blob: d76b163fa1658e1afdc3db9749879959e9420135 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.apache.qpid.framing.*;
import java.util.*;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
public class HeadersParser
private final HeaderKeyDictionary _dictionary = new HeaderKeyDictionary();
private static final AMQShortString MATCHING_TYPE_KEY = new AMQShortString("x-match");
private static final String ANY_MATCHING = "any";
private static final AMQShortString RESERVED_KEY_PREFIX = new AMQShortString("x-");
HeadersMatcherDFAState createStateMachine(FieldTable bindingArguments, HeaderMatcherResult result)
String matchingType = bindingArguments.getString(MATCHING_TYPE_KEY);
boolean matchAny = matchingType.equalsIgnoreCase(ANY_MATCHING);
return createStateMachineForAnyMatch(bindingArguments, result);
return createStateMachineForAllMatch(bindingArguments, result);
private HeadersMatcherDFAState createStateMachineForAnyMatch(final FieldTable bindingArguments,
final HeaderMatcherResult result)
// DFAs for "any" matches have only two states, "not-matched" and "matched"... they start in the former
// and upon meeting any of the criteria they move to the latter
//noinspection unchecked
final HeadersMatcherDFAState successState =
new HeadersMatcherDFAState(Collections.EMPTY_MAP,Collections.singleton(result),_dictionary);
Map<HeaderKey, Map<AMQTypedValue, HeadersMatcherDFAState>> nextStateMap =
new HashMap<HeaderKey, Map<AMQTypedValue, HeadersMatcherDFAState>>();
Set<AMQShortString> seenKeys = new HashSet<AMQShortString>();
Iterator<Map.Entry<AMQShortString, AMQTypedValue>> tableIterator = bindingArguments.iterator();
final Map.Entry<AMQShortString, AMQTypedValue> entry =;
final AMQShortString key = entry.getKey();
final AMQTypedValue value = entry.getValue();
if(seenKeys.add(key) && !key.startsWith(RESERVED_KEY_PREFIX))
final AMQType type = value.getType();
final HeaderKey headerKey = _dictionary.getOrCreate(key);
final Map<AMQTypedValue, HeadersMatcherDFAState> valueMap;
if(type == AMQType.VOID ||
((type == AMQType.ASCII_STRING || type == AMQType.WIDE_STRING) && ((CharSequence)value.getValue()).length() == 0))
valueMap = Collections.singletonMap(null,successState);
valueMap = Collections.singletonMap(value,successState);
if(seenKeys.size() == 0)
return successState;
return new HeadersMatcherDFAState(nextStateMap,Collections.EMPTY_SET,_dictionary);
private HeadersMatcherDFAState createStateMachineForAllMatch(final FieldTable bindingArguments,
final HeaderMatcherResult result)
// DFAs for "all" matches have a "success" state, a "fail" state, and states for every subset of
// matches which are possible, starting with the empty subset. For example if we have a binding
// { x-match="all"
// a=1
// b=1
// c=1
// d=1 }
// Then we would have the following states
// (1) Seen none of a, b, c, or d
// (2) Seen a=1 ; none of b,c, or d
// (3) Seen b=1 ; none of a,c, or d
// (4) Seen c=1 ; none of a,b, or d
// (5) Seen d=1 ; none of a,b, or c
// (6) Seen a=1,b=1 ; none of c,d
// (7) Seen a=1,c=1 ; none of b,d
// (8) Seen a=1,d=1 ; none of b,c
// (9) Seen b=1,c=1 ; none of a,d
//(10) Seen b=1,d=1 ; none of c,d
//(11) Seen c=1,d=1 ; none of a,b
//(12) Seen a=1,b=1,c=1 ; not d
//(13) Seen a=1,b=1,d=1 ; not c
//(14) Seen a=1,c=1,d=1 ; not b
//(15) Seen b=1,c=1,d=1 ; not a
//(16) success
//(17) fail
// All states but (16) can transition to (17); additionally:
// (1) can transition to (2),(3),(4),(5)
// (2) can transition to (6),(7),(8)
// (3) can transition to (6),(9),(10)
// (4) can transition to (7),(9),(11)
// (5) can transition to (8),(10),(11)
