blob: 8a82b12832a457d39d928c1342075a811dfac4fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.test.framework.listeners;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.ShutdownHookable;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.listeners.TKTestListener;
import java.util.*;
* Listens for test results for a named test and outputs these in the standard JUnit XML format to the specified
* writer.
* <p/>The API for this listener accepts notifications about different aspects of a tests results through different
* methods, so some assumption needs to be made as to which test result a notification refers to. For example
* {@link #startTest} will be called, then possibly {@link #timing} will be called, even though the test instance is
* passed in both cases, it is not enough to distinguish a particular run of the test, as the test case instance may
* be being shared between multiple threads, or being run a repeated number of times, and can therfore be re-used
* between calls. The listeners make the assumption that, for every test, a unique thread will call {@link #startTest}
* and {@link #endTest} to delimit each test. All calls to set test parameters, timings, state and so on, will occur
* between the start and end and will be given with the same thread id as the start and end, so the thread id provides
* a unqiue value to identify a particular test run against.
* <p><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
* <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
* <tr><td> Listen to test lifecycle notifications.
* <tr><td> Listen to test errors and failures.
* <tr><td> Listen to test timings.
* <tr><td> Listen to test memory usages.
* <tr><td> Listen to parameterized test parameters.
* <tr><th> Responsibilities
* </table>
* @todo Merge this class with CSV test listener, making the collection of results common to both, and only factoring
* out the results printing code into sub-classes. Provide a simple XML results formatter with the same format as
* the ant XML formatter, and a more structured one for outputing results with timings and summaries from
* performance tests.
public class XMLTestListener implements TKTestListener, ShutdownHookable
/** Used for debugging. */
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XMLTestListener.class);
/** The results file writer. */
protected Writer writer;
/** Holds the results for individual tests. */
// protected Map<Result, Result> results = new LinkedHashMap<Result, Result>();
// protected List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
* Map for holding results on a per thread basis as they come in. A ThreadLocal is not used as sometimes an
* explicit thread id must be used, where notifications come from different threads than the ones that called
* the test method.
Map<Long, Result> threadLocalResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<Long, Result>());
* Holds results for tests that have ended. Transferring these results here from the per-thread results map, means
* that the thread id is freed for the thread to generate more results.
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
/** Holds the overall error count. */
protected int errors = 0;
/** Holds the overall failure count. */
protected int failures = 0;
/** Holds the overall tests run count. */
protected int runs = 0;
/** Holds the name of the class that tests are being run for. */
String testClassName;
* Creates a new XML results output listener that writes to the specified location.
* @param writer The location to write results to.
* @param testClassName The name of the test class to include in the test results.
public XMLTestListener(Writer writer, String testClassName)
log.debug("public XMLTestListener(Writer writer, String testClassName = " + testClassName + "): called");
this.writer = writer;
this.testClassName = testClassName;
* Resets the test results to the default state of time zero, memory usage zero, parameter zero, test passed.
* @param test The test to resest any results for.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void reset(Test test, Long threadId)
log.debug("public void reset(Test test = " + test + ", Long threadId = " + threadId + "): called");
XMLTestListener.Result r =
(threadId == null) ? threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId()) : threadLocalResults.get(threadId);
r.error = null;
r.failure = null;
* Notification that a test started.
* @param test The test that started.
public void startTest(Test test)
log.debug("public void startTest(Test test = " + test + "): called");
Result newResult = new Result(test.getClass().getName(), ((TestCase) test).getName());
// Initialize the thread local test results.
threadLocalResults.put(Thread.currentThread().getId(), newResult);
* Should be called every time a test completes with the run time of that test.
* @param test The name of the test.
* @param nanos The run time of the test in nanoseconds.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void timing(Test test, long nanos, Long threadId)
{ }
* Should be called every time a test completed with the amount of memory used before and after the test was run.
* @param test The test which memory was measured for.
* @param memStart The total JVM memory used before the test was run.
* @param memEnd The total JVM memory used after the test was run.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void memoryUsed(Test test, long memStart, long memEnd, Long threadId)
{ }
* Should be called every time a parameterized test completed with the int value of its test parameter.
