Install remainder of required Boost headers and Boost .libs for Windows installer; resolves QPID-2483.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt b/qpid/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 8e0988c..2570c89 100644
--- a/qpid/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/qpid/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@
   set(Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY boost_system)
-# The Windows install also wants the Boost DLLs and headers that the release
-# is built with. The DLLs enable everything to run, and the headers ensure
-# that users building Qpid C++ client programs can compile (the C++ API
-# still exposes Boost headers, but hopefully this will be fixed in the
-# future).
+# The Windows install also wants the Boost DLLs, libs and headers that the
+# release is built with. The DLLs enable everything to run, and the headers
+# and libs ensure that users building Qpid C++ client programs can compile
+# (the C++ API still exposes Boost headers, but hopefully this will be fixed
+# in the future).
 # On Windows you can pick whether the static or dynamic versions of the libs
 # are used; allow this choice to the user. Since we also install the Boost
@@ -209,6 +209,22 @@
 # Boost libs based on compile-time touching of the headers. Since we don't
 # really need to add them to the link lines, set the names to blanks.
 if (MSVC)
+   install (PROGRAMS
+   if (NOT Boost_VERSION LESS 103500)
+      install (PROGRAMS
+               DESTINATION ${QPID_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/boost
+   endif (NOT Boost_VERSION LESS 103500)
    option(QPID_LINK_BOOST_DYNAMIC "Link with dynamic Boost libs (OFF to link static)" ON)
       add_definitions( /D BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK)
@@ -266,29 +282,28 @@
 	    PATTERN "concept*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "dynamic_bitset*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "flyweight*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "fusion*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "gil*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "graph*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "interprocess*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "fusion/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "gil/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "graph/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "interprocess/*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "lambda/*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "logic*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "logic/*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "math*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "mpi*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "multi_*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "numeric*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "pending*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "pool*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "property_map*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "proto*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "numeric/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "pending/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "pool/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "property_map/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "proto/*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "random*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "range*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "signals*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "spirit*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "statechart*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "units*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "statechart/*" EXCLUDE
+	    PATTERN "units/*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "unordered*" EXCLUDE
 	    PATTERN "wave*" EXCLUDE
-	    PATTERN "xpressive*" EXCLUDE)
+	    PATTERN "xpressive/*" EXCLUDE)
    set(Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY "")
    set(Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY "")