blob: a15897c82b4f9122a694b1b119458c17d78db03d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.qpid.requestreply.PingPongProducer;
import org.apache.qpid.util.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.util.ParsedProperties;
import javax.jms.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* PingDurableClient is a variation of the {@link PingPongProducer} ping tool. Instead of sending its pings and
* receiving replies to them at the same time, this tool sends pings until it is signalled by some 'event' to stop
* sending. It then waits for another signal before it re-opens a fresh connection and attempts to receive all of the
* pings that it has succesfully sent. It is intended to be an interactive test that lets a user experiment with
* failure conditions when using durable messaging.
* <p/>The events that can stop it from sending are input from the user on the console, failure of its connection to
* the broker, completion of sending a specified number of messages, or expiry of a specified duration. In all cases
* it will do its best to clean up and close the connection before opening a fresh connection to receive the pings
* with.
* <p/>The event to re-connect and attempt to recieve the pings is input from the user on the console.
* <p/>This ping client inherits the configuration properties of its parent class ({@link PingPongProducer}) and
* additionally accepts the following parameters:
* <p/><table><caption>Parameters</caption>
* <tr><th> Parameter <th> Default <th> Comments
* <tr><td> numMessages <td> 100 <td> The total number of messages to send.
* <tr><td> numMessagesToAction <td> -1 <td> The number of messages to send before taking a custom 'action'.
* <tr><td> duration <td> 30S <td> The length of time to ping for. (Format dDhHmMsS, for d days, h hours,
* m minutes and s seconds).
* </table>
* <p/>This ping client also overrides some of the defaults of its parent class, to provide a reasonable set up
* when no parameters are specified.
* <p/><table><caption>Parameters</caption>
* <tr><th> Parameter <th> Default <th> Comments
* <tr><td> uniqueDests <td> false <td> Prevents destination names being timestamped.
* <tr><td> transacted <td> true <td> Only makes sense to test with transactions.
* <tr><td> persistent <td> true <td> Only makes sense to test persistent.
* <tr><td> durableDests <td> true <td> Should use durable queues with persistent messages.
* <tr><td> commitBatchSize <td> 10
* <tr><td> rate <td> 20 <td> Total default test time is 5 seconds.
* </table>
* <p/>When a number of messages or duration is specified, this ping client will ping until the first of those limits
* is reached. Reaching the limit will be interpreted as the first signal to stop sending, and the ping client will
* wait for the second signal before receiving its pings.
* <p/>This class provides a mechanism for extensions to add arbitrary actions, after a particular number of messages
* have been sent. When the number of messages equal the value set in the 'numMessagesToAction' property is method,
* the {@link #takeAction} method is called. By default this does nothing, but extensions of this class can provide
* custom behaviour with alternative implementations of this method (for example taking a backup).
* <p><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
* <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
* <tr><td> Send and receive pings.
* <tr><td> Accept user input to signal stop sending.
* <tr><td> Accept user input to signal start receiving.
* <tr><td> Provide feedback on pings sent versus pings received.
* <tr><td> Provide extension point for arbitrary action on a particular message count.
* </table>
public class PingDurableClient extends PingPongProducer implements ExceptionListener
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PingDurableClient.class);
public static final String NUM_MESSAGES_PROPNAME = "numMessages";
public static final String NUM_MESSAGES_DEFAULT = "100";
public static final String DURATION_PROPNAME = "duration";
public static final String DURATION_DEFAULT = "30S";
public static final String NUM_MESSAGES_TO_ACTION_PROPNAME = "numMessagesToAction";
public static final String NUM_MESSAGES_TO_ACTION_DEFAULT = "-1";
/** The maximum length of time to wait whilst receiving pings before assuming that no more are coming. */
private static final long TIME_OUT = 3000;
defaults.setProperty(UNIQUE_DESTS_PROPNAME, "false");
defaults.setProperty(TRANSACTED_PROPNAME, "true");
defaults.setProperty(PERSISTENT_MODE_PROPNAME, "true");
defaults.setProperty(TX_BATCH_SIZE_PROPNAME, "10");
defaults.setProperty(RATE_PROPNAME, "20");
defaults.setProperty(DURABLE_DESTS_PROPNAME, "true");
/** Specifies the number of pings to send, if larger than 0. 0 means send until told to stop. */
private int numMessages;
/** Holds the number of messages to send before taking triggering the action. */
private int numMessagesToAction;
/** Sepcifies how long to ping for, if larger than 0. 0 means send until told to stop. */
private long duration;
/** Used to indciate that this application should terminate. Set by the shutdown hook. */
private boolean terminate = false;
* @throws Exception Any exceptions are allowed to fall through.
public PingDurableClient(Properties overrides) throws Exception
log.debug("public PingDurableClient(Properties overrides = " + overrides + "): called");
// Extract the additional configuration parameters.
ParsedProperties properties = new ParsedProperties(defaults);
numMessages = properties.getPropertyAsInteger(NUM_MESSAGES_PROPNAME);
String durationSpec = properties.getProperty(DURATION_PROPNAME);
numMessagesToAction = properties.getPropertyAsInteger(NUM_MESSAGES_TO_ACTION_PROPNAME);
if (durationSpec != null)
duration = MathUtils.parseDuration(durationSpec) * 1000000;
* Starts the ping/wait/receive process.
* @param args The command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create a ping producer overriding its defaults with all options passed on the command line.
