blob: 1126fec5202c29a2fd630f99a46ef7d11b6648f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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using log4net;
using org.apache.log4j.NDC;
using Apache.Qpid.Integration.Tests.framework.MessagingTestConfigProperties;
using Apache.Qpid.Integration.Tests.framework.TestUtils;
using Apache.Qpid.Integration.Tests.framework.clocksynch.ClockSynchThread;
using Apache.Qpid.Integration.Tests.framework.clocksynch.UDPClockSynchronizer;
using org.apache.qpid.util.ReflectionUtils;
using org.apache.qpid.util.ReflectionUtilsException;
using javax.jms.*;
using java.util.*;
namespace Apache.Qpid.Integration.Tests.framework.distributedtesting
/// <summary>
/// Implements a test client as described in the interop testing spec
/// ( A test client is an agent that
/// reacts to control message sequences send by the test <see cref="Coordinator"/>.
/// <p/><table><caption>Messages Handled by TestClient</caption>
/// <tr><th> Message <th> Action
/// <tr><td> Invite(compulsory) <td> Reply with Enlist.
/// <tr><td> Invite(test case) <td> Reply with Enlist if test case available.
/// <tr><td> AssignRole(test case) <td> Reply with Accept Role if matches an enlisted test. Keep test parameters.
/// <tr><td> Start <td> Send test messages defined by test parameters. Send report on messages sent.
/// <tr><td> Status Request <td> Send report on messages received.
/// <tr><td> Terminate <td> Terminate the test client.
/// <tr><td> ClockSynch <td> Synch clock against the supplied UDP address.
/// </table>
/// <p><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
/// <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
/// <tr><td> Handle all incoming control messages. <td> <see cref="TestClientControlledTest"/>
/// <tr><td> Configure and look up test cases by name. <td> <see cref="TestClientControlledTest"/>
/// </table>
/// </summary>
public class TestClient : MessageListener
/// <summary> Used for debugging. </summary>
private static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestClient));
/// <summary> Used for reporting to the console. </summary>
private static ILog console = LogManager.GetLogger("CONSOLE");
/// <summary> Holds the default identifying name of the test client. </summary>
public static final string CLIENT_NAME = "java";
/// <summary> Holds the URL of the broker to run the tests on. </summary>
public static string brokerUrl;
/// <summary> Holds the virtual host to run the tests on. If <tt>null</tt>, then the default virtual host is used. </summary>
public static string virtualHost;
/// <summary>
/// Holds the test context properties that provides the default test parameters, plus command line overrides.
/// This is initialized with the default test parameters, to which command line overrides may be applied.
/// </summary>
public static ParsedProperties testContextProperties =
/// <summary> Holds all the test cases loaded from the classpath. </summary>
Map<String, TestClientControlledTest> testCases = new HashMap<String, TestClientControlledTest>();
/// <summary> Holds the test case currently being run by this client. </summary>
protected TestClientControlledTest currentTestCase;
/// <summary> Holds the connection to the broker that the test is being coordinated on. </summary>
protected Connection connection;
/// <summary> Holds the message producer to hold the test coordination over. </summary>
protected MessageProducer producer;
/// <summary> Holds the JMS controlSession for the test coordination. </summary>
protected Session session;
/// <summary> Holds the name of this client, with a default value. </summary>
protected string clientName = CLIENT_NAME;
/// <summary> This flag indicates that the test client should attempt to join the currently running test case on start up. </summary>
protected bool join;
/// <summary> Holds the clock synchronizer for the test node. </summary>
ClockSynchThread clockSynchThread;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new interop test client, listenting to the specified broker and virtual host, with the specified client
/// identifying name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pBrokerUrl"> The url of the broker to connect to. </param>
/// <param name="pVirtualHost"> The virtual host to conect to. </param>
/// <param name="clientName"> The client name to use. </param>
/// <param name="join"> Flag to indicate that this client should attempt to join running tests. </param>
public TestClient(string pBrokerUrl, string pVirtualHost, string clientName, bool join)
log.debug("public TestClient(string pBrokerUrl = " + pBrokerUrl + ", string pVirtualHost = " + pVirtualHost
+ ", string clientName = " + clientName + ", bool join = " + join + "): called");
// Retain the connection parameters.
brokerUrl = pBrokerUrl;
virtualHost = pVirtualHost;
this.clientName = clientName;
this.join = join;
/// <summary>
/// The entry point for the interop test coordinator. This client accepts the following command line arguments:
/// <p/><table>
/// <tr><td> -b <td> The broker URL. <td> Optional.
/// <tr><td> -h <td> The virtual host. <td> Optional.
