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package electron
// #include <proton/disposition.h>
import "C"
import (
// Sender is a Link that sends messages.
// The result of sending a message is provided by an Outcome value.
// A sender can buffer messages up to the credit limit provided by the remote receiver.
// All the Send* methods will block if the buffer is full until there is space.
// Send*Timeout methods will give up after the timeout and set Timeout as Outcome.Error.
type Sender interface {
// SendSync sends a message and blocks until the message is acknowledged by the remote receiver.
// Returns an Outcome, which may contain an error if the message could not be sent.
SendSync(m amqp.Message) Outcome
// SendWaitable puts a message in the send buffer and returns a channel that
// you can use to wait for the Outcome of just that message. The channel is
// buffered so you can receive from it whenever you want without blocking.
// Note: can block if there is no space to buffer the message.
SendWaitable(m amqp.Message) <-chan Outcome
// SendForget buffers a message for sending and returns, with no notification of the outcome.
// Note: can block if there is no space to buffer the message.
SendForget(m amqp.Message)
// SendAsync puts a message in the send buffer and returns immediately. An
// Outcome with Value = value will be sent to the ack channel when the remote
// receiver has acknowledged the message or if there is an error.
// You can use the same ack channel for many calls to SendAsync(), possibly on
// many Senders. The channel will receive the outcomes in the order they
// become available. The channel should be buffered and/or served by dedicated
// goroutines to avoid blocking the connection.
// If ack == nil no Outcome is sent.
// Note: can block if there is no space to buffer the message.
SendAsync(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, value interface{})
SendAsyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, value interface{}, timeout time.Duration)
SendWaitableTimeout(m amqp.Message, timeout time.Duration) <-chan Outcome
SendForgetTimeout(m amqp.Message, timeout time.Duration)
SendSyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, timeout time.Duration) Outcome
// Outcome provides information about the outcome of sending a message.
type Outcome struct {
// Status of the message: was it sent, how was it acknowledged.
Status SentStatus
// Error is a local error if Status is Unsent or Unacknowledged, a remote error otherwise.
Error error
// Value provided by the application in SendAsync()
Value interface{}
func (o Outcome) send(ack chan<- Outcome) {
if ack != nil {
ack <- o
// SentStatus indicates the status of a sent message.
type SentStatus int
const (
// Message was never sent
Unsent SentStatus = iota
// Message was sent but never acknowledged. It may or may not have been received.
// Message was accepted by the receiver (or was sent pre-settled, accept is assumed)
// Message was rejected as invalid by the receiver
// Message was not processed by the receiver but may be valid for a different receiver
// Receiver responded with an unrecognized status.
// String human readable name for SentStatus.
func (s SentStatus) String() string {
switch s {
case Unsent:
return "unsent"
case Unacknowledged:
return "unacknowledged"
case Accepted:
return "accepted"
case Rejected:
return "rejected"
case Released:
return "released"
case Unknown:
return "unknown"
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid(%d)", s)
// Convert proton delivery state code to SentStatus value
func sentStatus(d uint64) SentStatus {
switch d {
case proton.Accepted:
return Accepted
case proton.Rejected:
return Rejected
case proton.Released, proton.Modified:
return Released
return Unknown
type sendable struct {
m amqp.Message
ack chan<- Outcome // Channel for acknowledgement of m
v interface{} // Correlation value
sent chan struct{} // Closed when m is encoded and will be sent
func (sm *sendable) unsent(err error) {
Outcome{Unsent, err, sm.v}.send(sm.ack)
type sender struct {
sending []*sendable
func newSender(ls linkSettings) *sender {
s := &sender{link: link{linkSettings: ls}}
s.handler().addLink(s.pLink, s)
return s
// Called in handler goroutine
func (s *sender) startSend(sm *sendable) {
s.sending = append(s.sending, sm)
// Called in handler goroutine
func (s *sender) trySend() {
for s.pLink.Credit() > 0 && len(s.sending) > 0 {
sm := s.sending[0]
s.sending = s.sending[1:]
// Called in handler goroutine with credit > 0
func (s *sender) send(sm *sendable) {
if err := s.Error(); err != nil {
bytes, err :=, nil)
close(sm.sent) // Safe to re-use sm.m now
if err != nil {
d, err := s.pLink.SendMessageBytes(bytes)
if err != nil {
if s.SndSettle() == SndSettled || (s.SndSettle() == SndMixed && sm.ack == nil) {
d.Settle() // Pre-settled
Outcome{Accepted, nil, sm.v}.send(sm.ack) // Assume accepted
} else {
// Register with handler to receive the remote outcome
s.handler().sent[d] = sm
func (s *sender) timeoutSend(sm *sendable) {
for i, sm2 := range s.sending {
if sm2 == sm {
n := copy(s.sending[i:], s.sending[i+1:])
s.sending = s.sending[:i+n] // delete
func (s *sender) SendAsyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, v interface{}, t time.Duration) {
sm := &sendable{m, ack, v, make(chan struct{})}
s.engine().Inject(func() { s.startSend(sm) })
select {
case <-sm.sent: // OK
case <-After(t): // Try to timeout sm
s.engine().Inject(func() { s.timeoutSend(sm) })
func (s *sender) SendWaitableTimeout(m amqp.Message, t time.Duration) <-chan Outcome {
out := make(chan Outcome, 1)
s.SendAsyncTimeout(m, out, nil, t)
return out
func (s *sender) SendForgetTimeout(m amqp.Message, t time.Duration) {
s.SendAsyncTimeout(m, nil, nil, t)
func (s *sender) SendSyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, t time.Duration) Outcome {
deadline := time.Now().Add(t)
ack := s.SendWaitableTimeout(m, t)
t = deadline.Sub(time.Now()) // Adjust for time already spent.
if t < 0 {
t = 0
if out, err := timedReceive(ack, t); err == nil {
return out.(Outcome)
} else {
if err == Closed && s.Error() != nil {
err = s.Error()
return Outcome{Unacknowledged, err, nil}
func (s *sender) SendAsync(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, v interface{}) {
s.SendAsyncTimeout(m, ack, v, Forever)
func (s *sender) SendWaitable(m amqp.Message) <-chan Outcome {
return s.SendWaitableTimeout(m, Forever)
func (s *sender) SendForget(m amqp.Message) {
s.SendForgetTimeout(m, Forever)
func (s *sender) SendSync(m amqp.Message) Outcome {
return <-s.SendWaitable(m)
// handler goroutine
func (s *sender) closed(err error) error {
for _, sm := range s.sending {
s.sending = nil
// IncomingSender is sent on the Connection.Incoming() channel when there is
// an incoming request to open a sender link.
type IncomingSender struct {
func newIncomingSender(sn *session, pLink proton.Link) *IncomingSender {
return &IncomingSender{
incoming: makeIncoming(pLink),
linkSettings: makeIncomingLinkSettings(pLink, sn),
// Accept accepts an incoming sender endpoint
func (in *IncomingSender) Accept() Endpoint {
return in.accept(func() Endpoint { return newSender(in.linkSettings) })
// Call in injected functions to check if the sender is valid.
func (s *sender) valid() bool {
s2, ok := s.handler().links[s.pLink].(*sender)
return ok && s2 == s