blob: 0bb5e03a61eb3d0f8622da3d16972715e45a7fb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.gentools;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class AmqpFieldMap implements VersionConsistencyCheck
private final TreeMap<String, AmqpField> _map = new TreeMap<String, AmqpField>();
private final AmqpVersionSet _versionSet = new AmqpVersionSet();
public void removeVersion(AmqpVersion version)
String[] fieldNameArray = new String[size()];
Iterator<Entry<String, AmqpField>> iter = _map.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Entry<String, AmqpField> entry =;
public int size()
return _map.size();
public AmqpFieldMap getFieldMapForOrdinal(int ordinal)
AmqpFieldMap newMap = new AmqpFieldMap();
for (AmqpField field : _map.values())
TreeMap<Integer, AmqpVersionSet> ordinalMap = field.getOrdinalMap();
AmqpVersionSet ordinalVersions = ordinalMap.get(ordinal);
if (ordinalVersions != null)
newMap.add(field.getName(), field);
return newMap;
public void add(String name, AmqpField field)
_map.put(name, field);
public AmqpOrdinalFieldMap getMapForVersion(AmqpVersion version, boolean codeTypeFlag,
LanguageConverter converter)
// TODO: REVIEW THIS! There may be a bug here that affects C++ generation (only with >1 version)...
// If version == null (a common scenario) then the version map is built up on the
// basis of first found item, and ignores other version variations.
// This should probably be disallowed by throwing an NPE, as AmqpOrdinalFieldMap cannot
// represent these possibilities.
// *OR*
// Change the structure of AmqpOrdianlFieldMap to allow for the various combinations that
// will result from version variation - but that is what AmqpFieldMap is... :-$
AmqpOrdinalFieldMap ordinalFieldMap = new AmqpOrdinalFieldMap();
for (AmqpField field : _map.values())
if (version == null || field.getVersionSet().contains(version))
// 1. Search for domain name in field domain map with version that matches
String domain = "";
boolean dFound = false;
for (String thisDomainName : field.getDomainMap().keySet())
domain = thisDomainName;
AmqpVersionSet versionSet = field.getDomainMap().get(domain);
if (version == null || versionSet.contains(version))
if (codeTypeFlag)
domain = converter.getGeneratedType(domain, version);
dFound = true;
// 2. Search for ordinal in field ordianl map with version that matches
int ordinal = -1;
boolean oFound = false;
for (Integer thisOrdinal : field.getOrdinalMap().keySet())
ordinal = thisOrdinal;
AmqpVersionSet versionSet = field.getOrdinalMap().get(ordinal);
if (version == null || versionSet.contains(version))
oFound = true;
if (dFound && oFound)
String[] fieldDomainPair = {field.getName(), domain};
ordinalFieldMap.put(ordinal, fieldDomainPair);
return ordinalFieldMap;
public boolean isDomainConsistent(Generator generator, AmqpVersionSet versionSet)
throws AmqpTypeMappingException
if (size() != 1) // Only one field for this ordinal
return false;
return _map.get(_map.firstKey()).isConsistent(generator);
public int getNumFields(AmqpVersion version)
int fCntr = 0;
for (AmqpField field : _map.values())
if (field.getVersionSet().contains(version))
return fCntr;
public String parseFieldMap(CommandGenerateMethod commonGenerateMethod, MangledGenerateMethod mangledGenerateMethod,
int indentSize, int tabSize, LanguageConverter converter)
String indent = Utils.createSpaces(indentSize);
String cr = Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (commonGenerateMethod == null)
// Generate warnings in code if required methods are null.
sb.append(indent + "/*********************************************************" + cr);
sb.append(indent + " * WARNING: Generated code could be missing." + cr);
sb.append(indent + " * In call to parseFieldMap(), generation method was null." + cr);
sb.append(indent + " * Check for NoSuchMethodException on startup." + cr);
sb.append(indent + " *********************************************************/" + cr);
Iterator<Entry<String, AmqpField>> itr = _map.entrySet().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
Entry<String, AmqpField> entry =;
String fieldName = entry.getKey();
AmqpField field = entry.getValue();
if (field.isCodeTypeConsistent(converter))
// All versions identical - Common declaration
String domainName = field.getDomainMap().firstKey();
AmqpVersionSet versionSet = field.getDomainMap().get(domainName);
String codeType = converter.getGeneratedType(domainName, versionSet.first());
if (commonGenerateMethod != null)
sb.append(commonGenerateMethod.generate(codeType, field, versionSet,
indentSize, tabSize, itr.hasNext()));
else if (mangledGenerateMethod != null) // Version-mangled
sb.append(mangledGenerateMethod.generate(field, indentSize, tabSize,
return sb.toString();
public String parseFieldMapOrdinally(GenerateMethod generateMethod, BitFieldGenerateMethod bitGenerateMethod,
int indentSize, int tabSize, Generator codeGenerator)
String indent = Utils.createSpaces(indentSize);
String cr = Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// Generate warnings in code if required methods are null.
