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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
* Buffer type abstraction used to provide users of the proton library with
* a means of using their own type of byte buffer types in combination with the
* library tooling.
public interface ProtonBuffer extends Comparable<ProtonBuffer> {
* Return the underlying buffer object that backs this {@link ProtonBuffer} instance, or null
* if there is no backing object.
* This method should be overridden in buffer abstraction when access to the underlying backing
* store is needed such as when wrapping pooled resources that need explicit release calls.
* @return an underlying buffer object or other backing store for this buffer.
default Object unwrap() { return null; }
* @return true if this buffer has a backing byte array that can be accessed.
boolean hasArray();
* Returns the backing array for this ProtonBuffer instance if there is such an array or
* throws an exception if this ProtonBuffer implementation has no backing array.
* <p>
* Changes to the returned array are visible to other users of this ProtonBuffer.
* @return the backing byte array for this ProtonBuffer.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this buffer type has no backing array.
byte[] getArray();
* @return the offset of the first byte in the backing array belonging to this buffer.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this buffer type has no backing array.
int getArrayOffset();
* @return the number of bytes this buffer can currently contain.
int capacity();
* Adjusts the capacity of this buffer. If the new capacity is less than the current
* capacity, the content of this buffer is truncated. If the new capacity is greater
* than the current capacity, the buffer is appended with unspecified data whose length is
* new capacity - current capacity.
* @param newCapacity
* the new maximum capacity value of this buffer.
* @return this buffer for using in call chaining.
ProtonBuffer capacity(int newCapacity);
* Returns the number of bytes that this buffer is allowed to grow to when write
* operations exceed the current capacity value.
* @return the number of bytes this buffer is allowed to grow to.
int maxCapacity();
* Ensures that the requested number of bytes is available for write operations
* in the current buffer, growing the buffer if needed to meet the requested
* writable capacity.
* @param amount
* The number of bytes beyond the current write index needed.
* @return this buffer for using in call chaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the amount given is less than zero.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the amount given would result in the buffer
* exceeding the maximum capacity for this buffer.
ProtonBuffer ensureWritable(int amount) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Create a duplicate of this ProtonBuffer instance that shares the same backing
* data store and but maintains separate position index values. Changes to one buffer
* are visible in any of its duplicates. This method does not copy the read or write
* markers to the new buffer instance.
* @return a new ProtonBuffer instance that shares the backing data as this one.
ProtonBuffer duplicate();
* Create a new ProtonBuffer whose contents are a subsequence of the contents of this
* {@link ProtonBuffer}.
* <p>
* The starting point of the new buffer starts at this buffer's current position, the
* marks and limits of the new buffer will be independent of this buffer however changes
* to the data backing the buffer will be visible in this buffer.
* @return a new {@link ProtonBuffer} whose contents are a subsequence of this buffer.
ProtonBuffer slice();
* Create a new ProtonBuffer whose contents are a subsequence of the contents of this
* {@link ProtonBuffer}.
* <p>
* The starting point of the new buffer starts at given index into this buffer and spans
* the number of bytes given by the length. Changes to the contents of this buffer or to
* the produced slice buffer are visible in the other.
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the slice should begin.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to make visible to the new buffer from this one.
* @return a new {@link ProtonBuffer} whose contents are a subsequence of this buffer.
ProtonBuffer slice(int index, int length);
* Create a deep copy of the readable bytes of this ProtonBuffer, the returned buffer can
* be modified without affecting the contents or position markers of this instance.
* @return a deep copy of this ProtonBuffer instance.
ProtonBuffer copy();
* Returns a copy of this buffer's sub-region. Modifying the content of
* the returned buffer or this buffer does not affect each other at all.
* This method does not modify the value returned from {@link #getReadIndex()}
* or {@link #getWriteIndex()} of this buffer.
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the copy should begin
* @param length
* The number of bytes to copy to the new buffer from this one.
* @return a new ProtonBuffer instance containing the copied bytes.
ProtonBuffer copy(int index, int length);
* Reset the position markers of this buffer, this method is not required to reset
* the data previously written to this buffer.
* @return this buffer for using in call chaining.
ProtonBuffer clear();
* Returns a ByteBuffer that represents the readable bytes contained in this buffer.
