blob: 9355358e6c42a5ea96a834031d40c1e019ab15ca [file] [log] [blame]
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
<project name="bdbstore" default="build">
<property name="module.depends" value="common client management/common broker perftests systests" />
<property name="module.test.depends" value="test common/test broker/test management/common perftests systests" />
<import file="../module.xml" />
<property name="bdb.lib.dir" value="${project.root}/lib/bdbstore" />
<property name="bdb.version" value="4.0.103" />
<property name="" value="${bdb.version}/je-${bdb.version}.jar" />
<property name="bdb.jar.file" value="${bdb.lib.dir}/je-${bdb.version}.jar" />
<!--check whether the BDB jar is present, possibly after download-->
<target name="check-bdb-jar">
<available file="${bdb.jar.file}" type="file" property="bdb.jar.available"/>
<!--echo that BDB is required if it isnt present, with associated licencing note-->
<target name="bdb-jar-required" depends="bdb-licence-note-optional" unless="bdb.jar.available">
<echo>The BDB JE library is required to use this optional module.
The jar file may be downloaded by either:
Seperately running the following command from the qpid/java/bdbstore dir: ant download-bdb
Adding -Ddownload-bdb=true to your regular build command.</echo>
<fail>The BDB JE library was not found</fail>
<!--issue BDB licencing note if BDB isnt already present-->
<target name="bdb-licence-note-optional" depends="check-bdb-jar" unless="bdb.jar.available">
<antcall target="bdb-licence-note"/>
<!--issue BDB licencing note-->
<target name="bdb-licence-note">
<echo>*NOTE* The BDB JE library required by this optional module is licensed under the Sleepycat Licence, which is not compatible with the Apache Licence v2.0.
For a copy of the Sleepycat Licence, please see:</echo>
<!--check if an inline BDB download was requested with the build-->
<target name="check-request-props" if="download-bdb">
<antcall target="download-bdb"/>
<!--download BDB, with licencing note-->
<target name="download-bdb" depends="bdb-licence-note">
<mkdir dir="${bdb.lib.dir}"/>
<echo>Downloading BDB JE</echo>
<get src="${}" dest="${bdb.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true" />
<target name="build" depends="check-request-props, bdb-jar-required," />
<target name="postbuild" depends="copy-store-to-upgrade" />
<target name="copy-store-to-upgrade" description="copy the upgrade tool resource folder contents into the build tree">
<copy todir="${qpid.home}" failonerror="true">
<fileset dir="src/test/resources/upgrade"/>