blob: da4bf2225a69c5653f1dea96aafaa8e21a3b1332 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client.exceptions.ClientOperationTimedOutException;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client.exceptions.ClientSendTimedOutException;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.transport.Open;
* Options that control the behaviour of the {@link Connection} created from them.
public class ConnectionOptions {
* Default value for the AMQP desired capabilities set in the Open frame.
private static final String[] DEFAULT_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES_ARRAY = new String[] { "ANONYMOUS-RELAY" };
public static final List<String> DEFAULT_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES =
Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( DEFAULT_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES_ARRAY ));
public static final long INFINITE = -1;
public static final long DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT = 15000;
public static final long DEFAULT_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 60000;
public static final long DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT = INFINITE;
public static final long DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = INFINITE;
public static final long DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60000;
public static final long DEFAULT_DRAIN_TIMEOUT = 60000;
public static final int DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX = 65535;
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 65536;
public static final NextReceiverPolicy DEFAULT_NEXT_RECEIVER_POLICY = NextReceiverPolicy.ROUND_ROBIN;
private long sendTimeout = DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT;
private long requestTimeout = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
private long openTimeout = DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT;
private long closeTimeout = DEFAULT_CLOSE_TIMEOUT;
private long idleTimeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT;
private long drainTimeout = DEFAULT_DRAIN_TIMEOUT;
private final TransportOptions transport = new TransportOptions();
private final ReconnectOptions reconnect = new ReconnectOptions();
private final SslOptions ssl = new SslOptions();
private final SaslOptions sasl = new SaslOptions();
private String user;
private String password;
private int channelMax = DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX;
private int maxFrameSize = DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
private String[] offeredCapabilities;
private String[] desiredCapabilities = DEFAULT_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES_ARRAY;
private Map<String, Object> properties;
private String virtualHost;
private boolean traceFrames;
private NextReceiverPolicy nextReceiverPolicy = DEFAULT_NEXT_RECEIVER_POLICY;
private BiConsumer<Connection, ConnectionEvent> connectedHandler;
private BiConsumer<Connection, DisconnectionEvent> disconnectedHandler;
private BiConsumer<Connection, DisconnectionEvent> interruptedHandler;
private BiConsumer<Connection, ConnectionEvent> reconnectedHandler;
* Create a new {@link ConnectionOptions} instance configured with default configuration settings.
public ConnectionOptions() {
// Defaults
* Creates a {@link ConnectionOptions} instance that is a copy of the given instance.
* @param options
* The {@link ConnectionOptions} instance whose configuration should be copied to this one.
public ConnectionOptions(ConnectionOptions options) {
if (options != null) {
public ConnectionOptions clone() {
return copyInto(new ConnectionOptions());
* Copy all options from this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance into the instance
* provided.
* @param other
* the target of this copy operation.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
protected ConnectionOptions copyInto(ConnectionOptions other) {
if (offeredCapabilities != null) {
other.offeredCapabilities(Arrays.copyOf(offeredCapabilities, offeredCapabilities.length));
if (desiredCapabilities != null) {
other.desiredCapabilities(Arrays.copyOf(desiredCapabilities, desiredCapabilities.length));
if (properties != null) { HashMap<>(properties));
return this;
* @return the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote when a resource is closed.
public long closeTimeout() {
return closeTimeout;
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote that a request to close
* a resource such as a {@link Connection}, {@link Session}, {@link Sender} or {@link Receiver} h
* as been honored.
* @param closeTimeout
* Timeout value in milliseconds to wait for a remote response.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions closeTimeout(long closeTimeout) {
return closeTimeout(closeTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote that a request to close
* a resource such as a {@link Connection}, {@link Session}, {@link Sender} or {@link Receiver} h
* as been honored.
* @param timeout
* Timeout value to wait for a remote response.
* @param units
* The {@link TimeUnit} that defines the timeout span.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions closeTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit units) {
this.closeTimeout = units.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
* @return the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote when a resource is opened.
public long openTimeout() {
return openTimeout;
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote that a request to open
* a resource such as a {@link Connection}, {@link Session}, {@link Sender} or {@link Receiver}
* has been honored.