/// <tr><td> -n <td> The test client name. <td> Optional.
/// <tr><td> name=value <td> Trailing argument define name/value pairs. Added to system properties. <td> Optional.
/// </table>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"> The command line arguments. </param>
public static void main(String[] args)
log.debug("public static void main(String[] args = " + Arrays.ToString(args) + "): called");"Qpid Distributed Test Client.");
// Override the default broker url to be localhost:5672.
testContextProperties.setProperty(MessagingTestConfigProperties.BROKER_PROPNAME, "tcp://localhost:5672");
// Use the command line parser to evaluate the command line with standard handling behaviour (print errors
// and usage then exist if there are errors).
// Any options and trailing name=value pairs are also injected into the test context properties object,
// to override any defaults that may have been set up.
ParsedProperties options =
new ParsedProperties(,
new String[][]
{ "b", "The broker URL.", "broker", "false" },
{ "h", "The virtual host to use.", "virtual host", "false" },
{ "o", "The name of the directory to output test timings to.", "dir", "false" },
{ "n", "The name of the test client.", "name", "false" },
{ "j", "Join this test client to running test.", "false" }
}), testContextProperties));
// Extract the command line options.
string brokerUrl = options.getProperty("b");
string virtualHost = options.getProperty("h");
string clientName = options.getProperty("n");
clientName = (clientName == null) ? CLIENT_NAME : clientName;
bool join = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("j");
// To distinguish logging output set up an NDC on the client name.
// Create a test client and start it running.
TestClient client = new TestClient(brokerUrl, virtualHost, clientName, join);
// Use a class path scanner to find all the interop test case implementations.
// Hard code the test classes till the classpath scanner is fixed.
Collection<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>> testCaseClasses =
new ArrayList<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>>();
// ClasspathScanner.getMatches(TestClientControlledTest.class, "^TestCase.*", true);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("The test client was unable to start.", e);;
/// <summary>
/// Parses a list of class names, and loads them if they are available on the class path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="classNames"> The names of the classes to load. </param>
/// <return> A list of the loaded test case classes. </return>
public static IList<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>> loadTestCases(String... classNames)
IList<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>> testCases =
new LinkedList<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>>();
for (string className : classNames)
Class<?> cls = ReflectionUtils.forName(className);
testCases.add((Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>) cls);
catch (ReflectionUtilsException e)
// Ignore, class could not be found, so test not available.
console.warn("Requested class " + className + " cannot be found, ignoring it.");
catch (ClassCastException e)
// Ignore, class was not of correct type to be a test case.
console.warn("Requested class " + className + " is not an instance of TestClientControlledTest.");
return testCases;
/// <summary>
/// Starts the interop test client running. This causes it to start listening for incoming test invites.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="testCaseClasses"> The classes of the available test cases. The test case names from these are used to </param>
/// matchin incoming test invites against.
/// <exception cref="JMSException"> Any underlying JMSExceptions are allowed to fall through. </exception>
protected void start(Collection<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>> testCaseClasses) throws JMSException
log.debug("protected void start(Collection<Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest>> testCaseClasses = "
+ testCaseClasses + "): called");
// Create all the test case implementations and index them by the test names.
for (Class<? extends TestClientControlledTest> nextClass : testCaseClasses)
TestClientControlledTest testCase = nextClass.newInstance();
testCases.put(testCase.getName(), testCase);
catch (InstantiationException e)
log.warn("Could not instantiate test case class: " + nextClass.getName(), e);
// Ignored.
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
log.warn("Could not instantiate test case class due to illegal access: " + nextClass.getName(), e);
// Ignored.
// Open a connection to communicate with the coordinator on.
connection = TestUtils.createConnection(testContextProperties);
session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// Set this up to listen for control messages.
Topic privateControlTopic = session.createTopic("iop.control." + clientName);
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(privateControlTopic);
Topic controlTopic = session.createTopic("iop.control");
MessageConsumer consumer2 = session.createConsumer(controlTopic);
// Create a producer to send replies with.
producer = session.createProducer(null);
// If the join flag was set, then broadcast a join message to notify the coordinator that a new test client
// is available to join the current test case, if it supports it. This message may be ignored, or it may result
// in this test client receiving a test invite.
if (join)
Message joinMessage = session.createMessage();
joinMessage.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "JOIN");
joinMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME", clientName);
joinMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_PRIVATE_CONTROL_KEY", "iop.control." + clientName);
producer.send(controlTopic, joinMessage);
// Start listening for incoming control messages.
