blob: 43e0aada46cabc93eaf7467e6e0214129d02c7ef [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
** TODO Add XML Exchange tests
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import unittest
import uuid
import re
from time import sleep
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
# !!! Configure your paths here !!!
## If you set qpid_root on a source tree, from the default install for
## this script, you're good to go. If running from elsewhere against a
## source tree, set QPID_ROOT. If running from an installed system,
## etc. to the directories below.
qpid_root = os.getenv("QPID_ROOT", os.path.abspath("../../../../../../qpid"))
logging.debug("Qpid Root: " + qpid_root)
qpid_broker = os.getenv("QPID_BROKER", "localhost:5672")
logging.debug("Qpid Broker: " + qpid_broker)
# If you are working from a source tree, setting the above paths is
# sufficient.
# If your examples are installed somewhere else, you have to tell us
# where examples in each language are kept
cpp_examples_path = os.getenv("QPID_CPP_EXAMPLES", qpid_root + "/cpp/examples/messaging/")
python_examples_path = os.getenv("QPID_PYTHON_EXAMPLES", qpid_root + "/python/examples/api/")
python_path = os.getenv("PYTHONPATH", qpid_root+"/python:" + qpid_root+"/extras/qmf/src/py")
os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = python_path
logging.debug("PYTHONPATH: " + os.environ["PYTHONPATH"])
python_tools_path = os.getenv("QPID_PYTHON_TOOLS", qpid_root + "/tools/src/py/")
logging.debug("QPID_PYTHON_TOOLS: " + python_tools_path)
java_qpid_home = os.getenv("QPID_HOME", qpid_root + "/java/build/lib/")
os.environ["QPID_HOME"] = java_qpid_home
logging.debug("Java's QPID_HOME: " + os.environ["QPID_HOME"])
java_examples_path = os.getenv("QPID_JAVA_EXAMPLES", qpid_root + "/java/client/example/")
find = "find " + java_qpid_home + " -name '*.jar'"
args = shlex.split(find)
popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = popen.communicate()
os.environ["CLASSPATH"] = java_examples_path + ":" + re.sub("\\n", ":", out)
logging.debug("Java CLASSPATH = " + os.environ["CLASSPATH"])
java_invoke = "java " + "-Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.conf "
drains = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "drain" },
{'lang': 'PYTHON', 'command': python_examples_path + "drain"},
{'lang': 'JAVA', 'command': java_invoke + "org.apache.qpid.example.Drain"}
spouts = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "spout" },
{'lang': 'PYTHON', 'command': python_examples_path + "spout"},
{'lang': 'JAVA', 'command': java_invoke + "org.apache.qpid.example.Spout"}
mapSenders = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "map_sender" },
{'lang': 'JAVA', 'command': java_invoke + "org.apache.qpid.example.MapSender"}
mapReceivers = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "map_receiver" },
{'lang': 'JAVA', 'command': java_invoke + "org.apache.qpid.example.MapReceiver"}
hellos = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "hello_world" },
{'lang': 'PYTHON', 'command': python_examples_path + "hello" },
{'lang': 'JAVA', 'command': java_invoke + "org.apache.qpid.example.Hello"}
wockyClients = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "client" },
wockyServers = [
{'lang': 'CPP', 'command': cpp_examples_path + "server" },
shortWait = 0.5
longWait = 3 # use sparingly!
class TestDrainSpout(unittest.TestCase):
# setUp / tearDown
def setUp(self):
logging.debug('START: ' + self.tcaseName())
def tearDown(self):
# Lemmas
def tcaseName(self):
return re.split('[.]',[-1]
# Python utilities
def qpid_config(self, args):
commandS = python_tools_path + "qpid-config" + ' ' + args
args = shlex.split(commandS)
logging.debug("qpid_config(): " + commandS)
popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = popen.communicate()
logging.debug("qpid-config() - out=" + str(out) + ", err=" + str(err))
# Send / receive methods in various languages
def send(self, spout=spouts[0], content="", destination="amq.topic", create=1, wait=0):
if wait:
createS = ";{create:always}" if create else ""
addressS = "'" + destination + createS + "'"
brokerS = "-b " + qpid_broker
if spout['lang']=='CPP':
contentS = " ".join(['--content',"'"+content+"'"]) if content else ""
commandS = " ".join([spout['command'], brokerS, contentS, addressS])
elif spout['lang']=='PYTHON':
commandS = " ".join([spout['command'], brokerS, addressS, content])
elif spout['lang']=='JAVA':
brokerS = "-b guest:guest@" + qpid_broker
commandS = " ".join([spout['command'], brokerS, "--content="+"'"+content+"'", addressS])
raise "Ain't no such language ...."