* @param openTimeout
* Timeout value in milliseconds to wait for a remote response.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions openTimeout(long openTimeout) {
return openTimeout(openTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote that a request to open
* a resource such as a {@link Connection}, {@link Session}, {@link Sender} or {@link Receiver}
* has been honored.
* @param timeout
* Timeout value to wait for a remote response.
* @param units
* The {@link TimeUnit} that defines the timeout span.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions openTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit units) {
this.openTimeout = units.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
* @return the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote when a resource is message send.
public long sendTimeout() {
return sendTimeout;
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a send operation to complete. A send will block if the
* remote has not granted the {@link Sender} or the {@link Session} credit to do so, if the send blocks
* for longer than this timeout the send call will fail with an {@link ClientSendTimedOutException}
* exception to indicate that the send did not complete.
* @param sendTimeout
* Timeout value in milliseconds to wait for a remote response.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions sendTimeout(long sendTimeout) {
return sendTimeout(sendTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a send operation to complete. A send will block if the
* remote has not granted the {@link Sender} or the {@link Session} credit to do so, if the send blocks
* for longer than this timeout the send call will fail with an {@link ClientSendTimedOutException}
* exception to indicate that the send did not complete.
* @param timeout
* Timeout value to wait for a remote response.
* @param units
* The {@link TimeUnit} that defines the timeout span.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions sendTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit units) {
this.sendTimeout = units.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
* @return the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote when a resource makes a request.
public long requestTimeout() {
return requestTimeout;
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote that a request to
* perform some action such as starting a new transaction. If the remote does not respond
* within the configured timeout the resource making the request will mark it as failed and
* return an error to the request initiator usually in the form of a
* {@link ClientOperationTimedOutException}.
* @param requestTimeout
* Timeout value in milliseconds to wait for a remote response.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions requestTimeout(long requestTimeout) {
return requestTimeout(requestTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Configures the timeout used when awaiting a response from the remote that a request to
* perform some action such as starting a new transaction. If the remote does not respond
* within the configured timeout the resource making the request will mark it as failed and
* return an error to the request initiator usually in the form of a
* {@link ClientOperationTimedOutException}.
* @param timeout
* Timeout value to wait for a remote response.
* @param units
* The {@link TimeUnit} that defines the timeout span.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions requestTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit units) {
this.requestTimeout = units.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
* @return the configured or default channel max value for create {@link Connection} instances.
public int channelMax() {
return channelMax;
* Configure the channel maximum value for the new {@link Connection} created with these options.
* <p>
* The channel max value controls how many {@link Session} instances can be created by a given
* Connection, the default value is <i>65535</i>.
* @param channelMax
* The channel max value to assign to newly created {@link Connection} instances.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions channelMax(int channelMax) {
if (channelMax < 0 || channelMax > 65535) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set a channel max less than zero or greater than 65535");
this.channelMax = channelMax;
return this;
* @return the configure maximum frame size value for newly create {@link Connection} instances.
public int maxFrameSize() {
return maxFrameSize;
* Sets the max frame size (in bytes), values of -1 indicates to use the client selected default.
* @param maxFrameSize the frame size in bytes.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions maxFrameSize(int maxFrameSize) {
this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize;
return this;
* @return the configured idle timeout value that will be sent to the remote.
public long idleTimeout() {
return idleTimeout;
* Sets the idle timeout (in milliseconds) after which the connection will
* be closed if the peer has not send any data. The provided value will be
* halved before being transmitted as our advertised idle-timeout in the
* AMQP {@link Open} frame.
* @param idleTimeout the timeout in milliseconds.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions idleTimeout(long idleTimeout) {
return idleTimeout(idleTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Sets the idle timeout value after which the connection will be closed
* if the peer has not send any data. The provided value will be halved before
* being transmitted as our advertised idle-timeout in the AMQP {@link Open} frame.
* @param timeout
* Timeout value to wait for a remote response.
* @param units
* The {@link TimeUnit} that defines the timeout span.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions idleTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit units) {
this.idleTimeout = units.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
* @return the configured drain timeout value that will use to fail a pending drain request.
public long drainTimeout() {
return drainTimeout;
* Sets the drain timeout (in milliseconds) after which a {@link Receiver} request to drain
* link credit is considered failed and the request will be marked as such.