* @param test The test which memory was measured for.
* @param parameter The int parameter value.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void parameterValue(Test test, int parameter, Long threadId)
{ }
* Should be called every time a test completes with the current number of test threads running.
* @param test The test for which the measurement is being generated.
* @param threads The number of tests being run concurrently.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void concurrencyLevel(Test test, int threads, Long threadId)
{ }
* Notifies listeners of the tests read/set properties.
* @param properties The tests read/set properties.
public void properties(Properties properties)
{ }
* Notification that a test ended.
* @param test The test that ended.
public void endTest(Test test)
log.debug("public void endTest(Test test = " + test + "): called");
// Move complete test results into the completed tests list.
Result r = threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId());
// Clear all the test results for the thread.
* Called when a test completes. Success, failure and errors. This method should be used when registering an
* end test from a different thread than the one that started the test.
* @param test The test which completed.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void endTest(Test test, Long threadId)
log.debug("public void endTest(Test test = " + test + ", Long threadId = " + threadId + "): called");
// Move complete test results into the completed tests list.
Result r =
(threadId == null) ? threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId()) : threadLocalResults.get(threadId);
// Clear all the test results for the thread.
* An error occurred.
* @param test The test in which the error occurred.
* @param t The throwable that resulted from the error.
public void addError(Test test, Throwable t)
log.debug("public void addError(Test test = " + test + ", Throwable t = " + t + "): called");
Result r = threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId());
r.error = t;
* A failure occurred.
* @param test The test in which the failure occurred.
* @param t The JUnit assertions that led to the failure.
public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t)
log.debug("public void addFailure(Test test = " + test + ", AssertionFailedError t = " + t + "): called");
Result r = threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId());
r.failure = t;
* Called when a test completes to mark it as a test fail. This method should be used when registering a
* failure from a different thread than the one that started the test.
* @param test The test which failed.
* @param e The assertion that failed the test.
* @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError e, Long threadId)
log.debug("public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError e, Long threadId): called");
Result r =
(threadId == null) ? threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId()) : threadLocalResults.get(threadId);
r.failure = e;
* Notifies listeners of the start of a complete run of tests.
public void startBatch()
log.debug("public void startBatch(): called");
// Reset all results counts.
threadLocalResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Long, Result>());
errors = 0;
failures = 0;
runs = 0;
// Write out the file header.
writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to write the test results.", e);
* Notifies listeners of the end of a complete run of tests.
* @param parameters The optional test parameters to log out with the batch results.
public void endBatch(Properties parameters)
log.debug("public void endBatch(Properties parameters = " + parameters + "): called");
// Write out the results.
// writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
writer.write("<testsuite errors=\"" + errors + "\" failures=\"" + failures + "\" tests=\"" + runs + "\" name=\""
+ testClassName + "\">\n");
for (Result result : results)
writer.write(" <testcase classname=\"" + result.testClass + "\" name=\"" + result.testName + "\">\n");
if (result.error != null)
writer.write(" <error type=\"" + result.error.getClass() + "\">");
result.error.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
writer.write(" </error>");
else if (result.failure != null)
writer.write(" <failure type=\"" + result.failure.getClass() + "\">");
result.failure.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
writer.write(" </failure>");
writer.write(" </testcase>\n");
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to write the test results.", e);
* Supplies the shutdown hook.
* @return The shut down hook.
public Thread getShutdownHook()
return new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
log.debug("XMLTestListener::ShutdownHook: called");
* Used to capture the results of a particular test run.
protected static class Result
/** Holds the name of the test class. */
public String testClass;
/** Holds the name of the test method. */
public String testName;
/** Holds the exception that caused error in this test. */
public Throwable error;
/** Holds the assertion exception that caused failure in this test. */
public AssertionFailedError failure;
* Creates a placeholder for the results of a test.
* @param testClass The test class.
* @param testName The name of the test that was run.
public Result(String testClass, String testName)
this.testClass = testClass;
this.testName = testName;