if (generateMethod == null || bitGenerateMethod == null)
sb.append(indent + "/***********************************************" + cr);
sb.append(indent + " * WARNING: In call to parseFieldMapOrdinally():" + cr);
if (generateMethod == null)
sb.append(indent + " * => generateMethod is null." + cr);
if (bitGenerateMethod == null)
sb.append(indent + " * => bitGenerateMethod is null." + cr);
sb.append(indent + " * Generated code could be missing." + cr);
sb.append(indent + " * Check for NoSuchMethodException on startup." + cr);
sb.append(indent + " ***********************************************/" + cr);
/* We must process elements in ordinal order because adjacent booleans (bits)
* must be combined into a single byte (in groups of up to 8). Start with shared
* declarations until an ordinal divergence is found. (For most methods where
* there is no difference between versions, this will simplify the generated
* code. */
ArrayList<String> bitFieldList = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean ordinalDivergenceFlag = false;
int ordinal = 0;
while (ordinal < size() && !ordinalDivergenceFlag)
/* Since the getFieldMapOrdinal() function may map more than one Field to
* an ordinal, the number of ordinals may be less than the total number of
* fields in the fieldMap. Check for empty fieldmaps... */
AmqpFieldMap ordinalFieldMap = getFieldMapForOrdinal(ordinal);
if (ordinalFieldMap.size() > 0)
if (ordinalFieldMap.isDomainConsistent(codeGenerator, getVersionSet()))
String fieldName = ordinalFieldMap.getFirstFieldName();
String domain = ordinalFieldMap._map.get(fieldName).getDomainMap().firstKey();
String domainType = codeGenerator.getDomainType(domain,
if (domainType.compareTo("bit") == 0)
else if (bitFieldList.size() > 0)
// End of bit types - handle deferred bit type generation
if (bitGenerateMethod != null)
sb.append(bitGenerateMethod.generate(bitFieldList, ordinal,
indentSize, tabSize));
if (!ordinalDivergenceFlag)
// Defer generation of bit types until all adjacent bits have been
// accounted for.
if (bitFieldList.size() == 0 && generateMethod != null)
sb.append(generateMethod.generate(domainType, fieldName, ordinal,
indentSize, tabSize));
ordinalDivergenceFlag = true;
// Check if there is still more to do under a version-specific breakout
if (ordinalDivergenceFlag && ordinal < size())
// 1. Cycle through all versions in order, create outer if(version) structure
AmqpVersion[] versionArray = new AmqpVersion[getVersionSet().size()];
for (int v = 0; v < versionArray.length; v++)
if (v > 0)
sb.append("else ");
sb.append("if (major == " + versionArray[v].getMajor() + " && minor == " +
versionArray[v].getMinor() + ")" + cr);
sb.append(indent + "{" + cr);
// 2. Cycle though each ordinal from where we left off in the loop above.
ArrayList<String> bitFieldList2 = new ArrayList<String>(bitFieldList);
for (int o = ordinal; o < size(); o++)
AmqpFieldMap ordinalFieldMap = getFieldMapForOrdinal(o);
if (ordinalFieldMap.size() > 0)
// 3. Cycle through each of the fields that have this ordinal.
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, AmqpField>> i = ordinalFieldMap._map.entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Map.Entry<String, AmqpField> entry =;
AmqpField field = entry.getValue();
String fieldName = entry.getKey();
// 4. Some fields may have more than one ordinal - match by both
// ordinal and version.
Iterator<Integer> j = field.getOrdinalMap().keySet().iterator();
while (j.hasNext())
int thisOrdinal =;
AmqpVersionSet v1 = field.getOrdinalMap().get(thisOrdinal);
if (thisOrdinal == o && v1.contains(versionArray[v]))
// 5. Now get the domain for this version
int domainCntr = 0;
Iterator<String> k = field.getDomainMap().keySet().iterator();
while (k.hasNext())
// Mangle domain-divergent field names
String mangledFieldName = fieldName;
if (field.getDomainMap().size() > 1)
mangledFieldName += "_" + (domainCntr++);
String domainName =;
AmqpVersionSet v2 = field.getDomainMap().get(domainName);
if (v2.contains(versionArray[v]))
// 6. (Finally!!) write the declaration
String domainType = codeGenerator.getDomainType(domainName,
if (domainType.compareTo("bit") == 0)
else if (bitFieldList2.size() > 0)
// End of bit types - handle deferred bit type generation
if (bitGenerateMethod != null)
bitFieldList2, o, indentSize + tabSize,
// Defer generation of bit types until all adjacent bits have
// been accounted for.
if (bitFieldList2.size() == 0 && generateMethod != null)
mangledFieldName, o, indentSize + tabSize, tabSize));
// Check for remaining deferred bits
if (bitFieldList2.size() > 0 && bitGenerateMethod != null)
sb.append(bitGenerateMethod.generate(bitFieldList2, size(),
indentSize + tabSize, tabSize));
sb.append(indent + "}" + cr);
// Check for remaining deferred bits
else if (bitFieldList.size() > 0 && bitGenerateMethod != null)
sb.append(bitGenerateMethod.generate(bitFieldList, size(),
indentSize, tabSize));
return sb.toString();
private String getFirstFieldName()
return _map.firstKey();
public boolean isVersionConsistent(AmqpVersionSet globalVersionSet)
for (String thisFieldName : _map.keySet())
AmqpField field = _map.get(thisFieldName);
if (!field.isVersionConsistent(globalVersionSet))
return false;
return true;
public boolean isVersionInterfaceConsistent(AmqpVersionSet globalVersionSet)
for (String thisFieldName : _map.keySet())
AmqpField field = _map.get(thisFieldName);
if (!field.isVersionInterfaceConsistent(globalVersionSet))
return false;
return true;
public AmqpVersionSet getVersionSet()
return _versionSet;
public Collection<AmqpField> values()
return _map.values();
public AmqpField get(String fieldName)
return _map.get(fieldName);
public void remove(String fieldName)
public Set<String> keySet()
return _map.keySet();