Properties options =
CommandLineParser.processCommandLine(args, new CommandLineParser(new String[][] {}), System.getProperties());
PingDurableClient pingProducer = new PingDurableClient(options);
// Create a shutdown hook to terminate the ping-pong producer.
// Ensure that the ping pong producer is registered to listen for exceptions on the connection too.
// pingProducer.getConnection().setExceptionListener(pingProducer);
// Run the test procedure.
int sent = pingProducer.send();
pingProducer.waitForUser("Press return to begin receiving the pings.");
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Top level handler caught execption.", e);
* Performs the main test procedure implemented by this ping client. See the class level comment for details.
protected int send() throws Exception
log.debug("public void sendWaitReceive(): called");
log.debug("duration = " + duration);
log.debug("numMessages = " + numMessages);
if (duration > 0)
System.out.println("Sending for up to " + (duration / 1000000000f) + " seconds.");
if (_rate > 0)
System.out.println("Sending at " + _rate + " messages per second.");
if (numMessages > 0)
System.out.println("Sending up to " + numMessages + " messages.");
// Establish the connection and the message producer.
establishConnection(true, false);
Message message = getTestMessage(getReplyDestinations().get(0), _messageSize, _persistent);
// Send pings until a terminating condition is received.
boolean endCondition = false;
int messagesSent = 0;
int messagesCommitted = 0;
int messagesNotCommitted = 0;
long start = System.nanoTime();
// Clear console in.
while (!endCondition)
boolean committed = false;
committed = sendMessage(messagesSent, message) && _transacted;
// Keep count of the number of messsages currently committed and pending commit.
if (committed)
log.debug("Adding " + messagesNotCommitted + " messages to the committed count.");
messagesCommitted += messagesNotCommitted;
messagesNotCommitted = 0;
System.out.println("Commited: " + messagesCommitted);
catch (JMSException e)
log.debug("Got JMSException whilst sending.");
_publish = false;
// Perform the arbitrary action if the number of messages sent has reached the right number.
if (messagesSent == numMessagesToAction)
System.out.println("At action point, Messages sent = " + messagesSent + ", Messages Committed = "
+ messagesCommitted + ", Messages not Committed = " + messagesNotCommitted);
// Determine if the end condition has been met, based on the number of messages, time passed, errors on
// the connection or user input.
long now = System.nanoTime();
if ((duration != 0) && ((now - start) > duration))
System.out.println("Send halted because duration expired.");
endCondition = true;
else if ((numMessages != 0) && (messagesSent >= numMessages))
System.out.println("Send halted because # messages completed.");
endCondition = true;
else if ( > 0)
System.out.println("Send halted by user input.");
endCondition = true;
else if (!_publish)
System.out.println("Send halted by error on the connection.");
endCondition = true;
log.debug("messagesSent = " + messagesSent);
log.debug("messagesCommitted = " + messagesCommitted);
log.debug("messagesNotCommitted = " + messagesNotCommitted);
System.out.println("Messages sent: " + messagesSent + ", Messages Committed = " + messagesCommitted
+ ", Messages not Committed = " + messagesNotCommitted);
return messagesSent;
protected void closeConnection()
// Clean up the connection.
catch (JMSException e)
log.debug("There was an error whilst closing the connection: " + e, e);
System.out.println("There was an error whilst closing the connection.");
// Ignore as did best could manage to clean up.
protected void receive(int messagesSent) throws Exception
// Re-establish the connection and the message consumer.
_queueJVMSequenceID = new AtomicInteger();
_queueSharedID = new AtomicInteger();
establishConnection(false, true);
// Try to receive all of the pings that were successfully sent.
int messagesReceived = 0;
boolean endCondition = false;
while (!endCondition)
// Message received = _consumer.receiveNoWait();
Message received = _consumer[0].receive(TIME_OUT);
log.debug("received = " + received);
if (received != null)
// Determine if the end condition has been met, based on the number of messages and time passed since last
// receiving a message.
if (received == null)
System.out.println("Timed out.");
endCondition = true;
else if (messagesReceived >= messagesSent)
System.out.println("Got all messages.");
endCondition = true;
// Ensure messages received are committed.
if (_consTransacted)
System.out.println("Committed for all messages received.");
catch (JMSException e)
log.debug("Error during commit: " + e, e);
System.out.println("Error during commit.");
System.out.println("Rolled back on all messages received.");
catch (JMSException e2)
log.debug("Error during rollback: " + e, e);
System.out.println("Error on roll back of all messages received.");
log.debug("messagesReceived = " + messagesReceived);
System.out.println("Messages received: " + messagesReceived);
// Clean up the connection.
* Clears any pending input from the console.
private void clearConsole()
BufferedReader bis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
while (bis.ready())
catch (IOException e)
{ }
* Returns the ping destinations themselves as the reply destinations for this pinger to listen to. This has the
* effect of making this pinger listen to its own pings.
* @return The ping destinations.
public List<Destination> getReplyDestinations()
return _pingDestinations;
* Gets a shutdown hook that will cleanly shut this down when it is running the ping loop. This can be registered with
* the runtime system as a shutdown hook. This shutdown hook sets an additional terminate flag, compared with the
* shutdown hook in {@link PingPongProducer}, because the publish flag is used to indicate that sending or receiving
* message should stop, not that the application should termiante.
* @return A shutdown hook for the ping loop.
public Thread getShutdownHook()
return new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
terminate = true;
* Performs an aribtrary action once the 'numMesagesToAction' count is reached on sending messages. This default
* implementation does nothing.
public void takeAction()
{ }