* @param drainTimeout
* the drainTimeout to use for receiver links.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions drainTimeout(long drainTimeout) {
return drainTimeout(drainTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Sets the drain timeout value after which a {@link Receiver} request to drain
* link credit is considered failed and the request will be marked as such.
* @param timeout
* Timeout value to wait for a remote response.
* @param units
* The {@link TimeUnit} that defines the timeout span.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions drainTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit units) {
this.drainTimeout = units.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
* @return the offeredCapabilities that have been configured.
public String[] offeredCapabilities() {
return offeredCapabilities;
* Sets the collection of capabilities to offer to the remote from a new {@link Connection}
* created using these {@link ConnectionOptions}. The offered capabilities advertise to the
* remote capabilities that this {@link Connection} supports.
* @param offeredCapabilities
* the offeredCapabilities to set on a new {@link Connection}.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions offeredCapabilities(String... offeredCapabilities) {
this.offeredCapabilities = offeredCapabilities;
return this;
* @return the desiredCapabilities that have been configured.
public String[] desiredCapabilities() {
return desiredCapabilities;
* Sets the collection of capabilities to request from the remote for a new {@link Connection}
* created using these {@link ConnectionOptions}. The desired capabilities inform the remote
* peer of the various capabilities the new {@link Connection} requires and the remote should
* return those that it supports in its offered capabilities.
* @param desiredCapabilities
* the desiredCapabilities to set on a new {@link Connection}.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions desiredCapabilities(String... desiredCapabilities) {
this.desiredCapabilities = desiredCapabilities;
return this;
* @return the properties that have been configured.
public Map<String, Object> properties() {
return properties;
* Sets a {@link Map} of properties to convey to the remote when a new {@link Connection}
* is created from these {@link ConnectionOptions}.
* @param properties the properties to set
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions properties(Map<String, Object> properties) { = properties;
return this;
* @return the virtual host value configured.
public String virtualHost() {
return virtualHost;
* The virtual host value to provide to the remote when creating a new {@link Connection}.
* @param virtualHost
* the virtual host to set
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions virtualHost(String virtualHost) {
this.virtualHost = virtualHost;
return this;
* @return the user name that is configured for new {@link Connection} instances.
public String user() {
return user;
* Sets the user name used when performing connection authentication.
* @param user the user to set
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions user(String user) {
this.user = user;
return this;
* @return the password that is configured for new {@link Connection} instances.
public String password() {
return password;
* Sets the password used when performing connection authentication.
* @param password the password to set
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions password(String password) {
this.password = password;
return this;
* @return the transport options that will be used for the {@link Connection}.
public TransportOptions transportOptions() {
return transport;
* @return the SSL options that will be used for the {@link Connection}.
public SslOptions sslOptions() {
return ssl;
* @return the SASL options that will be used for the {@link Connection}.
public SaslOptions saslOptions() {
return sasl;
* @return true if reconnection support has been enabled for this connection.
public boolean reconnectEnabled() {
return reconnect.reconnectEnabled();
* Controls if the connection will attempt to reconnect if unable to connect immediately
* or if an existing connection fails.
* <p>
* This option enables or disables reconnection to a remote remote peer after IO errors.
* To control specifics of the reconnection configuration for the {@link Connection} the
* values must be updated in the {@link ReconnectOptions} configuration prior to creating
* the connection.
* @param reconnectEnabled
* Controls if reconnection is enabled or not for the associated {@link Connection}.
* @return this options instance.
public ConnectionOptions reconnectEnabled(boolean reconnectEnabled) {
return this;
* @return the reconnection options that will be used for the {@link Connection}.
public ReconnectOptions reconnectOptions() {
return reconnect;
* Configure if the newly created connection should enabled AMQP frame tracing to the
* system output.
* @param traceFrames
* true if frame tracing on this connection should be enabled.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions traceFrames(boolean traceFrames) {
this.traceFrames = traceFrames;
return this;
* @return true if the connection is configured to perform frame tracing.
public boolean traceFrames() {
return this.traceFrames;
* @return true if SSL support has been enabled for this connection.
public boolean sslEnabled() {
return ssl.sslEnabled();
* Controls if the connection will attempt to connect using a secure IO layer or not.
