blob: 664f0cf8777df89a9dfd541c2c3a951eddc75e3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#include "TestOptions.h"
#include "qpid/client/AsyncSession.h"
#include "qpid/client/SubscriptionManager.h"
#include "qpid/client/Connection.h"
#include "qpid/client/Completion.h"
#include "qpid/client/Message.h"
#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Time.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Thread.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace qpid;
using namespace client;
using namespace sys;
using boost::lexical_cast;
using boost::bind;
namespace qpid {
namespace tests {
enum Mode { SHARED, FANOUT, TOPIC };
const char* modeNames[] = { "shared", "fanout", "topic" };
// istream/ostream ops so Options can read/display Mode.
istream& operator>>(istream& in, Mode& mode) {
string s;
in >> s;
int i = find(modeNames, modeNames+3, s) - modeNames;
if (i >= 3) throw Exception("Invalid mode: "+s);
mode = Mode(i);
return in;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Mode mode) {
return out << modeNames[mode];
struct Opts : public TestOptions {
// Actions
bool setup, control, publish, subscribe;
// Queue policy
uint32_t queueMaxCount;
uint64_t queueMaxSize;
std::string baseName;
bool queueDurable;
// Publisher
size_t pubs;
size_t count ;
size_t size;
bool confirm;
bool durable;
bool uniqueData;
bool syncPub;
// Subscriber
size_t subs;
size_t ack;
// General
size_t qt;
bool singleConnect;
size_t iterations;
Mode mode;
bool summary;
uint32_t intervalSub;
uint32_t intervalPub;
size_t tx;
size_t txPub;
size_t txSub;
bool commitAsync;
static const std::string helpText;
Opts() :
setup(false), control(false), publish(false), subscribe(false), baseName("qpid-perftest"),
pubs(1), count(500000), size(1024), confirm(true), durable(false), uniqueData(false), syncPub(false),
subs(1), ack(0),
qt(1),singleConnect(false), iterations(1), mode(SHARED), summary(false),
intervalSub(0), intervalPub(0), tx(0), txPub(0), txSub(0), commitAsync(false)
("setup", optValue(setup), "Create shared queues.")
("control", optValue(control), "Run test, print report.")
("publish", optValue(publish), "Publish messages.")
("subscribe", optValue(subscribe), "Subscribe for messages.")
("mode", optValue(mode, "shared|fanout|topic"), "Test mode."
"\nshared: --qt queues, --npubs publishers and --nsubs subscribers per queue.\n"
"\nfanout: --npubs publishers, --nsubs subscribers, fanout exchange."
"\ntopic: --qt topics, --npubs publishers and --nsubs subscribers per topic.\n")
("npubs", optValue(pubs, "N"), "Create N publishers.")
("count", optValue(count, "N"), "Each publisher sends N messages.")
("size", optValue(size, "BYTES"), "Size of messages in bytes.")
("pub-confirm", optValue(confirm, "yes|no"), "Publisher use confirm-mode.")
("durable", optValue(durable, "yes|no"), "Publish messages as durable.")
("unique-data", optValue(uniqueData, "yes|no"), "Make data for each message unique.")
("sync-publish", optValue(syncPub, "yes|no"), "Wait for confirmation of each message before sending the next one.")
("nsubs", optValue(subs, "N"), "Create N subscribers.")
("sub-ack", optValue(ack, "N"), "N>0: Subscriber acks batches of N.\n"
"N==0: Subscriber uses unconfirmed mode")
("qt", optValue(qt, "N"), "Create N queues or topics.")
("single-connection", optValue(singleConnect, "yes|no"), "Use one connection for multiple sessions.")
("iterations", optValue(iterations, "N"), "Desired number of iterations of the test.")
