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* Status of impementation
Meaning of priorities:
[#A] Essential for basic functioning.
[#B] Required for first release.
[#C] Can be addressed in a later release.
The existig prototype is bare bones to do performance benchmarks:
- Implements publish and consumer locking protocol.
- Defered delivery and asynchronous completion of message.
- Optimize the case all consumers are on the same node.
- No new member updates, no failover updates, no transactions, no persistence etc.
Prototype code is on branch qpid-2920-active, in cpp/src/qpid/cluster/exp/
** Similarities to existing cluster.
/Active-active/: the new cluster can be a drop-in replacement for the
old, existing tests & customer deployment configurations are still
/Virtual synchrony/: Uses corosync to co-ordinate activity of members.
/XML controls/: Uses XML to define the primitives multicast to the
** Differences with existing cluster.
/Report rather than predict consumption/: brokers explicitly tell each
other which messages have been acquired or dequeued. This removes the
major cause of bugs in the existing cluster.
/Queue consumer locking/: to avoid duplicates only one broker can acquire or
dequeue messages at a time - while has the consume-lock on the
queue. If multiple brokers are consuming from the same queue the lock
is passed around to time-share access to the queue.
/Per-queue concurrency/: uses a fixed-size set of CPG groups (reflecting
the concurrency of the host) to allow concurrent processing on
different queues. Queues are hashed onto the groups.
* Completed tasks
** DONE [#A] Minimal POC: publish/acquire/dequeue protocol.
CLOSED: [2011-10-05 Wed 16:03]
Defines broker::Cluster interface and call points.
Initial interface commite
Main classes
Core: central object holding cluster classes together (replaces cluster::Cluster)
BrokerContext: implements broker::Cluster interface.
QueueContext: Attached to a broker::Queue, holds cluster status.
MessageHolder:holds local messages while they are being enqueued.
Implements multiple CPG groups for better concurrency.
** DONE [#A] Large message replication.
CLOSED: [2011-10-05 Wed 17:22]
Multicast using fixed-size (64k) buffers, allow fragmetation of messages across buffers (frame by frame)
* Open questions
** TODO [#A] Queue sequence numbers vs. independant message IDs.
SCHEDULED: <2011-10-07 Fri>
Current prototype uses queue sequence numbers to identify
message. This is tricky for updating new members as the sequence
numbers are only known on delivery.
Independent message IDs that can be generated and sent with the message simplify
this and potentially allow performance benefits by relaxing total ordering.
However they imply additional map lookups that might hurt performance.
- [X] Prototype independent message IDs, check performance.
Throughput worse by 30% in contented case, 10% in uncontended.
Sticking with queue sequence numbers.
* Outstanding Tasks
** TODO [#A] Defer and async completion of wiring commands.
Testing requirement: Many tests assume wiring changes are visible
across the cluster once the commad completes.
Name clashes: need to avoid race if same name queue/exchange declared
on 2 brokers simultaneously
** TODO [#A] Passing all existing cluster tests.
The new cluster should be a drop-in replacement for the old, so it
should be able to pass all the existing tests.
** TODO [#A] Update to new members joining.
Need to resolve [[Queue sequence numbers vs. independant message IDs]] first.
- implicit sequence numbers are more tricky to replicate to new member.
Update individual objects (queues and exchanges) independently.
- create queues first, then update all queues and exchanges in parallel.
- multiple updater threads, per queue/exchange.
- updater sends messages to special exchange(s) (not using extended AMQP controls)
Queue updater:
- marks the queue position at the sync point
- sends messages starting from the sync point working towards the head of the queue.
- send "done" message.
Note: updater remains active throughout, consuming clients actually reduce the
size of the update.
Queue updatee:
- enqueues received from CPG: add to back of queue as normal.
- dequeues received from CPG: apply if found, else save to check at end of update.
- messages from updater: add to the *front* of the queue.
- update complete: apply any saved dequeues.
Exchange updater:
- updater: send snapshot of exchange as it was at the sync point.
Exchange updatee:
- queue exchange operations after the sync point.
- when snapshot is received: apply saved operations.
Updater remains active throughout.
Updatee stalls clients until the update completes.
Updating queue/exchange/binding objects is via the same encode/decode
that is used by the store. Updatee to use recovery interfaces to
** TODO [#A] Failover updates to client.
Implement the amq.failover exchange to notify clients of membership.
** TODO [#B] Initial status protocol.
Handshake to give status of each broker member to new members joining.
Status includes
- persistent store state (clean, dirty)
- cluster protocol version.
