriptions.put(name, subscriber);
_reverseSubscriptionMap.put(subscriber.getMessageConsumer(), name);
return subscriber;
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Exception while creating durable subscriber:" + e.getMessage(), e);
public MapMessage createMapMessage() throws JMSException
AMQPEncodedMapMessage msg = new AMQPEncodedMapMessage(getMessageDelegateFactory());
return msg;
JMSMapMessage msg = new JMSMapMessage(getMessageDelegateFactory());
return msg;
public javax.jms.Message createMessage() throws JMSException
return createBytesMessage();
public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage() throws JMSException
JMSObjectMessage msg = new JMSObjectMessage(getMessageDelegateFactory());
return msg;
public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage(Serializable object) throws JMSException
ObjectMessage msg = createObjectMessage();
return msg;
public P createProducer(Destination destination) throws JMSException
return createProducerImpl(destination, DEFAULT_MANDATORY, DEFAULT_IMMEDIATE);
public P createProducer(Destination destination, boolean immediate) throws JMSException
return createProducerImpl(destination, DEFAULT_MANDATORY, immediate);
public P createProducer(Destination destination, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate)
throws JMSException
return createProducerImpl(destination, mandatory, immediate);
public TopicPublisher createPublisher(Topic topic) throws JMSException
return new TopicPublisherAdapter((P) createProducer(topic, false, false), topic);
public Queue createQueue(String queueName) throws JMSException
if (queueName.indexOf('/') == -1 && queueName.indexOf(';') == -1)
DestSyntax syntax = AMQDestination.getDestType(queueName);
if (syntax == AMQDestination.DestSyntax.BURL)
// For testing we may want to use the prefix
return new AMQQueue(getDefaultQueueExchangeName(),
new AMQShortString(AMQDestination.stripSyntaxPrefix(queueName)));
AMQQueue queue = new AMQQueue(queueName);
return queue;
return new AMQQueue(queueName);
catch (URISyntaxException urlse)
_logger.error("", urlse);
JMSException jmse = new JMSException(urlse.getReason());
throw jmse;
* Declares the named queue.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param name The name of the queue to declare.
* @param autoDelete
* @param durable Flag to indicate that the queue is durable.
* @param exclusive Flag to indicate that the queue is exclusive to this client.
* @throws AMQException If the queue cannot be declared for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
public void createQueue(final AMQShortString name, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean durable,
final boolean exclusive) throws AMQException
createQueue(name, autoDelete, durable, exclusive, null);
* Declares the named queue.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param name The name of the queue to declare.
* @param autoDelete
* @param durable Flag to indicate that the queue is durable.
* @param exclusive Flag to indicate that the queue is exclusive to this client.
* @param arguments Arguments used to set special properties of the queue
* @throws AMQException If the queue cannot be declared for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
public void createQueue(final AMQShortString name, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean durable,
final boolean exclusive, final Map<String, Object> arguments) throws AMQException
new FailoverRetrySupport<Object, AMQException>(new FailoverProtectedOperation<Object, AMQException>()
public Object execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
sendCreateQueue(name, autoDelete, durable, exclusive, arguments);
return null;
}, _connection).execute();
public abstract void sendCreateQueue(AMQShortString name, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean durable,
final boolean exclusive, final Map<String, Object> arguments) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
* Creates a QueueReceiver
* @param destination
* @return QueueReceiver - a wrapper around our MessageConsumer
* @throws JMSException
public QueueReceiver createQueueReceiver(Destination destination) throws JMSException
Queue dest = validateQueue(destination);
C consumer = (C) createConsumer(dest);
return new QueueReceiverAdaptor(dest, consumer);
* Creates a QueueReceiver using a message selector
* @param destination
* @param messageSelector
* @return QueueReceiver - a wrapper around our MessageConsumer
* @throws JMSException
public QueueReceiver createQueueReceiver(Destination destination, String messageSelector) throws JMSException
Queue dest = validateQueue(destination);
C consumer = (C) createConsumer(dest, messageSelector);
return new QueueReceiverAdaptor(dest, consumer);
* Creates a QueueReceiver wrapping a MessageConsumer
* @param queue
* @return QueueReceiver
* @throws JMSException
public QueueReceiver createReceiver(Queue queue) throws JMSException
Queue dest = validateQueue(queue);
C consumer = (C) createConsumer(dest);
return new QueueReceiverAdaptor(dest, consumer);
* Creates a QueueReceiver wrapping a MessageConsumer using a message selector
* @param queue
* @param messageSelector
* @return QueueReceiver
* @throws JMSException
public QueueReceiver createReceiver(Queue queue, String messageSelector) throws JMSException
Queue dest = validateQueue(queue);
C consumer = (C) createConsumer(dest, messageSelector);
return new QueueReceiverAdaptor(dest, consumer);
private Queue validateQueue(Destination dest) throws InvalidDestinationException
if (dest instanceof AMQDestination && dest instanceof javax.jms.Queue)
return (Queue)dest;
throw new InvalidDestinationException("The destination object used is not from this provider or of type javax.jms.Queue");
public QueueSender createSender(Queue queue) throws JMSException
return new QueueSenderAdapter(createProducer(queue), queue);
public StreamMessage createStreamMessage() throws JMSException
// This method needs to be improved. Throwables only arrive here from the mina : exceptionRecived
// calls through connection.closeAllSessions which is also called by the public connection.close()
// with a null cause
// When we are closing the Session due to a protocol session error we simply create a new AMQException
// with the correct error code and text this is cleary WRONG as the instanceof check below will fail.