("summary,s", optValue(summary), "Summary output: pubs/sec subs/sec transfers/sec Mbytes/sec")
("queue-max-count", optValue(queueMaxCount, "N"), "queue policy: count to trigger 'flow to disk'")
("queue-max-size", optValue(queueMaxSize, "N"), "queue policy: accumulated size to trigger 'flow to disk'")
("base-name", optValue(baseName, "NAME"), "base name used for queues or topics")
("queue-durable", optValue(queueDurable, "N"), "Make queue durable (implied if durable set)")
("interval_sub", optValue(intervalSub, "ms"), ">=0 delay between msg consume")
("interval_pub", optValue(intervalPub, "ms"), ">=0 delay between msg publish")
("tx", optValue(tx, "N"), "if non-zero, the transaction batch size for publishing and consuming")
("pub-tx", optValue(txPub, "N"), "if non-zero, the transaction batch size for publishing")
("async-commit", optValue(commitAsync, "yes|no"), "Don't wait for completion of commit")
("sub-tx", optValue(txSub, "N"), "if non-zero, the transaction batch size for consuming");
// Computed values
size_t totalPubs;
size_t totalSubs;
size_t transfers;
size_t subQuota;
void parse(int argc, char** argv) {
TestOptions::parse(argc, argv);
switch (mode) {
case SHARED:
if (count % subs) {
count += subs - (count % subs);
cout << "WARNING: Adjusted --count to " << count
<< " the next multiple of --nsubs" << endl;
totalPubs = pubs*qt;
totalSubs = subs*qt;
subQuota = (pubs*count)/subs;
case FANOUT:
if (qt != 1) cerr << "WARNING: Fanout mode, ignoring --qt="
<< qt << endl;
totalPubs = pubs;
totalSubs = subs;
subQuota = totalPubs*count;
case TOPIC:
totalPubs = pubs*qt;
totalSubs = subs*qt;
subQuota = pubs*count;
transfers=(totalPubs*count) + (totalSubs*subQuota);
if (tx) {
if (txPub) {
cerr << "WARNING: Using overriden tx value for publishers: " << txPub << std::endl;
} else {
txPub = tx;
if (txSub) {
cerr << "WARNING: Using overriden tx value for subscribers: " << txSub << std::endl;
} else {
txSub = tx;
const std::string Opts::helpText=
"There are two ways to use qpid-perftest: single process or multi-process.\n\n"
"If none of the --setup, --publish, --subscribe or --control options\n"
"are given qpid-perftest will run a single-process test.\n"
"For a multi-process test first run:\n"
" qpid-perftest --setup <other options>\n"
"and wait for it to complete. The remaining process should run concurrently::\n"
"Run --npubs times: qpid-perftest --publish <other options>\n"
"Run --nsubs times: qpid-perftest --subscribe <other options>\n"
"Run once: qpid-perftest --control <other options>\n"
"Note the <other options> must be identical for all processes.\n";
Opts opts;
Connection globalConnection;
std::string fqn(const std::string& name)
ostringstream fqn;
fqn << opts.baseName << "_" << name;
return fqn.str();
struct Client : public Runnable {
Connection* connection;
Connection localConnection;
AsyncSession session;
Thread thread;
Client() {
if (opts.singleConnect){
connection = &globalConnection;
if (!globalConnection.isOpen());
connection = &localConnection;;
session = connection->newSession();
~Client() {
try {
if (connection->isOpen()) {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Error in shutdown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
struct Setup : public Client {
void queueInit(string name, bool durable=false, const framing::FieldTable& settings=framing::FieldTable()) {
session.queueDeclare(arg::queue=name, arg::durable=durable, arg::arguments=settings);
void run() {
if (opts.iterations > 1) queueInit(fqn("sub_iteration"));
if (opts.mode==SHARED) {
framing::FieldTable settings;//queue policy settings
settings.setInt("qpid.max_count", opts.queueMaxCount);
settings.setInt("qpid.max_size", opts.queueMaxSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < opts.qt; ++i) {
ostringstream qname;
qname << opts.baseName << i;
queueInit(qname.str(), opts.durable || opts.queueDurable, settings);
void expect(string actual, string expect) {
if (expect != actual)
throw Exception("Expecting "+expect+" but received "+actual);
double secs(Duration d) { return double(d)/TIME_SEC; }
double secs(AbsTime start, AbsTime finish) {
return secs(Duration(start,finish));
// Collect rates & print stats.
