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package electron
import (
// Session is an AMQP session, it contains Senders and Receivers.
type Session interface {
// Sender opens a new sender.
Sender(...LinkOption) (Sender, error)
// Receiver opens a new Receiver.
Receiver(...LinkOption) (Receiver, error)
type session struct {
pSession proton.Session
connection *connection
incomingCapacity, outgoingWindow uint
// SessionOption can be passed when creating a Session
type SessionOption func(*session)
// IncomingCapacity returns a Session Option that sets the size (in bytes) of
// the session's incoming data buffer.
func IncomingCapacity(bytes uint) SessionOption {
return func(s *session) { s.incomingCapacity = bytes }
// OutgoingWindow returns a Session Option that sets the outgoing window size (in frames).
func OutgoingWindow(frames uint) SessionOption {
return func(s *session) { s.outgoingWindow = frames }
// in proton goroutine
func newSession(c *connection, es proton.Session, setting ...SessionOption) *session {
s := &session{
connection: c,
pSession: es,
for _, set := range setting {
c.handler.sessions[s.pSession] = s
return s
func (s *session) Connection() Connection { return s.connection }
func (s *session) pEndpoint() proton.Endpoint { return s.pSession }
func (s *session) engine() *proton.Engine { return s.connection.engine }
func (s *session) Close(err error) {
_ = s.engine().Inject(func() {
if s.Error() == nil {
localClose(s.pSession, err)
func (s *session) Sender(setting ...LinkOption) (snd Sender, err error) {
err = s.engine().InjectWait(func() error {
if s.Error() != nil {
return s.Error()
l, err2 := makeLocalLink(s, true, setting...)
if err2 == nil {
snd = newSender(l)
return err2
func (s *session) Receiver(setting ...LinkOption) (rcv Receiver, err error) {
err = s.engine().InjectWait(func() error {
if s.Error() != nil {
return s.Error()
l, err2 := makeLocalLink(s, false, setting...)
if err2 == nil {
rcv = newReceiver(l)
return err2
// IncomingSender is sent on the Connection.Incoming() channel when there is an
// incoming request to open a session.
type IncomingSession struct {
h *handler
pSession proton.Session
incomingCapacity, outgoingWindow uint
func newIncomingSession(h *handler, ps proton.Session) *IncomingSession {
return &IncomingSession{incoming: makeIncoming(ps), h: h, pSession: ps}
// SetIncomingCapacity sets the session buffer capacity of an incoming session in bytes.
func (in *IncomingSession) SetIncomingCapacity(bytes uint) { in.incomingCapacity = bytes }
// SetOutgoingWindow sets the session outgoing window of an incoming session in frames.
func (in *IncomingSession) SetOutgoingWindow(frames uint) { in.outgoingWindow = frames }
// Accept an incoming session endpoint.
func (in *IncomingSession) Accept() Endpoint {
return in.accept(func() Endpoint {
return newSession(in.h.connection, in.pSession, IncomingCapacity(in.incomingCapacity), OutgoingWindow(in.outgoingWindow))