* <p>
* This option enables or disables SSL encryption when connecting to a remote peer. To
* control specifics of the SSL configuration for the {@link Connection} the values must
* be updated in the {@link SslOptions} configuration prior to creating the connection.
* @param sslEnabled
* Is SSL encryption enabled for the {@link Connection}.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions sslEnabled(boolean sslEnabled) {
return this;
* @return the configured default next receiver policy for the connection.
public NextReceiverPolicy defaultNextReceiverPolicy() {
return nextReceiverPolicy;
* Configures the default next receiver policy for this connection and any session
* that is created without specifying user defined session default options.
* @param policy
* The next receiver policy to assign as the default.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
public ConnectionOptions defaultNextReceiverPolicy(NextReceiverPolicy policy) {
this.nextReceiverPolicy = policy;
return this;
* @return the connection failed handler currently registered.
public BiConsumer<Connection, DisconnectionEvent> disconnectedHandler() {
return disconnectedHandler;
* Configures a handler that will be notified when the connection has failed and cannot be recovered
* should reconnect be enabled. Once notified of the failure the {@link Connection} is no longer
* operable and the {@link Connection} APIs will throw an exception to indicate that the connection
* has failed. The client application should close a failed {@link Connection} once it becomes
* aware of the failure to ensure all connection resources are cleaned up properly.
* @param disconnectedHandler
* the connection failed handler to notify when the connection fails for any reason.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
* @see #interruptedHandler
* @see #connectedHandler
* @see #disconnectedHandler
public ConnectionOptions disconnectedHandler(BiConsumer<Connection, DisconnectionEvent> disconnectedHandler) {
this.disconnectedHandler = disconnectedHandler;
return this;
* @return the connection established handler that is currently registered
public BiConsumer<Connection, ConnectionEvent> connectedHandler() {
return connectedHandler;
* Configures a handler that will be notified when a {@link Connection} has established.
* This handler is called for each connection event when reconnection is enabled unless a
* {@link #reconnectedHandler} is configured in which case this handler is only notified
* on the first connection to a remote.
* @param connectedHandler
* the connection established handler to assign to these {@link ConnectionOptions}.
* @return this {@link ConnectionOptions} instance.
* @see #disconnectedHandler()
* @see #interruptedHandler
* @see #reconnectedHandler
public ConnectionOptions connectedHandler(BiConsumer<Connection, ConnectionEvent> connectedHandler) {
this.connectedHandler = connectedHandler;
return this;
* @return the connection interrupted handler that is currently registered
public BiConsumer<Connection, DisconnectionEvent> interruptedHandler() {
return interruptedHandler;
* Configures a handler that will be notified when the current {@link Connection} experiences an
* interruption. The {@link Connection} will only signal this handler when the reconnection feature
* is enabled and will follow this event either with a notification that the connection has been
* restored (if a handler is registered), or with a notification that the connection has failed
* if the reconnection configuration places limits on the the number of reconnection attempts.
* @param interruptedHandler
* the connection interrupted handler to assign to these {@link ConnectionOptions}.
* @return this {@link ReconnectOptions} instance.
* @see #connectedHandler
* @see #reconnectedHandler
* @see #disconnectedHandler
public ConnectionOptions interruptedHandler(BiConsumer<Connection, DisconnectionEvent> interruptedHandler) {
this.interruptedHandler = interruptedHandler;
return this;
* @return the connection restored handler that is currently registered
public BiConsumer<Connection, ConnectionEvent> reconnectedHandler() {
return reconnectedHandler;
* Configures a handler that will be notified when a {@link Connection} that has previously
* experienced and interruption has been reconnected to a remote based on the reconnection
* configuration.
* @param reconnectedHandler
* the connection restored handler to assign to these {@link ConnectionOptions}.
* @return this {@link ReconnectOptions} instance.
* @see #connectedHandler
* @see #interruptedHandler
* @see #disconnectedHandler
public ConnectionOptions reconnectedHandler(BiConsumer<Connection, ConnectionEvent> reconnectedHandler) {
this.reconnectedHandler = reconnectedHandler;
return this;