class Stats {
vector<double> values;
double sum;
Stats() : sum(0) {}
// Functor to collect rates.
void operator()(const string& data) {
try {
double d=lexical_cast<double>(data);
sum += d;
} catch (const std::exception&) {
throw Exception("Bad report: "+data);
double mean() const {
return sum/values.size();
double stdev() const {
if (values.size() <= 1) return 0;
double avg = mean();
double ssq = 0;
for (vector<double>::const_iterator i = values.begin();
i != values.end(); ++i) {
double x=*i;
x -= avg;
ssq += x*x;
return sqrt(ssq/(values.size()-1));
ostream& print(ostream& out) {
ostream_iterator<double> o(out, "\n");
copy(values.begin(), values.end(), o);
out << "Average: " << mean();
if (values.size() > 1)
out << " ( " << stdev() << ")";
return out << endl;
// Manage control queues, collect and print reports.
struct Controller : public Client {
SubscriptionManager subs;
Controller() : subs(session) {}
/** Process messages from queue by applying a functor. */
void process(size_t n, string queue,
boost::function<void (const string&)> msgFn)
if (!opts.summary)
cout << "Processing " << n << " messages from "
<< queue << " " << flush;
LocalQueue lq;
subs.setFlowControl(n, SubscriptionManager::UNLIMITED, false);
subs.subscribe(lq, queue);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!opts.summary) cout << "." << flush;
if (!opts.summary) cout << " done." << endl;
void process(size_t n, LocalQueue lq, string queue,
boost::function<void (const string&)> msgFn)
session.messageFlow(queue, 0, n);
if (!opts.summary)
cout << "Processing " << n << " messages from "
<< queue << " " << flush;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!opts.summary) cout << "." << flush;
if (!opts.summary) cout << " done." << endl;
void send(size_t n, string queue, string data) {
if (!opts.summary)
cout << "Sending " << data << " " << n << " times to " << queue
<< endl;
Message msg(data, queue);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
session.messageTransfer(arg::content=msg, arg::acceptMode=1);
void run() { // Controller
try {
// Wait for subscribers to be ready.
process(opts.totalSubs, fqn("sub_ready"), boost::bind(expect, _1, "ready"));
LocalQueue pubDone;
LocalQueue subDone;
subs.setFlowControl(0, SubscriptionManager::UNLIMITED, false);
subs.subscribe(pubDone, fqn("pub_done"));
subs.subscribe(subDone, fqn("sub_done"));
double txrateTotal(0);
double mbytesTotal(0);
double pubRateTotal(0);
double subRateTotal(0);
for (size_t j = 0; j < opts.iterations; ++j) {
AbsTime start=now();
send(opts.totalPubs, fqn("pub_start"), "start"); // Start publishers
if (j) {
send(opts.totalSubs, fqn("sub_iteration"), "next"); // Start subscribers on next iteration
Stats pubRates;
Stats subRates;
process(opts.totalPubs, pubDone, fqn("pub_done"), boost::ref(pubRates));
process(opts.totalSubs, subDone, fqn("sub_done"), boost::ref(subRates));
AbsTime end=now();
double time=secs(start, end);
if (time <= 0.0) {
throw Exception("ERROR: Test completed in zero seconds. Try again with a larger message count.");
double txrate=opts.transfers/time;
double mbytes=(txrate*opts.size)/(1024*1024);
if (!opts.summary) {
cout << endl << "Total " << opts.transfers << " transfers of "
<< opts.size << " bytes in "
<< time << " seconds." << endl;
cout << endl << "Publish transfers/sec: " << endl;
cout << endl << "Subscribe transfers/sec: " << endl;
cout << endl
<< "Total transfers/sec: " << txrate << endl