/// <summary>
/// Handles all incoming control messages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"> The incoming message. </param>
public void onMessage(Message message)
log.debug("public void onMessage(Message message = " + message + "): called");
string controlType = message.getStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE");
string testName = message.getStringProperty("TEST_NAME");
log.debug("Received control of type '" + controlType + "' for the test '" + testName + "'");
// Check if the message is a test invite.
if ("INVITE".equals(controlType))
// Flag used to indicate that an enlist should be sent. Only enlist to compulsory invites or invites
// for which test cases exist.
bool enlist = false;
if (testName != null)
log.debug("Got an invite to test: " + testName);
// Check if the requested test case is available.
TestClientControlledTest testCase = testCases.get(testName);
if (testCase != null)
log.debug("Found implementing class for test '" + testName + "', enlisting for it.");
// Check if the test case will accept the invitation.
enlist = testCase.acceptInvite(message);
log.debug("The test case "
+ (enlist ? " accepted the invite, enlisting for it."
: " did not accept the invite, not enlisting."));
// Make the requested test case the current test case.
currentTestCase = testCase;
log.debug("Received an invite to the test '" + testName + "' but this test is not known.");
log.debug("Got a compulsory invite, enlisting for it.");
enlist = true;
if (enlist)
// Reply with the client name in an Enlist message.
Message enlistMessage = session.createMessage();
enlistMessage.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "ENLIST");
enlistMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME", clientName);
enlistMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_PRIVATE_CONTROL_KEY", "iop.control." + clientName);
log.debug("Sending enlist message '" + enlistMessage + "' to " + message.getJMSReplyTo());
producer.send(message.getJMSReplyTo(), enlistMessage);
// Reply with the client name in an Decline message.
Message enlistMessage = session.createMessage();
enlistMessage.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "DECLINE");
enlistMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME", clientName);
enlistMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_PRIVATE_CONTROL_KEY", "iop.control." + clientName);
log.debug("Sending decline message '" + enlistMessage + "' to " + message.getJMSReplyTo());
producer.send(message.getJMSReplyTo(), enlistMessage);
else if ("ASSIGN_ROLE".equals(controlType))
// Assign the role to the current test case.
string roleName = message.getStringProperty("ROLE");
log.debug("Got a role assignment to role: " + roleName);
TestClientControlledTest.Roles role = Enum.valueOf(TestClientControlledTest.Roles.class, roleName);
currentTestCase.assignRole(role, message);
// Reply by accepting the role in an Accept Role message.
Message acceptRoleMessage = session.createMessage();
acceptRoleMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME", clientName);
acceptRoleMessage.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "ACCEPT_ROLE");
log.debug("Sending accept role message '" + acceptRoleMessage + "' to " + message.getJMSReplyTo());
producer.send(message.getJMSReplyTo(), acceptRoleMessage);
else if ("START".equals(controlType) || "STATUS_REQUEST".equals(controlType))
if ("START".equals(controlType))
log.debug("Got a start notification.");
// Extract the number of test messages to send from the start notification.
int numMessages;
numMessages = message.getIntProperty("MESSAGE_COUNT");
catch (NumberFormatException e)
// If the number of messages is not specified, use the default of one.
numMessages = 1;
// Start the current test case.
log.debug("Got a status request.");
// Generate the report from the test case and reply with it as a Report message.
Message reportMessage = currentTestCase.getReport(session);
reportMessage.setStringProperty("CLIENT_NAME", clientName);
reportMessage.setStringProperty("CONTROL_TYPE", "REPORT");
log.debug("Sending report message '" + reportMessage + "' to " + message.getJMSReplyTo());
producer.send(message.getJMSReplyTo(), reportMessage);
else if ("TERMINATE".equals(controlType))
{"Received termination instruction from coordinator.");
// Is a cleaner shutdown needed?
else if ("CLOCK_SYNCH".equals(controlType))
log.debug("Received clock synch command.");
string address = message.getStringProperty("ADDRESS");
log.debug("address = " + address);
// Re-create (if necessary) and start the clock synch thread to synch the clock every ten seconds.
if (clockSynchThread != null)
SleepThrottle throttle = new SleepThrottle();
clockSynchThread = new ClockSynchThread(new UDPClockSynchronizer(address), throttle);
// Log a warning about this but otherwise ignore it.
log.warn("Got an unknown control message, controlType = " + controlType + ", message = " + message);
catch (JMSException e)
// Log a warning about this, but otherwise ignore it.
log.warn("Got JMSException whilst handling message: " + message, e);
// Log any runtimes that fall through this message handler. These are fatal errors for the test client.
catch (RuntimeException e)
log.error("The test client message handler got an unhandled exception: ", e);"The message handler got an unhandled exception, terminating the test client.");