* <p>
* This method should attempt to return a ByteBuffer that shares the backing data store
* with this buffer however if that is not possible it is permitted that the returned
* ByteBuffer contain a copy of the readable bytes of this ProtonBuffer.
* @return a ByteBuffer that represents the readable bytes of this buffer.
ByteBuffer toByteBuffer();
* Returns a ByteBuffer that represents the given span of bytes from the readable portion
* of this buffer.
* <p>
* This method should attempt to return a ByteBuffer that shares the backing data store
* with this buffer however if that is not possible it is permitted that the returned
* ByteBuffer contain a copy of the readable bytes of this ProtonBuffer.
* @param index
* The starting index in this where the ByteBuffer view should begin.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to include in the ByteBuffer view.
* @return a ByteBuffer that represents the given view of this buffers readable bytes.
ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(int index, int length);
* Returns a String created from the buffer's underlying bytes using the specified
* {@link java.nio.charset.Charset} for the newly created String.
* @param charset
* the {@link java.nio.charset.Charset} to use to construct the new string.
* @return a string created from the buffer's underlying bytes using the given {@link java.nio.charset.Charset}.
String toString(Charset charset);
* @return the number of bytes available for reading from this buffer.
int getReadableBytes();
* @return the number of bytes that can be written to this buffer before the limit is hit.
int getWritableBytes();
* Gets the current maximum number of bytes that can be written to this buffer. This is
* the same value that can be computed by subtracting the current write index from the
* maximum buffer capacity.
* @return the maximum number of bytes that can be written to this buffer before the limit is hit.
int getMaxWritableBytes();
* @return the current value of the read index for this buffer.
int getReadIndex();
* Sets the read index for this buffer.
* @param value The index into the buffer where the read index should be positioned.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the value given is greater than the write index or negative.
ProtonBuffer setReadIndex(int value);
* @return the current value of the write index for this buffer.
int getWriteIndex();
* Sets the write index for this buffer.
* @param value The index into the buffer where the write index should be positioned.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the value less than the read index or greater than the capacity.
ProtonBuffer setWriteIndex(int value);
* Used to set the read index and the write index in one call. This methods allows for an update
* to the read index and write index to values that could not be set using simple setReadIndex and
* setWriteIndex call where the values would violate the constraints placed on them by the value
* of the other index.
* @param readIndex
* The new read index to assign to this buffer.
* @param writeIndex
* The new write index to assign to this buffer.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the values violate the basic tenants of readIndex and writeIndex
ProtonBuffer setIndex(int readIndex, int writeIndex);
* Marks the current read index so that it can later be restored by a call to
* {@link ProtonBuffer#resetReadIndex}, the initial mark value is 0.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
ProtonBuffer markReadIndex();
* Resets the current read index to the previously marked value.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the current write index is less than the marked read index.
ProtonBuffer resetReadIndex();
* Marks the current write index so that it can later be restored by a call to
* {@link ProtonBuffer#resetWriteIndex}, the initial mark value is 0.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
ProtonBuffer markWriteIndex();
* Resets the current write index to the previously marked value.
* @return this buffer for use in chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the current read index is greater than the marked write index.
ProtonBuffer resetWriteIndex();
* @return true if the read index is less than the write index.
boolean isReadable();
* Check if the given number of bytes can be read from the buffer.
* @param size
* the size that is desired in readable bytes
* @return true if the buffer has at least the given number of readable bytes remaining.
boolean isReadable(int size);
* Compares the remaining content of the current buffer with the remaining content of the
* given buffer, which must not be null. Each byte is compared in turn as an unsigned value,
* returning upon the first difference. If no difference is found before the end of one
* buffer, the shorter buffer is considered less than the other, or else if the same length
* then they are considered equal.
* @return a negative, zero, or positive integer when this buffer is less than, equal to,
* or greater than the given buffer.