// We need to determin here if the connection should be
synchronized (getFailoverMutex())
JMSStreamMessage msg = new JMSStreamMessage(getMessageDelegateFactory());
return msg;
* Creates a non-durable subscriber
* @param topic
* @return TopicSubscriber - a wrapper round our MessageConsumer
* @throws JMSException
public TopicSubscriber createSubscriber(Topic topic) throws JMSException
return new TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C>(topic,
createConsumerImpl(topic, _prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark, false, true, null, null, false, false));
* Creates a non-durable subscriber with a message selector
* @param topic
* @param messageSelector
* @param noLocal
* @return TopicSubscriber - a wrapper round our MessageConsumer
* @throws JMSException
public TopicSubscriber createSubscriber(Topic topic, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException
return new TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C>(topic,
createConsumerImpl(topic, _prefetchHighMark, _prefetchLowMark, noLocal,
true, messageSelector, null, false, false));
public TemporaryQueue createTemporaryQueue() throws JMSException
AMQTemporaryQueue result = new AMQTemporaryQueue(this);
// this is done so that we can produce to a temporary queue before we create a consumer
createQueue(result.getAMQQueueName(), result.isAutoDelete(),
result.isDurable(), result.isExclusive());
bindQueue(result.getAMQQueueName(), result.getRoutingKey(),
new FieldTable(), result.getExchangeName(), result);
return result;
catch (Exception e)
JMSException jmse = new JMSException("Cannot create temporary queue");
throw jmse;
public TemporaryTopic createTemporaryTopic() throws JMSException
return new AMQTemporaryTopic(this);
public TextMessage createTextMessage() throws JMSException
synchronized (getFailoverMutex())
JMSTextMessage msg = new JMSTextMessage(getMessageDelegateFactory());
return msg;
protected Object getFailoverMutex()
return _connection.getFailoverMutex();
public TextMessage createTextMessage(String text) throws JMSException
TextMessage msg = createTextMessage();
return msg;
public Topic createTopic(String topicName) throws JMSException
if (topicName.indexOf('/') == -1 && topicName.indexOf(';') == -1)
DestSyntax syntax = AMQDestination.getDestType(topicName);
// for testing we may want to use the prefix to indicate our choice.
topicName = AMQDestination.stripSyntaxPrefix(topicName);
if (syntax == AMQDestination.DestSyntax.BURL)
return new AMQTopic(getDefaultTopicExchangeName(), new AMQShortString(topicName));
return new AMQTopic("ADDR:" + getDefaultTopicExchangeName() + "/" + topicName);
return new AMQTopic(topicName);
catch (URISyntaxException urlse)
_logger.error("", urlse);
JMSException jmse = new JMSException(urlse.getReason());
throw jmse;
public void declareExchange(AMQShortString name, AMQShortString type, boolean nowait) throws AMQException
declareExchange(name, type, getProtocolHandler(), nowait);
abstract public void sync() throws AMQException;
public int getAcknowledgeMode()
return _acknowledgeMode;
public AMQConnection getAMQConnection()
return _connection;
public int getChannelId()
return _channelId;
public int getDefaultPrefetch()
return _prefetchHighMark;
public int getDefaultPrefetchHigh()
return _prefetchHighMark;
public int getDefaultPrefetchLow()
return _prefetchLowMark;
public AMQShortString getDefaultQueueExchangeName()
return _connection.getDefaultQueueExchangeName();
public AMQShortString getDefaultTopicExchangeName()
return _connection.getDefaultTopicExchangeName();
public MessageListener getMessageListener() throws JMSException
// checkNotClosed();
return _messageListener;
public AMQShortString getTemporaryQueueExchangeName()
return _connection.getTemporaryQueueExchangeName();
public AMQShortString getTemporaryTopicExchangeName()
return _connection.getTemporaryTopicExchangeName();
public int getTicket()
return _ticket;
public boolean getTransacted()
return _transacted;
public boolean hasConsumer(Destination destination)
AtomicInteger counter = _destinationConsumerCount.get(destination);
return (counter != null) && (counter.get() != 0);
public boolean isStrictAMQP()
return _strictAMQP;
public boolean isSuspended()
return _suspended;
protected void addUnacknowledgedMessage(long id)
protected void addDeliveredMessage(long id)
* Invoked by the MINA IO thread (indirectly) when a message is received from the transport. Puts the message onto
* the queue read by the dispatcher.
* @param message the message that has been received
public void messageReceived(UnprocessedMessage message)
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Message[" + message.toString() + "] received in session");
public void declareAndBind(AMQDestination amqd)
AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler = getProtocolHandler();
declareExchange(amqd, protocolHandler, false);
AMQShortString queueName = declareQueue(amqd, protocolHandler, false);
bindQueue(queueName, amqd.getRoutingKey(), new FieldTable(), amqd.getExchangeName(), amqd);
* Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message.
* <p/>All consumers deliver messages in a serial order. Acknowledging a received message automatically acknowledges
* all messages that have been delivered to the client.
* <p/>Restarting a session causes it to take the following actions:
* <ul>
* <li>Stop message delivery.</li>
* <li>Mark all messages that might have been delivered but not acknowledged as "redelivered".
* <li>Restart the delivery sequence including all unacknowledged messages that had been previously delivered.
* Redelivered messages do not have to be delivered in exactly their original delivery order.</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>If the recover operation is interrupted by a fail-over, between asking that the broker begin recovery and
* receiving acknowledgment that it has then a JMSException will be thrown. In this case it will not be possible
* for the client to determine whether the broker is going to recover the session or not.
* @throws JMSException If the JMS provider fails to stop and restart message delivery due to some internal error.
* Not that this does not necessarily mean that the recovery has failed, but simply that it is
* not possible to tell if it has or not.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
* Strategy for handling recover.
* Flush any acks not yet sent.
* Stop the message flow.
* Clear the dispatch queue and the consumer queues.
* Release/Reject all messages received but not yet acknowledged.
