blob: 6a6c4f5c820fad29a68f50a27e6a821d6d76bc5f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
module Qpid::Proton
# @deprecated all important features are available from {#Connection}
class Transport
include Util::Deprecation
# @private
PROTON_METHOD_PREFIX = "pn_transport"
# @private
include Util::Wrapper
# Turn logging off entirely.
# Log raw binary data into/out of the transport.
# Log frames into/out of the transport.
# Log driver related events; i.e., initialization, end of stream, etc.
proton_get :user
# @!attribute channel_max
# @return [Integer] The maximum allowed channel.
proton_set_get :channel_max
# @!attribute [r] remote_channel_max
# @return [Integer] The maximum allowed channel of a transport's remote peer.
proton_caller :remote_channel_max
# @!attribute max_frame_size
# @return [Integer] The maximum frame size.
proton_set_get :max_frame
proton_get :remote_max_frame
# @!attribute [r] remote_max_frame_size
# @return [Integer] The maximum frame size of the transport's remote peer.
proton_get :remote_max_frame_size
# @!attribute idle_timeout
# @deprecated use {Connection#open} with the +:idle_timeout+ option to set
# the timeout, and {Connection#idle_timeout} to query the remote timeout.
# The Connection timeout values are in *seconds* and are automatically
# converted.
# @return [Integer] The idle timeout in *milliseconds*.
proton_set_get :idle_timeout
# @!attribute [r] remote_idle_timeout in milliseconds
# @deprecated Use {Connection#idle_timeout} to query the remote timeout.
# @return [Integer] The idle timeout for the transport's remote peer.
proton_set_get :remote_idle_timeout
# @!attribute [r] capacity
# If the engine is in an exception state such as encountering an error
# condition or reaching the end of stream state, a negative value will
# be returned indicating the condition.
# If an error is indicated, further deteails can be obtained from
# #error.
# Calls to #process may alter the value of this value. See #process for
# more details
# @return [Integer] The amount of free space for input following the
# transport's tail pointer.
proton_caller :capacity
# @!attribute [r] head
# This referneces queued output data. It reports the bytes of output data.
# Calls to #pop may alter this attribute, and any data it references.
# @return [String] The transport's head pointer.
proton_caller :head
# @!attribute [r] tail
# The amount of free space following this data is reported by #capacity.
# Calls to #process may alter the value of this attribute.
# @return [String] The transport's tail pointer.
proton_caller :tail
# @!attribute [r] pending
# If the ending is in an exceptional state, such as encountering an error
# condition or reachign the end of the stream state, a negative value will
# be returned indicating the condition.
# If an error is indicated, further details can be obtained from #error.
# Calls to #pop may alter the value of this pointer as well.
# @return [Integer] The number of pending output bytes following the header
# pointer.
# @raise [TransportError] If any error other than an end of stream occurs.
proton_caller :pending
# @!attribute [r] closed?
# A transport is defined to be closed when both the tail and the head are
# closed. In other words, when both #capacity < 0 and #pending < 0.
# @return [Boolean] Returns true if the tranpsort is closed.
proton_caller :closed?
# @!attribute [r] frames_output
# @return [Integer] The number of frames output by a transport.
proton_get :frames_output
# @!attribute [r] frames_input
# @return [Integer] The number of frames input by a transport.
proton_get :frames_input
# @private
include Util::ErrorHandler
# @private
def self.wrap(impl)
return nil if impl.nil?
self.fetch_instance(impl, :pn_transport_attachments) ||
# Creates a new transport instance.
def initialize(impl = Cproton.pn_transport)
@impl = impl
@ssl = nil
self.class.store_instance(self, :pn_transport_attachments)
# Set server mode for this tranport - enables protocol detection
# and server-side authentication for incoming connections
def set_server() Cproton.pn_transport_set_server(@impl); end
# Returns whether the transport has any buffered data.
# @return [Boolean] True if the transport has no buffered data.
def quiesced?
