blob: 536d95bc6069ef00a0d7d15683edb77021205e4b [file] [log] [blame]
package electron_test
import (
// Example Server that accepts a single Connection, Session and Receiver link
// and prints messages received until the link closes.
func Server(l net.Listener) {
cont := electron.NewContainer("server")
c, err := cont.Accept(l)
if err != nil {
l.Close() // This server only accepts one connection
// Process incoming endpoints till we get a Receiver link
var r electron.Receiver
for r == nil {
in := <-c.Incoming()
switch in := in.(type) {
case *electron.IncomingSession, *electron.IncomingConnection:
in.Accept() // Accept the incoming connection and session for the receiver
case *electron.IncomingReceiver:
in.SetPrefetch(true) // Automatic flow control for a buffer of 10 messages.
r = in.Accept().(electron.Receiver)
case nil:
return // Connection is closed
in.Reject(amqp.Errorf("example-server", "unexpected endpoint %v", in))
go func() { // Reject any further incoming endpoints
for in := range c.Incoming() {
in.Reject(amqp.Errorf("example-server", "unexpected endpoint %v", in))
// Receive messages till the Receiver closes
rm, err := r.Receive()
for ; err == nil; rm, err = r.Receive() {
fmt.Printf("server received: %q\n", rm.Message.Body())
rm.Accept() // Signal to the client that the message was accepted
fmt.Printf("server receiver closed: %v\n", err)
// Example client sending messages to a server running in a goroutine.
func Example_clientServer() {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") // tcp4 so example will work on ipv6-disabled platforms
if err != nil {
// SERVER: start the server running in a separate goroutine
var waitServer sync.WaitGroup // We will wait for the server goroutine to finish before exiting
go func() { // Run the server in the background
defer waitServer.Done()
// CLIENT: Send messages to the server
addr := l.Addr()
c, err := electron.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String())
if err != nil {
s, err := c.Sender()
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("hello %v", i)
// Send and wait for the Outcome from the server.
// Note: For higher throughput, use SendAsync() to send a stream of messages
// and process the returning stream of Outcomes concurrently.
c.Close(nil) // Closing the connection will stop the server
waitServer.Wait() // Let the server finish
// Output:
// server received: "hello 0"
// server received: "hello 1"
// server received: "hello 2"
// server receiver closed: EOF