** TODO [#B] Replace boost::hash with our own hash function.
The hash function is effectively part of the interface so
we need to be sure it doesn't change underneath us.
** TODO [#B] Persistent cluster support.
Initial status protoocl to support persistent start-up (see existing code)
Only one broker recovers from store, update to others.
Assign cluster IDs to messages recovered from store, don't replicate. See Queue::recover.
** TODO [#B] Management support
Replicate management methods that modify queues - e.g. move, purge.
Target broker may not have all messages on other brokers for purge/destroy.
- Queue::move() - need to wait for lock? Replicate?
- Queue::get() - ???
- Queue::purge() - replicate purge? or just delete what's on broker ?
- Queue::destroy() - messages to alternate exchange on all brokers.?
Need to add callpoints & mcast messages to replicate these?
** TODO [#B] TX transaction support.
Extend broker::Cluster interface to capture transaction context and completion.
Running brokers exchange TX information.
New broker update includes TX information.
// FIXME aconway 2010-10-18: As things stand the cluster is not
// compatible with transactions
// - enqueues occur after routing is complete
// - no call to Cluster::enqueue, should be in Queue::process?
// - no transaction context associated with messages in the Cluster interface.
// - no call to Cluster::accept in Queue::dequeueCommitted
** TODO [#B] DTX transaction support.
Extend broker::Cluster interface to capture transaction context and completion.
Running brokers exchange DTX information.
New broker update includes DTX information.
** TODO [#B] Async completion of accept.
When this is fixed in the standalone broker, it should be fixed for cluster.
** TODO [#B] Network partitions and quorum.
Re-use existing implementation.
** TODO [#B] Review error handling, put in a consitent model.
- [ ] Review all asserts, for possible throw.
- [ ] Decide on fatal vs. non-fatal errors.
** TODO [#B] Implement inconsistent error handling policy.
What to do if a message is enqueued sucessfully on the local broker,
but fails on one or more backups - e.g. due to store limits?
- we have more flexibility, we don't *have* to crash
- but we've loste some of our redundancy guarantee, how should we inform client?
** TODO [#C] Allow non-replicated exchanges, queues.
Set qpid.replicate=false in declare arguments, set flag on Exchange, Queue objects.
- save replicated status to store.
- support in management tools.
Replicated queue: replicate all messages.
Replicated exchange: replicate bindings to replicated queues only.
Configurable default? Defaults to true.
** TODO [#C] Refactoring of common concerns.
There are a bunch of things that act as "Queue observers" with intercept
points in similar places.
- QueuePolicy
- QueuedEvents (async replication)
- MessageStore
- Cluster
Look for ways to capitalize on the similarity & simplify the code.
In particular QueuedEvents (async replication) strongly resembles
cluster replication, but over TCP rather than multicast.
** TODO [#C] Handling immediate messages in a cluster
Include remote consumers in descision to deliver an immediate message?
** TODO [#C] Remove old cluster hacks and workarounds
The old cluster has workarounds in the broker code that can be removed.
- [ ] drop code to replicate management model.
- [ ] drop timer workarounds for TTL, management, heartbeats.
- [ ] drop "cluster-safe assertions" in broker code.
- [ ] drop connections, sessions, management from cluster update.
- [ ] drop security workarounds: cluster code now operates after message decoding.
- [ ] drop connection tracking in cluster code.
- [ ] simpler inconsistent-error handling code, no need to stall.
** TODO [#C] Support for live upgrades.
Allow brokers in a running cluster to be replaced one-by-one with a new version.
(see new-cluster-design for design notes.)
The old cluster protocol was unstable because any changes in broker
state caused changes to the cluster protocol.The new design should be
much more stable.
Points to implement in anticipation of live upgrade:
- Prefix each CPG message with a version number and length.
Version number determines how to decode the message.
- Brokers ignore messages that have a higher version number than they understand.
- Protocol version XML element in cluster.xml, on each control.
- Initial status protocol to include protocol version number.
New member udpates: use the store encode/decode for updates, use the
same backward compatibility strategy as the store. This allows for
adding new elements to the end of structures but not changing or
removing new elements.
** TODO [#C] Support for AMQP 1.0.
* Testing
** TODO [#A] Pass all existing cluster tests.
Requires [[Defer and async completion of wiring commands.]]
** TODO [#A] New cluster tests.
Stress tests & performance benchmarks focused on changes in new cluster:
- concurrency by queues rather than connections.
- different handling shared queues when consuemrs are on different brokers.