blob: 3c7e8e802085bae1e8b788093b55607e77a2b224 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Functions for comparing broker log files, used by
import os, os.path, re, glob
from itertools import izip
def split_log(log):
"""Split a broker log at checkpoints where a member joins.
Return the set of checkpoints discovered."""
checkpoint_re = re.compile("Member joined, frameSeq=([0-9]+), queue snapshot:")
outfile = None
checkpoints = []
for l in open(log):
match =
if match:
checkpoint = match.groups()[0]
if outfile: outfile.close()
outfile = open("%s.%s"%(log, checkpoint), 'w')
if outfile: outfile.write(l)
if outfile: outfile.close()
return checkpoints
def filter_log(log):
"""Filter the contents of a log file to remove data that is expected
to differ between brokers in a cluster. Filtered log contents between
the same checkpoints should match across the cluster."""
out = open("%s.filter"%(log), 'w')
# Lines to skip entirely, expected differences
skip = "|".join([
'local connection', # Only on local broker
'UPDATER|UPDATEE', # Ignore update process
'stall for update|unstall, ignore update|cancelled offer .* unstall',
'caught up',
'active for links|Passivating links|Activating links',
'info Connecting: .*', # UpdateClient connection
'info Connection.* connected to', # UpdateClient connection
'warning Connection \\[[-0-9.: ]+\\] closed', # UpdateClient connection
'warning Broker closed connection: 200, OK',
'task late',
'task overran',
'warning CLOSING .* unsent data',
'Inter-broker link ',
'Running in a cluster, marking store',
'debug Sending keepalive signal to watchdog', # Watchdog timer thread
'last broker standing joined by 1 replicas, updating queue policies.',
'Connection .* timed out: closing' # heartbeat connection close
# Regex to match a UUID
# Substitutions to remove expected differences
subs = [
(r'\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d ', ''), # Remove timestamp
(r'cluster\([0-9.: ]*', 'cluster('), # Remove cluster node id
(r' local\)| shadow\)', ')'), # Remove local/shadow indication
(r'CATCHUP', 'READY'), # Treat catchup as equivalent to ready.
(r'OFFER', 'READY'), # Treat offer as equivalent to ready.
# System UUID expected to be different
(r'([:(])%s(\)?)'%(uuid), r'\1UUID\2'),
# TODO aconway 2010-12-20: review if these should be expected:
(r' len=\d+', ' len=NN'), # buffer lengths
(r' map={.*_object_name:([^,}]*)[,}].*', r' \1'), # V2 map - just keep name
(r'\d+-\d+-\d+--\d+', 'X-X-X--X'), # V1 Object IDs
# Substitutions to mask known issue: durable test shows inconsistent "changed stats for" messages.
skip += '|Changed V[12] statistics'
subs += [(r' props=\d+ stats=\d+',
' props=NN stats=NN')]
skip_re = re.compile(skip)
subs = [(re.compile(pattern), subst) for pattern, subst in subs]
for l in open(log):
if continue
for pattern,subst in subs: l = re.sub(pattern,subst,l)
def verify_logs():
"""Compare log files from cluster brokers, verify that they correspond correctly."""
for l in glob.glob("*.log"): filter_log(l)
checkpoints = set()
for l in glob.glob("*.filter"): checkpoints = checkpoints.union(set(split_log(l)))
for c in checkpoints:
fragments = glob.glob("*.filter.%s"%(c))
fragments.sort(reverse=True, key=os.path.getsize)
while len(fragments) >= 2:
a = fragments.pop(0)
b = fragments[0]
for ab in izip(open(a), open(b)):
if ab[0] != ab[1]:
errors.append("\n %s %s"%(a, b))
if errors:
raise Exception("Files differ in %s"%(os.getcwd())+"".join(errors))
# Can be run as a script.
if __name__ == "__main__":