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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.qpid.server.queue;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.ContentHeaderBody;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.BasicContentHeaderProperties;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.abstraction.ContentChunk;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.abstraction.MessagePublishInfo;
import org.apache.qpid.server.AMQChannel;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.AMQMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageMetaData;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.InternalTestProtocolSession;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.Subscription;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.SubscriptionFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.qpid.server.util.InternalBrokerBaseCase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
/** This class tests all the alerts an AMQQueue can throw based on threshold values of different parameters */
public class AMQQueueAlertTest extends InternalBrokerBaseCase
private final static long MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT = 50;
private final static long MAX_MESSAGE_AGE = 250; // 0.25 sec
private final static long MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2000; // 2 KB
private final static long MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH = 10000; // 10 KB
private AMQQueueMBean _queueMBean;
private static final SubscriptionFactoryImpl SUBSCRIPTION_FACTORY = SubscriptionFactoryImpl.INSTANCE;
* Tests if the alert gets thrown when message count increases the threshold limit
* @throws Exception
public void testMessageCountAlert() throws Exception
setSession(new InternalTestProtocolSession(getVirtualHost()));
AMQChannel channel = new AMQChannel(getSession(), 2, getMessageStore());
setQueue(AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue1"), false, new AMQShortString("AMQueueAlertTest"),
false, false,
getVirtualHost(), null));
_queueMBean = (AMQQueueMBean) getQueue().getManagedObject();
sendMessages(channel, MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT, 256l);
assertTrue(_queueMBean.getMessageCount() == MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT);
Notification lastNotification = _queueMBean.getLastNotification();
String notificationMsg = lastNotification.getMessage();
* Tests if the Message Size alert gets thrown when message of higher than threshold limit is sent
* @throws Exception
public void testMessageSizeAlert() throws Exception
setSession(new InternalTestProtocolSession(getVirtualHost()));
AMQChannel channel = new AMQChannel(getSession(), 2, getMessageStore());
setQueue(AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue2"), false, new AMQShortString("AMQueueAlertTest"),
false, false,
getVirtualHost(), null));
_queueMBean = (AMQQueueMBean) getQueue().getManagedObject();
sendMessages(channel, 1, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE * 2);
assertTrue(_queueMBean.getMessageCount() == 1);
Notification lastNotification = _queueMBean.getLastNotification();
String notificationMsg = lastNotification.getMessage();
* Tests if Queue Depth alert is thrown when queue depth reaches the threshold value
* Based on FT-402 subbmitted by client
* @throws Exception
public void testQueueDepthAlertNoSubscriber() throws Exception
setSession(new InternalTestProtocolSession(getVirtualHost()));
AMQChannel channel = new AMQChannel(getSession(), 2, getMessageStore());
setQueue(AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue3"), false, new AMQShortString("AMQueueAlertTest"),
false, false,
getVirtualHost(), null));
_queueMBean = (AMQQueueMBean) getQueue().getManagedObject();
while (getQueue().getQueueDepth() < MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH)
sendMessages(channel, 1, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
Notification lastNotification = _queueMBean.getLastNotification();
String notificationMsg = lastNotification.getMessage();
* Tests if MESSAGE AGE alert is thrown, when a message is in the queue for time higher than threshold value of
* message age
* Alternative test to FT-401 provided by client
* @throws Exception
public void testMessageAgeAlert() throws Exception
setSession(new InternalTestProtocolSession(getVirtualHost()));
AMQChannel channel = new AMQChannel(getSession(), 2, getMessageStore());
setQueue(AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue4"), false, new AMQShortString("AMQueueAlertTest"),
false, false,
getVirtualHost(), null));
_queueMBean = (AMQQueueMBean) getQueue().getManagedObject();
sendMessages(channel, 1, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
// Ensure message sits on queue long enough to age.
Thread.sleep(MAX_MESSAGE_AGE * 2);
Notification lastNotification = _queueMBean.getLastNotification();
assertNotNull("Last notification was null", lastNotification);
String notificationMsg = lastNotification.getMessage();
This test sends some messages to the queue with subscribers needing message to be acknowledged.