* @see Comparable#compareTo(Object)
@Override int compareTo(ProtonBuffer buffer);
* Gets a boolean from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
boolean getBoolean(int index);
* Gets a byte from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
byte getByte(int index);
* Gets a unsigned byte from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
short getUnsignedByte(int index);
* Gets a 2-byte char from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
char getChar(int index);
* Gets a short from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
short getShort(int index);
* Gets a unsigned short from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
int getUnsignedShort(int index);
* Gets a int from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
int getInt(int index);
* Gets a unsigned int from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
long getUnsignedInt(int index);
* Gets a long from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
long getLong(int index);
* Gets a float from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
float getFloat(int index);
* Gets a double from the specified index, this method will not modify the read or write
* index.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @return the value read from the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or past the current buffer capacity.
double getDouble(int index);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index} until the destination becomes
* non-writable. This method is basically same with
* {@link #getBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)}, except that this
* method increases the {@code writeIndex} of the destination by the
* number of the transferred bytes while
* {@link #getBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)} does not.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* the source buffer (i.e. {@code this}).
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @param destination
* the destination buffer for the bytes to be read
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
* if {@code index + dst.writableBytes} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}
ProtonBuffer getBytes(int index, ProtonBuffer destination);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}. This method is basically same
* with {@link #getBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)}, except that this
* method increases the {@code writeIndex} of the destination by the
* number of the transferred bytes while
* {@link #getBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)} does not.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* the source buffer (i.e. {@code this}).
* @param index
* the index in the buffer to start the read from
* @param destination
* the destination buffer for the bytes to be read
* @param length
* the number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code length} is greater than {@code dst.writableBytes}
ProtonBuffer getBytes(int index, ProtonBuffer destination, int length);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex}
* of both the source (i.e. {@code this}) and the destination.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @param destination
* The buffer where the bytes read will be written to
* @param destinationIndex
* The index into the destination where the write starts
* @param length
* The number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if the specified {@code dstIndex} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code dstIndex + length} is greater than
* {@code dst.capacity}
ProtonBuffer getBytes(int index, ProtonBuffer destination, int destinationIndex, int length);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* this buffer
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @param destination
* The buffer where the bytes read will be written to
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
* if {@code index + dst.length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}
ProtonBuffer getBytes(int index, byte[] destination);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code #getReadIndex()} or {@code #getWriteIndex()}
* of this buffer.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @param destination
* The buffer where the bytes read will be written to
* @param offset
* the offset into the destination to begin writing the bytes.
* @param length
* the number of bytes to transfer from this buffer to the target buffer.
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if the specified {@code offset} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code offset + length} is greater than
* {@code target.length}
ProtonBuffer getBytes(int index, byte[] destination, int offset, int length);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index} until the destination's position
* reaches its limit.
* This method does not modify {@code #getReadIndex()} or {@code #getWriteIndex()} of
* this buffer while the destination's {@code position} will be increased.
* @param index
* The index into the buffer where the value should be read.
* @param destination
* The buffer where the bytes read will be written to
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
* if {@code index + destination.remaining()} is greater than
* {@code #capacity()}
ProtonBuffer getBytes(int index, ByteBuffer destination);
* Sets the byte value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setByte(int index, int value);
* Sets the boolean value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setBoolean(int index, boolean value);
* Sets the char value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setChar(int index, int value);
* Sets the short value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setShort(int index, int value);
* Sets the int value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setInt(int index, int value);
* Sets the long value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setLong(int index, long value);
* Sets the float value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setFloat(int index, float value);
* Sets the double value at the given write index in this buffer's backing data store.
* @param index
* The index to start the write from.
* @param value
* The value to write at the given index.
* @return a reference to this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is negative or the write would exceed capcity.
ProtonBuffer setDouble(int index, double value);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index} until the source buffer becomes
* unreadable. This method is basically same with
* {@link #setBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)}, except that this
* method increases the {@code readIndex} of the source buffer by
* the number of the transferred bytes while
* {@link #setBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)} does not.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* the source buffer (i.e. {@code this}).
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the write operation starts.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
* if {@code index + source.readableBytes} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}
ProtonBuffer setBytes(int index, ProtonBuffer source);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}. This method is basically same
* with {@link #setBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)}, except that this
* method increases the {@code readIndex} of the source buffer by
* the number of the transferred bytes while
* {@link #setBytes(int, ProtonBuffer, int, int)} does not.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* the source buffer (i.e. {@code this}).
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the write operation starts.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code length} is greater than {@code source.readableBytes}
ProtonBuffer setBytes(int index, ProtonBuffer source, int length);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex}
* of both the source (i.e. {@code this}) and the destination.