* Start the message flow.
public void recover() throws JMSException
// Ensure that the session is open.
// Ensure that the session is not transacted.
// flush any acks we are holding in the buffer.
// this is only set true here, and only set false when the consumers preDeliver method is called
_sessionInRecovery = true;
boolean isSuspended = isSuspended();
if (!isSuspended)
// Set to true to short circuit delivery of anything currently
//in the pre-dispatch queue.
_usingDispatcherForCleanup = true;
// Set to false before sending the recover as 0-8/9/9-1 will
//send messages back before the recover completes, and we
//probably shouldn't clean those! ;-)
_usingDispatcherForCleanup = false;
if (_dispatcher != null)
if (!isSuspended)
catch (AMQException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("Recover failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
catch (FailoverException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("Recovery was interrupted by fail-over. Recovery status is not known.", e);
catch(TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Recover failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
protected abstract void sendRecover() throws AMQException, FailoverException;
protected abstract void flushAcknowledgments();
public void rejectMessage(UnprocessedMessage message, boolean requeue)
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Rejecting Unacked message:" + message.getDeliveryTag());
rejectMessage(message.getDeliveryTag(), requeue);
public void rejectMessage(AbstractJMSMessage message, boolean requeue)
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Rejecting Abstract message:" + message.getDeliveryTag());
rejectMessage(message.getDeliveryTag(), requeue);
public abstract void rejectMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue);
* Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
* <p/>If the rollback fails, because the rollback itself is interrupted by a fail-over between requesting that the
* rollback be done, and receiving an acknowledgement that it has been done, then a JMSException will be thrown.
* The client will be unable to determine whether or not the rollback actually happened on the broker in this case.
* @throws JMSException If the JMS provider fails to rollback the transaction due to some internal error. This does
* not mean that the rollback is known to have failed, merely that it is not known whether it
* failed or not.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
public void rollback() throws JMSException
synchronized (_suspensionLock)
boolean isSuspended = isSuspended();
if (!isSuspended)
if (!isSuspended)
catch (AMQException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("Failed to rollback: " + e, e);
catch (FailoverException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("Fail-over interrupted rollback. Status of the rollback is uncertain.", e);
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Failure to rollback:" + e.getMessage(), e);
public abstract void releaseForRollback();
public abstract void sendRollback() throws AMQException, FailoverException;
public void run()
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException();
public void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener) throws JMSException
// checkNotClosed();
// if (_dispatcher != null && !_dispatcher.connectionStopped())
// {
// throw new javax.njms.IllegalStateException("Attempt to set listener while session is started.");
// }
// // We are stopped
// for (Iterator<BasicMessageConsumer> i = _consumers.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
// {
// BasicMessageConsumer consumer =;
// if (consumer.isReceiving())
// {
// throw new javax.njms.IllegalStateException("Another thread is already receiving synchronously.");
// }
// }
// _messageListener = listener;
// for (Iterator<BasicMessageConsumer> i = _consumers.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
// {
// }
* @see #unsubscribe(String, boolean)
public void unsubscribe(String name) throws JMSException
unsubscribe(name, false);
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Exception while unsubscribing:" + e.getMessage(), e);
* Unsubscribe from a subscription.
* @param name the name of the subscription to unsubscribe
* @param safe allows safe unsubscribe operation that will not throw an {@link InvalidDestinationException} if the
* queue is not bound, possibly due to the subscription being closed.
* @throws JMSException on
* @throws InvalidDestinationException
private void unsubscribe(String name, boolean safe) throws JMSException
TopicSubscriberAdaptor<C> subscriber;
subscriber = _subscriptions.get(name);
if (subscriber != null)
// Remove saved subscription information
if (subscriber != null)
// send a queue.delete for the subscription
deleteQueue(AMQTopic.getDurableTopicQueueName(name, _connection));
if (_strictAMQP)
if (_strictAMQPFATAL)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JMS Durable not currently supported by AMQP.");
_logger.warn("Unable to determine if subscription already exists for '" + name + "' for unsubscribe."
+ " Requesting queue deletion regardless.");
deleteQueue(AMQTopic.getDurableTopicQueueName(name, _connection));
else // Queue Browser
if (isQueueBound(getDefaultTopicExchangeName(), AMQTopic.getDurableTopicQueueName(name, _connection)))
deleteQueue(AMQTopic.getDurableTopicQueueName(name, _connection));
else if (!safe)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Unknown subscription name: " + name);
protected C createConsumerImpl(final Destination destination, final int prefetchHigh,
final int prefetchLow, final boolean noLocal, final boolean exclusive, String selector, final FieldTable rawSelector,
final boolean noConsume, final boolean autoClose) throws JMSException
if(!noConsume && isBrowseOnlyDestination(destination))
throw new InvalidDestinationException("The consumer being created is not 'noConsume'," +
"but a 'browseOnly' Destination has been supplied.");
final String messageSelector;
if (_strictAMQP && !((selector == null) || selector.equals("")))
if (_strictAMQPFATAL)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Selectors not currently supported by AMQP.");
messageSelector = null;
messageSelector = selector;
return new FailoverRetrySupport<C, JMSException>(
new FailoverProtectedOperation<C, JMSException>()
public C execute() throws JMSException, FailoverException
AMQDestination amqd = (AMQDestination) destination;
// TODO: Define selectors in AMQP
// TODO: construct the rawSelector from the selector string if rawSelector == null
final FieldTable ft = FieldTableFactory.newFieldTable();
// if (rawSelector != null)
// ft.put("headers", rawSelector.getDataAsBytes());
// rawSelector is used by HeadersExchange and is not a JMS Selector
if (rawSelector != null)
// We must always send the selector argument even if empty, so that we can tell when a selector is removed from a
// durable topic subscription that the broker arguments don't match any more. This is because it is not otherwise
// possible to determine when querying the broker whether there are no arguments or just a non-matching selector
// argument, as specifying null for the arguments when querying means they should not be checked at all
ft.put(AMQPFilterTypes.JMS_SELECTOR.getValue(), messageSelector == null ? "" : messageSelector);
C consumer;
consumer = createMessageConsumer(amqd, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow,
noLocal, exclusive, messageSelector, ft, noConsume, autoClose);
catch(TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Exception while creating consumer: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (_messageListener != null)
registerConsumer(consumer, false);
catch (AMQInvalidArgumentException ise)
JMSException jmse = new InvalidSelectorException(ise.getMessage());
throw jmse;
catch (AMQInvalidRoutingKeyException e)
JMSException jmse = new InvalidDestinationException("Invalid routing key:" + amqd.getRoutingKey().toString());
throw jmse;
catch (AMQException e)
if (e instanceof AMQChannelClosedException)
close(-1, false);
JMSException ex = new JMSException("Error registering consumer: " + e);
throw ex;
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Exception while registering consumer:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return consumer;
}, _connection).execute();
public abstract C createMessageConsumer(final AMQDestination destination, final int prefetchHigh,
final int prefetchLow, final boolean noLocal, final boolean exclusive, String selector, final FieldTable arguments,
final boolean noConsume, final boolean autoClose) throws JMSException;
* Called by the MessageConsumer when closing, to deregister the consumer from the map from consumerTag to consumer
* instance.
