blob: e89a6ce02f6d2eef9d9d462e0710d21a3629741b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "qpid/messaging/ImportExport.h"
#include "qpid/messaging/Duration.h"
#include "qpid/types/Exception.h"
#include "qpid/types/Variant.h"
#include <string>
namespace qpid {
namespace messaging {
class Address;
class Codec;
struct MessageImpl;
/** \ingroup messaging
* Representation of a message.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN Message(const std::string& bytes = std::string());
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN Message(const char*, size_t);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN Message(const Message&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN Message& operator=(const Message&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setReplyTo(const Address&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const Address& getReplyTo() const;
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setSubject(const std::string&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const std::string& getSubject() const;
* Set the content type (i.e. the MIME type) for the message. This
* should be set by the sending application and indicates to
* recipients of message how to interpret or decode the content.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setContentType(const std::string&);
* Returns the content type (i.e. the MIME type) for the
* message. This can be used to determine how to decode the
* message content.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const std::string& getContentType() const;
* Set an application defined identifier for the message. At
* present this must be a stringfied UUID (support for less
* restrictive IDs is anticipated however).
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setMessageId(const std::string&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const std::string& getMessageId() const;
* Sets the user id of the message. This should in general be the
* user-id as which the sending connection authenticated itself as
* the messaging infrastructure will verify this. See
* Connection::getAuthenticatedUsername()
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setUserId(const std::string&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const std::string& getUserId() const;
* Can be used to set application specific correlation identifiers
* as part of a protocol for message exchange patterns. E.g. a
* request-reponse pattern might require the correlation-id of the
* request and response to match, or might use the message-id of
* the request as the correlation-id on the response etc.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setCorrelationId(const std::string&);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const std::string& getCorrelationId() const;
* Sets a priority level on the message. This may be used by the
* messaging infrastructure to prioritise delivery of higher
* priority messages.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setPriority(uint8_t);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN uint8_t getPriority() const;
* Set the time to live for this message in milliseconds. This can
* be used by the messaging infrastructure to discard messages
* that are no longer of relevance.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setTtl(Duration ttl);
*Get the time to live for this message in milliseconds.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN Duration getTtl() const;
* Mark the message as durable. This is a hint to the messaging
* infrastructure that the message should be persisted or
* otherwise stored such that failoures or shutdown do not cause
* it to be lost.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setDurable(bool durable);
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN bool getDurable() const;
* The redelivered flag if set implies that the message *may* have
* been previously delivered and thus is a hint to the application
* or messaging infrastructure that if de-duplication is required
* this message should be examined to determine if it is a
* duplicate.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN bool getRedelivered() const;
* Can be used to provide a hint to the application or messaging
* infrastructure that if de-duplication is required this message
* should be examined to determine if it is a duplicate.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setRedelivered(bool);
* In addition to a payload (i.e. the content), messages can
* include annotations describing aspectf of the message. In
* addition to the standard annotations such as TTL and content
* type, application- or context- specific properties can also be
* defined. Each message has a map of name values for such custom
* properties. The value is specified as a Variant.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const qpid::types::Variant::Map& getProperties() const;
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN qpid::types::Variant::Map& getProperties();
* Set the content to the data held in the string parameter. Note:
* this is treated as raw bytes and need not be text. Consider
* setting the content-type to indicate how the data should be
* interpreted by recipients.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setContent(const std::string&);
* Copy count bytes from the region pointed to by chars as the
* message content.
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setContent(const char* chars, size_t count);
/** Get the content as a std::string */
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN std::string getContent() const;
* Get a const pointer to the start of the content data. The
* memory pointed to is owned by the message. The getContentSize()
* method indicates how much data there is (i.e. the extent of the
* memory region pointed to by the return value of this method).
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN const char* getContentPtr() const;
/** Get the size of content in bytes. */
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN size_t getContentSize() const;
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void setProperty(const std::string&, const qpid::types::Variant&);
MessageImpl* impl;
friend struct MessageImplAccess;
struct QPID_MESSAGING_CLASS_EXTERN EncodingException : qpid::types::Exception
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN EncodingException(const std::string& msg);
* Decodes message content into a Variant::Map.
* @param message the message whose content should be decoded
* @param map the map into which the message contents will be decoded
* @param encoding if specified, the encoding to use - this overrides
* any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
* @exception EncodingException
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void decode(const Message& message,
qpid::types::Variant::Map& map,
const std::string& encoding = std::string());
* Decodes message content into a Variant::List.
* @param message the message whose content should be decoded
* @param list the list into which the message contents will be decoded
* @param encoding if specified, the encoding to use - this overrides
* any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
* @exception EncodingException
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void decode(const Message& message,
qpid::types::Variant::List& list,
const std::string& encoding = std::string());
* Encodes a Variant::Map into a message.
* @param map the map to be encoded
* @param message the message whose content should be set to the encoded map
* @param encoding if specified, the encoding to use - this overrides
* any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
* @exception EncodingException
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void encode(const qpid::types::Variant::Map& map,
Message& message,
const std::string& encoding = std::string());
* Encodes a Variant::List into a message.
* @param list the list to be encoded
* @param message the message whose content should be set to the encoded list
* @param encoding if specified, the encoding to use - this overrides
* any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
* @exception EncodingException
QPID_MESSAGING_EXTERN void encode(const qpid::types::Variant::List& list,
Message& message,
const std::string& encoding = std::string());
}} // namespace qpid::messaging