# @return [Condition, nil] transport error condition or nil if there is no error.
def condition
# Set the error condition for the transport.
# @param c [Condition] The condition to set
def condition=(c)
Condition.assign(Cproton.pn_transport_condition(@impl), c)
# Binds to the given connection.
# @param connection [Connection] The connection.
def bind(connection)
Cproton.pn_transport_bind(@impl, connection.impl)
# Unbinds from the previous connection.
def unbind
# Updates the transports trace flags.
# @param level [Integer] The trace level.
# @see TRACE_OFF
# @see TRACE_RAW
# @see TRACE_FRM
# @see TRACE_DRV
def trace(level)
Cproton.pn_transport_trace(@impl, level)
# Return the AMQP connection associated with the transport.
# @return [Connection, nil] The bound connection, or nil.
def connection
# Log a message to the transport's logging mechanism.
# This can be using in a debugging scenario as the message will be
# prepended with the transport's identifier.
# @param message [String] The message to be logged.
def log(message)
Cproton.pn_transport_log(@impl, message)
# Pushes the supplied bytes into the tail of the transport.
# @param data [String] The bytes to be pushed.
# @return [Integer] The number of bytes pushed.
def push(data)
Cproton.pn_transport_push(@impl, data, data.length)
# Process input data following the tail pointer.
# Calling this function will cause the transport to consume the specified
# number of bytes of input occupying the free space following the tail
# pointer. It may also change the value for #tail, as well as the amount of
# free space reported by #capacity.
# @param size [Integer] The number of bytes to process.
# @raise [TransportError] If an error occurs.
def process(size)
Cproton.pn_transport_process(@impl, size)
# Indicate that the input has reached EOS (end of stream).
# This tells the transport that no more input will be forthcoming.
# @raise [TransportError] If an error occurs.
def close_tail
# Returns the specified number of bytes from the transport's buffers.
# @param size [Integer] The number of bytes to return.
# @return [String] The data peeked.
# @raise [TransportError] If an error occurs.
def peek(size)
cd, out = Cproton.pn_transport_peek(@impl, size)
return nil if cd == Qpid::Proton::Error::EOS
raise if cd < -1
# Removes the specified number of bytes from the pending output queue
# following the transport's head pointer.
# @param size [Integer] The number of bytes to remove.
def pop(size)
Cproton.pn_transport_pop(@impl, size)
# Indicate that the output has closed.
# Tells the transport that no more output will be popped.
# @raise [TransportError] If an error occurs.
def close_head
# Process any pending transport timer events.
# This method should be called after all pending input has been
# processed by the transport (see #input), and before generating
# output (see #output).
# It returns the deadline for the next pending timer event, if any
# art present.
# @param now [Time] The timestamp.
# @return [Integer] If non-zero, the expiration time of the next pending
# timer event for the transport. The caller must invoke #tick again at
# least once at or before this deadline occurs.
def tick(now)
Cproton.pn_transport_tick(@impl, now)
# Create, or return existing, SSL object for the transport.
# @return [SASL] the SASL object
def sasl
# Creates, or returns an existing, SSL object for the transport.
# @param domain [SSLDomain] The SSL domain.
# @param session_details [SSLDetails] The SSL session details.
# @return [SSL] The SSL object.
def ssl(domain = nil, session_details = nil)
@ssl ||= SSL.create(self, domain, session_details)
# @private
def ssl?
# @private
# Options are documented {Connection#open}, keep that consistent with this
def apply opts
sasl if opts[:sasl_enabled] # Explicitly enabled
unless opts.include?(:sasl_enabled) && !opts[:sasl_enabled] # Not explicitly disabled
sasl.allowed_mechs = opts[:sasl_allowed_mechs] if opts.include? :sasl_allowed_mechs
sasl.allow_insecure_mechs = opts[:sasl_allow_insecure_mechs] if opts.include? :sasl_allow_insecure_mechs
self.channel_max= opts[:max_sessions] if opts.include? :max_sessions
self.max_frame = opts[:max_frame_size] if opts.include? :max_frame_size
# NOTE: The idle_timeout option is in Numeric *seconds*, can be Integer, Float or Rational.
# This is consistent with idiomatic ruby.
# The transport #idle_timeout property is in *milliseconds* passed direct to C.
# Direct use of the transport is deprecated.
self.idle_timeout= (opts[:idle_timeout]*1000).round if opts.include? :idle_timeout
self.ssl(opts[:ssl_domain]) if opts[:ssl_domain]
can_raise_error :process, :error_class => TransportError
can_raise_error :close_tail, :error_class => TransportError
can_raise_error :pending, :error_class => TransportError, :below => Error::EOS
can_raise_error :close_head, :error_class => TransportError