blob: 78355a750130d3a502a5870adfe603464cdf0ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.actors.CurrentActor;
* Models the rule configuration for the access control plugin.
* The access control rule definitions are loaded from an external configuration file, passed in as the
* target to the {@link load(ConfigurationFile)} method. The file specified
public class RuleSet
private static final String AT = "@";
private static final String SLASH = "/";
public static final String DEFAULT_ALLOW = "defaultallow";
public static final String DEFAULT_DENY = "defaultdeny";
public static final String TRANSITIVE = "transitive";
public static final String EXPAND = "expand";
public static final String AUTONUMBER = "autonumber";
public static final String CONTROLLED = "controlled";
public static final String VALIDATE = "validate";
public static final List<String> CONFIG_PROPERTIES = Arrays.asList(
private static final Integer _increment = 10;
private final Map<String, List<String>> _aclGroups = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
private final SortedMap<Integer, Rule> _rules = new TreeMap<Integer, Rule>();
private final Map<Subject, Map<Operation, Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>>>> _cache =
new WeakHashMap<Subject, Map<Operation, Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>>>>();
private final Map<String, Boolean> _config = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
public RuleSet()
// set some default configuration properties
configure(DEFAULT_DENY, Boolean.TRUE);
configure(TRANSITIVE, Boolean.TRUE);
* Clear the contents, including acl groups, rules and configuration.
public void clear()
public int getRuleCount()
return _rules.size();
* Filtered rules list based on a subject and operation.
* Allows only enabled rules with identity equal to all, the same, or a group with identity as a member,
* and operation is either all or the same operation.
public List<Rule> getRules(final Subject subject, final Operation operation, final ObjectType objectType)
final Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>> objects = getObjectToRuleCache(subject, operation);
// Lookup object type rules for the operation
if (!objects.containsKey(objectType))
final Set<Principal> principals = subject.getPrincipals();
boolean controlled = false;
List<Rule> filtered = new LinkedList<Rule>();
for (Rule rule : _rules.values())
final Action ruleAction = rule.getAction();
if (rule.isEnabled()
&& (ruleAction.getOperation() == Operation.ALL || ruleAction.getOperation() == operation)
&& (ruleAction.getObjectType() == ObjectType.ALL || ruleAction.getObjectType() == objectType))
controlled = true;
if (isRelevant(principals,rule))
// Return null if there are no rules at all for this operation and object type
if (filtered.isEmpty() && controlled == false)
filtered = null;
// Save the rules we selected
objects.put(objectType, filtered);
// Return the cached rules
return objects.get(objectType);
public boolean isValidNumber(Integer number)
return !_rules.containsKey(number);
public void grant(Integer number, String identity, Permission permission, Operation operation)
Action action = new Action(operation);
addRule(number, identity, permission, action);
public void grant(Integer number, String identity, Permission permission, Operation operation, ObjectType object, ObjectProperties properties)
Action action = new Action(operation, object, properties);
addRule(number, identity, permission, action);
public boolean ruleExists(String identity, Action action)
for (Rule rule : _rules.values())
if (rule.getIdentity().equals(identity) && rule.getAction().equals(action))
return true;
return false;
private Permission noLog(Permission permission)
switch (permission)
case ALLOW:
return Permission.ALLOW;
case DENY:
case DENY_LOG:
return Permission.DENY;
// TODO make this work when group membership is not known at file parse time
public void addRule(Integer number, String identity, Permission permission, Action action)
if (!action.isAllowed())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Action is not allowd: " + action);
if (ruleExists(identity, action))
// expand actions - possibly multiply number by
if (isSet(EXPAND))
if (action.getOperation() == Operation.CREATE && action.getObjectType() == ObjectType.TOPIC)
addRule(null, identity, noLog(permission), new Action(Operation.BIND, ObjectType.EXCHANGE,
new ObjectProperties("amq.topic", action.getProperties().get(ObjectProperties.Property.NAME))));
ObjectProperties topicProperties = new ObjectProperties();
topicProperties.put(ObjectProperties.Property.DURABLE, true);
addRule(null, identity, permission, new Action(Operation.CREATE, ObjectType.QUEUE, topicProperties));
if (action.getOperation() == Operation.DELETE && action.getObjectType() == ObjectType.TOPIC)
addRule(null, identity, noLog(permission), new Action(Operation.UNBIND, ObjectType.EXCHANGE,
new ObjectProperties("amq.topic", action.getProperties().get(ObjectProperties.Property.NAME))));
ObjectProperties topicProperties = new ObjectProperties();
topicProperties.put(ObjectProperties.Property.DURABLE, true);
addRule(null, identity, permission, new Action(Operation.DELETE, ObjectType.QUEUE, topicProperties));
// transitive action dependencies
if (isSet(TRANSITIVE))
if (action.getOperation() == Operation.CREATE && action.getObjectType() == ObjectType.QUEUE)
ObjectProperties exchProperties = new ObjectProperties(action.getProperties());
exchProperties.put(ObjectProperties.Property.ROUTING_KEY, action.getProperties().get(ObjectProperties.Property.NAME));
addRule(null, identity, noLog(permission), new Action(Operation.BIND, ObjectType.EXCHANGE, exchProperties));
if (action.getProperties().isSet(ObjectProperties.Property.AUTO_DELETE))
addRule(null, identity, noLog(permission), new Action(Operation.DELETE, ObjectType.QUEUE, action.getProperties()));
else if (action.getOperation() == Operation.DELETE && action.getObjectType() == ObjectType.QUEUE)
ObjectProperties exchProperties = new ObjectProperties(action.getProperties());