The messages will not be acknowledged and will be required twice. Why we are checking this is because
the bug reported said that the queueDepth keeps increasing when messages are requeued.
// TODO - queue depth now includes unacknowledged messages so does not go down when messages are delivered
The QueueDepth should decrease when messages are delivered from the queue (QPID-408)
public void testQueueDepthAlertWithSubscribers() throws Exception
AMQChannel channel = new AMQChannel(getSession(), 2, getMessageStore());
// Create queue
Subscription subscription =
SUBSCRIPTION_FACTORY.createSubscription(channel.getChannelId(), getSession(), new AMQShortString("consumer_tag"), true, null, false, channel.getCreditManager());
subscription, false);
_queueMBean = (AMQQueueMBean) getQueue().getManagedObject();
_queueMBean.setMaximumMessageCount(9999l); // Set a high value, because this is not being tested
// Send messages(no of message to be little more than what can cause a Queue_Depth alert)
int messageCount = Math.round(MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH / MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) + 10;
long totalSize = (messageCount * MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
sendMessages(channel, messageCount, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
// Check queueDepth. There should be no messages on the queue and as the subscriber is listening
// so there should be no Queue_Deoth alert raised
assertEquals(new Long(totalSize), new Long(_queueMBean.getQueueDepth()));
Notification lastNotification = _queueMBean.getLastNotification();
// assertNull(lastNotification);
// Kill the subscriber and check for the queue depth values.
// Messages are unacknowledged, so those should get requeued. All messages should be on the Queue
assertEquals(new Long(totalSize), new Long(_queueMBean.getQueueDepth()));
lastNotification = _queueMBean.getLastNotification();
String notificationMsg = lastNotification.getMessage();
// Connect a consumer again and check QueueDepth values. The queue should get emptied.
// Messages will get delivered but still are unacknowledged.
Subscription subscription2 =
SUBSCRIPTION_FACTORY.createSubscription(channel.getChannelId(), getSession(), new AMQShortString("consumer_tag"), true, null, false, channel.getCreditManager());
subscription2, false);
while (getQueue().getUndeliveredMessageCount()!= 0)
// assertEquals(new Long(0), new Long(_queueMBean.getQueueDepth()));
// Kill the subscriber again. Now those messages should get requeued again. Check if the queue depth
// value is correct.
assertEquals(new Long(totalSize), new Long(_queueMBean.getQueueDepth()));
// Check the clear queue
assertEquals(new Long(0), new Long(_queueMBean.getQueueDepth()));
protected IncomingMessage message(final boolean immediate, long size) throws AMQException
MessagePublishInfo publish = new MessagePublishInfo()
public AMQShortString getExchange()
return null;
public void setExchange(AMQShortString exchange)
//To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
public boolean isImmediate()
return immediate;
public boolean isMandatory()
return false;
public AMQShortString getRoutingKey()
return null;
ContentHeaderBody contentHeaderBody = new ContentHeaderBody();
BasicContentHeaderProperties props = new BasicContentHeaderProperties();
contentHeaderBody.bodySize = size; // in bytes
IncomingMessage message = new IncomingMessage(publish);
return message;
protected void configure()
// Increase Alert Check period
private void sendMessages(AMQChannel channel, long messageCount, final long size) throws AMQException
IncomingMessage[] messages = new IncomingMessage[(int) messageCount];
MessageMetaData[] metaData = new MessageMetaData[(int) messageCount];
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
messages[i] = message(false, size);
ArrayList<AMQQueue> qs = new ArrayList<AMQQueue>();
metaData[i] = messages[i].headersReceived();
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++)
messages[i].addContentBodyFrame(new ContentChunk(){
byte[] _data = new byte[(int)size];
public int getSize()
return (int) size;
public byte[] getData()
return _data;
public void reduceToFit()
getQueue().enqueue(new AMQMessage(messages[i].getStoredMessage()));
private AMQQueue getNewQueue() throws AMQException
return AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue" + Math.random()),
new AMQShortString("AMQueueAlertTest"),
false, getVirtualHost(), null);