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the write operation starts.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @param sourceIndex
* The first index of the source
* @param length
* The number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if the specified {@code sourceIndex} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code sourceIndex + length} is greater than
* {@code source.capacity}
ProtonBuffer setBytes(int index, ProtonBuffer source, int sourceIndex, int length);
* Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* this buffer.
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the write operation starts.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
* if {@code index + source.length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}
ProtonBuffer setBytes(int index, byte[] source);
* Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* this buffer.
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the write operation starts.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @param sourceIndex
* The first index of the source
* @param length
* The number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if the specified {@code srcIndex} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code srcIndex + length} is greater than {@code src.length}
ProtonBuffer setBytes(int index, byte[] source, int sourceIndex, int length);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index} until the source buffer's position
* reaches its limit.
* This method does not modify {@code readIndex} or {@code writeIndex} of
* this buffer.
* @param index
* The index in this buffer where the write operation starts.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
* if {@code index + src.remaining()} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}
ProtonBuffer setBytes(int index, ByteBuffer source);
* Increases the current {@code readIndex} of this buffer by the specified {@code length}.
* @param length
* the number of bytes in this buffer to skip.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code length} is greater than {@code this.readableBytes}
ProtonBuffer skipBytes(int length);
* Reads one byte from the buffer and advances the read index by one.
* @return a single byte from the ProtonBuffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no readable bytes left in the buffer.
byte readByte();
* Reads bytes from this buffer and writes them into the destination byte array incrementing
* the read index by the value of the length of the destination array.
* @param target
* The byte array to write into.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the target array is larger than the readable bytes.
ProtonBuffer readBytes(byte[] target);
* Reads bytes from this buffer and writes them into the destination byte array incrementing
* the read index by the length value passed.
* @param target
* The byte array to write into.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to read into the given array.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the length is larger than the readable bytes, or length is
* greater than the length of the target array, or length is negative.
ProtonBuffer readBytes(byte[] target, int length);
* Reads bytes from this buffer and writes them into the destination byte array incrementing
* the read index by the length value passed, the bytes are read into the given buffer starting
* from the given offset value.
* @param target
* The byte array to write into.
* @param offset
* The offset into the given array where bytes are written.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to read into the given array.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is negative, or if the length is greater than
* the current readable bytes or if the offset + length is great than the size of the target.
ProtonBuffer readBytes(byte[] target, int offset, int length);
* Reads bytes from this buffer and writes them into the destination ProtonBuffer incrementing
* the read index by the value of the number of bytes written to the target. The number of bytes
* written will be the equal to the writable bytes of the target buffer. The write index of the
* target buffer must be incremented number of bytes written into it.
* @param target
* The ProtonBuffer to write into.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the target buffer is this buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the target buffer has more writable bytes than this buffer
* has readable bytes.
ProtonBuffer readBytes(ProtonBuffer target);
* Reads bytes from this buffer and writes them into the destination ProtonBuffer incrementing
* the read index by the number of bytes written. The write index of the target buffer must be
* incremented number of bytes written into it.
* @param target
* The ProtonBuffer to write into.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to read into the given buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the length value is greater than the readable bytes of
* this buffer or is greater than the writable bytes of the target buffer..
ProtonBuffer readBytes(ProtonBuffer target, int length);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the current {@code readIndex} and increases the {@code readIndex}
* by the number of the transferred bytes (= {@code length}).
* @param target
* The ProtonBuffer to write into.
* @param offset
* The offset into the given buffer where bytes are written.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to read into the given buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is negative, or if the length is greater than
* the current readable bytes or if the offset + length is great than the size of the target.
ProtonBuffer readBytes(ProtonBuffer target, int offset, int length);
* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the current {@code readIndex} until the destination's position
* reaches its limit, and increases the {@code readIndex} by the
* number of the transferred bytes.
* @param destination
* The target ByteBuffer to write into.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the destination does not have enough capacity.
ProtonBuffer readBytes(ByteBuffer destination);
* Reads a boolean value from the buffer and advances the read index by one.
* @return boolean value read from the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a value cannot be read from the buffer.
boolean readBoolean();
* Reads a short value from the buffer and advances the read index by two.