* @param consumer the consum
void deregisterConsumer(C consumer)
if (_consumers.remove(consumer.getConsumerTag()) != null)
String subscriptionName = _reverseSubscriptionMap.remove(consumer);
if (subscriptionName != null)
Destination dest = consumer.getDestination();
synchronized (dest)
// Provide additional NPE check
// This would occur if the consumer was closed before it was
// fully opened.
if (_destinationConsumerCount.get(dest) != null)
if (_destinationConsumerCount.get(dest).decrementAndGet() == 0)
// Consumers that are closed in a transaction must be stored
// so that messages they have received can be acknowledged on commit
if (_transacted)
void deregisterProducer(long producerId)
_producers.remove(new Long(producerId));
boolean isInRecovery()
return _sessionInRecovery;
boolean isQueueBound(AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString queueName) throws JMSException
return isQueueBound(exchangeName, queueName, null);
* Tests whether or not the specified queue is bound to the specified exchange under a particular routing key.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param exchangeName The exchange name to test for binding against.
* @param queueName The queue name to check if bound.
* @param routingKey The routing key to check if the queue is bound under.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the queue is bound to the exchange and routing key, <tt>false</tt> if not.
* @throws JMSException If the query fails for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
public abstract boolean isQueueBound(final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey)
throws JMSException;
public abstract boolean isQueueBound(final AMQDestination destination) throws JMSException;
public abstract boolean isQueueBound(String exchangeName, String queueName, String bindingKey, Map<String,Object> args) throws JMSException;
* Called to mark the session as being closed. Useful when the session needs to be made invalid, e.g. after failover
* when the client has veoted resubscription. <p/> The caller of this method must already hold the failover mutex.
void markClosed()
void failoverPrep()
void syncDispatchQueue()
if (Thread.currentThread() == _dispatcherThread)
while (!_closed.get() && !_queue.isEmpty())
Dispatchable disp;
disp = (Dispatchable) _queue.take();
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Check just in case _queue becomes empty, it shouldn't but
// better than an NPE.
if (disp == null)
_logger.debug("_queue became empty during sync.");
final CountDownLatch signal = new CountDownLatch(1);
_queue.add(new Dispatchable()
public void dispatch(AMQSession ssn)
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Resubscribes all producers and consumers. This is called when performing failover.
* @throws AMQException
void resubscribe() throws AMQException
if (_dirty)
_failedOverDirty = true;
void setHasMessageListeners()
_hasMessageListeners = true;
void setInRecovery(boolean inRecovery)
_sessionInRecovery = inRecovery;
boolean isStarted()
return _startedAtLeastOnce.get();
* Starts the session, which ensures that it is not suspended and that its event dispatcher is running.
* @throws AMQException If the session cannot be started for any reason.
* @todo This should be controlled by _stopped as it pairs with the stop method fixme or check the
* FlowControlledBlockingQueue _queue to see if we have flow controlled. will result in sending Flow messages
* for each subsequent call to flow.. only need to do this if we have called stop.
void start() throws AMQException
// Check if the session has perviously been started and suspended, in which case it must be unsuspended.
if (_startedAtLeastOnce.getAndSet(true))
// If the event dispatcher is not running then start it too.
if (hasMessageListeners())
void startDispatcherIfNecessary()
//If we are the dispatcher then we don't need to check we are started
if (Thread.currentThread() == _dispatcherThread)
// If IMMEDIATE_PREFETCH is not set then we need to start fetching
// This is final per session so will be multi-thread safe.
if (!_immediatePrefetch)
// We do this now if this is the first call on a started connection
if (isSuspended() && _startedAtLeastOnce.get() && _firstDispatcher.getAndSet(false))
catch (AMQException e)
{"Unsuspending channel threw an exception:" + e);
synchronized void startDispatcherIfNecessary(boolean initiallyStopped)
if (_dispatcher == null)
_dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
_dispatcherThread = Threading.getThreadFactory().createThread(_dispatcher);
catch(Exception e)
throw new Error("Error creating Dispatcher thread",e);
_dispatcherThread.setName("Dispatcher-Channel-" + _channelId);
if (_dispatcherLogger.isInfoEnabled())
{ + " created");
void stop() throws AMQException
// Stop the server delivering messages to this session.
if (_dispatcher != null)
* Binds the named queue, with the specified routing key, to the named exchange.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param queueName The name of the queue to bind.