// (6) can transition to (12),(13)
// (7) can transition to (12),(14)
// (8) can transition to (13),(14)
// (9) can transition to (12),(15)
//(10) can transition to (13),(15)
//(11) can transition to (14),(15)
//(12)-(15) can transition to (16)
Set<AMQShortString> seenKeys = new HashSet<AMQShortString>();
List<KeyValuePair> requiredTerms = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>(bindingArguments.size());
Iterator<Map.Entry<AMQShortString, AMQTypedValue>> tableIterator = bindingArguments.iterator();
final Map.Entry<AMQShortString, AMQTypedValue> entry =;
final AMQShortString key = entry.getKey();
final AMQTypedValue value = entry.getValue();
if(seenKeys.add(key) && !key.startsWith(RESERVED_KEY_PREFIX))
final AMQType type = value.getType();
if(type == AMQType.VOID ||
((type == AMQType.ASCII_STRING || type == AMQType.WIDE_STRING) && ((CharSequence)value.getValue()).length() == 0))
requiredTerms.add(new KeyValuePair(_dictionary.getOrCreate(key),null));
requiredTerms.add(new KeyValuePair(_dictionary.getOrCreate(key),value));
final HeadersMatcherDFAState successState =
new HeadersMatcherDFAState(Collections.EMPTY_MAP,Collections.singleton(result),_dictionary);
final HeadersMatcherDFAState failState =
new HeadersMatcherDFAState(Collections.EMPTY_MAP,Collections.EMPTY_SET,_dictionary);
Map<Set<KeyValuePair>, HeadersMatcherDFAState> notSeenTermsToStateMap =
new HashMap<Set<KeyValuePair>, HeadersMatcherDFAState>();
notSeenTermsToStateMap.put(Collections.EMPTY_SET, successState);
final int numberOfTerms = requiredTerms.size();
for(int numMissingTerms = 1; numMissingTerms <= numberOfTerms; numMissingTerms++)
int[] pos = new int[numMissingTerms];
for(int i = 0; i < numMissingTerms; i++)
pos[i] = i;
final int maxTermValue = (numberOfTerms - (numMissingTerms - 1));
while(pos[0] < maxTermValue)
Set<KeyValuePair> stateSet = new HashSet<KeyValuePair>();
for(int posIndex = 0; posIndex < pos.length; posIndex++)
final Map<HeaderKey, Map<AMQTypedValue,HeadersMatcherDFAState>> nextStateMap =
new HashMap<HeaderKey, Map<AMQTypedValue,HeadersMatcherDFAState>>();
for(int posIndex = 0; posIndex < pos.length; posIndex++)
KeyValuePair nextTerm = requiredTerms.get(pos[posIndex]);
HashSet<KeyValuePair> nextStateSet =
new HashSet<KeyValuePair>(stateSet);
Map<AMQTypedValue, HeadersMatcherDFAState> valueToStateMap =
new HashMap<AMQTypedValue, HeadersMatcherDFAState>();
nextStateMap.put(nextTerm._key, valueToStateMap);
valueToStateMap.put( nextTerm._value,notSeenTermsToStateMap.get(nextStateSet));
if(nextTerm._value != null)
valueToStateMap.put(null, failState);
HeadersMatcherDFAState newState = new HeadersMatcherDFAState(nextStateMap, Collections.EMPTY_SET, _dictionary);
notSeenTermsToStateMap.put(stateSet, newState);
int i = numMissingTerms;
while(i-- != 0)
if(++pos[i] <= numberOfTerms -(numMissingTerms-i))
int k = pos[i];
for(int j = i+1; j < numMissingTerms; j++)
pos[j] = ++k;
return notSeenTermsToStateMap.get(new HashSet<KeyValuePair>(requiredTerms));
public final static class KeyValuePair
public final HeaderKey _key;
public final AMQTypedValue _value;
private final int _hashCode;
public KeyValuePair(final HeaderKey key, final AMQTypedValue value)
_key = key;
_value = value;
int hash = (1 + 31 * _key.hashCode());
if(_value != null)
_hashCode = hash;
public int hashCode()
return _hashCode;
public boolean equals(Object o)
assert o != null;
assert o instanceof KeyValuePair;
KeyValuePair other = (KeyValuePair)o;
return (_key == other._key) && (_value == null ? other._value == null : _value.equals(other._value));
public String toString()
return "{" + _key + " -> " + _value + "}";