blob: ec7f8467043049bc463d39a28b8bb0874681168d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _QueuePolicy_
#define _QueuePolicy_
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "qpid/broker/BrokerImportExport.h"
#include "qpid/broker/QueuedMessage.h"
#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
#include "qpid/sys/AtomicValue.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Mutex.h"
namespace qpid {
namespace broker {
class QueuePolicy
static uint64_t defaultMaxSize;
uint32_t maxCount;
uint64_t maxSize;
const std::string type;
uint32_t count;
uint64_t size;
bool policyExceeded;
uint64_t getCurrentQueueSize() const { return size; }
typedef std::deque<QueuedMessage> Messages;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string maxCountKey;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string maxSizeKey;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string typeKey;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string REJECT;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string FLOW_TO_DISK;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string RING;
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN const std::string RING_STRICT;
virtual ~QueuePolicy() {}
QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void tryEnqueue(boost::intrusive_ptr<Message> msg);
QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void recoverEnqueued(boost::intrusive_ptr<Message> msg);
QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void enqueueAborted(boost::intrusive_ptr<Message> msg);
virtual void enqueued(const QueuedMessage&);
virtual void dequeued(const QueuedMessage&);
virtual bool isEnqueued(const QueuedMessage&);
QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void update(qpid::framing::FieldTable& settings);
uint32_t getMaxCount() const { return maxCount; }
uint64_t getMaxSize() const { return maxSize; }
void encode(framing::Buffer& buffer) const;
void decode ( framing::Buffer& buffer );
uint32_t encodedSize() const;
virtual void getPendingDequeues(Messages& result);
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN std::auto_ptr<QueuePolicy> createQueuePolicy(const std::string& name, const qpid::framing::FieldTable& settings);
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN std::auto_ptr<QueuePolicy> createQueuePolicy(const std::string& name, uint32_t maxCount, uint64_t maxSize, const std::string& type = REJECT);
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN std::auto_ptr<QueuePolicy> createQueuePolicy(const qpid::framing::FieldTable& settings);
static QPID_BROKER_EXTERN std::auto_ptr<QueuePolicy> createQueuePolicy(uint32_t maxCount, uint64_t maxSize, const std::string& type = REJECT);
static std::string getType(const qpid::framing::FieldTable& settings);
static void setDefaultMaxSize(uint64_t);
friend QPID_BROKER_EXTERN std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,
const QueuePolicy&);
const std::string name;
QueuePolicy(const std::string& name, uint32_t maxCount, uint64_t maxSize, const std::string& type = REJECT);
virtual bool checkLimit(boost::intrusive_ptr<Message> msg);
void enqueued(uint64_t size);
void dequeued(uint64_t size);
class FlowToDiskPolicy : public QueuePolicy
FlowToDiskPolicy(const std::string& name, uint32_t maxCount, uint64_t maxSize);
bool checkLimit(boost::intrusive_ptr<Message> msg);
class RingQueuePolicy : public QueuePolicy
RingQueuePolicy(const std::string& name, uint32_t maxCount, uint64_t maxSize, const std::string& type = RING);
void enqueued(const QueuedMessage&);
void dequeued(const QueuedMessage&);
bool isEnqueued(const QueuedMessage&);
bool checkLimit(boost::intrusive_ptr<Message> msg);
void getPendingDequeues(Messages& result);
Messages pendingDequeues;
Messages queue;
const bool strict;
bool find(const QueuedMessage&, Messages&, bool remove);