QPID-8051: actually type the command correctly
diff --git a/RELEASE.md b/RELEASE.md
index 82268f2..47fd759 100644
--- a/RELEASE.md
+++ b/RELEASE.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   - Run: "git add ."
   - Run: 'git commit -m "update versions for ${TAG}"'
   - Run: 'git tag -m "tag ${TAG}" ${TAG}'
-5. Run: "python setup.py --sdist" to create the qpid-python-${VERSION}.tar.gz release archive in the dist/ subdir.
+5. Run: "python setup.py sdist" to create the qpid-python-${VERSION}.tar.gz release archive in the dist/ subdir.
 6. Create signature and checksums for the archive:
   - e.g "gpg --detach-sign --armor qpid-python-${VERSION}.tar.gz"
   - e.g "sha512sum qpid-python-${VERSION}.tar.gz > qpid-python-${VERSION}.tar.gz.sha512"