blob: 8fff5206ead7b157ff34a53a40f2389f1fa99f62 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include "qpid/broker/BrokerImportExport.h"
#include "qpid/broker/ConnectionHandler.h"
#include "qpid/broker/Connection.h"
#include "qpid/broker/OwnershipToken.h"
#include "qpid/management/Manageable.h"
#include "qpid/sys/AggregateOutput.h"
#include "qpid/sys/ConnectionInputHandler.h"
#include "qpid/sys/SecuritySettings.h"
#include "qpid/sys/Mutex.h"
#include "qpid/types/Variant.h"
#include "qpid/RefCounted.h"
#include "qpid/Url.h"
#include "qpid/ptr_map.h"
#include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/broker/Connection.h"
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
namespace qpid {
namespace sys {
class ConnectionOutputHandler;
class Timer;
class TimerTask;
namespace broker {
class Broker;
class LinkRegistry;
class Queue;
class SecureConnection;
class SessionHandler;
namespace amqp_0_10 {
struct ConnectionTimeoutTask;
class Connection : public sys::ConnectionInputHandler, public qpid::broker::Connection,
public management::Manageable,
public RefCounted
uint32_t getFrameMax() const { return framemax; }
uint16_t getHeartbeat() const { return heartbeat; }
uint16_t getHeartbeatMax() const { return heartbeatmax; }
void setFrameMax(uint32_t fm) { framemax = std::max(fm, (uint32_t) 4096); }
void setHeartbeat(uint16_t hb) { heartbeat = hb; }
void setHeartbeatMax(uint16_t hbm) { heartbeatmax = hbm; }
const management::ObjectId getObjectId() const { return GetManagementObject()->getObjectId(); };
const std::string& getUserId() const { return userId; }
bool isFederationLink() const { return federationPeerTag.size() > 0; }
void setFederationPeerTag(const std::string& tag) { federationPeerTag = std::string(tag); }
const std::string& getFederationPeerTag() const { return federationPeerTag; }
std::vector<Url>& getKnownHosts() { return knownHosts; }
/**@return true if user is the authenticated user on this connection.
* If id has the default realm will also compare plain username.
bool isAuthenticatedUser(const std::string& id) const {
return (id == userId || (isDefaultRealm && id == userName));
Broker& getBroker() { return broker; }
sys::ConnectionOutputHandler& getOutput() { return *out; }
void activateOutput();
void addOutputTask(OutputTask*);
void removeOutputTask(OutputTask*);
framing::ProtocolVersion getVersion() const { return version; }
Connection(sys::ConnectionOutputHandler* out,
Broker& broker,
const std::string& mgmtId,
const qpid::sys::SecuritySettings&,
bool isLink = false,
uint64_t objectId = 0);
~Connection ();
/** Get the SessionHandler for channel. Create if it does not already exist */
SessionHandler& getChannel(framing::ChannelId channel);
/** Close the connection. Waits for the client to respond with close-ok
* before actually destroying the connection.
framing::connection::CloseCode code, const std::string& text);
/** Abort the connection. Close abruptly and immediately. */
QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void abort();
// ConnectionInputHandler methods
void received(framing::AMQFrame& frame);
bool doOutput();
void closed();
void closeChannel(framing::ChannelId channel);
// Manageable entry points
management::ManagementObject::shared_ptr GetManagementObject(void) const;
ManagementMethod (uint32_t methodId, management::Args& args, std::string&);
void requestIOProcessing (boost::function0<void>);
void recordFromServer (const framing::AMQFrame& frame);
void recordFromClient (const framing::AMQFrame& frame);
// gets for configured federation links
std::string getAuthMechanism();
std::string getAuthCredentials();
std::string getUsername();
std::string getPassword();
std::string getHost();
uint16_t getPort();
void notifyConnectionForced(const std::string& text);
void setUserId(const std::string& uid);
// credentials for connected client
const std::string& getMgmtId() const { return mgmtId; }
management::ManagementAgent* getAgent() const { return agent; }
void setHeartbeatInterval(uint16_t heartbeat);
void sendHeartbeat();
void restartTimeout();
void setSecureConnection(SecureConnection* secured);
const qpid::sys::SecuritySettings& getExternalSecuritySettings() const
return securitySettings;
/** @return true if the initial connection negotiation is complete. */
bool isOpen();
bool isLink() const { return link; }
void startLinkHeartbeatTimeoutTask();
void setClientProperties(const types::Variant::Map& cp) { clientProperties = cp; }
const types::Variant::Map& getClientProperties() const { return clientProperties; }
// Management object is used in the constructor so must be early
qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Connection::shared_ptr mgmtObject;
//contained output tasks
sys::AggregateOutput outputTasks;
boost::scoped_ptr<framing::FrameHandler> outboundTracker;
boost::scoped_ptr<sys::ConnectionOutputHandler> out;
Broker& broker;
framing::ProtocolVersion version;
uint32_t framemax;
uint16_t heartbeat;
uint16_t heartbeatmax;
std::string userId;
std::string federationPeerTag;
std::vector<Url> knownHosts;
std::string userName;
bool isDefaultRealm;
typedef boost::ptr_map<framing::ChannelId, SessionHandler> ChannelMap;
ChannelMap channels;
qpid::sys::SecuritySettings securitySettings;
const bool link;
ConnectionHandler adapter;
bool mgmtClosing;
const std::string mgmtId;
sys::Mutex ioCallbackLock;
std::queue<boost::function0<void> > ioCallbacks;
LinkRegistry& links;
management::ManagementAgent* agent;
sys::Timer& timer;
boost::intrusive_ptr<sys::TimerTask> heartbeatTimer, linkHeartbeatTimer;
boost::intrusive_ptr<ConnectionTimeoutTask> timeoutTimer;
uint64_t objectId;
types::Variant::Map clientProperties;
void raiseConnectEvent();
friend class OutboundFrameTracker;
void sent(const framing::AMQFrame& f);
void doIoCallbacks();
qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Connection::shared_ptr getMgmtObject() { return mgmtObject; }
// See weakCallback below.
template <class T> void callIfValid(boost::function1<void, T*> f, boost::weak_ptr<T> wp) {
boost::shared_ptr<T> sp = wp.lock();
if (sp) f(sp.get());
// Memory safety helper for requestIOProcessing with boost::shared_ptr.
// Makes a function that calls f(p) only if p is still valid. The returned
// function is bound to a weak_ptr, and only calls f(p) if the weak pointer is
// still valid. Note this does not prevent the object being deleted before the
// IO callback, instead it skips the callback if the object is already deleted.
template <class T>
boost::function0<void> weakCallback(boost::function1<void, T*> f, T* p) {
return boost::bind(&callIfValid<T>, f, p->shared_from_this());