<< "Total Mbytes/sec: " << mbytes << endl;
else {
cout << pubRates.mean() << "\t"
<< subRates.mean() << "\t"
<< txrate << "\t"
<< mbytes << endl;
txrateTotal += txrate;
mbytesTotal += mbytes;
pubRateTotal += pubRates.mean();
subRateTotal += subRates.mean();
if (opts.iterations > 1) {
cout << "Averages: "<< endl
<< (pubRateTotal / opts.iterations) << "\t"
<< (subRateTotal / opts.iterations) << "\t"
<< (txrateTotal / opts.iterations) << "\t"
<< (mbytesTotal / opts.iterations) << endl;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
cout << "Controller exception: " << e.what() << endl;
struct PublishThread : public Client {
string destination;
string routingKey;
PublishThread() {};
PublishThread(string key, string dest=string()) {
void run() { // Publisher
try {
string data;
size_t offset(0);
if (opts.uniqueData) {
offset = 5;
data += "data:";//marker (requested for latency testing tool scripts)
data += string(sizeof(size_t), 'X');//space for seq no
data += session.getId().str();
if (opts.size > data.size()) {
data += string(opts.size - data.size(), 'X');
} else if(opts.size < data.size()) {
cout << "WARNING: Increased --size to " << data.size()
<< " to honour --unique-data" << endl;
} else {
size_t msgSize=max(opts.size, sizeof(size_t));
data = string(msgSize, 'X');
Message msg(data, routingKey);
if (opts.durable)
if (opts.txPub){
SubscriptionManager subs(session);
LocalQueue lq;
subs.setFlowControl(0, SubscriptionManager::UNLIMITED, false);
Subscription cs = subs.subscribe(lq, fqn("pub_start"));
for (size_t j = 0; j < opts.iterations; ++j) {
expect(lq.pop().getData(), "start");
AbsTime start=now();
for (size_t i=0; i<opts.count; i++) {
// Stamp the iteration into the message data, avoid
// any heap allocation.
const_cast<std::string&>(msg.getData()).replace(offset, sizeof(size_t),
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i), sizeof(size_t));
if (opts.syncPub) {
} else {
if (opts.txPub && ((i+1) % opts.txPub == 0)){
if (opts.commitAsync){
} else {
if (opts.intervalPub)
if (opts.confirm) session.sync();
AbsTime end=now();
double time=secs(start,end);
if (time <= 0.0) {
throw Exception("ERROR: Test completed in zero seconds. Try again with a larger message count.");
// Send result to controller.
Message report(lexical_cast<string>(opts.count/time), fqn("pub_done"));
session.messageTransfer(arg::content=report, arg::acceptMode=1);
if (opts.txPub){
catch (const std::exception& e) {
cout << "PublishThread exception: " << e.what() << endl;
struct SubscribeThread : public Client {
string queue;
SubscribeThread() {}
SubscribeThread(string q) { queue = q; }
SubscribeThread(string key, string ex) {
queue=session.getId().str(); // Unique name.
void verify(bool cond, const char* test, uint32_t expect, uint32_t actual) {
if (!cond) {
Message error(
QPID_MSG("Sequence error: expected n" << test << expect << " but got " << actual),
session.messageTransfer(arg::content=error, arg::acceptMode=1);
throw Exception(error.getData());
void run() { // Subscribe
try {
if (opts.txSub) sync(session).txSelect();
SubscriptionManager subs(session);
SubscriptionSettings settings;
settings.autoAck = opts.txSub ? opts.txSub : opts.ack;
settings.acceptMode = (opts.txSub || opts.ack ? ACCEPT_MODE_EXPLICIT : ACCEPT_MODE_NONE);
settings.flowControl = FlowControl::messageCredit(opts.subQuota);
LocalQueue lq;
Subscription subscription = subs.subscribe(lq, queue, settings);
// Notify controller we are ready.