* @param routingKey The routing key to bind the queue with.
* @param arguments Additional arguments.
* @param exchangeName The exchange to bind the queue on.
* @throws AMQException If the queue cannot be bound for any reason.
/*private void bindQueue(AMQDestination amqd, AMQShortString queueName, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, FieldTable ft)
throws AMQException, FailoverException
AMQFrame queueBind =
QueueBindBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, getProtocolMajorVersion(), getProtocolMinorVersion(), ft, // arguments
amqd.getExchangeName(), // exchange
false, // nowait
queueName, // queue
amqd.getRoutingKey(), // routingKey
getTicket()); // ticket
protocolHandler.syncWrite(queueBind, QueueBindOkBody.class);
private void checkNotTransacted() throws JMSException
if (getTransacted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is transacted");
private void checkTemporaryDestination(Destination destination) throws JMSException
if ((destination instanceof TemporaryDestination))
_logger.debug("destination is temporary");
final TemporaryDestination tempDest = (TemporaryDestination) destination;
if (tempDest.getSession() != this)
_logger.debug("destination is on different session");
throw new JMSException("Cannot consume from a temporary destination created on another session");
if (tempDest.isDeleted())
_logger.debug("destination is deleted");
throw new JMSException("Cannot consume from a deleted destination");
protected void checkTransacted() throws JMSException
if (!getTransacted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is not transacted");
private void checkValidDestination(Destination destination) throws InvalidDestinationException
if (destination == null)
throw new javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException("Invalid Queue");
private void checkValidQueue(Queue queue) throws InvalidDestinationException
if (queue == null)
throw new javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException("Invalid Queue");
* I could have combined the last 3 methods, but this way it improves readability
protected Topic checkValidTopic(Topic topic, boolean durable) throws JMSException
if (topic == null)
throw new javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException("Invalid Topic");
if ((topic instanceof TemporaryDestination) && (((TemporaryDestination) topic).getSession() != this))
throw new javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException(
"Cannot create a subscription on a temporary topic created in another session");
if ((topic instanceof TemporaryDestination) && durable)
throw new javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException
("Cannot create a durable subscription with a temporary topic: " + topic);
if (!(topic instanceof AMQDestination && topic instanceof javax.jms.Topic))
throw new javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException(
"Cannot create a subscription on topic created for another JMS Provider, class of topic provided is: "
+ topic.getClass().getName());
return topic;
protected Topic checkValidTopic(Topic topic) throws JMSException
return checkValidTopic(topic, false);
* Called to close message consumers cleanly. This may or may <b>not</b> be as a result of an error.
* @param error not null if this is a result of an error occurring at the connection level
private void closeConsumers(Throwable error) throws JMSException
// we need to clone the list of consumers since the close() method updates the _consumers collection
// which would result in a concurrent modification exception
final ArrayList<C> clonedConsumers = new ArrayList<C>(_consumers.values());
final Iterator<C> it = clonedConsumers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
final C con =;
if (error != null)
// at this point the _consumers map will be empty
if (_dispatcher != null)
_dispatcher = null;
* Called to close message producers cleanly. This may or may <b>not</b> be as a result of an error. There is
* currently no way of propagating errors to message producers (this is a JMS limitation).
private void closeProducers() throws JMSException
// we need to clone the list of producers since the close() method updates the _producers collection
// which would result in a concurrent modification exception
final ArrayList clonedProducers = new ArrayList(_producers.values());
final Iterator it = clonedProducers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
final P prod = (P);
// at this point the _producers map is empty
* Close all producers or consumers. This is called either in the error case or when closing the session normally.
* @param amqe the exception, may be null to indicate no error has occurred
private void closeProducersAndConsumers(AMQException amqe) throws JMSException
JMSException jmse = null;
catch (JMSException e)
_logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e);
jmse = e;
catch (JMSException e)
_logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e);
if (jmse == null)
jmse = e;
if (jmse != null)
throw jmse;
* Register to consume from the queue.
* @param queueName
private void consumeFromQueue(C consumer, AMQShortString queueName,
AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, boolean nowait, String messageSelector) throws AMQException, FailoverException
int tagId = _nextTag++;
// we must register the consumer in the map before we actually start listening
_consumers.put(tagId, consumer);
synchronized (consumer.getDestination())
_destinationConsumerCount.putIfAbsent(consumer.getDestination(), new AtomicInteger());
sendConsume(consumer, queueName, protocolHandler, nowait, messageSelector, tagId);
catch (AMQException e)
// clean-up the map in the event of an error
throw e;
public abstract void sendConsume(C consumer, AMQShortString queueName,
AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, boolean nowait, String messageSelector, int tag) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
private P createProducerImpl(final Destination destination, final boolean mandatory, final boolean immediate)
throws JMSException
return new FailoverRetrySupport<P, JMSException>(
new FailoverProtectedOperation<P, JMSException>()
public P execute() throws JMSException, FailoverException
long producerId = getNextProducerId();
P producer;
producer = createMessageProducer(destination, mandatory,
immediate, producerId);
catch (TransportException e)
throw toJMSException("Exception while creating producer:" + e.getMessage(), e);
registerProducer(producerId, producer);
return producer;
}, _connection).execute();
public abstract P createMessageProducer(final Destination destination, final boolean mandatory,
final boolean immediate, final long producerId) throws JMSException;
private void declareExchange(AMQDestination amqd, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, boolean nowait) throws AMQException
declareExchange(amqd.getExchangeName(), amqd.getExchangeClass(), protocolHandler, nowait);
* Returns the number of messages currently queued for the given destination.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param amqd The destination to be checked
* @return the number of queued messages.
