blob: 89fc805a34bdf644550edc4b74352b7a7f04a1f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.qpid.requestreply.PingPongProducer;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.TimingController;
import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.TimingControllerAware;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* PingAsyncTestPerf is a performance test that outputs multiple timings from its test method, using the timing controller
* interface supplied by the test runner from a seperate listener thread. It differs from the {@link PingTestPerf} test
* that it extends because it can output timings as replies are received, rather than waiting until all expected replies
* are received. This is less 'blocky' than the tests in {@link PingTestPerf}, and provides a truer simulation of sending
* and recieving clients working asynchronously.
* <p/><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
* <tr><td> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
* <tr><td> Send many ping messages and output timings asynchronously on batches received.
* </table>
public class PingAsyncTestPerf extends PingTestPerf implements TimingControllerAware
private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(PingAsyncTestPerf.class);
/** Holds the name of the property to get the test results logging batch size. */
public static final String TEST_RESULTS_BATCH_SIZE_PROPNAME = "batchSize";
/** Holds the default test results logging batch size. */
public static final int TEST_RESULTS_BATCH_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1000;
/** Used to hold the timing controller passed from the test runner. */
private TimingController _timingController;
/** Used to generate unique correlation ids for each test run. */
private AtomicLong corellationIdGenerator = new AtomicLong();
/** Holds test specifics by correlation id. This consists of the expected number of messages and the timing controler. */
private Map<String, PerCorrelationId> perCorrelationIds =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, PerCorrelationId>());
/** Holds the batched results listener, that does logging on batch boundaries. */
private BatchedResultsListener batchedResultsListener = null;
* Creates a new asynchronous ping performance test with the specified name.
* @param name The test name.
public PingAsyncTestPerf(String name)
// Sets up the test parameters with defaults.
* Compile all the tests into a test suite.
* @return The test suite to run. Should only contain testAsyncPingOk method.
public static Test suite()
// Build a new test suite
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Ping Performance Tests");
// Run performance tests in read committed mode.
suite.addTest(new PingAsyncTestPerf("testAsyncPingOk"));
return suite;
* Accepts a timing controller from the test runner.
* @param timingController The timing controller to register mutliple timings with.
public void setTimingController(TimingController timingController)
_timingController = timingController;
* Gets the timing controller passed in by the test runner.
* @return The timing controller passed in by the test runner.
public TimingController getTimingController()
return _timingController;
* Sends the specified number of pings, asynchronously outputs timings on every batch boundary, and waits until
* all replies have been received or a time out occurs before exiting this method.
* @param numPings The number of pings to send.
* @throws Exception pass all errors out to the test harness
public void testAsyncPingOk(int numPings) throws Exception
// _logger.debug("public void testAsyncPingOk(int numPings): called");
// Ensure that at least one ping was requeusted.
if (numPings == 0)
_logger.error("Number of pings requested was zero.");
fail("Number of pings requested was zero.");
// Get the per thread test setup to run the test through.
PerThreadSetup perThreadSetup = threadSetup.get();
PingClient pingClient = perThreadSetup._pingClient;
// Advance the correlation id of messages to send, to make it unique for this run.
perThreadSetup._correlationId = Long.toString(corellationIdGenerator.incrementAndGet());
// String messageCorrelationId = perThreadSetup._correlationId;
// _logger.debug("messageCorrelationId = " + messageCorrelationId);
// Initialize the count and timing controller for the new correlation id.
PerCorrelationId perCorrelationId = new PerCorrelationId();
TimingController tc = getTimingController().getControllerForCurrentThread();
perCorrelationId._tc = tc;
perCorrelationId._expectedCount = pingClient.getExpectedNumPings(numPings);
perCorrelationIds.put(perThreadSetup._correlationId, perCorrelationId);
// Send the requested number of messages, and wait until they have all been received.
long timeout = Long.parseLong(testParameters.getProperty(PingPongProducer.TIMEOUT_PROPNAME));
int numReplies = pingClient.pingAndWaitForReply(null, numPings, timeout, perThreadSetup._correlationId);
// Check that all the replies were received and log a fail if they were not.
if (numReplies < perCorrelationId._expectedCount)
perCorrelationId._tc.completeTest(false, numPings - perCorrelationId._expectedCount);
// Remove the expected count and timing controller for the message correlation id, to ensure they are cleaned up.
