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<div class="subTitle"><span class="packageLabelInType">Package</span>&nbsp;<a href="package-summary.html">org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client</a></div>
<h2 title="Enum NextReceiverPolicy" class="title">Enum NextReceiverPolicy</h2>
<div class="contentContainer">
<ul class="inheritance">
<li><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">java.lang.Object</a></li>
<ul class="inheritance">
<li><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">java.lang.Enum</a>&lt;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a>&gt;</li>
<ul class="inheritance">
<div class="description">
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>
<dd><code><a href="" title="class or interface in" class="externalLink">Serializable</a></code>, <code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">Comparable</a>&lt;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a>&gt;</code></dd>
<pre>public enum <span class="typeNameLabel">NextReceiverPolicy</span>
extends <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">Enum</a>&lt;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a>&gt;</pre>
<div class="block">Determines the behavior of a Session when the next receiver method is called
on that session. Each policy provides a contract on the ordering of returned
receivers from the next receiver API when there are receivers with locally
queued deliveries. When there are no <a href="Receiver.html" title="interface in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client"><code>Receiver</code></a> instances that have
locally queued deliveries the next receive API will return the next receiver
to receive a complete incoming delivery unless a timeout was given and that
time period expires in which case it will return <code>null</code>.
Should the user perform receive calls on a <a href="Receiver.html" title="interface in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client"><code>Receiver</code></a> directly in multiple
threads the behavior of the next receiver API is undefined and it becomes possible
that the resulting receiver returned from that API will have no actual pending
deliveries due to a race. In most cases the caller can mitigate some risk by using
the <a href="Receiver.html#tryReceive()"><code>Receiver.tryReceive()</code></a> API and accounting for a null result.</div>
<div class="summary">
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<!-- =========== ENUM CONSTANT SUMMARY =========== -->
<section role="region">
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList"><a id="enum.constant.summary">
<!-- -->
<h3>Enum Constant Summary</h3>
<table class="memberSummary">
<caption><span>Enum Constants</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Enum Constant</th>
<th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#FIRST_AVAILABLE">FIRST_AVAILABLE</a></span></code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns the
first receiver found with an available delivery.</div>
<tr class="rowColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#LARGEST_BACKLOG">LARGEST_BACKLOG</a></span></code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns the
receiver with the largest backlog of available deliveries.</div>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#RANDOM">RANDOM</a></span></code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns a
random selection from the set of receivers that have a pending delivery
immediately available.</div>
<tr class="rowColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#ROUND_ROBIN">ROUND_ROBIN</a></span></code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns
the next receiver that has a pending delivery that follows the previously
returned receiver (if any) otherwise the first receiver in the session with
a pending delivery is returned.</div>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#SMALLEST_BACKLOG">SMALLEST_BACKLOG</a></span></code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns the
receiver with the smallest backlog of available deliveries.</div>
<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
<section role="region">
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList"><a id="method.summary">
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<h3>Method Summary</h3>
<table class="memberSummary">
<caption><span id="t0" class="activeTableTab"><span>All Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></span><span id="t1" class="tableTab"><span><a href="javascript:show(1);">Static Methods</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></span><span id="t4" class="tableTab"><span><a href="javascript:show(8);">Concrete Methods</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></span></caption>
<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
<th class="colSecond" scope="col">Method</th>
<th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
<tr id="i0" class="altColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static <a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a></code></td>
<th class="colSecond" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#valueOf(java.lang.String)">valueOf</a></span>&#8203;(<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">String</a>&nbsp;name)</code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.</div>
<tr id="i1" class="rowColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static <a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a>[]</code></td>
<th class="colSecond" scope="row"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#values()">values</a></span>()</code></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.</div>
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList"><a id="">
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<h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">Enum</a></h3>
<code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">clone</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">compareTo</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">equals</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">finalize</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">getDeclaringClass</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">hashCode</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">name</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">ordinal</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">toString</a>, <a href=",java.lang.String)" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">valueOf</a></code></li>
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList"><a id="">
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<h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">Object</a></h3>
<code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">getClass</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">notify</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">notifyAll</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">wait</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">wait</a>, <a href=",int)" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">wait</a></code></li>
<div class="details">
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<!-- ============ ENUM CONSTANT DETAIL =========== -->
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<li class="blockList"><a id="enum.constant.detail">
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<h3>Enum Constant Detail</h3>
<a id="ROUND_ROBIN">
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<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static final&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a> ROUND_ROBIN</pre>
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns
the next receiver that has a pending delivery that follows the previously
returned receiver (if any) otherwise the first receiver in the session with
a pending delivery is returned. The order of receivers returned will likely
be creation order however the implementation is not required to follow this
pattern so the caller should not be coded to rely on that ordering.</div>
<a id="RANDOM">
<!-- -->
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static final&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a> RANDOM</pre>
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns a
random selection from the set of receivers that have a pending delivery
immediately available. This provides a means of selecting receivers which
is not prone to sticking to a highly active receiver which can starve out
other receivers which receive only limited traffic.</div>
<!-- -->
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static final&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a> FIRST_AVAILABLE</pre>
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns the
first receiver found with an available delivery. This can result in starvation
if that receiver has a continuous feed of new deliveries from the remote as it
will be repeatedly selected by the next receiver API.</div>
<!-- -->
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static final&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a> LARGEST_BACKLOG</pre>
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns the
receiver with the largest backlog of available deliveries. This can result in
starvation if that receiver has a continuous feed of new deliveries from the
remote as it will likely be repeatedly selected by the next receiver API.</div>
<!-- -->
<ul class="blockListLast">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static final&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a> SMALLEST_BACKLOG</pre>
<div class="block">Examines the list of currently open receivers in the session and returns the
receiver with the smallest backlog of available deliveries.</div>
<!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
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<h3>Method Detail</h3>
<a id="values()">
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<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre class="methodSignature">public static&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a>[]&nbsp;values()</pre>
<div class="block">Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate
over the constants as follows:
for (NextReceiverPolicy c : NextReceiverPolicy.values())
&nbsp; System.out.println(c);
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared</dd>
<a id="valueOf(java.lang.String)">
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<ul class="blockListLast">
<li class="blockList">
<pre class="methodSignature">public static&nbsp;<a href="NextReceiverPolicy.html" title="enum in org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client">NextReceiverPolicy</a>&nbsp;valueOf&#8203;(<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">String</a>&nbsp;name)</pre>
<div class="block">Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
The string must match <i>exactly</i> an identifier used to declare an
enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are
not permitted.)</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>name</code> - the name of the enum constant to be returned.</dd>
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>the enum constant with the specified name</dd>
<dt><span class="throwsLabel">Throws:</span></dt>
<dd><code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">IllegalArgumentException</a></code> - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name</dd>
<dd><code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink">NullPointerException</a></code> - if the argument is null</dd>
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