* @throws AMQException If the queue cannot be declared for any reason.
public long getQueueDepth(final AMQDestination amqd)
throws AMQException
return new FailoverNoopSupport<Long, AMQException>(
new FailoverProtectedOperation<Long, AMQException>()
public Long execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
return requestQueueDepth(amqd);
}, _connection).execute();
protected abstract Long requestQueueDepth(AMQDestination amqd) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
* Declares the named exchange and type of exchange.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param name The name of the exchange to declare.
* @param type The type of the exchange to declare.
* @param protocolHandler The protocol handler to process the communication through.
* @param nowait
* @throws AMQException If the exchange cannot be declared for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
private void declareExchange(final AMQShortString name, final AMQShortString type,
final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, final boolean nowait) throws AMQException
new FailoverNoopSupport<Object, AMQException>(new FailoverProtectedOperation<Object, AMQException>()
public Object execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
sendExchangeDeclare(name, type, protocolHandler, nowait);
return null;
}, _connection).execute();
public abstract void sendExchangeDeclare(final AMQShortString name, final AMQShortString type, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
final boolean nowait) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
* Declares a queue for a JMS destination.
* <p/>Note that for queues but not topics the name is generated in the client rather than the server. This allows
* the name to be reused on failover if required. In general, the destination indicates whether it wants a name
* generated or not.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param amqd The destination to declare as a queue.
* @param protocolHandler The protocol handler to communicate through.
* @return The name of the decalred queue. This is useful where the broker is generating a queue name on behalf of
* the client.
* @throws AMQException If the queue cannot be declared for any reason.
* @todo Verify the destiation is valid or throw an exception.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
protected AMQShortString declareQueue(final AMQDestination amqd, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
final boolean noLocal) throws AMQException
return declareQueue(amqd, protocolHandler, noLocal, false);
protected AMQShortString declareQueue(final AMQDestination amqd, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
final boolean noLocal, final boolean nowait)
throws AMQException
/*return new FailoverRetrySupport<AMQShortString, AMQException>(*/
return new FailoverNoopSupport<AMQShortString, AMQException>(
new FailoverProtectedOperation<AMQShortString, AMQException>()
public AMQShortString execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
// Generate the queue name if the destination indicates that a client generated name is to be used.
if (amqd.isNameRequired())
sendQueueDeclare(amqd, protocolHandler, nowait);
return amqd.getAMQQueueName();
}, _connection).execute();
public abstract void sendQueueDeclare(final AMQDestination amqd, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
final boolean nowait) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
* Undeclares the specified queue.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param queueName The name of the queue to delete.
* @throws JMSException If the queue could not be deleted for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
protected void deleteQueue(final AMQShortString queueName) throws JMSException
new FailoverRetrySupport<Object, AMQException>(new FailoverProtectedOperation<Object, AMQException>()
public Object execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
return null;
}, _connection).execute();
catch (AMQException e)
throw new JMSAMQException("The queue deletion failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
* Undeclares the specified temporary queue/topic.
* <p/>Note that this operation automatically retries in the event of fail-over.
* @param amqQueue The name of the temporary destination to delete.
* @throws JMSException If the queue could not be deleted for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
protected void deleteTemporaryDestination(final TemporaryDestination amqQueue) throws JMSException
public abstract void sendQueueDelete(final AMQShortString queueName) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
private long getNextProducerId()
return ++_nextProducerId;
protected AMQProtocolHandler getProtocolHandler()
return _connection.getProtocolHandler();
public byte getProtocolMajorVersion()
return getProtocolHandler().getProtocolMajorVersion();
public byte getProtocolMinorVersion()
return getProtocolHandler().getProtocolMinorVersion();
protected boolean hasMessageListeners()
return _hasMessageListeners;
private void markClosedConsumers() throws JMSException
if (_dispatcher != null)
_dispatcher = null;
// we need to clone the list of consumers since the close() method updates the _consumers collection
// which would result in a concurrent modification exception
final ArrayList<C> clonedConsumers = new ArrayList<C>(_consumers.values());
final Iterator<C> it = clonedConsumers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
final C con =;
// at this point the _consumers map will be empty
private void markClosedProducersAndConsumers()
// no need for a markClosed* method in this case since there is no protocol traffic closing a producer
catch (JMSException e)
_logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e);
catch (JMSException e)
_logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e);
* Callers must hold the failover mutex before calling this method.
* @param consumer
* @throws AMQException
private void registerConsumer(C consumer, boolean nowait) throws AMQException // , FailoverException
AMQDestination amqd = consumer.getDestination();
AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler = getProtocolHandler();
if (amqd.getDestSyntax() == DestSyntax.ADDR)
declareExchange(amqd, protocolHandler, nowait);
if (DECLARE_QUEUES || amqd.isNameRequired())
declareQueue(amqd, protocolHandler, consumer.isNoLocal(), nowait);
bindQueue(amqd.getAMQQueueName(), amqd.getRoutingKey(), consumer.getArguments(), amqd.getExchangeName(), amqd, nowait);
AMQShortString queueName = amqd.getAMQQueueName();
// store the consumer queue name
// If IMMEDIATE_PREFETCH is not required then suspsend the channel to delay prefetch
if (!_immediatePrefetch)
// The dispatcher will be null if we have just created this session
// so suspend the channel before we register our consumer so that we don't
// start prefetching until a receive/mListener is set.
