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// Template tests used by both scalar_test.cpp and value_test.hpp to test conversion
// of scalar values via a proton::scalar or a proton::value.
#include "test_bits.hpp"
#include "proton/types.hpp"
#include "proton/error.hpp"
#include <sstream>
namespace test {
using namespace proton;
// Inserting and extracting simple C++ values using same-type get<T> and coerce<T>
template <class V, class T> void simple_type_test(T x, type_id tid, const std::string& s, T y) {
V vx(x); // Construct from C++ value
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, vx.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(vx));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(vx));
V vxa = x; // Assign from C++ value
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, vxa.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(vx, vxa);
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(vxa));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(vxa));
V v2; // Default construct
ASSERT(v2.type() == NULL_TYPE);
v2 = x; // Assign from C++ value
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, v2.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(v2));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(v2));
V v3(vx); // Copy construct
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, v3.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(v3));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(v3));
V v4 = vx; // Copy assign
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, v4.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(v4));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(v4));
ASSERT_EQUAL(s, to_string(vx)); // Stringify
V vy(y);
ASSERT(vx != vy); // Compare
ASSERT(vx < vy);
ASSERT(vy > vx);
// Test native C/C++ integer types via their mapped integer type ([u]int_x_t)
template <class V, class T> void simple_integral_test() {
typedef typename internal::integer_type<sizeof(T), internal::is_signed<T>::value>::type int_type;
simple_type_test<V>(T(3), internal::type_id_of<int_type>::value, "3", T(4));
// Test invalid gets, valid same-type get<T> is tested by simple_type_test
// Templated to test both scalar and value.
template<class V> void bad_get_test() {
try { get<bool>(V(int8_t(1))); FAIL("byte as bool"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<uint8_t>(V(true)); FAIL("bool as uint8_t"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<uint8_t>(V(int8_t(1))); FAIL("int8 as uint8"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<int16_t>(V(uint16_t(1))); FAIL("uint16 as int16"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<int16_t>(V(int32_t(1))); FAIL("int32 as int16"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<symbol>(V(std::string())); FAIL("string as symbol"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<std::string>(V(binary())); FAIL("binary as string"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<binary>(V(symbol())); FAIL("symbol as binary"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<binary>(V(timestamp())); FAIL("timestamp as binary"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<int>(V(timestamp())); FAIL("timestamp as int"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<timestamp>(V(0)); FAIL("int as timestamp"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { get<timestamp>(V(std::string())); FAIL("string as timestamp"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
// Test some valid coercions and some bad ones with mixed types.
// Templated to test both scalar and value.
template<class V> void coerce_test() {
// Valid C++ conversions should work with coerce.
ASSERT_EQUAL(false, coerce<bool>(V(0)));
ASSERT_EQUAL(true, coerce<bool>(V(-1)));
ASSERT_EQUAL(true, coerce<bool>(V(int64_t(0xFFFF0000))));
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, coerce<uint8_t>(V(uint64_t(1)))); // In range.
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, coerce<uint8_t>(V(uint32_t(0xFF01)))); // int truncate.
ASSERT_EQUAL(0xFFFF, coerce<uint16_t>(V(int8_t(-1)))); // Sign extend.
ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, coerce<int32_t>(V(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFul)))); // 2s complement
ASSERT_EQUALISH(1.2f, coerce<float>(V(double(1.2))), 0.001f);
ASSERT_EQUALISH(3.4, coerce<double>(V(float(3.4))), 0.001);
ASSERT_EQUALISH(23.0, coerce<double>(V(uint64_t(23))), 0.001); // int to double.
ASSERT_EQUAL(-1945, coerce<int>(V(float(-1945.123)))); // round to int.
// String-like conversions.
ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("foo"), coerce<std::string>(V(symbol("foo"))));
ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("foo"), coerce<std::string>(V(binary("foo"))));
// Bad coercions, types are not `is_convertible`
V s("foo");
try { coerce<bool>(s); FAIL("string as bool"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<int>(s); FAIL("string as int"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<double>(s); FAIL("string as double"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<std::string>(V(0)); FAIL("int as string"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<symbol>(V(true)); FAIL("bool as symbol"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<binary>(V(0.0)); FAIL("double as binary"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<symbol>(V(binary())); FAIL("binary as symbol"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<binary>(V(symbol())); FAIL("symbol as binary"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<binary>(s); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
try { coerce<symbol>(s); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
template <class V> void null_test() {
V v;
null n;
get(v, n);
V v2(n);
v = "foo";
try { get<null>(v); FAIL("Expected conversion_error"); } catch (const conversion_error&) {}
v = null();
// Nasty hack for uninterpreted decimal<> types.
template <class T> T make(const char c) { T x; std::fill(x.begin(), x.end(), c); return x; }
template <class V> void scalar_test_group(int& failed) {
// Direct AMQP-mapped types.
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(false, BOOLEAN, "false", true));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(uint8_t(42), UBYTE, "42", uint8_t(50)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(int8_t(-42), BYTE, "-42", int8_t(-40)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(uint16_t(4242), USHORT, "4242", uint16_t(5252)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(int16_t(-4242), SHORT, "-4242", int16_t(3)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(uint32_t(4242), UINT, "4242", uint32_t(5252)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(int32_t(-4242), INT, "-4242", int32_t(3)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(uint64_t(4242), ULONG, "4242", uint64_t(5252)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(int64_t(-4242), LONG, "-4242", int64_t(3)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(wchar_t('X'), CHAR, "88", wchar_t('Y')));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(float(1.234), FLOAT, "1.234", float(2.345)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(double(11.2233), DOUBLE, "11.2233", double(12)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(timestamp(1234), TIMESTAMP, "1234", timestamp(12345)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal32>(1), DECIMAL32, "decimal32(0x01010101)", make<decimal32>(2)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal64>(3), DECIMAL64, "decimal64(0x0303030303030303)", make<decimal64>(4)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal128>(5), DECIMAL128, "decimal128(0x05050505050505050505050505050505)", make<decimal128>(6)));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(
UUID, "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(std::string("xxx"), STRING, "xxx", std::string("yyy")));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(symbol("aaa"), SYMBOL, "aaa", symbol("aaaa")));
RUN_TEST(failed, simple_type_test<V>(binary("\010aaa"), BINARY, "b\"\\x08aaa\"", binary("aaaa")));
// Test native C++ integral types.
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, char>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, signed char>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned char>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, short>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, int>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, long>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned short>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned int>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned long>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, long long>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned long long>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (coerce_test<V>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (null_test<V>()));
RUN_TEST(failed, (bad_get_test<V>()));