session.messageTransfer(arg::content=Message("ready", fqn("sub_ready")), arg::acceptMode=1);
if (opts.txSub) {
if (opts.commitAsync) session.txCommit();
else sync(session).txCommit();
LocalQueue iterationControl;
if (opts.iterations > 1) {
subs.subscribe(iterationControl, fqn("sub_iteration"), SubscriptionSettings(FlowControl::messageCredit(0)));
for (size_t j = 0; j < opts.iterations; ++j) {
if (j > 0) {
//need to wait here until all subs are done
session.messageFlow(fqn("sub_iteration"), 0, 1);
//need to allocate some more credit for subscription
session.messageFlow(queue, 0, opts.subQuota);
Message msg;
AbsTime start=now();
size_t expect=0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < opts.subQuota; ++i) {
if (opts.txSub && ((i+1) % opts.txSub == 0)) {
if (opts.commitAsync) session.txCommit();
else sync(session).txCommit();
if (opts.intervalSub)
// TODO aconway 2007-11-23: check message order for.
// multiple publishers. Need an array of counters,
// one per publisher and a publisher ID in the
// message. Careful not to introduce a lot of overhead
// here, e.g. no std::map, std::string etc.
// For now verify order only for a single publisher.
size_t offset = opts.uniqueData ? 5 /*marker is 'data:'*/ : 0;
size_t n;
memcpy (&n, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(msg.getData().data() + offset),
if (opts.pubs == 1) {
if (opts.subs == 1 || opts.mode == FANOUT) verify(n==expect, "==", expect, n);
else verify(n>=expect, ">=", expect, n);
expect = n+1;
if (opts.txSub || opts.ack)
if (opts.txSub) {
if (opts.commitAsync) session.txCommit();
else sync(session).txCommit();
AbsTime end=now();
// Report to publisher.
Message result(lexical_cast<string>(opts.subQuota/secs(start,end)),
session.messageTransfer(arg::content=result, arg::acceptMode=1);
if (opts.txSub) sync(session).txCommit();
catch (const std::exception& e) {
cout << "SubscribeThread exception: " << e.what() << endl;
}} // namespace qpid::tests
using namespace qpid::tests;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int exitCode = 0;
boost::ptr_vector<Client> subs(opts.subs);
boost::ptr_vector<Client> pubs(opts.pubs);
try {
opts.parse(argc, argv);
string exchange;
switch (opts.mode) {
case FANOUT: exchange="amq.fanout"; break;
case TOPIC: exchange="amq.topic"; break;
case SHARED: break;
bool singleProcess=
(!opts.setup && !opts.control && !opts.publish && !opts.subscribe);
if (singleProcess)
opts.setup = opts.control = opts.publish = opts.subscribe = true;
if (opts.setup) Setup().run(); // Set up queues
// Start pubs/subs for each queue/topic.
for (size_t i = 0; i < opts.qt; ++i) {
ostringstream key;
key << opts.baseName << i; // Queue or topic name.
if (opts.publish) {
size_t n = singleProcess ? opts.pubs : 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
pubs.push_back(new PublishThread(key.str(), exchange));
if (opts.subscribe) {
size_t n = singleProcess ? opts.subs : 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (opts.mode==SHARED)
subs.push_back(new SubscribeThread(key.str()));
subs.push_back(new SubscribeThread(key.str(),exchange));
if (opts.control) Controller().run();
catch (const std::exception& e) {
cout << endl << e.what() << endl;
exitCode = 1;
// Wait for started threads.
if (opts.publish) {
for (boost::ptr_vector<Client>::iterator i=pubs.begin();
i != pubs.end();
if (opts.subscribe) {
for (boost::ptr_vector<Client>::iterator i=subs.begin();
i != subs.end();
return exitCode;