if (_dispatcher == null)
if (!isSuspended())
"Prefetching delayed existing messages will not flow until requested via receive*() or setML().");
catch (AMQException e)
{"Suspending channel threw an exception:" + e);
{"Immediately prefetching existing messages to new consumer.");
consumeFromQueue(consumer, queueName, protocolHandler, nowait, consumer._messageSelector);
catch (FailoverException e)
throw new AMQException(null, "Fail-over exception interrupted basic consume.", e);
public abstract void handleAddressBasedDestination(AMQDestination dest,
boolean isConsumer,
boolean noWait) throws AMQException;
private void registerProducer(long producerId, MessageProducer producer)
_producers.put(new Long(producerId), producer);
private void rejectAllMessages(boolean requeue)
rejectMessagesForConsumerTag(0, requeue, true);
* @param consumerTag The consumerTag to prune from queue or all if null
* @param requeue Should the removed messages be requeued (or discarded. Possibly to DLQ)
* @param rejectAllConsumers
private void rejectMessagesForConsumerTag(int consumerTag, boolean requeue, boolean rejectAllConsumers)
Iterator messages = _queue.iterator();
if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
{"Rejecting messages from _queue for Consumer tag(" + consumerTag + ") (PDispatchQ) requeue:"
+ requeue);
if (messages.hasNext())
{"Checking all messages in _queue for Consumer tag(" + consumerTag + ")");
{"No messages in _queue to reject");
while (messages.hasNext())
UnprocessedMessage message = (UnprocessedMessage);
if (rejectAllConsumers || (message.getConsumerTag() == consumerTag))
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Removing message(" + System.identityHashCode(message) + ") from _queue DT:"
+ message.getDeliveryTag());
rejectMessage(message, requeue);
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Rejected the message(" + message.toString() + ") for consumer :" + consumerTag);
private void resubscribeConsumers() throws AMQException
ArrayList<C> consumers = new ArrayList<C>(_consumers.values());
for (C consumer : consumers)
registerConsumer(consumer, true);
private void resubscribeProducers() throws AMQException
ArrayList producers = new ArrayList(_producers.values());"Resubscribing producers = {0} producers.size={1}", producers, producers.size())); // FIXME: removeKey
for (Iterator it = producers.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
P producer = (P);
* Suspends or unsuspends this session.
* @param suspend <tt>true</tt> indicates that the session should be suspended, <tt>false<tt> indicates that it
* should be unsuspended.
* @throws AMQException If the session cannot be suspended for any reason.
* @todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
protected void suspendChannel(boolean suspend) throws AMQException // , FailoverException
synchronized (_suspensionLock)
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Setting channel flow : " + (suspend ? "suspended" : "unsuspended"));
_suspended = suspend;
catch (FailoverException e)
throw new AMQException(null, "Fail-over interrupted suspend/unsuspend channel.", e);
catch (TransportException e)
throw new AMQException(AMQConstant.getConstant(getErrorCode(e)), e.getMessage(), e);
public abstract void sendSuspendChannel(boolean suspend) throws AMQException, FailoverException;
Object getMessageDeliveryLock()
return _messageDeliveryLock;
* Indicates whether this session consumers pre-fetche messages
* @return true if this session consumers pre-fetche messages false otherwise
public boolean prefetch()
return getAMQConnection().getMaxPrefetch() > 0;
/** Signifies that the session has pending sends to commit. */
public void markDirty()
_dirty = true;
/** Signifies that the session has no pending sends to commit. */
public void markClean()
_dirty = false;
_failedOverDirty = false;
* Check to see if failover has occured since the last call to markClean(commit or rollback).
* @return boolean true if failover has occured.
public boolean hasFailedOverDirty()
return _failedOverDirty;
public void setTicket(int ticket)
_ticket = ticket;
public void setFlowControl(final boolean active)
_logger.warn("Broker enforced flow control " + (active ? "no longer in effect" : "has been enforced"));
public void checkFlowControl() throws InterruptedException, JMSException
long expiryTime = 0L;
synchronized (_flowControl)
while (!_flowControl.getFlowControl() &&
(expiryTime == 0L ? (expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE)
: expiryTime) >= System.currentTimeMillis() )
_logger.warn("Message send delayed by " + (System.currentTimeMillis() + FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE - expiryTime)/1000 + "s due to broker enforced flow control");
_logger.error("Message send failed due to timeout waiting on broker enforced flow control");
throw new JMSException("Unable to send message for " + FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE/1000 + " seconds due to broker enforced flow control");
public interface Dispatchable
void dispatch(AMQSession ssn);
public void dispatch(UnprocessedMessage message)
if (_dispatcher == null)
throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("dispatcher is not started");
/** Used for debugging in the dispatcher. */
private static final Logger _dispatcherLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession.Dispatcher");
/** Responsible for decoding a message fragment and passing it to the appropriate message consumer. */
class Dispatcher implements Runnable
/** Track the 'stopped' state of the dispatcher, a session starts in the stopped state. */
private final AtomicBoolean _closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final Object _lock = new Object();
private String dispatcherID = "" + System.identityHashCode(this);
public Dispatcher()
public void close()
// fixme awaitTermination
public void rejectPending(C consumer)
synchronized (_lock)
boolean stopped = _dispatcher.connectionStopped();
if (!stopped)
// Reject messages on pre-receive queue
// Reject messages on pre-dispatch queue
rejectMessagesForConsumerTag(consumer.getConsumerTag(), true, false);
//Let the dispatcher deal with this when it gets to them.
// closeConsumer
public void rollback()
synchronized (_lock)
boolean isStopped = connectionStopped();
if (!isStopped)
_dispatcherLogger.debug("Session Pre Dispatch Queue cleared");
for (C consumer : _consumers.values())
if (!consumer.isNoConsume())
// should perhaps clear the _SQ here.
