blob: a881f6a822a8a7a0b0837324fb4fe49f61f78240 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.qpid.test.unit.message;
import org.apache.qpid.client.*;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AMQMessageDelegateFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.client.protocol.AMQProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverException;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.FieldTable;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import javax.jms.*;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestAMQSession extends AMQSession<BasicMessageConsumer_0_8, BasicMessageProducer_0_8>
public TestAMQSession()
super(null, 0, false, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, null, 0, 0);
public void acknowledgeMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
public void sendQueueBind(AMQShortString queueName, AMQShortString routingKey, FieldTable arguments, AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQDestination destination) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public void sendClose(long timeout) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public void sendCommit() throws AMQException, FailoverException
public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name) throws JMSException
return null;
public void sendCreateQueue(AMQShortString name, boolean autoDelete, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public TemporaryQueue createTemporaryQueue() throws JMSException
return null;
protected void sendRecover() throws AMQException, FailoverException
public void rejectMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue)
public void releaseForRollback()
public void sendRollback() throws AMQException, FailoverException
public BasicMessageConsumer_0_8 createMessageConsumer(AMQDestination destination, int prefetchHigh, int prefetchLow, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive, String selector, FieldTable arguments, boolean noConsume, boolean autoClose) throws JMSException
return null;
public boolean isQueueBound(AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString queueName, AMQShortString routingKey) throws JMSException
return false;
public boolean isQueueBound(AMQDestination destination) throws JMSException
return false;
public void sendConsume(BasicMessageConsumer_0_8 consumer, AMQShortString queueName, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, boolean nowait, String messageSelector, int tag) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public BasicMessageProducer_0_8 createMessageProducer(Destination destination, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate, boolean waitUntilSent, long producerId)
return null;
protected Long requestQueueDepth(AMQDestination amqd) throws AMQException, FailoverException
return null;
public void sendExchangeDeclare(AMQShortString name, AMQShortString type, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, boolean nowait) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public void sendQueueDeclare(AMQDestination amqd, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public void sendQueueDelete(AMQShortString queueName) throws AMQException, FailoverException
public void sendSuspendChannel(boolean suspend) throws AMQException, FailoverException
protected boolean tagLE(long tag1, long tag2)
return false;
protected boolean updateRollbackMark(long current, long deliveryTag)
return false;
public AMQMessageDelegateFactory getMessageDelegateFactory()
return AMQMessageDelegateFactory.FACTORY_0_8;
protected Object getFailoverMutex()
return this;
public void checkNotClosed()