exchProperties.put(ObjectProperties.Property.ROUTING_KEY, action.getProperties().get(ObjectProperties.Property.NAME));
addRule(null, identity, noLog(permission), new Action(Operation.UNBIND, ObjectType.EXCHANGE, exchProperties));
else if (action.getOperation() != Operation.ACCESS && action.getObjectType() != ObjectType.VIRTUALHOST)
addRule(null, identity, noLog(permission), new Action(Operation.ACCESS, ObjectType.VIRTUALHOST));
// set rule number if needed
Rule rule = new Rule(number, identity, action, permission);
if (rule.getNumber() == null)
if (_rules.isEmpty())
rule.setNumber(_rules.lastKey() + _increment);
// save rule
_rules.put(rule.getNumber(), rule);
public void enableRule(int ruleNumber)
public void disableRule(int ruleNumber)
public boolean addGroup(String group, List<String> constituents)
if (_aclGroups.containsKey(group))
// cannot redefine
return false;
_aclGroups.put(group, new ArrayList<String>());
for (String name : constituents)
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(group))
// recursive definition
return false;
if (!checkName(name))
// invalid name
return false;
if (_aclGroups.containsKey(name))
// is a group
// is a user
if (!isvalidUserName(name))
// invalid username
return false;
return true;
/** Return true if the name is well-formed (contains legal characters). */
protected boolean checkName(String name)
for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++)
Character c = name.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '-' && c != '_' && c != '@' && c != '.' && c != '/')
return false;
return true;
/** Returns true if a username has the name[@domain][/realm] format */
protected boolean isvalidUserName(String name)
// check for '@' and '/' in namne
int atPos = name.indexOf(AT);
int slashPos = name.indexOf(SLASH);
boolean atFound = atPos != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND && atPos == name.lastIndexOf(AT);
boolean slashFound = slashPos != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND && slashPos == name.lastIndexOf(SLASH);
// must be at least one character after '@' or '/'
if (atFound && atPos > name.length() - 2)
return false;
if (slashFound && slashPos > name.length() - 2)
return false;
// must be at least one character between '@' and '/'
if (atFound && slashFound)
return (atPos < (slashPos - 1));
// otherwise all good
return true;
// C++ broker authorise function prototype
// virtual bool authorise(const std::string& id, const Action& action, const ObjectType& objType,
// const std::string& name, std::map<Property, std::string>* params=0);
// Possibly add a String name paramater?
* Check the authorisation granted to a particular identity for an operation on an object type with
* specific properties.
* Looks up the entire ruleset, which may be cached, for the user and operation and goes through the rules
* in order to find the first one that matches. Either defers if there are no rules, returns the result of
* the first match found, or denies access if there are no matching rules. Normally, it would be expected
* to have a default deny or allow rule at the end of an access configuration however.
public Result check(Subject subject, Operation operation, ObjectType objectType, ObjectProperties properties)
// Create the action to check
Action action = new Action(operation, objectType, properties);
// get the list of rules relevant for this request
List<Rule> rules = getRules(subject, operation, objectType);
if (rules == null)
if (isSet(CONTROLLED))
// Abstain if there are no rules for this operation
return Result.ABSTAIN;
return getDefault();
// Iterate through a filtered set of rules dealing with this identity and operation
for (Rule current : rules)
// Check if action matches
if (action.matches(current.getAction()))
Permission permission = current.getPermission();
switch (permission)
action.getOperation().toString(), action.getObjectType().toString(), action.getProperties().toString()));
case ALLOW:
return Result.ALLOWED;
case DENY_LOG:
action.getOperation().toString(), action.getObjectType().toString(), action.getProperties().toString()));
case DENY:
return Result.DENIED;
return Result.DENIED;
// Defer to the next plugin of this type, if it exists
return Result.DEFER;
/** Default deny. */
public Result getDefault()
return Result.ALLOWED;
if (isSet(DEFAULT_DENY))
return Result.DENIED;
return Result.ABSTAIN;
* Check if a configuration property is set.
protected boolean isSet(String key)
return BooleanUtils.isTrue(_config.get(key));
* Configure properties for the plugin instance.
* @param properties
public void configure(Map<String, Boolean> properties)
* Configure a single property for the plugin instance.
* @param key
* @param value
public void configure(String key, Boolean value)
_config.put(key, value);
private boolean isRelevant(final Set<Principal> principals, final Rule rule)
if (rule.getIdentity().equalsIgnoreCase(Rule.ALL))
return true;
for (Iterator<Principal> iterator = principals.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
final Principal principal =;
if (rule.getIdentity().equalsIgnoreCase(principal.getName())
|| (_aclGroups.containsKey(rule.getIdentity()) && _aclGroups.get(rule.getIdentity()).contains(principal.getName())))
return true;
return false;
private Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>> getObjectToRuleCache(final Subject subject, final Operation operation)
// Lookup identity in cache and create empty operation map if required
Map<Operation, Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>>> operations = _cache.get(subject);
if (operations == null)
operations = new EnumMap<Operation, Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>>>(Operation.class);
_cache.put(subject, operations);
// Lookup operation and create empty object type map if required
Map<ObjectType, List<Rule>> objects = operations.get(operation);
if (objects == null)
objects = new EnumMap<ObjectType, List<Rule>>(ObjectType.class);
operations.put(operation, objects);
return objects;