* @return short value read from the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a value cannot be read from the buffer.
short readShort();
* Reads a integer value from the buffer and advances the read index by four.
* @return integer value read from the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a value cannot be read from the buffer.
int readInt();
* Reads a long value from the buffer and advances the read index by eight.
* @return long value read from the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a value cannot be read from the buffer.
long readLong();
* Reads a float value from the buffer and advances the read index by four.
* @return float value read from the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a value cannot be read from the buffer.
float readFloat();
* Reads a double value from the buffer and advances the read index by eight.
* @return double value read from the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a value cannot be read from the buffer.
double readDouble();
* @return true if the buffer has bytes remaining between the write index and the capacity.
boolean isWritable();
* Check if the requested number of bytes can be written into this buffer.
* @param size
* The number of bytes that is being checked for writability.
* @return true if the buffer has space left for the given number of bytes to be written.
boolean isWritable(int size);
* Writes a single byte to the buffer and advances the write index by one.
* @param value
* The byte to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeByte(int value);
* Writes the contents of the given byte array into the buffer and advances the write index by the
* length of the given array.
* @param value
* The byte array to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(byte[] value);
* Writes the contents of the given byte array into the buffer and advances the write index by the
* length value given.
* @param value
* The byte array to write into the buffer.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to write from the given array into this buffer
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(byte[] value, int length);
* Writes the contents of the given byte array into the buffer and advances the write index by the
* length value given. The bytes written into this buffer are read starting at the given offset
* into the passed in byte array.
* @param value
* The byte array to write into the buffer.
* @param offset
* The offset into the given array to start reading from.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to write from the given array into this buffer
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int length);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the current {@code writeIndex} until the source buffer becomes
* unreadable, and increases the {@code writeIndex} by the number of
* the transferred bytes. This method is basically same with
* {@link #writeBytes(ProtonBuffer, int, int)}, except that this method
* increases the {@code readIndex} of the source buffer by the number of
* the transferred bytes while {@link #writeBytes(ProtonBuffer, int, int)}
* does not.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code src.readableBytes} is greater than
* {@code this.writableBytes}
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(ProtonBuffer source);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the current {@code writeIndex} and increases the {@code writeIndex}
* by the number of the transferred bytes (= {@code length}). This method
* is basically same with {@link #writeBytes(ProtonBuffer, int, int)},
* except that this method increases the {@code readIndex} of the source
* buffer by the number of the transferred bytes (= {@code length}) while
* {@link #writeBytes(ProtonBuffer, int, int)} does not.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @param length
* The number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code length} is greater than {@code this.writableBytes} or
* if {@code length} is greater then {@code src.readableBytes}
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(ProtonBuffer source, int length);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the current {@code writeIndex} and increases the {@code writeIndex}
* by the number of the transferred bytes (= {@code length}).
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @param sourrceIndex
* The first index of the source
* @param length
* The number of bytes to transfer
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code srcIndex} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code srcIndex + length} is greater than
* {@code src.capacity}, or
* if {@code length} is greater than {@code this.writableBytes}
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(ProtonBuffer source, int sourrceIndex, int length);
* Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at
* the current {@code writeIndex} until the source buffer's position
* reaches its limit, and increases the {@code writeIndex} by the
* number of the transferred bytes.
* @param source
* The source buffer from which the bytes are read.
* @return this buffer for chaining
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if {@code src.remaining()} is greater than
* {@code this.writableBytes}
ProtonBuffer writeBytes(ByteBuffer source);
* Writes a single boolean to the buffer and advances the write index by one.
* @param value
* The boolean to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeBoolean(boolean value);
* Writes a single short to the buffer and advances the write index by two.
* @param value
* The short to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeShort(short value);
* Writes a single integer to the buffer and advances the write index by four.
* @param value
* The integer to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeInt(int value);
* Writes a single long to the buffer and advances the write index by eight.
* @param value
* The long to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeLong(long value);
* Writes a single float to the buffer and advances the write index by four.
* @param value
* The float to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeFloat(float value);
* Writes a single double to the buffer and advances the write index by eight.
* @param value
* The double to write into the buffer.
* @return this ProtonBuffer for chaining.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no room in the buffer for this write operation.
ProtonBuffer writeDouble(double value);