blob: fef994438fbb7eb8d08564f9b95377c55359d1a4 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _AsyncCompletion_
#define _AsyncCompletion_
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include "qpid/broker/BrokerImportExport.h"
#include "qpid/sys/AtomicValue.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Mutex.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Monitor.h"
namespace qpid {
namespace broker {
* Class to implement asynchronous notification of completion.
* Use-case: An "initiator" needs to wait for a set of "completers" to
* finish a unit of work before an action can occur. This object
* tracks the progress of the set of completers, and allows the action
* to occur once all completers have signalled that they are done.
* The initiator and completers may be running in separate threads.
* The initiating thread is the thread that initiates the action,
* i.e. the connection read thread.
* A completing thread is any thread that contributes to completion,
* e.g. a store thread that does an async write.
* There may be zero or more completers.
* When the work is complete, a callback is invoked. The callback
* may be invoked in the Initiator thread, or one of the Completer
* threads. The callback is passed a flag indicating whether or not
* the callback is running under the context of the Initiator thread.
* Use model:
* 1) Initiator thread invokes begin()
* 2) After begin() has been invoked, zero or more Completers invoke
* startCompleter(). Completers may be running in the same or
* different thread as the Initiator, as long as they guarantee that
* startCompleter() is invoked at least once before the Initiator invokes end().
* 3) Completers may invoke finishCompleter() at any time, even after the
* initiator has invoked end(). finishCompleter() may be called from any
* thread.
* 4) startCompleter()/finishCompleter() calls "nest": for each call to
* startCompleter(), a corresponding call to finishCompleter() must be made.
* Once the last finishCompleter() is called, the Completer must no longer
* reference the completion object.
* 5) The Initiator invokes end() at the point where it has finished
* dispatching work to the Completers, and is prepared for the callback
* handler to be invoked. Note: if there are no outstanding Completers
* pending when the Initiator invokes end(), the callback will be invoked
* directly, and the sync parameter will be set true. This indicates to the
* Initiator that the callback is executing in the context of the end() call,
* and the Initiator is free to optimize the handling of the completion,
* assuming no need for synchronization with Completer threads.
class AsyncCompletion
/** Supplied by the Initiator to the end() method, allows for a callback
* when all outstanding completers are done. If the callback cannot be
* made during the end() call, the clone() method must supply a copy of
* this callback object that persists after end() returns. The cloned
* callback object will be used by the last completer thread, and
* released when the callback returns.
class Callback : public RefCounted
virtual void completed(bool) = 0;
virtual boost::intrusive_ptr<Callback> clone() = 0;
mutable qpid::sys::AtomicValue<uint32_t> completionsNeeded;
mutable qpid::sys::Monitor callbackLock;
bool inCallback, active;
void invokeCallback(bool sync) {
qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(callbackLock);
if (active) {
if (callback.get()) {
inCallback = true;
qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedUnlock ul(callbackLock);
inCallback = false;
callback = boost::intrusive_ptr<Callback>();
active = false;
/** Invoked when all completers have signalled that they have completed
* (via calls to finishCompleter()). bool == true if called via end()
boost::intrusive_ptr<Callback> callback;
AsyncCompletion() : completionsNeeded(0), inCallback(false), active(true) {};
virtual ~AsyncCompletion() { cancel(); }
/** True when all outstanding operations have compeleted
bool isDone()
return !active;
/** Called to signal the start of an asynchronous operation. The operation
* is considered pending until finishCompleter() is called.
* E.g. called when initiating an async store operation.
void startCompleter() { ++completionsNeeded; }
/** Called by completer to signal that it has finished the operation started
* when startCompleter() was invoked.
* e.g. called when async write complete.
void finishCompleter()
if (--completionsNeeded == 0) {
/** called by initiator before any calls to startCompleter can be done.
void begin()
/** called by initiator after all potential completers have called
* startCompleter().
void end(Callback& cb)
assert(completionsNeeded.get() > 0); // ensure begin() has been called!
// the following only "decrements" the count if it is 1. This means
// there are no more outstanding completers and we are done.
if (completionsNeeded.boolCompareAndSwap(1, 0)) {
// done! Complete immediately
// the compare-and-swap did not succeed. This means there are
// outstanding completers pending (count > 1). Get a persistent
// Callback object to use when the last completer is done.
// Decrement after setting up the callback ensures that pending
// completers cannot touch the callback until it is ready.
callback = cb.clone();
if (--completionsNeeded == 0) {
// note that a completer may have completed during the
// callback setup or decrement:
/** may be called by Initiator to cancel the callback. Will wait for
* callback to complete if in progress.
virtual void cancel() {
qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(callbackLock);
while (inCallback) callbackLock.wait();
callback = boost::intrusive_ptr<Callback>();
active = false;
}} // qpid::broker::
#endif /*!_AsyncCompletion_*/