* Performs test fixture creation on a per thread basis. This will only be called once for each test thread.
public void threadSetUp()
_logger.debug("public void threadSetUp(): called");
// Call the set up method in the super class. This creates a PingClient pinger.
// Create the chained message listener, only if it has not already been created. This is set up with the
// batch size property, to tell it what batch size to output results on. A synchronized block is used to
// ensure that only one thread creates this.
synchronized (this)
if (batchedResultsListener == null)
int batchSize = Integer.parseInt(testParameters.getProperty(TEST_RESULTS_BATCH_SIZE_PROPNAME));
batchedResultsListener = new BatchedResultsListener(batchSize);
// Get the set up that the super class created.
PerThreadSetup perThreadSetup = threadSetup.get();
// Register the chained message listener on the pinger to do its asynchronous test timings from.
catch (Exception e)
_logger.warn("There was an exception during per thread setup.", e);
* BatchedResultsListener is a {@link PingPongProducer.ChainedMessageListener} that can be attached to the
* pinger, in order to receive notifications about every message received and the number remaining to be
* received. Whenever the number remaining crosses a batch size boundary this results listener outputs
* a test timing for the actual number of messages received in the current batch.
private class BatchedResultsListener implements PingPongProducer.ChainedMessageListener
/** The test results logging batch size. */
int _batchSize;
* Creates a results listener on the specified batch size.
* @param batchSize The batch size to use.
public BatchedResultsListener(int batchSize)
_batchSize = batchSize;
* This callback method is called from all of the pingers that this test creates. It uses the correlation id
* from the message to identify the timing controller for the test thread that was responsible for sending those
* messages.
* @param message The message.
* @param remainingCount The count of messages remaining to be received with a particular correlation id.
* @throws JMSException Any underlying JMSException is allowed to fall through.
public void onMessage(Message message, int remainingCount, long latency) throws JMSException
// Check if a batch boundary has been crossed.
if ((remainingCount % _batchSize) == 0)
// Extract the correlation id from the message.
String correlationId = message.getJMSCorrelationID();
/*_logger.debug("public void onMessage(Message message, int remainingCount = " + remainingCount
+ "): called on batch boundary for message id: " + correlationId + " with thread id: "
+ Thread.currentThread().getId());*/
// Get the details for the correlation id and check that they are not null. They can become null
// if a test times out.
PerCorrelationId perCorrelationId = perCorrelationIds.get(correlationId);
if (perCorrelationId != null)
// Get the timing controller and expected count for this correlation id.
TimingController tc = perCorrelationId._tc;
int expected = perCorrelationId._expectedCount;
// Calculate how many messages were actually received in the last batch. This will be the batch size
// except where the number expected is not a multiple of the batch size and this is the first remaining
// count to cross a batch size boundary, in which case it will be the number expected modulo the batch
// size.
int receivedInBatch = ((expected - remainingCount) < _batchSize) ? (expected % _batchSize) : _batchSize;
// Register a test result for the correlation id.
tc.completeTest(true, receivedInBatch);
catch (InterruptedException e)
// Ignore this. It means the test runner wants to stop as soon as possible.
_logger.warn("Got InterruptedException.", e);
// Else ignore, test timed out. Should log a fail here?
* Holds state specific to each correlation id, needed to output test results. This consists of the count of
* the total expected number of messages, and the timing controller for the thread sending those message ids.
private static class PerCorrelationId
public int _expectedCount;
public TimingController _tc;