blob: 29626ff5da09c5ed57cd0c9cf71b9a87b74ca337 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.engine;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.Binary;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.messaging.Source;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.messaging.Terminus;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.transactions.Coordinator;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.transactions.Declare;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.transactions.Discharge;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.transport.ErrorCondition;
* Transaction Manager endpoint that implements the mechanics of handling the declaration
* of and the requested discharge of AMQP transactions. Typically an AMQP server instance
* will host the transaction management services that are used by client resources to declare
* and discharge transaction and handle the associated of deliveries that are enlisted in
* active transactions.
public interface TransactionManager extends Endpoint<TransactionManager> {
* Adds the given amount of credit for the {@link TransactionManager} which allows
* the {@link TransactionController} to send {@link Declare} and {@link Discharge}
* requests to this manager. The {@link TransactionController} cannot send any requests
* to start or complete a transaction without having credit to do so which implies that
* the {@link TransactionManager} owner must grant credit as part of its normal processing.
* @param additionalCredit
* the new amount of credits to add.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the credit amount is negative.
TransactionManager addCredit(int additionalCredit);
* Get the credit that is currently available or assigned to this {@link TransactionManager}.
* @return the current unused credit.
int getCredit();
* Sets the {@link Source} to assign to the local end of this {@link TransactionManager}.
* Must be called during setup, i.e. before calling the {@link #open()} method.
* @param source
* The {@link Source} that will be set on the local end of this transaction controller.
* @return this transaction controller instance.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the {@link TransactionManager} has already been opened.
TransactionManager setSource(Source source) throws IllegalStateException;
* @return the {@link Source} for the local end of this {@link TransactionController}.
Source getSource();
* Sets the {@link Coordinator} target to assign to the local end of this {@link TransactionManager}.
* Must be called during setup, i.e. before calling the {@link #open()} method.
* @param coordinator
* The {@link Coordinator} target that will be set on the local end of this transaction controller.
* @return this transaction controller instance.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the {@link TransactionManager} has already been opened.
TransactionManager setCoordinator(Coordinator coordinator) throws IllegalStateException;
* Returns the currently set Coordinator target for this {@link Link}.
* @return the link target {@link Coordinator} for the local end of this link.
Coordinator getCoordinator();
* @return the source {@link Source} for the remote end of this {@link TransactionManager}.
Source getRemoteSource();
* Returns the remote target {@link Terminus} for this transaction manager which must be of type
* {@link Coordinator} or null if remote did not set a terminus.
* @return the remote coordinator {@link Terminus} for the remote end of this link.
Coordinator getRemoteCoordinator();
* Respond to a previous {@link Declare} request from the remote {@link TransactionController}
* indicating that the requested transaction has been successfully declared and that deliveries
* can now be enlisted in that transaction.
* @param transaction
* The transaction instance that is associated with the declared transaction.
* @param txnId
* The binary transaction Id to assign the now declared transaction instance.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
default TransactionManager declared(Transaction<TransactionManager> transaction, byte[] txnId) {
return declared(transaction, new Binary(txnId));
* Respond to a previous {@link Declare} request from the remote {@link TransactionController}
* indicating that the requested transaction has been successfully declared and that deliveries
* can now be enlisted in that transaction.
* @param transaction
* The transaction instance that is associated with the declared transaction.
* @param txnId
* The binary transaction Id to assign the now declared transaction instance.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
TransactionManager declared(Transaction<TransactionManager> transaction, Binary txnId);
* Respond to a previous {@link Declare} request from the remote {@link TransactionController}
* indicating that the requested transaction declaration has failed and is not active.
* @param transaction
* The transaction instance that is associated with the declared transaction.
* @param condition
* The {@link ErrorCondition} that described the reason for the transaction failure.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
TransactionManager declareFailed(Transaction<TransactionManager> transaction, ErrorCondition condition);
* Respond to a previous {@link Discharge} request from the remote {@link TransactionController}
* indicating that the discharge completed on the transaction identified by given transaction Id
* has now been retired.
* @param transaction
* The {@link Transaction} instance that has been discharged and is now retired.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
TransactionManager discharged(Transaction<TransactionManager> transaction);
* Respond to a previous {@link Discharge} request from the remote {@link TransactionController}
* indicating that the discharge resulted in an error and the transaction must be considered rolled
* back.
* @param transaction
* The {@link Transaction} instance that has been discharged and is now retired.
* @param condition
* The {@link ErrorCondition} that described the reason for the transaction failure.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
TransactionManager dischargeFailed(Transaction<TransactionManager> transaction, ErrorCondition condition);
* Called when the {@link TransactionController} end of the link has requested a new transaction be
* declared using the information provided in the given {@link Declare} instance.
* @param declaredEventHandler
* handler that will act on the transaction declaration request.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
TransactionManager declareHandler(EventHandler<Transaction<TransactionManager>> declaredEventHandler);
* Called when the {@link TransactionController} end of the link has requested a current transaction be
* discharged using the information provided in the given {@link Discharge} instance.
* @param dischargeEventHandler
* handler that will act on the transaction declaration request.
* @return this {@link TransactionManager}.
TransactionManager dischargeHandler(EventHandler<Transaction<TransactionManager>> dischargeEventHandler);
* Sets a {@link EventHandler} for when the parent {@link Session} or {@link Connection} of this {@link TransactionManager}
* is locally closed.
* Typically used by clients for logging or other state update event processing. Clients should not perform any
* blocking calls within this context. It is an error for the handler to throw an exception and the outcome of
* doing so is undefined.
* @param handler
* The {@link EventHandler} to notify when this transaction manger's parent endpoint is locally closed.
* @return the link for chaining.
TransactionManager parentEndpointClosedHandler(EventHandler<TransactionManager> handler);