blob: 4f48bcf3d81d9dcd9e1641644958cd4251456429 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.engine;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.buffer.ProtonBuffer;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.engine.exceptions.EngineFailedException;
* Pipeline of handlers for Engine work.
public interface EnginePipeline {
* @return the {@link Engine} that this pipeline is linked to.
Engine engine();
* Adds the given handler to the front of the pipeline with the given name stored for
* later lookup or remove operations. It is not mandatory that each handler have unique
* names although if handlers do share a name the {@link EnginePipeline#remove(String)}
* method will only remove them one at a time starting from the first in the pipeline.
* @param name
* The name to assign to the handler
* @param handler
* The {@link EngineHandler} to add into the pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null or empty or the handler is null
EnginePipeline addFirst(String name, EngineHandler handler);
* Adds the given handler to the end of the pipeline with the given name stored for
* later lookup or remove operations. It is not mandatory that each handler have unique
* names although if handlers do share a name the {@link EnginePipeline#remove(String)}
* method will only remove them one at a time starting from the first in the pipeline.
* @param name
* The name to assign to the handler
* @param handler
* The {@link EngineHandler} to add into the pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null or empty or the handler is null
EnginePipeline addLast(String name, EngineHandler handler);
* Removes the first {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline removeFirst();
* Removes the last {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline removeLast();
* Removes the first handler that is found in the pipeline that matches the given name.
* @param name
* The name to search for in the pipeline moving from first to last.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline remove(String name);
* Removes the given {@link EngineHandler} from the pipeline if present.
* @param handler
* The handler instance to remove if contained in the pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline remove(EngineHandler handler);
* Finds and returns first handler that is found in the pipeline that matches the given name.
* @param name
* The name to search for in the pipeline moving from first to last.
* @return the {@link EngineHandler} that matches the given name or null if none in the pipeline.
EngineHandler find(String name);
* @return the first {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline or null if empty.
EngineHandler first();
* @return the last {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline or null if empty.
EngineHandler last();
* @return the first {@link EngineHandlerContext} in the pipeline or null if empty.
EngineHandlerContext firstContext();
* @return the last {@link EngineHandlerContext} in the pipeline or null if empty.
EngineHandlerContext lastContext();
* Fires an engine starting event to each handler in the pipeline. Should be used
* by the engine implementation to signal its handlers that they should initialize.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireEngineStarting();
* Fires an engine state changed event to each handler in the pipeline. Should be used
* by the engine implementation to signal its handlers that they should respond to the new
* engine state, e.g. the engine failed or was shutdown.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireEngineStateChanged();
* Fires a read event consisting of the given {@link ProtonBuffer} into the pipeline starting
* from the last {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the incoming
* work is fully processed. If the read events reaches the head of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* @param input
* The {@link ProtonBuffer} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireRead(ProtonBuffer input);
* Fires a read event consisting of the given {@link HeaderEnvelope} into the pipeline starting
* from the last {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the incoming
* work is fully processed. If the read events reaches the head of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* @param header
* The {@link HeaderEnvelope} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireRead(HeaderEnvelope header);
* Fires a read event consisting of the given {@link SASLEnvelope} into the pipeline starting
* from the last {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the incoming
* work is fully processed. If the read events reaches the head of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* @param envelope
* The {@link SASLEnvelope} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireRead(SASLEnvelope envelope);
* Fires a read event consisting of the given {@link IncomingAMQPEnvelope} into the pipeline starting
* from the last {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the incoming
* work is fully processed. If the read events reaches the head of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* @param envelope
* The {@link IncomingAMQPEnvelope} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireRead(IncomingAMQPEnvelope envelope);
* Fires a write event consisting of the given {@link HeaderEnvelope} into the pipeline starting
* from the first {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the outgoing
* work is fully processed. If the write events reaches the tail of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* It is expected that after the fire write method returns the given {@link HeaderEnvelope} will have been
* written or if held for later the object must be copied.
* @param envelope
* The {@link HeaderEnvelope} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireWrite(HeaderEnvelope envelope);
* Fires a write event consisting of the given {@link OutgoingAMQPEnvelope} into the pipeline starting
* from the first {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the outgoing
* work is fully processed. If the write events reaches the tail of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* It is expected that after the fire write method returns the given {@link OutgoingAMQPEnvelope} will have
* been written or if held for later the object must be copied.
* When the payload given exceeds the maximum allowed frame size when encoded into an outbound frame the
* encoding handler should either throw an error in the case that the performative being written cannot truncate
* its payload or should invoke the payload to large handler of the envelope before re-encoding the outbound
* performative and truncating the payload.
* @param envelope
* The {@link OutgoingAMQPEnvelope} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireWrite(OutgoingAMQPEnvelope envelope);
* Fires a write event consisting of the given {@link SASLEnvelope} into the pipeline starting
* from the first {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the outgoing
* work is fully processed. If the write events reaches the tail of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* It is expected that after the fire write method returns the given {@link SASLEnvelope} will have been
* written or if held for later the object must be copied.
* @param envelope
* The {@link SASLEnvelope} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireWrite(SASLEnvelope envelope);
* Fires a write event consisting of the given {@link ProtonBuffer} into the pipeline starting
* from the first {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline and moving through each until the outgoing
* work is fully processed. If the write events reaches the tail of the pipeline and is not handled
* by any handler an error is thrown and the engine should enter the failed state.
* @param buffer
* The {@link ProtonBuffer} to inject into the engine pipeline.
* @param ioComplete
* An optional callback that should be signaled when the underlying transport complete the I/O write
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireWrite(ProtonBuffer buffer, Runnable ioComplete);
* Fires an engine failed event into each {@link EngineHandler} in the pipeline indicating
* that the engine is now failed and should not accept or produce new work.
* @param failure
* The cause of the engine failure.
* @return this {@link EnginePipeline}.
EnginePipeline fireFailed(EngineFailedException failure);