// consumer._synchronousQueue.clear();
for (int i = 0; i < _removedConsumers.size(); i++)
// Sends acknowledgement to server
public void recover()
synchronized (_lock)
boolean isStopped = connectionStopped();
if (!isStopped)
_dispatcherLogger.debug("Session clearing the consumer queues");
for (C consumer : _consumers.values())
List<Long> tags = consumer.drainReceiverQueueAndRetrieveDeliveryTags();
public void run()
if (_dispatcherLogger.isInfoEnabled())
{ + " started");
UnprocessedMessage message;
// Allow disptacher to start stopped
synchronized (_lock)
while (!_closed.get() && connectionStopped())
catch (InterruptedException e)
// ignore
Dispatchable disp;
while (!_closed.get() && ((disp = (Dispatchable) _queue.take()) != null))
catch (InterruptedException e)
// ignore
if (_dispatcherLogger.isInfoEnabled())
{ + " thread terminating for channel " + _channelId + ":" + _thisSession);
// only call while holding lock
final boolean connectionStopped()
return _connectionStopped;
boolean setConnectionStopped(boolean connectionStopped)
boolean currently;
synchronized (_lock)
currently = _connectionStopped;
_connectionStopped = connectionStopped;
if (_dispatcherLogger.isDebugEnabled())
_dispatcherLogger.debug("Set Dispatcher Connection " + (connectionStopped ? "Stopped" : "Started")
+ ": Currently " + (currently ? "Stopped" : "Started"));
return currently;
private void dispatchMessage(UnprocessedMessage message)
long deliveryTag = message.getDeliveryTag();
synchronized (_lock)
while (connectionStopped())
catch (InterruptedException e)
// pass
if (!(message instanceof CloseConsumerMessage)
&& tagLE(deliveryTag, _rollbackMark.get()))
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Rejecting message because delivery tag " + deliveryTag
+ " <= rollback mark " + _rollbackMark.get());
rejectMessage(message, true);
else if (_usingDispatcherForCleanup)
synchronized (_messageDeliveryLock)
long current = _rollbackMark.get();
if (updateRollbackMark(current, deliveryTag))
_rollbackMark.compareAndSet(current, deliveryTag);
private void notifyConsumer(UnprocessedMessage message)
final C consumer = _consumers.get(message.getConsumerTag());
if ((consumer == null) || consumer.isClosed())
if (_dispatcherLogger.isInfoEnabled())
if (consumer == null)
{"Dispatcher(" + dispatcherID + ")Received a message("
+ System.identityHashCode(message) + ")" + "["
+ message.getDeliveryTag() + "] from queue "
+ message.getConsumerTag() + " )without a handler - rejecting(requeue)...");
if (consumer.isNoConsume())
{"Received a message("
+ System.identityHashCode(message) + ")" + "["
+ message.getDeliveryTag() + "] from queue " + " consumer("
+ message.getConsumerTag() + ") is closed and a browser so dropping...");
{"Received a message("
+ System.identityHashCode(message) + ")" + "["
+ message.getDeliveryTag() + "] from queue " + " consumer("
+ message.getConsumerTag() + ") is closed rejecting(requeue)...");
// Don't reject if we're already closing
if (!_closed.get())
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Rejecting message with delivery tag " + message.getDeliveryTag()
+ " for closing consumer " + String.valueOf(consumer == null? null: consumer._consumerTag));
rejectMessage(message, true);
protected abstract boolean tagLE(long tag1, long tag2);
protected abstract boolean updateRollbackMark(long current, long deliveryTag);
public abstract AMQMessageDelegateFactory getMessageDelegateFactory();
/*public void requestAccess(AMQShortString realm, boolean exclusive, boolean passive, boolean active, boolean write,
boolean read) throws AMQException
getProtocolMajorVersion(), getProtocolMinorVersion(), active, exclusive, passive, read, realm, write),
new BlockingMethodFrameListener(_channelId)
public boolean processMethod(int channelId, AMQMethodBody frame) // throws AMQException
if (frame instanceof AccessRequestOkBody)
setTicket(((AccessRequestOkBody) frame).getTicket());
return true;
return false;
private class SuspenderRunner implements Runnable
private AtomicBoolean _suspend;
public SuspenderRunner(AtomicBoolean suspend)
_suspend = suspend;
public void run()
synchronized (_suspensionLock)
// If the session has closed by the time we get here
// then we should not attempt to write to the sesion/channel.
if (!(_thisSession.isClosed() || _thisSession.isClosing()))
catch (AMQException e)
_logger.warn("Unable to " + (_suspend.get() ? "suspend" : "unsuspend") + " session " + _thisSession + " due to: " + e);
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Is the _queue empty?" + _queue.isEmpty());
_logger.debug("Is the dispatcher closed?" + (_dispatcher == null ? "it's Null" : _dispatcher._closed));
* Checks if the Session and its parent connection are closed
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this is closed, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
public boolean isClosed()
return _closed.get() || _connection.isClosed();
* Checks if the Session and its parent connection are capable of performing
* closing operations
* @return <tt>true</tt> if we are closing, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
public boolean isClosing()
return _closing.get()|| _connection.isClosing();
public boolean isDeclareExchanges()
JMSException toJMSException(String message, TransportException e)
int code = getErrorCode(e);
JMSException jmse = new JMSException(message, Integer.toString(code));
return jmse;
private int getErrorCode(TransportException e)
int code = AMQConstant.INTERNAL_ERROR.getCode();
if (e instanceof SessionException)
SessionException se = (SessionException) e;
if(se.getException() != null && se.getException().getErrorCode() != null)
code = se.getException().getErrorCode().getValue();
return code;
private boolean isBrowseOnlyDestination(Destination destination)
return ((destination instanceof AMQDestination) && ((AMQDestination)destination).isBrowseOnly());
private void setRollbackMark()
// Let the dispatcher know that all the incomming messages
// should be rolled back(reject/release)
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
_logger.debug("Rollback mark is set to " + _rollbackMark.get());