blob: 873f0be9289d94877bd04a9cb6a9b86a622c1fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "ClusterMap.h"
#include "qpid/Url.h"
#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
#include "qpid/log/Statement.h"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <ostream>
namespace qpid {
using namespace framing;
namespace cluster {
namespace {
void addFieldTableValue(FieldTable::ValueMap::value_type vt, ClusterMap::Map& map, ClusterMap::Set& set) {
MemberId id(vt.first);
std::string url = vt.second->get<std::string>();
if (!url.empty())
map.insert(ClusterMap::Map::value_type(id, Url(url)));
void insertFieldTableFromMapValue(FieldTable& ft, const ClusterMap::Map::value_type& vt) {
ft.setString(vt.first.str(), vt.second.str());
void assignFieldTable(FieldTable& ft, const ClusterMap::Map& map) {
std::for_each(map.begin(), map.end(), boost::bind(&insertFieldTableFromMapValue, boost::ref(ft), _1));
ClusterMap::ClusterMap() {}
ClusterMap::ClusterMap(const MemberId& id, const Url& url , bool isMember) {
if (isMember)
members[id] = url;
newbies[id] = url;
ClusterMap::ClusterMap(const FieldTable& newbiesFt, const FieldTable& membersFt) {
std::for_each(newbiesFt.begin(), newbiesFt.end(), boost::bind(&addFieldTableValue, _1, boost::ref(newbies), boost::ref(alive)));
std::for_each(membersFt.begin(), membersFt.end(), boost::bind(&addFieldTableValue, _1, boost::ref(members), boost::ref(alive)));
ClusterConnectionMembershipBody ClusterMap::asMethodBody() const {
framing::ClusterConnectionMembershipBody b;
std::for_each(newbies.begin(), newbies.end(), boost::bind(&insertFieldTableFromMapValue, boost::ref(b.getNewbies()), _1));
for(Set::const_iterator i = alive.begin(); i != alive.end(); ++i) {
if (!isMember(*i) && !isNewbie(*i))
b.getNewbies().setString(i->str(), std::string());
std::for_each(members.begin(), members.end(), boost::bind(&insertFieldTableFromMapValue, boost::ref(b.getMembers()), _1));
return b;
bool ClusterMap::configChange(
cpg_address *current, int nCurrent,
cpg_address *left, int nLeft,
cpg_address */*joined*/, int /*nJoined*/)
cpg_address* a;
bool memberChange=false;
for (a = left; a != left+nLeft; ++a) {
memberChange = memberChange || members.erase(*a);
std::copy(current, current+nCurrent, std::inserter(alive, alive.end()));
return memberChange;
Url ClusterMap::getUrl(const Map& map, const MemberId& id) {
Map::const_iterator i = map.find(id);
return i == map.end() ? Url() : i->second;
MemberId ClusterMap::firstNewbie() const {
return newbies.empty() ? MemberId() : newbies.begin()->first;
std::vector<Url> ClusterMap::memberUrls() const {
std::vector<Url> urls(members.size());
std::transform(members.begin(), members.end(), urls.begin(),
boost::bind(&Map::value_type::second, _1));
return urls;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ClusterMap::Map& m) {
std::ostream_iterator<MemberId> oi(o);
std::transform(m.begin(), m.end(), oi, boost::bind(&ClusterMap::Map::value_type::first, _1));
return o;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ClusterMap& m) {
for (ClusterMap::Set::const_iterator i = m.alive.begin(); i != m.alive.end(); ++i) {
o << *i;
if (m.isMember(*i)) o << "(member)";
else if (m.isNewbie(*i)) o << "(newbie)";
else o << "(unknown)";
o << " ";
return o;
bool ClusterMap::dumpRequest(const MemberId& id, const std::string& url) {
if (isAlive(id)) {
newbies[id] = Url(url);
return true;
return false;
bool ClusterMap::ready(const MemberId& id, const Url& url) {
return isAlive(id) && members.insert(Map::value_type(id,url)).second;
bool ClusterMap::configChange(const std::string& addresses) {
bool memberChange = false;
Set update;
for (std::string::const_iterator i = addresses.begin(); i < addresses.end(); i += 8)
update.insert(MemberId(std::string(i, i+8)));
Set removed;
std::set_difference(alive.begin(), alive.end(),
update.begin(), update.end(),
std::inserter(removed, removed.begin()));
alive = update;
for (Set::const_iterator i = removed.begin(); i != removed.end(); ++i) {
memberChange = memberChange || members.erase(*i);
return memberChange;
boost::optional<Url> ClusterMap::dumpOffer(const MemberId& from, const MemberId& to) {
Map::iterator i = newbies.find(to);
if (isAlive(from) && i != newbies.end()) {
Url url= i->second;
newbies.erase(i); // No longer a potential dumpee.
return url;
return boost::optional<Url>();
}} // namespace qpid::cluster