logging.debug("send(): " + commandS)
args = shlex.split(commandS)
popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = popen.communicate()
logging.debug("send() - out=" + str(out) + ", err=" + str(err))
def receive(self, drain=drains[0], destination="amq.topic", delete=1):
deleteS = ";{delete:always}" if delete else ""
addressS = "'" + destination + deleteS + "'"
brokerS = "-b " + qpid_broker
optionS = "-c 1 -t 30"
if drain['lang']=='CPP':
commandS = " ".join([drain['command'], optionS, brokerS, optionS, addressS])
elif drain['lang']=='PYTHON':
commandS = " ".join([drain['command'], brokerS, optionS, addressS])
elif drain['lang']=='JAVA':
brokerS = "-b guest:guest@" + qpid_broker
commandS = " ".join([drain['command'], brokerS, optionS, addressS])
raise "Ain't no such language ...."
logging.debug("receive() " + commandS)
args = shlex.split(commandS)
popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = popen.communicate()
logging.debug("receive() - out=" + str(out) + ", err=" + str(err))
return out
def subscribe(self, drain=drains[0], destination="amq.topic", create=0):
optionS = "-t 30 -c 1"
brokerS = "-b " + qpid_broker
if drain['lang']=='CPP':
commandS = " ".join([drain['command'], brokerS, optionS, destination])
elif drain['lang']=='PYTHON':
commandS = " ".join([drain['command'], brokerS, optionS, destination])
elif drain['lang']=='JAVA':
logging.debug("Java working directory: ")
brokerS = "-b guest:guest@" + qpid_broker
commandS = " ".join([drain['command'], brokerS, optionS, destination])
logging.debug("subscribe() - no such language!")
raise "Ain't no such language ...."
logging.debug("subscribe() " + commandS)
args = shlex.split(commandS)
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def listen(self, popen):
out,err = popen.communicate()
logging.debug("listen(): out=" + str(out) + ", err=" + str(err))
return out
# Tests
# Hello world!
def test_hello_world(self):
for hello_world in hellos:
args = shlex.split(hello_world['command'])
popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = popen.communicate()[0]
self.assertTrue(out.find("world!") > 0)
def test_jabberwocky(self):
for i, s in enumerate(wockyServers):
for j, c in enumerate(wockyClients):
args = shlex.split(s['command'])
server = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
args = shlex.split(c['command'])
client = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = client.communicate()[0]
self.assertTrue(out.find("BRILLIG") >= 0)
def test_maps(self):
for s in mapSenders:
for r in mapReceivers:
args = shlex.split(s['command'])
sender = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
args = shlex.split(r['command'])
receiver = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = receiver.communicate()[0]
def test_queues(self):
for i, s in enumerate(spouts):
for j, d in enumerate(drains):
content = self.tcaseName() + ": " + s['lang'] + str(i) + " => " + d['lang'] + str(j)
self.send(s, content=content, destination="hello_world", create=1)
out = self.receive(d, destination="hello_world", delete=1)
self.assertTrue(out.find(content) >= 0)
def test_direct_exchange(self):
for i, s in enumerate(spouts):
for j, d in enumerate(drains):
content = self.tcaseName() + ": " + s['lang'] + str(i) + " => " + d['lang'] + str(j)
popen1 = self.subscribe(d, destination="")
popen2 = self.subscribe(d, destination="")
self.send(s, content=content, destination="", create=0, wait=2)
out1 = self.listen(popen1)
out2 = self.listen(popen2)
self.assertTrue(out1.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
self.assertTrue(out2.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
def test_fanout_exchange(self):
for i, s in enumerate(spouts):
for j, d in enumerate(drains):
content = self.tcaseName() + ": " + s['lang'] + str(i) + " => " + d['lang'] + str(j)
popen1 = self.subscribe(d, destination="amq.fanout")
popen2 = self.subscribe(d, destination="amq.fanout")
self.send(s, content=content, destination="amq.fanout", create=0, wait=2)
out1 = self.listen(popen1)
out2 = self.listen(popen2)
self.assertTrue(out1.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
self.assertTrue(out2.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
def test_topic_exchange(self):
for i, s in enumerate(spouts):
for j, d in enumerate(drains):
content = self.tcaseName() + ": " + s['lang'] + str(i) + " => " + d['lang'] + str(j)
popen1 = self.subscribe(d, destination="amq.topic" + "/" + s['lang'] + "." + d['lang'])
popen2 = self.subscribe(d, destination="amq.topic" + "/" + "*" + "." + d['lang'])
popen3 = self.subscribe(d, destination="amq.topic" + "/" + s['lang'] + "." + "*")
popen4 = self.subscribe(d, destination="amq.topic" + "/" + "#" + "." + d['lang'])
self.send(s, content=content, destination="amq.topic"+ "/" + s['lang'] + "." + d['lang'], create=0, wait=4)
out1 = self.listen(popen1)
out2 = self.listen(popen2)
out3 = self.listen(popen3)
out4 = self.listen(popen4)
self.assertTrue(out1.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
self.assertTrue(out2.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
self.assertTrue(out3.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
self.assertTrue(out4.find(self.tcaseName()) >= 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':